Biden Position on Guns Is a Joke

That's probably the most dishonest misrepresentation of the 2nd Amendment I've ever seen written. Congrats, everyone should be good at one thing.
If you don't know that to be the truth, then you have never read the second amendment. It was the Gun Lobby that has been convincing people that the second amendment says anyone can have a gun. Big money talks and that's another of the industries that have been funding GOP candidates. The actual wording is this: “As part of a well regulated militia, being necessary for the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”
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If you don't know that to be the truth, then you have never read the second amendment. It was the Gun Lobby that has been convincing people that the second amendment says anyone can have a gun. Big money talks and that's another of the industries that have been funding GOP candidates. The actual wording is this: “As part of a well regulated militia, being necessary for the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”
You are of course lying and we all know it.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

The fraud you are presenting doesn't make sense.
You are of course lying and we all know it.

The fraud you are presenting doesn't make sense.
Bullshit. An individual cannot be a well regulated Militia. The NRA has been selling the bogus idea that anyone can have a gun since the late 19th century.
Bullshit. An individual cannot be a well regulated Militia. The NRA has been selling the bogus idea that anyone can have a gun since the late 19th century.
Every individual capable of bearing arms is a member of the Militia, organize or unorganized.

You flat lied as I proved, we all know it so just quit embarrassing yourself.

Pull your head out of your ass, stop lying, read Scalia's decision in Heller. It's all documented historically there.

You cannot raise a militia in times of emergency if they individuals lack the materials to show up prepared for a fight. The Militia is dependent on the individual, and the right is individual, right belong only to individuals, not gov't.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
I guess when ever we refer to a mission statement and the constitution, you bail out. You have no understanding of our constitution whatsoever. You just use the word as talking point.

Mission statements are empty words.

I understand the our constitution far better than you since you seem to think it gives the Fed Govt unlimited power. There is nothing in our constitution that justifies a Fed Dept of Education for example. But yet we have one.
Bullshit. An individual cannot be a well regulated Militia. The NRA has been selling the bogus idea that anyone can have a gun since the late 19th century.

How could you have any kind of militia when nobody is armed? People back then didn't get government firearms like the men and women in our military do today, they all had to bring their own from firearms from home.
If you don't know that to be the truth, then you have never read the second amendment. It was the Gun Lobby that has been convincing people that the second amendment says anyone can have a gun. Big money talks and that's another of the industries that have been funding GOP candidates. The actual wording is this: “As part of a well regulated militia, being necessary for the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”

Yep, that's what it says, but remember that people back then talked a little differently than they do today.

The Constitution specifies the age for voting and states that the right to vote can be removed for criminals.

Common law, as well as common sense, allows access to ones guns be denied while in a prison or jail. For 145 years no one in government tried to restrict access upon release because they knew it wasn't allowed.

It is allowed because my state is one of them that does restrict firearm possession by ex-cons.
e-Verify will at least show if a person is already working in another state

And what if the illegal immigrant was working in his or her former state? When people want something bad enough they find ways to get it.

Undocumented immigrant workers get around E-Verify mandates in several ways. The first is by taking advantage of E-Verify’s biggest weakness: It checks the identification papers, not the worker. Thus, an undocumented immigrant worker can pass an E-Verify check if he hands somebody else’s identification to his employer. According to an audit for the federal government conducted by Westat, about 54 percent of undocumented immigrant workers are approved to work by E-Verify for this very reason.

Federal regulations on machine guns only work because there are other weapons available to fill the gap. If you ban firearms, even if they can get most out of the hands of criminals, they will start on knives and baseball bats next. It would reduce gun crime but not reduce crime a single bit.

Banning guns will only take them from law abiding citizens. Criminals don't care about what our laws are. That's why they're criminals in the first place. Then what we end up with is a disarmed society and an armed criminal element where the only other people that have guns are the police.
According to the 6th Circuit and the ATF, a bumpstock is a machine gun. That means that it is their intent to violate the 2nd Amendment. In any case, it threatens the 2nd Amendment as I explained: any time we allow the government to violate the Constitution we empower them to violate it again. In this case, specifically, the court held that the bumpstock IS a machine gun and the ATF can ban it. That is precedent that the ATF can change the law regarding gun rights without Congress or Article V. That precedent enables any and all future violations of the 2nd Amendment.
It violated the Constitution, either way. Which article, or amendment is violated is irrelevant.
If you don't know that to be the truth, then you have never read the second amendment. It was the Gun Lobby that has been convincing people that the second amendment says anyone can have a gun. Big money talks and that's another of the industries that have been funding GOP candidates. The actual wording is this: “As part of a well regulated militia, being necessary for the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”
You're a total fucking liar.
Specifically, the second amendment says that the right to bear arms in a well organized militia cannot be infringed upon. It doesn't say that the country should be allowed to become dodge city.
The Supreme Court said we should all be allowed to be armed - if you want to call that Dodge City, that's your business.

The long-awaited ruling was the first time the Supreme Court tackled an issue hotly debated by constitutional scholars – what the wording of the Second Amendment actually means. It says: “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”

Some gun foes argue that only “the people” as a group, such as in a state militia or national guard, can own guns – not individuals. On that basis, Washington passed a sweeping law banning virtually all handguns.

The high court ruled that Americans can keep them in their homes for self-defense. That ruling was in 2008. Today, states are passing laws allowing people to carry guns outside, even without a license.

A handgun is the preferred weapon, Justice Antonin Scalia said, in part because “it can be pointed at a burglar with one hand while the other hand dials the police.”

Bullshit. That is not what he said. Read it again.

Yes they do and not you or any private citizen has a use for them other than your ego.

Really, what makes it automatic is how fast you can pull the trigger. You are desperate for justifications

But the point being, your scenario is virtually impossible. If there where that many you'd be dead before you got your gun.
Expecting something that had never happened and unlikely to ever happen, is not justification. A well armed militia does not include or mention your right to shoot people in a group.

Youre wrong again. They are partly responsible for selling weapons to idiots who don't need them. Furthermore, the gun manufacturer was prosecuted and found guilty over the sandy hook massacre. Get some facts boy

So that's a justification? Youre getting more desperate.

Thats a pathetic argument.
There's simply no comparison. Guns are made for one thing. To kill. Cars are not.

same as above

Same again.

Exactly. That is why they are not necessary for your average garden variety idiot who gets one because he can. The 2nd has been taken completely out of context and promoted by the nra and republican party.
This is all too long and IDIOTIC to deserve the dignity of a response, other than to say that. Shame that airheads like this can't take the post he just quoted, and learn from it. But that's the kind of world we live in - full of idiots.
it is not a protect right to own a container full of guns you never use. Its says "a well armed militia".
Nothing else. You are not part of any militia. Just a bunch of wannabe ciwboys

I know heaps of democrats who have guns. That statement just shows your ignorance duckhead.
I never said you need permission I said you don't need that many guns or assault rifles and you don't.

Who cares? It can fire a lot if bullets very quickly. Youre be childishly pedantic with your justifications.

Oh wonderful. That keeps them out if the hands of idiots like you.

You've become very agitated about me questioning you. All the scenarios you suggest you need guns for are bullshit.
If be surprised if you used every one once a week for their designed purpose.
You can own a battalion of guns for all I care. There will be no invasion of the country, youve never defended yourself in your life and done fuck all about tyranny in the WH.
You have them for testosterone reasons.
The militia argument was settled by the US Supreme Court in 2008. If you don't like the decision, move to Russia or Cuba, CCBC (Commie Comic Book Character)
Yep, that's what it says, but remember that people back then talked a little differently than they do today.

That's not at all what it says.

I find it entirely shocking that I have to educate BOTH lefties and righties on this point.

You see, in the old days, there were no 'issues' associated with the militia. If you were called up to fight, you didn't get "issued" a rifle, you were expected to have your own.

And, at various points, the leftards in the various state governments sought to disarm their constituents during peacetime, and this federal document was an agreement that they COULD NOT AND WOULD NOT DO THAT.

Nothing has changed. If the Chinese show up at our doors tomorrow morning, there isn't going to be time to "issue" anyone anything.

And the reality is 2/3 of the guns in this country are unregistered. The Feebs have no idea where they are, or who owns them and who doesn't.

Strangely enough, in the event of an actual emergency, our lives would be in the hands of drug dealers and gang bangers. Because that's where 2/3 of the guns are.

Except of course if you own one yourself, in which case you stand a snowball's chance of protecting your family.
Every individual capable of bearing arms is a member of the Militia, organize or unorganized.

You flat lied as I proved, we all know it so just quit embarrassing yourself.

Pull your head out of your ass, stop lying, read Scalia's decision in Heller. It's all documented historically there.

You cannot raise a militia in times of emergency if they individuals lack the materials to show up prepared for a fight. The Militia is dependent on the individual, and the right is individual, right belong only to individuals, not gov't.
What is well regulated about guns through the mail or at gun shows?

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