Biden Position on Guns Is a Joke

Sure it does. Any time the government exceeds constitutional authority it empowers them to do so again. And, according to the government, and the court, the bump stock is a machine gun. The precedent is that the government can restrict guns at will and by executive order. That violates the 2nd Amendment.

And even if you look at bump stocks outside of guns, there is no enumerated power that allows the government to ban anything by executive order without a law passed by Congress.
Right, but that doesn't violate the 2nd Amendment. It violated Article 2 and the 5th Amendment.
I know that you, as do all Democrats, love slavery and genocide but how about we advocate to end slavery and genocide and let the mostly-free market work within that framework?
I’ll take that as a non response to a real question.
So what is the correlation or causation between 15 guns and 5 guns in the home to gun crime rates? I only have two hands so, at the very best, I can use two guns at a time.
Because nearly all firearms in the hands of criminals, the underaged and mentally impaired started out as a LEGAL SALE from an FFL dealer, means that gunaholics who stock pile guns like can goods. are the main conduit for crimInals , underaged and mentally impaired getting firearms. . Gunaholics hand firearms around like candy. They bear no responsibility in their aiding and abetting the transfer of firearms to any breathing humanoid.

On the southern boarder where firearms are literally payment for illegal drugs, the gunaholics of the United States lend a hand in the illicit drug trade.
I have a permit in my pocket all the time:

What would be the purpose and source of this other permit you keep suggesting we need to have?

We've had these discussions over and over again, on this site and others, where there are posted dozens, but could easily be hundreds or thousands, of cases where multiple attackers are stopped by someone using standard (30-round) capacity AR magazines.

We've also posted many times examples of where even trained police, at very close range, miss with most shots when engaged in a shootout because shooting someone who shoots back at you is not as simple as shooting a deer during hunting season or a paper target.

And I do carry an AR-15 pistol with me, in my truck, whenever I leave home - without fail. I don't carry it inside the store but the idea that people just won't carry one is wrong. I also carry a .40 S&W pistol, 15+1 rounds and two spare mags on my person and more mags in the truck.

Before someone starts in with how "scared" I must be to carry such firepower, they'd be wrong. Because I don't go anywhere that I expect trouble, but I stay prepared for trouble if it should come unexpectedly, I have no need to be afraid. I seldom, if ever, even think about the weapons I carry except to practice at appropriate times and places so I can engage those weapons, if needed, without having to think about them.
All bull crap. The policeman has a need in law enforcement for high cap pistols and full autos, just like the military does in some situations. The average citizen does not. To make such an analogy is idiotic.

I am a permitted gun owner. The success in personal self defense rests in how quickly you can get a firearm of moderate capacity into action at close range without endangering innocent by standers. I guarantee, I can do that much much more quickly with a five shot snubby or 6 round compact Glock both of which I am much more likely to carry then your stupid, over power .40 cal with 15 rounds or even a more ridiculous AR15 platform rifle…

In the vast majority of situations, you would lose if the attacked came at you with such small concealable and quick into action firearms. The vast majority of self defense situations are adjudicated in two rounds. Having a 15 round .40 cal for normal self defense is rediculous. I’m ALWAYS armed, you aren’t. I can get mine into action before you can make the decision to remove a safety or rack a slide. You don’t know WTF you are talking about.
Because nearly all firearms in the hands of criminals, the underaged and mentally impaired started out as a LEGAL SALE from an FFL dealer, means that gunaholics who stock pile guns like can goods. are the main conduit for crimInals , underaged and mentally impaired getting firearms. . Gunaholics hand firearms around like candy. They bear no responsibility in their aiding and abetting the transfer of firearms to any breathing humanoid.

On the southern boarder where firearms are literally payment for illegal drugs, the gunaholics of the United States lend a hand in the illicit drug trade.

It has nothing to do with people who have a lot of firearms. According to the ATF, most of the guns used illegally were purchased by straw buyers. People get friends or family to buy guns for them and they then get used in criminal activities. So how could we stop that? We place more emphasis on the straw buyers with much higher penalties.

Others get licenses to sell guns which they are under strict scrutiny. However the government doesn't look over their shoulders enough. What they do is sell guns to those that cannot otherwise buy a firearm at any local retailer. Of course they charge an arm and a leg for it, but the same applies: you go after those illegal gun dealers and have harsh penalties for any sales to people they knew were not allowed to own a firearm.
If the government is restricting me from buying or punishing me from buying something not made in America, we do not have a free market.
Gee. The free enterprise system does that all time. Buy three get one free. The guy who only buys two is being punished. The gov is in the business of promoting good behavior. Just because the right doesn’t recognize good behavior….
Gee. The free enterprise system does that all time. Buy three get one free. The guy who only buys two is being punished.

Yes, the free enterprise system does that all time, which they should as that is their purpose.

That is not the purpose of the Govt.

The gov is in the business of promoting good behavior. Just because the right doesn’t recognize good behavior….

No, that is not the business of the government in a free society. If I am not harming anyone else it is not the government's business
It has nothing to do with people who have a lot of firearms. According to the ATF, most of the guns used illegally were purchased by straw buyers. People get friends or family to buy guns for them and they then get used in criminal activities. So how could we stop that? We place more emphasis on the straw buyers with much higher penalties.

Others get licenses to sell guns which they are under strict scrutiny. However the government doesn't look over their shoulders enough. What they do is sell guns to those that cannot otherwise buy a firearm at any local retailer. Of course they charge an arm and a leg for it, but the same applies: you go after those illegal gun dealers and have harsh penalties for any sales to people they knew were not allowed to own a firearm.
Most certainly does. The gun hoarder is right in the middle of private sales. Private sales are the conduit for illegal possession.
That is not the purpose of the Govt.
Most certainly is. They stop speeders, arrest criminals and fine fraud. They are in the business of promoting good behavior. Gee, I thought that was obvious ! You‘re telling us the govt should not do the job of law enforcement. The one of the main idea of arresting, tying and jailing people is to scare the bee geezus out of others to behave themselves.

Rewarding people for buying an electric car is no different. They are trying to elicit good behavior in a different way by not just scaring the shit out of them.
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People get friends or family to buy guns for them and they then get used in criminal activities. So how could we stop that?
Easy. We do it for full auto weapons. We can do it for all firearms….regulate. Maybe you ever knew that the govt successfully regulates some firearms that are seldom used by criminals, mentally deranged and underaged. How did that escape you ?
Easy. We do it for full auto weapons. We can do it for all firearms….regulate. Maybe you ever knew that the govt successfully regulates some firearms that are seldom used by criminals, mentally deranged and underaged. How did that escape you ?

Regulate how? Firearms are the most regulated thing in this country. Apparently regulations don't work, especially when the regulations affect everybody instead of the culprits.
Regulate how? Firearms are the most regulated thing in this country. Apparently regulations don't work, especially when the regulations affect everybody instead of the culprits.
Guess you don’t know much about federal vs state regs do you ? Ha ha.
Auto weapons regulated federally. And you guys say you know something about the constitution. Hilarious.
Most certainly is. They stop speeders, arrest criminals and fine fraud. They are in the business of promoting good behavior. Gee, I thought that was obvious ! Your telling us the govt should not do the job of law enforcement. The one of the main idea of arresting, tying and jailing people is to scare the bee geezus out of others to behave themselves.

Those things are punished because they harm other people. That is the role of the Govt, to keep me from harming you and vice versa.

Rewarding people for buying an electric car is no different. They are trying to elicit good behavior in a different way by not just scaring the shit out of them.

It is not the same thing at all.
Those things are punished because they harm other people. That is the role of the Govt, to keep me from harming you and vice versa.

It is not the same thing at all.
Exactly the same thing. Pollution, auto accidents kill more people. Guess you never looked at the stats. Maybe you think that lower insurance rates for drivers with fewer offenses isn’t good. That’s how private insurance and gov work together to keep accidents down and save lives. Seriously, have you ever read the mission statement of gov agencies to see how they are related to the constitution, or are you just listening to Fix News and Tucker. The local, state and federal gov are suppose to pass every thing they do through constitutional law. Really, you guys are so inept , you don’t even know how much you are.
Maybe you think that lower insurance rates for drivers with fewer offenses isn’t good. That’s how private insurance and gov work together to keep accidents down and save lives.

This is not the Govt and private insurance working together, this is the auto insurance industry choosing, and I totally support private companies doing such things. There is a world of difference between what private companies should do and what the Govt should.

Seriously, have you ever read the mission statement of gov agencies to see how they are related to the constitution, or are you just listening to Fix News and Tucker.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

This is why I love these forums. In one thread I am called a far left Biden loving liberal and in the next I am a right-winger listening to Fox and Tucker.

Much of what our Fed Govt does is not allowed by the Fed Constitution.
Already told you. Regulate sales and transfer federally like auto firearms are. It’s that simple. Guarantee, criminal possession of firearms would drop dramatically if they were.

Don't you believe it. The problem is not private sales, the problem is that people deliberately buy guns for people that are not allowed to own or be in possession of one. Lay the penalty on such people instead of inconveniencing everybody else. Make sure anybody applying for a federal license to sell guns is thoroughly checked out and keep tabs on them as to who they are selling guns to. Have the FBI check out any theft claims by FFL's to make sure they are legit.

Very few crimes are committed by people who buy guns from sellers that are legitimately selling their weapon for whatever reason. Most people ask for a copy of their ID when they do sell a stranger a firearm.
This is not the Govt and private insurance working together, this is the auto insurance industry choosing, and I totally support private companies doing such things. There is a world of difference between what private companies should do and what the Govt should.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

This is why I love these forums. In one thread I am called a far left Biden loving liberal and in the next I am a right-winger listening to Fox and Tucker.

Much of what our Fed Govt does is not allowed by the Fed Constitution.
I guess when ever we refer to a mission statement and the constitution, you bail out. You have no understanding of our constitution whatsoever. You just use the word as talking point.

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