Biden Position on Guns Is a Joke

Indeed, just ask a Ukrainian what he'd need a high capacity magazine for...or would they just prefer that he defend his neighborhood against invaders (with AK47's) with a double barreled shotgun??
That's what well regulated militias are for. And that's what armies are for.
Ignorance is your middle name. So did we Imagine him withholding approved aid to Zelenskyy while Ukraine was under attack? Did Mueller imagine the ten instances of outright obstruction of Justice on the part of him and his fellow Comrades? You didn't notice any of that? LOL

You must have imagined it because I read the transcript of the call at least a dozen times. Nowhere did Trump even hint at withholding anything. Now if you disagree with that, post the transcript yet again and show me where Trump told Zelensky he will not receive US aid unless he does X. GO!
Bullshit. That is not what he said. Read it again.

Yes they do and not you or any private citizen has a use for them other than your ego.

Really, what makes it automatic is how fast you can pull the trigger. You are desperate for justifications

But the point being, your scenario is virtually impossible. If there where that many you'd be dead before you got your gun.
Expecting something that had never happened and unlikely to ever happen, is not justification. A well armed militia does not include or mention your right to shoot people in a group.

Youre wrong again. They are partly responsible for selling weapons to idiots who don't need them. Furthermore, the gun manufacturer was prosecuted and found guilty over the sandy hook massacre. Get some facts boy

So that's a justification? Youre getting more desperate.

Thats a pathetic argument.
There's simply no comparison. Guns are made for one thing. To kill. Cars are not.

same as above

Same again.

Exactly. That is why they are not necessary for your average garden variety idiot who gets one because he can. The 2nd has been taken completely out of context and promoted by the nra and republican party.
By your definition, and that of many other gun controllers, a revolver is a semi-automatic weapon. Many law proposals (none passed as of yet that I know of) specifically define a semi-automatic as any weapon that leaves a round ready to fire for the next pull of the trigger after shooting one round.
Situation; Your kid is at school and the north half the building is being assaulted by an AR wielding nut job and the southern half is being assaulted by a knife wielding nut job. Where would you want your kid to be?

Okay, your kid is at the north side of the building safe and sound and a guy is running over a group of children standing at the bus stop. Where would you want your kid to be?

The largest domestic terrorist attack last year took place with no guns involved. He was a black guy who went to a white area to kill as many whites as possible. He injured over 50 and killed 6 including an 8 year old child.
You never fail to take the racist side of every argument, do you? You think every black kid in the ghetto was born a criminal? And don't forget that white kids in the same circumstance follow the same path. But you're of course welcome to remain an ignoramus.

Statistics can't be racist dummy.
Racism is a lie? There is none? Are you okay? I'm worried about nuts like you coming unhinged. Get a fuckin' grip
Typical retarded leftie. ^^^

Missed the point entirely. Zero reading comprehension. And then the dumb fucker wants to accuse ME of being a racist just because HE can't read.

This is the way lefties roll today. It's totally typical. The one lefty I've met on this forum who seems to have a brain, is lefter than left, seems to be some kind of Marxist or something. Which dovetails with what I said earlier: the Bernie crowd is way smarter than the partisan DNC dumb shits. They don't know as much about politics, but at least they don't run around calling everyone racists.

People they don't know. Have never met. Aren't even Republican.

But look what comes out of the lefty's mouth: "you're a racist".

No, dummy, we're talking about guns.

Lefties are nuts. They've left orbit, they're floating out in space somewhere.

My post obviously refers to the fact that lefties invoke racism when they have nothing else. They "play the race card".

In the middle of any other conversation.

Here we have a perfect example and a case in point
Or we could redistribute the money we put into so-called law enforcement and help those caught up in the inner city hopeless life. We could decriminalize drug possession and immediately ease the violence level considerably. Attack the cause and not just the effect. But that never crosses your racist mind, does it?

You are completely ignorant. I remember when they were trying to sell the lottery in my state. The proponents claimed that having a lottery would take business away from the mob and the money would be used for our schools. They passed the lottery, and the mob used the states lottery numbers for their games. The difference is they paid more and of course, tax free.

The states that pushed for legalized pot made the claim it would take pushers off the street. It did no such thing. States with legalized marijuana have peopple who are selling their products tax free meaning they are beating out state prices.

But oh, if we only legalized recreational narcotics....... :eusa_shhh:

I'm sure I'd want my kid to be in the other building, where the kids are being sexually indoctrinated by the libtards. :p

Hey Lefty, hear me loud and clear:


Not now, not ever.

First, it won't accomplish your goal. You implied that your goal was reduction of child shootings in schools. Gun laws will not accomplish that

Second, you have no more chance of banning guns than you do of banning pot, liquor, or prostitution. Human beings simply will not comply. And you can't make them

Third, guns are for SELF DEFENSE. If you restrict guns just because some idiot is abusing them, then you're also restricting them for the 99% of normal people who just want to protect their families. In other words you are DAMAGING SOCIETY, and infringing on the natural and political rights of your neighbors.

Hey man, I lived through the Watts riots, Kent State, Rodney King, and BLM. The police can NOT be trusted to protect us.

In the scenario you raised, where are the cops?

In Florida they stood there watching

In California they ran away

Sorry, a good weapon is mandatory for protection of self and family. That concept is PERMANENTLY written into the highest law in our land. And do recognized in the Heller decision. Which will be shortly incorporated into all 50 states.

And then the leftard DA in St Louis won't be able to charge people for protecting their property anymore.

Trust me, the leftists DA's are on the way out. Count on it. Bank on it.
So we arm teachers with M16's? THAT'S YOUR BRILLIANT IDEA? Put some Marines in schools as guards and that begins to make sense. And cops who are too cowardly to step up at times like those need to go! That's unfortunately what has happened to law enforcement in America. Cops are trained as revenue rangers and those being hired are not vetted for mental disorders. Most are completely ignorant on the Bill of Rights and we have far too many nutjobs with huge egos out there fuckin' with people. They've become the street gangs that you righties like to point to. Except they are blue and not black. They have little to no fear of accountability because they investigate themselves. Nice deal, eh?
Typical retarded leftie. ^^^

Missed the point entirely. Zero reading comprehension. And then the dumb fucker wants to accuse ME of being a racist just because HE can't read.

This is the way lefties roll today. It's totally typical. The one lefty I've met on this forum who seems to have a brain, is lefter than left, seems to be some kind of Marxist or something. Which dovetails with what I said earlier: the Bernie crowd is way smarter than the partisan DNC dumb shits. They don't know as much about politics, but at least they don't run around calling everyone racists.

People they don't know. Have never met. Aren't even Republican.

But look what comes out of the lefty's mouth: "you're a racist".

No, dummy, we're talking about guns.

Lefties are nuts. They've left orbit, they're floating out in space somewhere.

My post obviously refers to the fact that lefties invoke racism when they have nothing else. They "play the race card".

In the middle of any other conversation.

Here we have a perfect example and a case in point
It's you that has a problem with reading comprehension. I said, are you saying that racism doesn't exist. But as long as we're talking about right v left, yes, you idiots are mostly closet racists or in many cases, blatant racists. That's why your party is snow white and that's why your party is constantly on the attack against non white politicians. You spew hatred against anything that doesn't conform with the status quo. Everybody is a Marxist and everybody on the left are out to harm America. Let me remind you of Jan 6. Those weren't lefties out there. those were dyed in the wool idiot righties too stupid to understand that they are being led by the nose by the real people who pose a threat to America. Perfect case to dispel the notion that guns aren't just for defending one's home. Too many fall into the hands of you right wing nut jobs and I'll bet dollars to donuts that the majority of the weapons they brought were purchased legally.
You are completely ignorant. I remember when they were trying to sell the lottery in my state. The proponents claimed that having a lottery would take business away from the mob and the money would be used for our schools. They passed the lottery, and the mob used the states lottery numbers for their games. The difference is they paid more and of course, tax free.

The states that pushed for legalized pot made the claim it would take pushers off the street. It did no such thing. States with legalized marijuana have peopple who are selling their products tax free meaning they are beating out state prices.

But oh, if we only legalized recreational narcotics....... :eusa_shhh:
If they are tax cheats, we have laws to govern that. What's your answer genius? Keep stuffing prisons with addicts and folks who have committed no crimes against people? At $50-60 grand a year? No better solutions or use for that money? I agree that someone in this conversation is ignorant, but unfortunately it's you, gun guy!

I'm sure I'd want my kid to be in the other building, where the kids are being sexually indoctrinated by the libtards. :p

Hey Lefty, hear me loud and clear:


Not now, not ever.

First, it won't accomplish your goal. You implied that your goal was reduction of child shootings in schools. Gun laws will not accomplish that

Second, you have no more chance of banning guns than you do of banning pot, liquor, or prostitution. Human beings simply will not comply. And you can't make them

Third, guns are for SELF DEFENSE. If you restrict guns just because some idiot is abusing them, then you're also restricting them for the 99% of normal people who just want to protect their families. In other words you are DAMAGING SOCIETY, and infringing on the natural and political rights of your neighbors.

Hey man, I lived through the Watts riots, Kent State, Rodney King, and BLM. The police can NOT be trusted to protect us.

In the scenario you raised, where are the cops?

In Florida they stood there watching

In California they ran away

Sorry, a good weapon is mandatory for protection of self and family. That concept is PERMANENTLY written into the highest law in our land. And do recognized in the Heller decision. Which will be shortly incorporated into all 50 states.

And then the leftard DA in St Louis won't be able to charge people for protecting their property anymore.

Trust me, the leftists DA's are on the way out. Count on it. Bank on it.
So you're on board with partially defunding police to start over with other solutions? If you are, you are among the tiniest of minorities on the right. That's what the right is all about. Define the problems but maintain the staus quo. And find a way to blame somebody else, preferably a Democrat.
So we arm teachers with M16's? THAT'S YOUR BRILLIANT IDEA? Put some Marines in schools as guards and that begins to make sense. And cops who are too cowardly to step up at times like those need to go! That's unfortunately what has happened to law enforcement in America. Cops are trained as revenue rangers and those being hired are not vetted for mental disorders. Most are completely ignorant on the Bill of Rights and we have far too many nutjobs with huge egos out there fuckin' with people. They've become the street gangs that you righties like to point to. Except they are blue and not black. They have little to no fear of accountability because they investigate themselves. Nice deal, eh?
Well, okay. Let's find some common ground. It's a whole lot better than clobbering each other isn't it?

We both want the same thing, don't we? We want to raise our families in peace, we want our kids to be safe, we want our communities to be friendly and safe and strong.

So, let's start broadly. We want our kids to be safe. What does that mean? Well, the immutable reality is that "shit happens". Someone somewhere sometime, is going to go nuts and start killing people, maybe he lost his job or his girlfriend that day, who knows... or flunked a test or getting picked on by his classmates or whatever the situation may be

My starting assumption is "shit happens", and the only part of it that's within our power is how we respond. The Democratic party solution is to try to stop it from happening. By controlling guns and ammo. But that's a non starter, it'll never work in a million years.

There's another way to deal with this. You mentioned teachers with weapons. How about CHILDREN with weapons?

I'm not talking about 5 year olds. But maybe by age 15 (like perhaps, Columbine high school age), a child can be educated well enough to handle a weapon.

See, I'm a leftie from the OLD school. I grew up in Haight Ashbury in the 60's. Back then, we didn't have money for guns because we were spending it all on weed. But, we DID want to fight back against "the Man", who if you'll recall, at the time, was beating our people with clubs on a regular basis, I mean, George Floyd is a nothing burger compared to some of the stuff that happened back then.

So we would look for "means other than guns" to get back at the cops. For example, the cops were tapping phones back then, and my dad showed me how to send 600 volts back up the line to fry the ears of whoever was listening. You know, we had the Anarchist Cookbook, all kinds of stuff like that - available for cheap at your local Border's bookstore.

So, on the assumption that "shit happens", and the cops won't handle the threat, it seems logical to me that handling the threat lands in OUR lap. ("Our" being whoever's there, at the scene).

And that being the case, it also seems logical that trained and competent (and therefore confident) kids will do a lot better than ignorant and untrained (and therefore frightened) kids.

I went to a private high school, which the year before I started was still a military school. They had an actual armory, with real weapons, and all us kids were taught how to shoot. Starting about age 12. We never had ANY problems, none at all.

I think, that crazy people are going to be crazy. Can't stop em. Shit happens.

My best solution is to PREPARE FOR IT, rather than cowering from it
That's what Democrats do. Discriminate against whites in Affirmative Action and Biden's American Rescue Plan. they've been doing it for 58 years.
Yeah, and there's no way to quantify how many young black folks have chosen the right path because of that hand up. Take that away and you'll have more black crime to piss and moan about and blame on somebody else.
If they are tax cheats, we have laws to govern that. What's your answer genius? Keep stuffing prisons with addicts and folks who have committed no crimes against people? At $50-60 grand a year? No better solutions or use for that money? I agree that someone in this conversation is ignorant, but unfortunately it's you, gun guy!

What you do is stop drugs from entering the country, and you can't do it electing idiots like Joe Dementia. Those people are not just tax cheats, they are mobsters and drug dealers. You don't try to put out a fire by pouring gasoline on it. Making dangerous narcotics will not stop the black market. All it will do is make more drug addicts out of our people.

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