Biden Position on Guns Is a Joke

The president CAN'T make laws, is my point. Nor can any government agency.
I dont believe I ever said differently. Whatā€™s your point ? The president can make proposalsā€¦ā€¦thatā€˜s it. His signature is REQUIRED BEFORE the legislation becomes law after passage by congress. HIS signature is required with out a super majority.
Congress (House as Senate) can override a President's veto by passing the bill by a 2/3 majority. This is the only way that a bill can become law without a Presidential signature. In the United St
International markets, no I'm not. Domestic markets, yes I am.
You have a strange idea that local corporations donā€™t receive products directly from foreign sources. Have you ever look at the labels on the goods in stores to see where they were made. There is no such thing as free enterprise ā€œ just locally ā€
forcall goods. Itā€™s scary you would even thin, that.

Guess you never worked in retail.
Biden has a position?


Here's mine: I don't take medical advice from politicians, and I don't rely on politicians for self and family defense.

They can argue about it all they want, pass all the dumbass laws they want, makes no difference.
Trump the dufus was giving* all sorts of medical advice. Biden is a lawyer. Trump wasnā€™t a fking doctor, lawyer or scientist but managed to tell everyone he was smarter. Funny thing, his advice was more often wrong if you could even keep up with his lies.
Trump the dufus was giving* all sorts of medical advice. Biden is a lawyer. Trump wasnā€™t a fking doctor, lawyer or scientist but managed to tell everyone he was smarter. Funny thing, his advice was more often wrong if you could even keep up with his lies.

So what kind of medical advice did Trump supposedly give? It's Dementia that insisted all Americans take the vaccine regardless of your circumstance.
You have a strange idea that local corporations donā€™t receive products directly from foreign sources. Have you ever look at the labels on the goods in stores to see where they were made. There is no such thing as free enterprise ā€œ just locally ā€
forcall goods. Itā€™s scary you would even thin, that.

Guess you never worked in retail.

I do realize that which is why I said we need a policy that American made goods be stamped saying so. If DumBama can force restaurants to post calorie count on all items they sell, then we can force industry to alert consumers when they are choosing between a foreign and American made product. The American made product should have to have an emblem made of red, white and blue saying the product is 100% made in the US, and that all internet and catalog descriptions of the product include where it's made.

When I order a product from Amazon I have no idea where it came from until it gets to my door and I open the box. I want to boycott all Chinese products but that's damn near impossible to do. A Made in America law would tell everybody if they are buying a foreign made or American made product.
Make no mistakeā€¦bump stocks make semi auto function like full auto

Not really because full automatics are designed to take intense heat. Semi-automatics are not which is why the Vegas shooter had ammo jams and had to switch weapons several times during his attack.
Trump the dufus was giving* all sorts of medical advice. Biden is a lawyer. Trump wasnā€™t a fking doctor, lawyer or scientist but managed to tell everyone he was smarter. Funny thing, his advice was more often wrong if you could even keep up with his lies.

I didn't take medical advice from Trump either.

Politicians are stupid. They're not MD's.
Ha haā€¦laughable.
Thatā€™s no,proof that more illegals will be let in under Biden. As a matter of fact, itā€™s proof that more control and FEWER illegals will be let into the country. Laughable. Trump never got so specific and organized.
likeā€¦addressing deportation ofā€¦.
  • Those who have engaged in or are suspected of terrorism or espionage, or whose arrest is otherwise necessary to protect national security;
  • Individuals apprehended at the border or ports of entry while attempting to unlawfully enter the United States on or after November 1, 2020; and
  • Individuals released from incarceration on or after January 20, 2021, who have been convicted of an aggravated felony and who pose a threat to public safety

I didn't take medical advice from Trump either.

Politicians are stupid. They're not MD's.
Youā€™ve been hanging around too many GOP politicians if you think theyā€™re all stupid.
Ha haā€¦laughable.
Thatā€™s no,proof that more illegals will be let in under Biden. As a matter of fact, itā€™s proof that more control and FEWER illegals will be let into the country. Laughable. Trump never got so specific and organized.
likeā€¦addressing deportation ofā€¦.
  • Those who have engaged in or are suspected of terrorism or espionage, or whose arrest is otherwise necessary to protect national security;
  • Individuals apprehended at the border or ports of entry while attempting to unlawfully enter the United States on or after November 1, 2020; and
  • Individuals released from incarceration on or after January 20, 2021, who have been convicted of an aggravated felony and who pose a threat to public safety

The Border Patrol disagrees with you totally.

The Border Patrol disagrees with you totally.

No they donā€™t. They agree with me. Read the article. They were apprehended. Sounds like theyā€™re doin* their job. You do know how that works donā€˜t you. Do you know what APPREHENDED means right ?

ā€Most of the 1.96 million migrants apprehended by the U.S. Border Patrol and the Office of Field Operations of U.S. Customs and Border Protection in Fiscal Year 2021 took place at the southern border,ā€

Both Obama and Biden in one year have removed more illegals then Trump In the same time period.

You guys need to catch up on your reading skills. Let in and apprehended are not the same. Get a dictionary.
ā€ Last year, the Trump administration removed 256,085 unauthorized immigrants from the country. The number of unauthorized immigrants removed by ICE hit 409,849 in 2013 under Obama, according to government data.ā€
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No they donā€™t. They agree with me. Read the article. They were apprehended. Sounds like theyā€™re doin* their job. You do know how that works donā€˜t you. Do you know what APPREHENDED means right ?

ā€Most of the 1.96 million migrants apprehended by the U.S. Border Patrol and the Office of Field Operations of U.S. Customs and Border Protection in Fiscal Year 2021 took place at the southern border,ā€

Both Obama and Biden in one year have removed more illegals then Trump In the same time period.

You guys need to catch up on your reading skills. Let in and apprehended are not the same. Get a dictionary.
ā€ Last year, the Trump administration removed 256,085 unauthorized immigrants from the country. The number of unauthorized immigrants removed by ICE hit 409,849 in 2013 under Obama, according to government data.ā€

The agency says that repeat crossers ā€“ migrants who are apprehended, expelled and then attempt to come in again multiple times ā€“ are skewing the numbers. For instance, officials only identified 1.15 million unique individuals in Fiscal Year 2021.

No estimate was provided for ā€œgot-aways,ā€ the thousands of migrants who evade detection and whose entry is thus never recorded.

ā€œI donā€™t think this is a surprise,ā€ Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton said during a visit to El Paso on Thursday. ā€œThe Trump administration changed to policies that lower the number of illegal immigrants significantly. When the Biden administration came in, they completely went back to the old policies and accelerated this.ā€

He was referring to the rollback of the Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP) program, which he and Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt sued successfully to restore, and to the halt of border wall construction, which is also under litigation now.

September data shows three out of four single adults encountered were expelled to Mexico under the Title 42 public health rule, but only one out of four families was sent back. The overall numbers for September show a 9 percent drop from the previous month, going from 208,887 to 192,001.

In the El Paso Sector, the Border Patrol is dealing with a record surge in migrant stash houses ā€“ homes, apartments, trailer homes and even barns ā€“ where smugglers keep newly arrived unauthorized foreign nationals while they arrange transportation for them to the interior of the country.

As far as DumBama's numbers, those were as phony as a three dollar bill:

Youā€™ve been hanging around too many GOP politicians if you think theyā€™re all stupid.
They're ALL stupid, every last one of them.

They're so stupid they don't even talk to the doctors, they only talk to the public policy wonks who are twice as stupid as they are in the first place!

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