Biden Position on Guns Is a Joke

Humans had been killing each other quite effectively and efficiently for over a 100,000 years before the first firearm was even invented.

Would they be happier if we were walking around with spears, clubs, swords, hatches, axes, and daggers instead of a concealed firearm?

To be honest, yes I do believe they would be happier with murders committed without guns.

You mean the guns???? :laughing0301:
Gang activity. Over half of all homicides are directly related to drug crime and about another 25% to gang activity not associated with drug crime.

85% of murders in the Cities could be eliminated by simply attacking the gangs as the terrorist operations that they are.
Means we have a racist GOP Law and Order mess....
Law and order is racist? ???

And what does any of that have to do with the GOP?

Lefties are brain dead. Really. Truly.

So far in this thread we had a lefty wrong about the Constitution, wrong about the laws around the very topic we're discussing, and wrong about the reality on the street.

This is NOT UNUSUAL. Pretty much ALL libbies today are exactly like this. Ignorant, arrogant, and WRONG about everything that matters. They've lost touch with reality, they're spoon fed stereotypes by CNN that directly contradict actual reality and they can't discern, can't tell the difference.

These people are unqualified to manage our country. They prioritize racism over national security, and anyone with a brain cell knows we'll NEVER get rid of racism (through legislation or any other way), but the deluded lefties insist we leave the borders wide open so all the MS-13 gang members can get in. And God knows who else.

The earlier poster was absolutely correct, we can NOT trust our government to protect us. When seconds count, the cops will be there in minutes. And sometimes not at all. Cause they're too busy kneeling with a bunch of fucking COMMUNISTS.

Imagine that, police chiefs all over the country bamboozled by a few Marxists. And you want me to trust these dumbass retards, and give up my weapons so "only they" can protect my family?

Ain't happening.

Sorry lefties.

Pass all the stupid laws you want, I'll just ignore them. The HIGHEST LAW IN OUR LAND says every single one of those laws is unconstitutional. Yeah, the lefties could throw me in jail. But you know what? If I ever have to use my weapons the dumbass lefties are going to throw me in jail ANYWAY. They'll find a way. So I'm going to err on the side of protecting my family.

Sorry lefties. Sorry if you don't like it.

Law and order is racist? ???

And what does any of that have to do with the GOP?

Lefties are brain dead. Really. Truly.

So far in this thread we had a lefty wrong about the Constitution, wrong about the laws around the very topic we're discussing, and wrong about the reality on the street.

This is NOT UNUSUAL. Pretty much ALL libbies today are exactly like this. Ignorant, arrogant, and WRONG about everything that matters. They've lost touch with reality, they're spoon fed stereotypes by CNN that directly contradict actual reality and they can't discern, can't tell the difference.

These people are unqualified to manage our country. They prioritize racism over national security, and anyone with a brain cell knows we'll NEVER get rid of racism (through legislation or any other way), but the deluded lefties insist we leave the borders wide open so all the MS-13 gang members can get in. And God knows who else.

The earlier poster was absolutely correct, we can NOT trust our government to protect us. When seconds count, the cops will be there in minutes. And sometimes not at all. Cause they're too busy kneeling with a bunch of fucking COMMUNISTS.

Imagine that, police chiefs all over the country bamboozled by a few Marxists. And you want me to trust these dumbass retards, and give up my weapons so "only they" can protect my family?

Ain't happening.

Sorry lefties.

Pass all the stupid laws you want, I'll just ignore them. The HIGHEST LAW IN OUR LAND says every single one of those laws is unconstitutional. Yeah, the lefties could throw me in jail. But you know what? If I ever have to use my weapons the dumbass lefties are going to throw me in jail ANYWAY. They'll find a way. So I'm going to err on the side of protecting my family.

Sorry lefties. Sorry if you don't like it.

Somehow in this era of "racial equity" minorities can no longer be treated the same under the law.

We've just gone back nearly 60 years in the fight for equality and civil rights.
Somehow in this era of "racial equity" minorities can no longer be treated the same under the law.

We've just gone back nearly 60 years in the fight for equality and civil rights.
And to think, the people who fought for it, are the same ones destroying it now.

Boggles the mind.
Of course they could, just like they knew times would change with everything else. It's why they included an amendment process. The Constitution can be changed to anything you want provided enough people support you. But it can't be changed by a simple majority. You can't believe for a minute that our founders envisioned us using muskets or single shot shotguns for eternity, can you?

Nor is the US Constitution designed to be a living document where it changes automatically. If that were the case, what would be the point of a constitution in the first place?

You might not believe this, but people of yesteryear didn't have grocery stores and cell phones. They had to hunt food for their family to survive. They couldn't call the police if an aggressor attacked them at home. They had to defend themselves from bad people and Indian tribes that were out to kill them. This is on top of the possibility of an overthrown tyrannical government in which they may have to defend their freedom. Our founders would never dream of giving government the power to disarm a society from these threats.

Now I put some thought into this. Some people like you want us to get rid of our guns. The only way that is possible is if we get rid of Democrats first. Because you see, the reason we need our guns is because of Democrats.

If I'm at my convenient store at night, I'm not worried about a Republican holding the store up, hitting me on the head with his gun and taking my wallet. Republicans don't do those kinds of things. Or if I'm at my drive thru ATM machine. I'm not worried about a conservative wedging himself between the machine and my car with a gun forcing me to withdraw the maximum. No, no, no, conservatives don't do those types of things--Democrats do those types of things.

But since we can't get rid of Democrats Lord knows we're trying it's impossible for us to get rid of our guns. It simply can't be done.
Are you back for yet another ass kicking?
No measurable effect on crime.

"Assault weapons" as they classify them are the least frequently used of all firearms in crimes.
Tell that to the parents of those killed by AR 15's in schools. See, that's the problem. You idiots won't even consider a ban on assault weapons or banana clips. It's just justification after justification. The same people who will say that they understand that freedom of speech does not logically include yelling fire in a crowded theater, will put no limit on weapons of war and argue that they are trying to take away your handguns. Somewhere there is a middle ground.
The only kicking you're doing is to whatever credibility anyone ever afforded you.

If you're not lying about the 2nd Amendment you're just raging and trolling those of us who actually know something on the subject and are honest about it.
I wasn't talking to you there, Tex. So hold your horses and calm down before you blow out an artery.
Law and order is racist? ???

And what does any of that have to do with the GOP?

Lefties are brain dead. Really. Truly.

So far in this thread we had a lefty wrong about the Constitution, wrong about the laws around the very topic we're discussing, and wrong about the reality on the street.

This is NOT UNUSUAL. Pretty much ALL libbies today are exactly like this. Ignorant, arrogant, and WRONG about everything that matters. They've lost touch with reality, they're spoon fed stereotypes by CNN that directly contradict actual reality and they can't discern, can't tell the difference.

These people are unqualified to manage our country. They prioritize racism over national security, and anyone with a brain cell knows we'll NEVER get rid of racism (through legislation or any other way), but the deluded lefties insist we leave the borders wide open so all the MS-13 gang members can get in. And God knows who else.

The earlier poster was absolutely correct, we can NOT trust our government to protect us. When seconds count, the cops will be there in minutes. And sometimes not at all. Cause they're too busy kneeling with a bunch of fucking COMMUNISTS.

Imagine that, police chiefs all over the country bamboozled by a few Marxists. And you want me to trust these dumbass retards, and give up my weapons so "only they" can protect my family?

Ain't happening.

Sorry lefties.

Pass all the stupid laws you want, I'll just ignore them. The HIGHEST LAW IN OUR LAND says every single one of those laws is unconstitutional. Yeah, the lefties could throw me in jail. But you know what? If I ever have to use my weapons the dumbass lefties are going to throw me in jail ANYWAY. They'll find a way. So I'm going to err on the side of protecting my family.

Sorry lefties. Sorry if you don't like it.

Why are you righties so fuckin' paranoid? What a way to live. THEY are coming for us. They are coming for our guns! They They They. Why so uptight? Not healthy.
It's simply a fact, a gun is simply an instrument, they are incapable of committing crimes.

Nothing in the 2nd Amendment requires one prove service in any militia to own firearms, why do you keep lying?

As for the proliferation of guys, virtually every adult in the US at the time of the founding other than slaves owned firearms, usually multiple firearms. Of course the founders expected that to continue and they expected firearms technology to advance aright along with every other technology known to man at the time so again, why are you lying?

There is absolutely no historical evidence to support your final claim either so again... .
So I guess you never watch the news? You know what the founders thought about something that they could not have imagined? They knew about gangs and school shootings and rifles like the M16 or AR 15 or AK 47's? Who are you? Nostradumbass?

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