Biden Position on Guns Is a Joke

As Batcat mentioned they just did that here, and as pro-gun as I am I'm against it. I was really shocked our RINO governor signed the bill.
To me the crime should be what is done with the gun, never a crime for keeping and bearing the gun.

You should move here to Florida. The filthy tourist lobby pays our lawmakers of both parties well and they don't want Constitutional carry. They are afraid Constitutional carry will scare away a couple of tourists.
To me the crime should be what is done with the gun, never a crime for keeping and bearing the gun.

You should move here to Florida. The filthy tourist lobby pays our lawmakers of both parties well and they don't want Constitutional carry. They are afraid Constitutional carry will scare away a couple of tourists.

My issue is with the people that never shot a gun before, or otherwise treat it like a toy like I've seen a couple of times at the range. Those people scare me. If somebody wants to be totally careless with a firearm in their own home, that's their business. When it comes to irresponsible people carrying around me in public, that's mine.

I think anytime you have to put time and energy into something you will take it much more seriously than people who don't. I feel that way with CCW licenses, government housing, voting in person, all of it. Taking away the licenses removes the value of carrying out in public.

I'm not a leftist so I don't have a crystal ball, so only time will tell if this is a good idea or not for our state.
My issue is with the people that never shot a gun before, or otherwise treat it like a toy like I've seen a couple of times at the range. Those people scare me. If somebody wants to be totally careless with a firearm in their own home, that's their business. When it comes to irresponsible people carrying around me in public, that's mine.

I think anytime you have to put time and energy into something you will take it much more seriously than people who don't. I feel that way with CCW licenses, government housing, voting in person, all of it. Taking away the licenses removes the value of carrying out in public.

I'm not a leftist so I don't have a crystal ball, so only time will tell if this is a good idea or not for our state.
You have some good points Ray (as usual).

As a range officer and firearms instructor believe me when I tell you that you are absolutely correct in that there are some people that simply should never touch a gun. I see it all the time.

I want Constitutional carry because it is an affirmation of the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms.

To me bad guys are going to do bad things with guns no matter what the law.
I doubt that Obama has ever fired a pistol.

There is even some question if he ever fired a shotgun.

View attachment 616555
If Obama never had a swollen face, then this photo is a fake. Anybody firing a shotgun with a spot weld (as in this photo) would come out of it with a nasty, swollen face for a few days. Spot welds are for rifles, which have a much smaller charge than a shotgun.

The photo also show cluelessness about guns, by Obama and the person setting up the photo. Not surprising, with gun-clueless leftists.
To me the crime should be what is done with the gun, never a crime for keeping and bearing the gun.

You should move here to Florida. The filthy tourist lobby pays our lawmakers of both parties well and they don't want Constitutional carry. They are afraid Constitutional carry will scare away a couple of tourists.
What do you mean by "Constitutional carry" ? You mean OPEN carry (not concealed) ?


CCW is legal in Florida. I have the license myself.
If Obama never had a swollen face, then this photo is a fake. Anybody firing a shotgun with a spot weld (as in this photo) would come out of it with a nasty, swollen face for a few days. Spot welds are for rifles, which have a much smaller charge than a shotgun.

The photo also show cluelessness about guns, by Obama and the person setting up the photo. Not surprising, with gun-clueless leftists.
Interesting. I am more of a handgun shooter than a rifle or shotgun shooter. I have fired shotguns in the past and own a 12 gauge double barrel coach gun, but I don’t know if I ever fired one with a spot weld or not.
What do you mean by "Constitutional carry" ? You mean OPEN carry (not concealed) ?


CCW is legal in Florida. I have the license myself.
Constitutional carry means you can carry both open and concealed without a license.

Here in Florida that would mean you wouldn't have get the license for concealed and that we would have open carry, which we don't have now because of the filthy tourist lobby that own politicians of both parties.
Constitutional carry means you can carry both open and concealed without a license.

Here in Florida that would mean you wouldn't have get the license for concealed and that we would have open carry, which we don't have now because of the filthy tourist lobby that own politicians of both parties.

I don't know if that's the reason. We just passed our constitutional carry here in Ohio and as a CCW holder and gun advocate, I'm against the new law. In fact my friends and family who also have CCW's are against it as well.

It's just a divided issue is all. I'd rather live in Florida with the laws they have than live in one of these commie states with the laws they have any day of the week.
This from a President who now wants to ship assault rifles to the Ukraine. What President would want to demilitarize American citizens, who have a right to bear arms, guaranteed by the U.S. constitution. Absurd.! Gun Grabbers should all move to the Ukraine and see what the Russians would do to them.
Trump signed an anti-gun EO that banned bump stocks. Now, I think that bump stocks are a joke and only a moron would use one, but this action by Trump set a precedent for future presidents to whittle away at gun rights via EOs

It's sad to say it but Republican presidents have done more to harm gun rights than have the left.
Agreed, to a point. I think we need to look at the bigger picture. Our failing culture. I suspect our culture breeds bad guys. When millions of Americans are born poor without the chance of improving their position, they tend to act up.

Being poor in America is an awful existence, that few can break through. We have too much dysfunction. Poverty, crime, failing schools, illiteracy illegitimacy, gangs, lack of good jobs, outrageous income inequality, unjust legal system targeting the poor and minorities, prison industrial complex, etc.

I also suspect all this dysfunction is purposeful, by the establishment. It helps create division. Our criminal government spends trillions on the military industry complex, imperialism, corporate welfare, and tax benefits for the ultra rich and big corporations. If all this money was directed on helping Americans improve their lives, things might be different.

Let me get this straight; you're saying that poverty exists because of crime and crime exists because of poverty. So, in your mind, there's no solution at all and we just have to live with it?
True... and I agree... but I believe the judicial overturned that ban as unconstitutional.

The three judge panel overturned the ban but the en banc court upheld the ban.

You should have read his stance on guns on his website when he was running for prez. It went much further than that.

Of course they'd love to see people suing gun sellers and manufacturers. They know it would close them all down making it impossible to buy a gun. It's likely nobody would win a claim, but the litigation costs would drive them out of business. It's a commie way to get around the Constitution, the document they hate so much.

Remington caved for 73 million dollars. The precedent to ignore the law as enacted in FOPA 1986 has been set. The manufacture of guns in America for civilian use will be ended within a few years. Get 'em while you can or understand that what you've got may very likely be all you'll ever get.

Remington caved for 73 million dollars. The precedent to ignore the law as enacted in FOPA 1986 has been set. The manufacture of guns in America for civilian use will be ended within a few years. Get 'em while you can or understand that what you've got may very likely be all you'll ever get.

Surprising they didnt appeal this to the Supreme Court.
As I was looking for the details of the anti-gun Republican presidents, I found the following comment by someone with the screen name Fred Frendly who does a great job of laying out all the points I was working on putting into words:

Fred Frendly September 8, 2015 At 13:29:
Nixon hated guns and supported banning handguns outright, but never implemented any gun control because Vietnam and Watergate kept him too busy. Reagan signed the FOPA bill in 86, which ostensibly helped gun owners but banned a whole class of firearms. He also made the infamous AK47 speech in 89. He went on to champion Clintons AWB in 93. Bush the Elder in 1989 said “Our problem has been that, while fully automatic AK47s are banned in this country, semiautomatic ones present another whole set of issues. ATF has decided to ban temporarily the importation of more than 110,000 semiautomatic rifles, pending a ruling on whether such guns are suited to sporting purposes.” Bush I also tore up his NRA card in 1995. His son GW Bush WOULD have signed the sunsetting AWB but it never made it out of Congress. He did however sign the Patriot Act which took more privacy and liberty away than any gun control act could. Republicans have their share of anti gun actions and cannot be automatically trusted to be pro RKBA because of a large R next to their name.

One might argue that only Reagan actually signed a gun control bill, every Republican president in my lifetime, Eisenhower to Trump, has voiced anti-gun opinions - though Trump converted to pro-gun when running for office. Their support for gun control did more damage than the actual bills passed by Democrats because they empower the gun controllers and the Democrats. They give aid and comfort to the enemies of the right to keep and bear arms.

Their support for gun control is effectively used in gun control advertisements to convince those without strong, knowledge-based stances on gun control that it's OK to support limited gun control.
The three judge panel overturned the ban but the en banc court upheld the ban.

I've been shooting guns for about 40 years now, and until the Vegas shooting, I never heard of bump stocks. In fact many of my friends are shooters too and the same for them. Sometimes you have to throw them a bone once in a while to make most of the people happy.
For the most part they do not want them. The higher the capacity the more prone they are to jam. Fixing a jam takes far longer that swapping magazines.
Interesting. You claim to know more than all of the weapons experts in the US Armed Forces. Have you shared your brilliance with them so they can save more lives by carrying fewer bullets into combat?

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