Biden Position on Guns Is a Joke

Very few crimes are committed by people who buy guns from sellers that are legitimately selling their weapon for whatever reason. Most people ask for a copy of their ID when they do sell a stranger a firearm.
Wrong. Nearly Every firearm used by criminals was first sold through a ligit FFL dealer. Maybe you didn’t know that ?
Babble babble.
Since when have there been open borders ? Dems have deported more immigrants then Trump ever thought of.

That’s hilarious. How hard is it for an employer to ask for an ID and a visa ? So you worked your entire life and never had to produce an ID or proof of legitimacy to your employer ? You must live in OZ. More made up sht.
Employers generally get ID and must accept it at face value or be called racist. What is needed is e-Verify. Neither the Republicans nor the Democrats will pass the laws to require it.
Employers generally get ID and must accept it at face value or be called racist. What is needed is e-Verify. Neither the Republicans nor the Democrats will pass the laws to require it.

That system is known to have it's flaws as well. The drug lords took over illegal immigration and with their millions of dollars bought the equipment needed to make flawless identifications for just about anybody that wants them.
Wrong. Nearly Every firearm used by criminals was first sold through a ligit FFL dealer. Maybe you didn’t know that ?
Babble babble.
That is entirely 200% WRONG !!!

You're probably getting your information from the idiotic government propaganda, because that is most certainly not the reality on the street.

Right now in downtown Los Angeles, anyone can buy a cheap Chinese pea shooter for 50 bucks, no questions asked. Brand new, untraceable, standard gauges.

(Actually I take it back, that was last year. Maybe it's a hundred now).
People are free to go look at the post.

Also, you said this....Banning bump stocks doesn't limit the 2nd Amendment.

And now you say that the EO was unconstitutional.

So, which part of the Constitution does it violate since you said it does not violate the 2nd?

9th and 10th amendments. Also the government only has those powers enumerated in the Constitution so which enumerated power authorizes the government to ban anything?
9th and 10th amendments. Also the government only has those powers enumerated in the Constitution so which enumerated power authorizes the government to ban anything?
This federal government is completely fucked up. Thanks to the Supreme Fucktards

FedGov should only have 10% of the power it's grabbed for itself.

A simple example are the pot laws.

Prohibition required a Constitutional Amendment on the way in, and a Constitutional Amendment on the way out. So, what changed?

The federal pot laws are unconstitutional from top to bottom. ALL of the Schedules are. Especially since their contents are subject to Presidential fiat.

The Supreme Dimwits are the ones who gave FedGov these powers. Those idiots are a bunch of ignorant chicken shits, they're more concerned about the non-existent integrity of the Court than they are about protecting the Constitution.
My issue is with the people that never shot a gun before, or otherwise treat it like a toy like I've seen a couple of times at the range. Those people scare me. If somebody wants to be totally careless with a firearm in their own home, that's their business. When it comes to irresponsible people carrying around me in public, that's mine.

I think anytime you have to put time and energy into something you will take it much more seriously than people who don't. I feel that way with CCW licenses, government housing, voting in person, all of it. Taking away the licenses removes the value of carrying out in public.

I'm not a leftist so I don't have a crystal ball, so only time will tell if this is a good idea or not for our state.

You may be pro-gun (I'm not always convinced) but you're certainly not pro-2nd-Amendment. Do we need a license to speak? Maybe some Bible studies classes before we're allowed to go to church? You probably loved Hillary's licensing legitimate press idea. After all, civil rights only apply with a government license and permission.

Open carry was the assumed right referred to in the 2nd Amendment and it wasn't until the very late 19th century when open carry laws started at the state level in the US in order to disarm blacks. It was racist in its origin and is absolutely unconstitutional to have any governmental restriction on carrying a gun in public.

This federal government is completely fucked up. Thanks to the Supreme Fucktards

FedGov should only have 10% of the power it's grabbed for itself.

A simple example are the pot laws.

Prohibition required a Constitutional Amendment on the way in, and a Constitutional Amendment on the way out. So, what changed?

The federal pot laws are unconstitutional from top to bottom. ALL of the Schedules are. Especially since their contents are subject to Presidential fiat.

The Supreme Dimwits are the ones who gave FedGov these powers. Those idiots are a bunch of ignorant chicken shits, they're more concerned about the non-existent integrity of the Court than they are about protecting the Constitution.

Wrong. The Supreme Court has no authority to give the Federal Government any powers. When the government, or more specifically people within the government, act outside of their true constitutional authority that is called tyranny and those people are called tyrants. They have the weapons to force compliance but they do not have any legal or constitutional authority to infringe on the right to keep and bear arms.
You may be pro-gun (I'm not always convinced) but you're certainly not pro-2nd-Amendment. Do we need a license to speak? Maybe some Bible studies classes before we're allowed to go to church? You probably loved Hillary's licensing legitimate press idea. After all, civil rights only apply with a government license and permission.

Open carry was the assumed right referred to in the 2nd Amendment and it wasn't until the very late 19th century when open carry laws started at the state level in the US in order to disarm blacks. It was racist in its origin and is absolutely unconstitutional to have any governmental restriction on carrying a gun in public.

Do we need a license to speak? Yes we do in certain settings. You need to buy or obtain a permit by your city in many cases when it involves any kind of gathering of people.
Constitutional carry is being able to conceal carry without a permit.
Constitutional carry is a lie. It is still the state giving permission to do that which we already had permission, or more precisely needed no permission, to do. It is also the states that do not give their permission forbidding people from the free exercise of their God-given, inalienable, constitutionally-protected, right to keep and bear arms.
Here's what Joe Biden has repeatedly said he want to do about guns in America.

1. Ban what he calls "assault weapons"
2. Ban high-capacity magazines.
3. Hold gun Manufacturers "accountable"

Strike 1....Strike 2......Strike 3

First, according to the second amendment of the Constitution, the right to bears arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED (exactly what Biden is proposing to do)

Second, I don't think Biden, or any of his leftist friends, clueless about guns, have any idea what they're talking about, when they loosely throw the phrase "assault weapons". I've heard some of them refer to the AR-15 rifle as an assault weapon , when it's just an ordinary rifle, that fires one shot with each pull of the trigger.

Third, unlike Biden's claim that high capacity magazines have no place in a civilized society, and his question of why there is a need for that, there easily could be a need. What if a whole gang of thugs show up in your front yard ? (let's say 10-15 of them). A 6 shooter wouldn't cover that.

Third, gun manufacturers have nothing to do with any of this. In addition to the guns possessed by police, there are far more guns in the hands of law-abiding people (with CCW permits), than there are criminals in possession of them. And you cant blame an inanimate object. Some people kill or injure others with a car. Wanna ban cars ? Some people are attacked with baseball bat. Wanna ban baseball bats ? Some people are killed with a kitchen knife. Wanna ban them ?

Lastly, banning assault rifles (whatever anybody defines that to be) or any kind of rifle, doesnt ,match up with the facts. Relatively, very few people are killed with rifles.
I sincerely hope he and the Dem's in congress make a hard run on gun rights this year.


It will just make the November wipeout even more complete.
Wrong. The Supreme Court has no authority to give the Federal Government any powers. When the government, or more specifically people within the government, act outside of their true constitutional authority that is called tyranny and those people are called tyrants. They have the weapons to force compliance but they do not have any legal or constitutional authority to infringe on the right to keep and bear arms.
"Might makes Right".

Unfortunately, eventually it's going to come down to gun owners say, "Not one more compromise of any Kind".

What are they going to do with over a 100,000 legal gun owners, tens of millions of others, and more than 400,000,000 guns already in circulation with billions of rounds of ammunition stocked away for a rainy day?
Constitutional carry is a lie. It is still the state giving permission to do that which we already had permission, or more precisely needed no permission, to do. It is also the states that do not give their permission forbidding people from the free exercise of their God-given, inalienable, constitutionally-protected, right to keep and bear arms.
We're on the same page. No lawfare of any kind will stop me from protecting my family.

The liberals are being completely retarded with their idiotic restrictions. The best thing to do is just ignore them.
I've been shooting guns for about 40 years now, and until the Vegas shooting, I never heard of bump stocks. In fact many of my friends are shooters too and the same for them. Sometimes you have to throw them a bone once in a while to make most of the people happy.

Ah, yes. Compromise. Give them a small bit of our liberty, just a little at a time, and then they won't take all of our liberty. Got it. So when does the taking our liberty stop? Because every time we throw them a bone they're back for another bone. I know you don't think you are part of the problem but you really are.

You think you're pro-gun but that's just for fun; you don't really understand the meaning and the reason of the right to keep and bear arms or the 2nd Amendment. You're not pro 2nd-Amendment and you're not pro right-to-keep-and-bear-arms. At best you're a Fudd.
Do we need a license to speak? Yes we do in certain settings. You need to buy or obtain a permit by your city in many cases when it involves any kind of gathering of people.
No, you don't need a license to speak. Only if your gathering is going to create a public safety issue do you have to schedule it with the local authorities.

What part of "Shall not be infringed" is at all hard to understand? The Second Amendment is the only line in the entire constitution with that specific and clear prohibition on the gov't.
Ah, yes. Compromise. Give them a small bit if our liberty, just a little at a time, and then they won't take all of our liberty. Got it. So when does the taking our liberty stop? Because every time we throw them a bone they're back for another bone. I know you don't think you are part of the problem but you really are.

You think you're pro-gun but that's just for fun; you don't really understand the meaning and the reason of the right to keep and bear arms or the 2nd Amendment. You're not pro 2nd-Amendment and you're not pro right-to-keep-and-bear-arms. At best you're a Fudd.
Bumpstocks are not an arm, they are a stupid gimmick.

Trump should not have however thrown them than bone.
You have no idea…..none whatsoever. The FBI does. They track the weapons. You don’t.
Shit. The Feebs track soccer moms. They couldn't find a weapon in a cupcake sized haystack.

How come liberals are under the delusion that it's the criminals registering their weapons? Maybe this is news for you, but 2/3 of the weapons in this country are unregistered The FBI doesn't know diddly squat, they only know about the nice law abiding citizens.

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