Biden Position on Guns Is a Joke

Let me guess, it was right about at the time that Trump was elected, right?
Wrong. I switched from Green to independent in 2003 (still voted for Kerry and Obama once) Started voting Republican in 2012 (for Virgil Goode)
You say that as if going to Vietnam was a GOOD thing. It was BAD, you idiot.

Your country calls, you go. You're an idiot. So if you were a Russian, and your country told you to fire missles at Ukrainian hospitals and schools, you do it. This is what is wrong with the world. Too many idiots.
Answer the question. How did you avoid going and how did you serve in the army without going?
You like that 10 thing a whole lot . Maybe too much. Projecting? Because you come across as a childish fool with a child's mind. Dementia setting in?
That's exactly what your ego overflowing post right here, looks like. HA HA
Answer the question. How did you avoid going and how did you serve in the army without going?
What do you mean "how" ? You think every person in the military in the 60s, went to Vietnam ? Are you dumb ? Thousands of military served in all branches then without ever going to Vietnam, or anywhere outside the US.

And if I had avoided going to Vietnam, I would proud to say so. I wouldn't be proud to say I went around shooting at innocent people who never attacked me first, that's for sure. Only lamebrain idiots do that.
I grew up in the 50's and sixties. I'm a retired Marine who fought in Vietnam in 1968-69. I was wounded in combat. I know a lot about weapons of war and they have no place in society. But you want to give them to teenagers? That's what you've come up with? Okay partner. I guess we are worlds apart here and I cannot support those kind of ideas. Kids are kids, no matter how well they can shoot. Arm kids in schools and watch the death toll rise like crazy.
Couple of remarks here - first, we've been training kids with weapons since time immemorial. It's nothing new. But school shootings are relatively new.

Second, every one of the school shooters was on antidepressants. Every one, no exceptions. It's the common denominator.

Third, any ten year old can buy a whole range of deadly weapons at Wal-Mart. If you take away their guns they're going to start building nail bombs
You say that as if going to Vietnam was a GOOD thing. It was BAD, you idiot.

Your country calls, you go. You're an idiot. So if you were a Russian, and your country told you to fire missles at Ukrainian hospitals and schools, you do it. This is what is wrong with the world. Too many idiots.
You're very silly man.
Couple of remarks here - first, we've been training kids with weapons since time immemorial. It's nothing new. But school shootings are relatively new.

Second, every one of the school shooters was on antidepressants. Every one, no exceptions. It's the common denominator.

Third, any ten year old can buy a whole range of deadly weapons at Wal-Mart. If you take away their guns they're going to start building nail bombs
You just helped me to further define the problem. A 10 year old can get a deadly weapon at Walmart. A little overstated but rings of truth.
Couple of remarks here - first, we've been training kids with weapons since time immemorial. It's nothing new. But school shootings are relatively new.

Second, every one of the school shooters was on antidepressants. Every one, no exceptions. It's the common denominator.

Third, any ten year old can buy a whole range of deadly weapons at Wal-Mart. If you take away their guns they're going to start building nail bombs
You have a right to your views and I've gotta respect that. Let's just agree to disagree as they say.
That explains a lot of things. You're completely indoctrinated by a nutjob. And you can't see a tyrant even when he is telling you that is what he is.
3 times, and in 2024, it will be 4. :biggrin: ..and you're probably too dumb to do that.
I won't turn you in for voting 3 times. But I'd be careful if I was you. Like I said, a very silly man.
Let's discuss the TOPIC >>
the first word of the title of the OP is >> Biden.

Biden - Biggest Idiot Democrats Ever Nominated
You just helped me to further define the problem. A 10 year old can get a deadly weapon at Walmart. A little overstated but rings of truth.
Sure. Are you going to outlaw propane, and hair spray, and boxes of contractors nails, and baking soda, and Windex... I mean, it's a LONG list. You're going to outlaw all that stuff?

Yes. My point is, no one needs a gun, to kill another human being. Even a ten year old could do it, with off the shelf products purchased at any general store. Where there's a will, there's a way.

Banning guns won't help, it'll just disable the protectors. Which is the one group you don't want to disable
Second, every one of the school shooters was on antidepressants. Every one, no exceptions. It's the common denominator.
That isn't true although a good many have been. The vast majority are or were at some point on various drugs for psychiatric conditions.

Don't blame the medication, take a look at why they were prescribed it.

Most of these shooters give clear warning signs days, weeks, or months ahead of perpetrating their acts.

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