Biden Position on Guns Is a Joke

Yeah having more in prison than anyone by far and the great majority black and brown is great. So is the worst inequality and upward mobility ever by far and having the richest now paying less % in all taxes than middle class is great. So is the GOP base getting the worst fact free brainwash ever!!! No sacrifice is too great to save the greedy lying scumbag GOP megarich...
You do the do the time. Blacks do the crime. Blacks do the time.

Who told you >> "the richest now paying less % in all taxes than middle class" ? More CNN misinformation ? The richest pay about twice the % as the middle class.

I'm probably older than you are and I've probably had more life experience than you'll ever have.
I'll be 76 next month junior. You are 10.

You have NO life experience compared to me. I painted 2 paintings this month, and gave 3 violin recitals, as well as 2 classic rock guitar concerts. And you played songs on your cell phone that your mommy gave you.
Well, okay. Let's find some common ground. It's a whole lot better than clobbering each other isn't it?

We both want the same thing, don't we? We want to raise our families in peace, we want our kids to be safe, we want our communities to be friendly and safe and strong.

So, let's start broadly. We want our kids to be safe. What does that mean? Well, the immutable reality is that "shit happens". Someone somewhere sometime, is going to go nuts and start killing people, maybe he lost his job or his girlfriend that day, who knows... or flunked a test or getting picked on by his classmates or whatever the situation may be

My starting assumption is "shit happens", and the only part of it that's within our power is how we respond. The Democratic party solution is to try to stop it from happening. By controlling guns and ammo. But that's a non starter, it'll never work in a million years.

There's another way to deal with this. You mentioned teachers with weapons. How about CHILDREN with weapons?

I'm not talking about 5 year olds. But maybe by age 15 (like perhaps, Columbine high school age), a child can be educated well enough to handle a weapon.

See, I'm a leftie from the OLD school. I grew up in Haight Ashbury in the 60's. Back then, we didn't have money for guns because we were spending it all on weed. But, we DID want to fight back against "the Man", who if you'll recall, at the time, was beating our people with clubs on a regular basis, I mean, George Floyd is a nothing burger compared to some of the stuff that happened back then.

So we would look for "means other than guns" to get back at the cops. For example, the cops were tapping phones back then, and my dad showed me how to send 600 volts back up the line to fry the ears of whoever was listening. You know, we had the Anarchist Cookbook, all kinds of stuff like that - available for cheap at your local Border's bookstore.

So, on the assumption that "shit happens", and the cops won't handle the threat, it seems logical to me that handling the threat lands in OUR lap. ("Our" being whoever's there, at the scene).

And that being the case, it also seems logical that trained and competent (and therefore confident) kids will do a lot better than ignorant and untrained (and therefore frightened) kids.

I went to a private high school, which the year before I started was still a military school. They had an actual armory, with real weapons, and all us kids were taught how to shoot. Starting about age 12. We never had ANY problems, none at all.

I think, that crazy people are going to be crazy. Can't stop em. Shit happens.

My best solution is to PREPARE FOR IT, rather than cowering from it
I grew up in the 50's and sixties. I'm a retired Marine who fought in Vietnam in 1968-69. I was wounded in combat. I know a lot about weapons of war and they have no place in society. But you want to give them to teenagers? That's what you've come up with? Okay partner. I guess we are worlds apart here and I cannot support those kind of ideas. Kids are kids, no matter how well they can shoot. Arm kids in schools and watch the death toll rise like crazy.
Yup. Poverty causes crime and the GOP causes poverty. Save the megarich lying GOP scum, super dupe!!!
Actually, the Democrats cause poverty. Republicans eradicate it. During the Trump administration >>
5. created 10 million jobs in 4 months, created over 400,000 manufacturing jobs,
6. unemployment claims hit 50 year low,
7. lowest unemployment for blacks, Hispanics, Asians, and disabled in US history,
8. lowest unemployment for women in over 70 years,
9. lowest unemployment rate ever recorded for Americans without a high school diploma,
10. 4 million Americans off food stamps,
11. vocational training topped 4 million - highest ever,
12. highest median wage in US history .
15. reformed the Medicare program to stop hospitals from overcharging low-income seniors on their drugs—saving seniors hundreds of millions of dollars,
34. created 8,700 Opportunity Zones with investment incentives for companies to invest in distressed communities
54. Presided over the largest GDP growth (33.1%) in US history.
55. Got $ 250 Million/year to black colleges.



I grew up in the 50's and sixties. I'm a retired Marine who fought in Vietnam in 1968-69. I was wounded in combat. I know a lot about weapons of war and they have no place in society. But you want to give them to teenagers? That's what you've come up with? Okay partner. I guess we are worlds apart here and I cannot support those kind of ideas. Kids are kids, no matter how well they can shoot. Arm kids in schools and watch the death toll rise like crazy.
1. You're 10 years old, in the 4th grade. you got left back last year for being a dummy, and a wise guy. You couldn't play a musical instrument if your life depended on it. It takes brains, hard work, determination, & stick-to-itiveness.

2. When the hell did I ever say I wanted to give guns to teenagers. ?
Dreaming here huh ?

3.And why did you fight in Vietnam ? You think that makes you some kind of a hero ? Shooting bullets at people who never attacked you or your country. Never threatened the US, Never even said an unkind word about us. And when you showed up there, they probably didn't even have the foggiest idea who the hell you were, let alone why you might be shooting at them.
I served 6 years in the military (Army) - 2 years US +4 more years Army National Guard. My job was to guard this nation from attack here, not go halfway around the world picking fights with people for no reason.
I resolved at a young age, that if I was ever going to fire my M-14 at anybody, I damn well better have a good reason. Vietnam didnt have that reason. If it would have been the al Qaeda OR ISIS ragheads, I would have had no qualms.
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You do the do the time. Blacks do the crime. Blacks do the time.

Who told you >> "the richest now paying less % in all taxes than middle class" ? More CNN misinformation ? The richest pay about twice the % as the middle class.

That's all you know, the fed income taView attachment 619836
That's the brainwash, the fed income tax. Every other tax hits regular people harder DUH...
What you do is stop drugs from entering the country, and you can't do it electing idiots like Joe Dementia. Those people are not just tax cheats, they are mobsters and drug dealers. You don't try to put out a fire by pouring gasoline on it. Making dangerous narcotics will not stop the black market. All it will do is make more drug addicts out of our people.
Where do you suppose the majority of drugs enter the US? Mexicans sneaking across the border? That's what Trump thought. Build a monument to stupidity and plaster his name on it to feed his sick ego. That was his idea. I don't advocate making drugs or the black market. Quite the contrary. Regulate recreational drugs and educate on their use. Kids are gonna experiment no matter what. Let them do so safely. My great niece died recently of a designer drug with Fentanyl. What the left is proposing is taking away some of the fuel that kills and educate on the dangers of all drugs. If teens have to sneak around to experiment they are far more likely to use an unknown drug from an unknown source.
1. You're 10 years old, in the 4th grade. you got left back last year for being a dummy, and a wise guy. You couldn't play a musical instrument if your life depended on it. It takes brains, hard work, determination, & stick-to-itiveness.

2. When the hell did I ever say I wanted to give guns to teenagers. ?
Dreaming here huh ?
Do you get easily confused? It happens. I forgive you. I wasn't talking to you about guns to teenagers I was talking to Scruffy. I could tear you a new one and it would be so easy but I'm not gonna stoop as low as you often do.
So you're on board with partially defunding police to start over with other solutions? If you are, you are among the tiniest of minorities on the right. That's what the right is all about. Define the problems but maintain the staus quo. And find a way to blame somebody else, preferably a Democrat.
I'm not on the right.

I'm "temporarily" aligning with the right till the fucktard progressives vacate the premises. The same way I temporarily aligned with the left when the Neo-Cons we're in power. Neo-Libs are exactly like Neo-Cons. Birds of a feather. Two peas in a pod. I hate them both and I want them gone. Out of power. Out of politics.

Personally I think we should defund the FBI. By at least 50%. Those idiots are worthless. They're a waste of taxpayer money.
Do you get easily confused? It happens. I forgive you. I wasn't talking to you about guns to teenagers I was talking to Scruffy. I could tear you a new one and it would be so easy but I'm not gonna stoop as low as you often do.
Don't want to respond to my # 3 of Post # 565, huh? Doesn't surprise me, Mr DODGE.
Yeah having more in prison than anyone by far and the great majority black and brown is great. So is the worst inequality and upward mobility ever by far and having the richest now paying less % in all taxes than middle class is great. So is the GOP base getting the worst fact free brainwash ever!!! No sacrifice is too great to save the greedy lying scumbag GOP megarich...
Looking over the tax rates during presidential admins, going back to Eisenhower in the 50s, Republicans have had much higher taxes on the rich than Democrats.
Don't want to respond to my # 3 of Post # 565, huh? Doesn't surprise me, Mr DODGE.
You're the right age there hero. What did you do to get out of going to Vietnam. Did you pull a Trump and fake a medical condition or were you just a coward because that's who you are? My country calls and I go. Did you file as a conscientious objector?
You're the right age there hero. What did you do to get out of going to Vietnam. Did you pull a Trump and fake a medical condition or were you just a coward because that's who you are? My country calls and I go. Did you file as a conscientious objector?
You say that as if going to Vietnam was a GOOD thing. It was BAD, you idiot.

Your country calls, you go. You're an idiot. So if you were a Russian, and your country told you to fire missles at Ukrainian hospitals and schools, you do it. This is what is wrong with the world. Too many idiots.

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