Biden Position on Guns Is a Joke

And they are both going to prison for it.

They passed their background checks and so your premise is entirely flawed.

What exactly in their history would have caused them to fail an imaginary "stricter background check"?
The facts of the case in and of itself is clear evidence that they weren't vetted properly or the rules aren't strict enough.
So now your argument is that we shouldn't worry about assault weapons in schools because it could have been bombs? You have the nerve to call Liberals brain dead? That's why it's so much fun to expose you knuckleheads for who and what you are.

Okay, so you get rid of so-called assault weapons and the next perpetrator uses a semi-automatic handgun. He kills 24 students instead of 26. Would you be satisfied with those results? Because let's face it, the only advantages to assault weapons are accuracy and larger capacity magazines. Accuracy is not an issue when you're firing into a large crowd of people and to change a magazine takes less than 2 seconds if practiced. So now what do we do? We go after semi-automatic handguns next.

It's like the great late Rush Limbaugh said so many times: Folks, I know liberals like I know my own glorious naked body.

Taking steps to ban one particular group of weapons is only the stepping stone to the next group of weapons.
So now your argument is that we shouldn't worry about assault weapons in schools because it could have been bombs? You have the nerve to call Liberals brain dead? That's why it's so much fun to expose you knuckleheads for who and what you are.

No, the argument is that if somebody wants to kill, stopping them from getting a gun won't stop them from killing.
Gang activity. Over half of all homicides are directly related to drug crime and about another 25% to gang activity not associated with drug crime.

85% of murders in the Cities could be eliminated by simply attacking the gangs as the terrorist operations that they are.

That goes hand and hand with enforcing and enhancing penalties for breaking our laws in the first place.

* Illegally carrying a firearm, 7 years minimum prison sentence.
* Using a firearm in commission of a crime, 15 years minimum prison sentence.
* Found with a stolen gun, 10 years minimum prison sentence.
* Assault with a firearm, 20 years minimum prison sentence.
* Murder with a firearm, automatic death penalty.

Such penalties would reduce gun crimes by at least 50% or more, gang or no gang. A felon robbing a store with a stolen gun collectively puts him away for a combined minimum 32 years in prison if we adopted such penalties. If you got 10 years just for having a stolen gun that dries up the firearms black market because nobody would be buying them. We would be reducing the amount of guns available to the criminal and not all the people.
Law and order is racist? ???

And what does any of that have to do with the GOP?

Lefties are brain dead. Really. Truly.

So far in this thread we had a lefty wrong about the Constitution, wrong about the laws around the very topic we're discussing, and wrong about the reality on the street.

This is NOT UNUSUAL. Pretty much ALL libbies today are exactly like this. Ignorant, arrogant, and WRONG about everything that matters. They've lost touch with reality, they're spoon fed stereotypes by CNN that directly contradict actual reality and they can't discern, can't tell the difference.

These people are unqualified to manage our country. They prioritize racism over national security, and anyone with a brain cell knows we'll NEVER get rid of racism (through legislation or any other way), but the deluded lefties insist we leave the borders wide open so all the MS-13 gang members can get in. And God knows who else.

The earlier poster was absolutely correct, we can NOT trust our government to protect us. When seconds count, the cops will be there in minutes. And sometimes not at all. Cause they're too busy kneeling with a bunch of fucking COMMUNISTS.

Imagine that, police chiefs all over the country bamboozled by a few Marxists. And you want me to trust these dumbass retards, and give up my weapons so "only they" can protect my family?

Ain't happening.

Sorry lefties.

Pass all the stupid laws you want, I'll just ignore them. The HIGHEST LAW IN OUR LAND says every single one of those laws is unconstitutional. Yeah, the lefties could throw me in jail. But you know what? If I ever have to use my weapons the dumbass lefties are going to throw me in jail ANYWAY. They'll find a way. So I'm going to err on the side of protecting my family.

Sorry lefties. Sorry if you don't like it.

Yeah having more in prison than anyone by far and the great majority black and brown is great. So is the worst inequality and upward mobility ever by far and having the richest now paying less % in all taxes than middle class is great. So is the GOP base getting the worst fact free brainwash ever!!! No sacrifice is too great to save the greedy lying scumbag GOP megarich...
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And how many students would be saved with knives and not guns being used whe.n some nut blows a fuse? Silly silly arguments are all you have.
Yes, let's compare our GOP crap to UK Tory crap!! The worst political parties in the modern world...And the most obnoxious shyttes anywhere. Genius to build the English channel Atlantic etc. Racist arrogant catastrophes forever...
What is well regulated about guns through the mail or at gun shows?
What about gun shows ? You still must undergo a background check. I bought a gun at a gun show, and I had to wait 3 days, while they did an national database check. And this was when I already had a CCW license.

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