Biden Position on Guns Is a Joke

That's not at all what it says.

I find it entirely shocking that I have to educate BOTH lefties and righties on this point.

You see, in the old days, there were no 'issues' associated with the militia. If you were called up to fight, you didn't get "issued" a rifle, you were expected to have your own.

And, at various points, the leftards in the various state governments sought to disarm their constituents during peacetime, and this federal document was an agreement that they COULD NOT AND WOULD NOT DO THAT.

Nothing has changed. If the Chinese show up at our doors tomorrow morning, there isn't going to be time to "issue" anyone anything.

And the reality is 2/3 of the guns in this country are unregistered. The Feebs have no idea where they are, or who owns them and who doesn't.

Strangely enough, in the event of an actual emergency, our lives would be in the hands of drug dealers and gang bangers. Because that's where 2/3 of the guns are.

Except of course if you own one yourself, in which case you stand a snowball's chance of protecting your family.
And it got that way because of misinterpretation of the second amendment along with lobbying by groups like the NRA.
What is well regulated about guns through the mail or at gun shows?
Doesn't say a damned thing about regulating guns in the 2nd Amendment.

What it does say is, "A well Regulated Militia".

Well regulated in that era meant to function properly as designed, "A well regulated clock keeps proper time".

Of course, you've already proven yourself to be a liar and fraud relative to this subject why should anyone believe anything else you have to say.

Banning guns will only take them from law abiding citizens. Criminals don't care about what our laws are. That's why they're criminals in the first place. Then what we end up with is a disarmed society and an armed criminal element where the only other people that have guns are the police.
What you then get is Mexico with the highest murder rates in the world.
This is all too long and IDIOTIC to deserve the dignity of a response, other than to say that. Shame that airheads like this can't take the post he just quoted, and learn from it. But that's the kind of world we live in - full of idiots.
Well, if you get aboard the next SpaceX flight, we'll have one less idiot to worry about. Bon Voyage!
Yep, that's what it says, but remember that people back then talked a little differently than they do today.

No, that isn't close to what it says. There was never any intent to require service in any militia to keep and bear arms, there's absolutely nothing in the history of the founding that supports any such claim.

Who is the militia, "Every one of us capable of bearing arms".
No, that isn't close to what it says. There was never any intent to require service in any militia to keep and bear arms, there's absolutely nothing in the history of the founding that supports any such claim.

Who is the militia, "Every one of us capable of bearing arms".
According to you.
This from Pewresearch in 2020.

How has the number of U.S. gun deaths changed over time?​

The 45,222 total gun deaths in 2020 were by far the most on record, representing a 14% increase from the year before, a 25% increase from five years earlier and a 43% increase from a decade prior.

Gun murders, in particular, have climbed sharply in recent years. The 19,384 gun murders that took place in 2020 were the most since at least 1968, exceeding the previous peak of 18,253 recorded by the CDC in 1993. The 2020 total represented a 34% increase from the year before, a 49% increase over five years and a 75% increase over 10 years.

The number of gun suicides has also risen in recent years – climbing 10% over five years and 25% over 10 years – and is near its highest point on record. The 24,292 gun suicides that took place in 2020 were the most in any year except 2018, when there were 24,432.
According to you.

No, that isn't close to what it says. There was never any intent to require service in any militia to keep and bear arms, there's absolutely nothing in the history of the founding that supports any such claim.

Who is the militia, "Every one of us capable of bearing arms".
Then, if you have kids, you'd better home school them or one or two of your Militia Men might blow their brains out.
This from Pewresearch in 2020.

How has the number of U.S. gun deaths changed over time?​

The 45,222 total gun deaths in 2020 were by far the most on record, representing a 14% increase from the year before, a 25% increase from five years earlier and a 43% increase from a decade prior.

Gun murders, in particular, have climbed sharply in recent years. The 19,384 gun murders that took place in 2020 were the most since at least 1968, exceeding the previous peak of 18,253 recorded by the CDC in 1993. The 2020 total represented a 34% increase from the year before, a 49% increase over five years and a 75% increase over 10 years.

The number of gun suicides has also risen in recent years – climbing 10% over five years and 25% over 10 years – and is near its highest point on record. The 24,292 gun suicides that took place in 2020 were the most in any year except 2018, when there were 24,432.
No shit Sherlock.

But why did you stop?

Why don't you continue your research, so you can find out what these numbers actually mean?

Riddle me this: HOW MANY of those murders were committed with registered weapons?
This from Pewresearch in 2020.

How has the number of U.S. gun deaths changed over time?​

The 45,222 total gun deaths in 2020 were by far the most on record, representing a 14% increase from the year before, a 25% increase from five years earlier and a 43% increase from a decade prior.

Gun murders, in particular, have climbed sharply in recent years. The 19,384 gun murders that took place in 2020 were the most since at least 1968, exceeding the previous peak of 18,253 recorded by the CDC in 1993. The 2020 total represented a 34% increase from the year before, a 49% increase over five years and a 75% increase over 10 years.

The number of gun suicides has also risen in recent years – climbing 10% over five years and 25% over 10 years – and is near its highest point on record. The 24,292 gun suicides that took place in 2020 were the most in any year except 2018, when there were 24,432.

Guns didn't murder anyone. People commit murders, guns are just a tool and a very efficient one for the job.

85% of those murders are committed by gang bangers who can't possess a firearm legally to start with.

If you want to lower the murder rate, declare the gangs as the terrorist organizations they are and put every resource available into eradicating them.

Suicides? How will you stop suicides? Taking guns away from law abiding citizens certainly won't do it, those intent on committing suicide can always find a way to do so.

We had a hundred thousand overdose deaths last year alone mostly due to the Fentanyl spiked drugs coming from China through Mexico but that doesn't seem to bother you at all.

Of course your homicide and suicide numbers ignore a simple fact, both are at far lower rates than than we had at the peak in 1997 despite the growth in population with actual rates at 7.9/100k and 5.9/100k.

Of course most murders are also committed by repeat offenders so there's an easy answer to that one too, keep them in prison or execute them.
No shit Sherlock.

But why did you stop?

Why don't you continue your research, so you can find out what these numbers actually mean?

Riddle me this: HOW MANY of those murders were committed with registered weapons?
And where do you suppose those unregistered weapons come from? Did they fall from the sky? America has too many weapons. They are too available. And registered weapons that are stolen become unregistered weapons. There's no double talking around the fact that countries with fewer weapons have less crime. Compare Japan stats to US stats for instance. A modern industrial society that has discovered that when you flood a country with weapons, whether they be registered or not, violent crime is affected.
Then, if you have kids, you'd better home school them or one or two of your Militia Men might blow their brains out.
I'm not worried in the least. In my day every pickup and most of the cars in the HS parking lot had at least a rifle and shotgun in them and guess what? No problems.

I live in a community where about half the people are armed every day, we've had two shootings in 140 years.

Guns aren't the problem.
And where do you suppose those unregistered weapons come from? Did they fall from the sky? America has too many weapons. They are too available. And registered weapons that are stolen become unregistered weapons. There's no double talking around the fact that countries with fewer weapons have less crime. Compare Japan stats to US stats for instance. A modern industrial society that has discovered that when you flood a country with weapons, whether they be registered or not, violent crime is affected.
There is no federal firearms registration in the US Period. You have no fucking clue what you're talking about as usual.
And where do you suppose those unregistered weapons come from? Did they fall from the sky? America has too many weapons. They are too available. And registered weapons that are stolen become unregistered weapons. There's no double talking around the fact that countries with fewer weapons have less crime. Compare Japan stats to US stats for instance. A modern industrial society that has discovered that when you flood a country with weapons, whether they be registered or not, violent crime is affected.
Then move to Japan, I'm sure you'll feel much safer.
This from Pewresearch in 2020.

How has the number of U.S. gun deaths changed over time?​

The 45,222 total gun deaths in 2020 were by far the most on record, representing a 14% increase from the year before, a 25% increase from five years earlier and a 43% increase from a decade prior.

Gun murders, in particular, have climbed sharply in recent years. The 19,384 gun murders that took place in 2020 were the most since at least 1968, exceeding the previous peak of 18,253 recorded by the CDC in 1993. The 2020 total represented a 34% increase from the year before, a 49% increase over five years and a 75% increase over 10 years.

The number of gun suicides has also risen in recent years – climbing 10% over five years and 25% over 10 years – and is near its highest point on record. The 24,292 gun suicides that took place in 2020 were the most in any year except 2018, when there were 24,432.
Another great example of your consistent dishonesty.

The population increased by 126,087,990 people between 98 and 2020 so the rate went down by a third.
"Guns didn't murder anyone. People commit murders, guns are just a tool and a very efficient one for the job."

That illogical argument has been used extensively by the NRA and gun manufacturers to justify sales and ensure profits. But what they refuse to acknowledge is that in a real sense: "People with guns kill other people." They try to whitewash that fact and spread the lie that availability of guns has nothing to do with gun deaths. The day that the gun lobby commits to help stop school shootings they may have some legitimacy. And there are no laws regarding any buyer being made to prove that they are part of a regulated militia. Gun people keep talking about how the thinking that went into the adoption of the second amendment cannot be applied to today in America. That's just the fuckin' point! The founders could never have imagined the proliferation of guns and/or the resultant violence that would ensue in a nation so flooded with guns. They expected that American leaders would have that little problem taken care of as society and circumstances changed over time.

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