Biden Position on Guns Is a Joke

I'm not worried in the least. In my day every pickup and most of the cars in the HS parking lot had at least a rifle and shotgun in them and guess what? No problems.

I live in a community where about half the people are armed every day, we've had two shootings in 140 years.

Guns aren't the problem.
Just because you are a fuckin' redneck moron, doesn't mean the rest of the country agrees with you.
"Guns didn't murder anyone. People commit murders, guns are just a tool and a very efficient one for the job."

That illogical argument has been used extensively by the NRA and gun manufacturers to justify sales and ensure profits. But what they refuse to acknowledge is that in a real sense: "People with guns kill other people." They try to whitewash that fact and spread the lie that availability of guns has nothing to do with gun deaths. The day that the gun lobby commits to help stop school shootings they may have some legitimacy. And there are no laws regarding any buyer being made to prove that they are part of a regulated militia. Gun people keep talking about how the thinking that went into the adoption of the second amendment cannot be applied to today in America. That's just the fuckin' point! The founders could never have imagined the proliferation of guns and/or the resultant violence that would ensue in a nation so flooded with guns. They expected that American leaders would have that little problem taken care of as society and circumstances changed over time.
Fucking delusional leftards.

Human nature hasn't changed in ten thousand years.

And it won't change in the next ten thousand either.

Stupid lefties!
What's the matter, did a mean old redneck steal your girlfriend or did he run off with your mommy?


Unlike you, what I am is honest and correct.
Nah, he was too busy fucking a family member of his. Gotta keep that gene pool pollution going so they produce more idiots like you.
Any time one of these Trump cult defectives toss their lame insults at me I chalk it up to the mental weakness that it took to stand asshole to belly button in line to be shorn by an even bigger idiot.
Fucking delusional leftards.

Human nature hasn't changed in ten thousand years.

And it won't change in the next ten thousand either.

Stupid lefties!
The rise in violent crime across the board since all of the BLM and Antifa Riots and idiot dem's turning violent criminals loose all over the nation has also precipitated the largest increase in firearms and ammunition sales in the history of the country as people become more and more concerned about their personal safety.

They create problem and then want to blame the guns.
Any time one of these Trump cult defectives toss their lame insults at me I chalk it up to the mental weakness that it took to stand asshole to belly button in line to be shorn by an even bigger idiot.
Just because you are a fuckin' redneck moron, doesn't mean the rest of the country agrees with you.
That kind of hypocrisy should hurt.
"Guns didn't murder anyone. People commit murders, guns are just a tool and a very efficient one for the job."

That illogical argument has been used extensively by the NRA and gun manufacturers to justify sales and ensure profits. But what they refuse to acknowledge is that in a real sense: "People with guns kill other people." They try to whitewash that fact and spread the lie that availability of guns has nothing to do with gun deaths. The day that the gun lobby commits to help stop school shootings they may have some legitimacy. And there are no laws regarding any buyer being made to prove that they are part of a regulated militia. Gun people keep talking about how the thinking that went into the adoption of the second amendment cannot be applied to today in America. That's just the fuckin' point! The founders could never have imagined the proliferation of guns and/or the resultant violence that would ensue in a nation so flooded with guns. They expected that American leaders would have that little problem taken care of as society and circumstances changed over time.

Of course they could, just like they knew times would change with everything else. It's why they included an amendment process. The Constitution can be changed to anything you want provided enough people support you. But it can't be changed by a simple majority. You can't believe for a minute that our founders envisioned us using muskets or single shot shotguns for eternity, can you?

Nor is the US Constitution designed to be a living document where it changes automatically. If that were the case, what would be the point of a constitution in the first place?

You might not believe this, but people of yesteryear didn't have grocery stores and cell phones. They had to hunt food for their family to survive. They couldn't call the police if an aggressor attacked them at home. They had to defend themselves from bad people and Indian tribes that were out to kill them. This is on top of the possibility of an overthrown tyrannical government in which they may have to defend their freedom. Our founders would never dream of giving government the power to disarm a society from these threats.

Now I put some thought into this. Some people like you want us to get rid of our guns. The only way that is possible is if we get rid of Democrats first. Because you see, the reason we need our guns is because of Democrats.

If I'm at my convenient store at night, I'm not worried about a Republican holding the store up, hitting me on the head with his gun and taking my wallet. Republicans don't do those kinds of things. Or if I'm at my drive thru ATM machine. I'm not worried about a conservative wedging himself between the machine and my car with a gun forcing me to withdraw the maximum. No, no, no, conservatives don't do those types of things--Democrats do those types of things.

But since we can't get rid of Democrats Lord knows we're trying it's impossible for us to get rid of our guns. It simply can't be done.
"Guns didn't murder anyone. People commit murders, guns are just a tool and a very efficient one for the job."

That illogical argument has been used extensively by the NRA and gun manufacturers to justify sales and ensure profits. But what they refuse to acknowledge is that in a real sense: "People with guns kill other people." They try to whitewash that fact and spread the lie that availability of guns has nothing to do with gun deaths. The day that the gun lobby commits to help stop school shootings they may have some legitimacy. And there are no laws regarding any buyer being made to prove that they are part of a regulated militia. Gun people keep talking about how the thinking that went into the adoption of the second amendment cannot be applied to today in America. That's just the fuckin' point! The founders could never have imagined the proliferation of guns and/or the resultant violence that would ensue in a nation so flooded with guns. They expected that American leaders would have that little problem taken care of as society and circumstances changed over time.
It's simply a fact, a gun is simply an instrument, they are incapable of committing crimes.

Nothing in the 2nd Amendment requires one prove service in any militia to own firearms, why do you keep lying?

As for the proliferation of guys, virtually every adult in the US at the time of the founding other than slaves owned firearms, usually multiple firearms. Of course the founders expected that to continue and they expected firearms technology to advance aright along with every other technology known to man at the time so again, why are you lying?

There is absolutely no historical evidence to support your final claim either so again... .
Of course they could, just like they knew times would change with everything else. It's why they included an amendment process. The Constitution can be changed to anything you want provided enough people support you. But it can't be changed by a simple majority. You can't believe for a minute that our founders envisioned us using muskets or single shot shotguns for eternity, can you?

Nor is the US Constitution designed to be a living document where it changes automatically. If that were the case, what would be the point of a constitution in the first place?

You might not believe this, but people of yesteryear didn't have grocery stores and cell phones. They had to hunt food for their family to survive. They couldn't call the police if an aggressor attacked them at home. They had to defend themselves from bad people and Indian tribes that were out to kill them. This is on top of the possibility of an overthrown tyrannical government in which they may have to defend their freedom. Our founders would never dream of giving government the power to disarm a society from these threats.

Now I put some thought into this. Some people like you want us to get rid of our guns. The only way that is possible is if we get rid of Democrats first. Because you see, the reason we need our guns is because of Democrats.

If I'm at my convenient store at night, I'm not worried about a Republican holding the store up, hitting me on the head with his gun and taking my wallet. Republicans don't do those kinds of things. Or if I'm at my drive thru ATM machine. I'm not worried about a conservative wedging himself between the machine and my car with a gun forcing me to withdraw the maximum. No, no, no, conservatives don't do those types of things--Democrats do those types of things.

But since we can't get rid of Democrats Lord knows we're trying it's impossible for us to get rid of our guns. It simply can't be done.
To the bolded, more importantly, neither can anyone else short of God Almighty.

We have billions of rounds of ammo, millions of tons of reloading components, and upwards now of 400,000,000 guns already in circulation in the US not to mention 95,000 miles of US Coastline and almost 4,000 miles of dry borders and of course with the advent of 3D printers anyone can manufacture firearms at home today.

Now with all of that, if guns were the problem, there wouldn't be any of us left.
And where do you suppose those unregistered weapons come from? Did they fall from the sky? America has too many weapons. They are too available. And registered weapons that are stolen become unregistered weapons. There's no double talking around the fact that countries with fewer weapons have less crime. Compare Japan stats to US stats for instance. A modern industrial society that has discovered that when you flood a country with weapons, whether they be registered or not, violent crime is affected.

People of Japanese descent (and most all Asian descents) are no problem in our country either in spite of all the guns we have. So what does this tell us? It tells us that people are responsible for violent crime, not the guns.

If you take your low-income ghetto inner city, make a law that nobody is allowed to have a firearm, their violent crime rate will not change. If you do the opposite in a white middle-class suburban city and force every home to be armed, their violent crime rate won't change either.

You can't make comparisons of a single culture country like Japan and a very diverse country like the United States. It's apples and oranges. For instance over 50% of our murders are committed by just 7% of our population, and that are black males.
People of Japanese descent (and most all Asian descents) are no problem in our country either in spite of all the guns we have. So what does this tell us? It tells us that people are responsible for violent crime, not the guns.

If you take your low-income ghetto inner city, make a law that nobody is allowed to have a firearm, their violent crime rate will not change. If you do the opposite in a white middle-class suburban city and force every home to be armed, their violent crime rate won't change either.

You can't make comparisons of a single culture country like Japan and a very diverse country like the United States. It's apples and oranges. For instance over 50% of our murders are committed by just 7% of our population, and that are black males.
Lefties as a rule are enamored with shiny objects, they apparently have no understanding at all of people or human psychology.

Humans had been killing each other quite effectively and efficiently for over a 100,000 years before the first firearm was even invented.

Would they be happier if we were walking around with spears, clubs, swords, hatches, axes, and daggers instead of a concealed firearm?

If I'm in a fight for my life or the life of someone else, I want the best possible weapon I can lay my hands on period.
People of Japanese descent (and most all Asian descents) are no problem in our country either in spite of all the guns we have. So what does this tell us? It tells us that people are responsible for violent crime, not the guns.

If you take your low-income ghetto inner city, make a law that nobody is allowed to have a firearm, their violent crime rate will not change. If you do the opposite in a white middle-class suburban city and force every home to be armed, their violent crime rate won't change either.

You can't make comparisons of a single culture country like Japan and a very diverse country like the United States. It's apples and oranges. For instance over 50% of our murders are committed by just 7% of our population, and that are black males.
killing other black males to see who deals to whitey...

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