Biden Position on Guns Is a Joke

So who's giving you advice on anything?
Try to keep up there Clint. You were telling me all about subsidies and what needs to be done. You just can't help yourself. What's your end game? Looking like an even bigger bozo than Trump played you for? You're workin' on it.
Try to keep up there Clint. You were telling me all about subsidies and what needs to be done. You just can't help yourself. What's your end game? Looking like an even bigger bozo than Trump played you for? You're workin' on it.

So let's see here: You were telling me about corporate subsidies, and I told you about green subsidies, but I'm a Bozo and not you. :eusa_shhh:
That's just it. We already know what happened, Nothing. All a ruse and a Trump fantasy. Designed to overthrow a free and fair election. Remember, he said If I win I'll accept that, but If Biden wins, then I can't accept it. Or something along those lines. And when he couldn't convince any court, he cooked up an armed insurrection. Simple as that. He's a fuckin' nut!
That's a lie because the people who have told you all the lies for the past five years are still lying to you.
No. We were talking about a couple of assholes who think they are clever.

No, we were talking about people and jobs where you claimed the middle-class was no longer. I responded by telling you there are a lot of good paying jobs around, but you have to get training for them and people are not doing that. Instead, they turn nuts onto bolts or sweep floors for minimum wage.
Never said that you should not want a gun. You tough guys should do what you want. Talked about the problems of the untrained and mentally ill and the ease at which they can have access to weapons of war. Talked about the proliferation of guns and it's relation to crime. You want to blow your neighbors head off, go for it if it makes you feel like a man.
You are confused.

I am a firearms instructor and a range officer. I see all kinds of shooters. Most of what I do on the range is teach and enforce gun safety so I pretty well know what I am talking about.

The thing that you don't seem to understand is that the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms is not merit based. In fact the right is expressed as to not be allowed to be infringed upon.

We don't need or want stupid Liberals deciding who should have access to firearms and who shouldn't. When they do they always go bat shit crazy overboard and be oppressive with the right. Just looked at the oppressive gun control laws in the Democrat controlled states.

For instance, in New York those Libtard yokels passed that stupid SAFE Act. A couple of weeks later a decorated veteran was arrested because he had an unloaded AR magazine in the trunk of his car. No AR and no ammo but the government thugs arrested him because of what was presented as "reasonable gun control". A few months later a guy went to see his doctor for having insomnia and under the filthy SAFE Act "mental health" provisions the doctor felt compelled to report him to the government thugs. The jackbooted government thugs came to his home and confiscated his firearms. How fucking oppressive is that?

In New Jersey they have also have oppressive gun control laws that the stupid Liberals claim are reasonable. A lady was traveling from Texas to Maine with a young child. She carried a legally obtained pistol in her vehicle for protection. She was arrested because having the pistol was against New Jersey's "reasonable" gun control laws. There was no crime other than the infringing shitheads didn't think it was reasonable for her to have possession of the firearm.

I could give you many more examples of what you stupid assholes think are reason but aren't.

The last thing we need are liberals deciding how to run our lives because they will always do the wrong thing and we will have Liberties taken away.

I trust the people I see I at the gun range whom own AR-15s a lot more than I trust Liberal government shitheads and government thugs.

By the way, moron. An AR-15 is not a weapon of war. I know of no military in the world that uses AR-15s. My 30 AR-15s are used for recreational purposes mostly. They are are also available for self defense although I doubt I will ever use one for that. They are also necessary for "the security of a free state", as envisioned by the guys that established this country and knew what they were talking about.
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You seem to forget he eliminated hundreds of deductions, credits, and tax shelters in doing so and for the first time in history the wealthy started paying the bulk of all federal income taxes.

They still do.
Payroll taxes are now as much, and 47% don't pay fed income tax. And that's the tax the dupes are brainwashed to only think about. Count all taxes and everyone pays 27% on average and the nonrich get screwed again. Worst inequality and upward mobility ever and anywhere, super dupe...Great job!!
You are confused.

I am a firearms instructor and a range officer. I see all kinds of shooters. Most of what I do on the range is teach and enforce gun safety so I pretty well know what I am talking about.

The thing that you don't seem to understand is that the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms is not merit based. In fact the right is expressed as to not be allowed to be infringed upon.

We don't need or want stupid Liberals deciding who should have access to firearms and who shouldn't. When they do they always go bat shit crazy overboard and be oppressive with the right. Just looked at the oppressive gun control laws in the Democrat controlled states.

For instance, in New York those Libtard yokels passed that stupid SAFE Act. A couple of weeks later a decorated veteran was arrested because he had an unloaded AR magazine in the trunk of his car. No AR and no ammo but the government thugs arrested him because of what was presented as "reasonable gun control". A few months later a guy went to see his doctor for having insomnia and under the filthy SAFE Act "mental health" provisions the doctor felt compelled to report him to the government thugs. The jackbooted government thugs came to his home and confiscated his firearms. How fucking oppressive is that?

In New Jersey they have also have oppressive gun control laws that the stupid Liberals claim are reasonable. A lady was traveling from Texas to Maine with a young child. She carried a legally obtained pistol in her vehicle for protection. She was arrested because having the pistol was against New Jersey's "reasonable" gun control laws. There was no crime other than the infringing shitheads didn't think it was reasonable for her to have possession of the firearm.

I could give you many more examples of what you stupid assholes think are reason but aren't.

The last thing we need are liberals deciding how to run our lives because they will always do the wrong thing and we will have Liberties taken away.

I trust the people I see I at the gun range whom own AR-15s a lot more than I trust Liberal government shitheads and government thugs.

By the way, moron. An AR-15 is not a weapon of war. I know of no military in the world that uses AR-15s. My 30 AR-15s are used for recreational purposes mostly. They are are also available for self defense although I doubt I will ever use one for that. They are also necessary for "the security of a free state", as envisioned by the guys that established this country and knew what they were talking about.
Okay asshole, Or should I call you butthole. An AR15 can be converted easily to mimic an M16. Fully automatic. That can't be done with a hunting rifle etc. You have 30 AR's ? What are you paranoid about? And BTW your interpretation of the second amendment is just that, opinion. It will be challenged in the future, you can bet on it. You are just another gun nut idiot who thinks it makes him taller or some shit. It doesn't. It makes you look like what you are, A child trying to look like a bad ass. Again, you're not. Now, piss off!
No, we were talking about people and jobs where you claimed the middle-class was no longer. I responded by telling you there are a lot of good paying jobs around, but you have to get training for them and people are not doing that. Instead, they turn nuts onto bolts or sweep floors for minimum wage.
Might have something to do with expensive training and sacrifice is too great to save the greedy idiot lying GOP megarich, super duper....
No, we were talking about people and jobs where you claimed the middle-class was no longer. I responded by telling you there are a lot of good paying jobs around, but you have to get training for them and people are not doing that. Instead, they turn nuts onto bolts or sweep floors for minimum wage.
What you don't want to understand is that NOT EVERYONE IS BUILT TO BE TECHNICAL, AND TO WORK FOR MIN WAGE IS TO LIVE IN ABJECT POVERTY. I ask NOTHING for myself. I do just fine. I ask that we treat those not as fortunate with dignity and stop looking down our fuckin' noses at them as if they don't exist or even matter. You have this attitude typical of many Trumpers. No skills, having a hard time? Fuck ya, figure it out. I'm a proud Liberal and you're an elitest asswipe.
Might have something to do with expensive training and sacrifice is too great to save the greedy idiot lying GOP megarich, super duper....
Thanks. Yeah, the right and particularly Trumpers have taken on his image and his madness. It is now just dandy to say, So what if my fellow man is falling further and further behind. Let them find a way to come up with a ton of loot to retrain and those who can't be trained are shit outta luck. And, so what if folks are going bankrupt and losing everything because of medical bills. They chose to be poor. Fuck em! Not my problem. And the greed of the corporations and the uber rich is present in both Party's but certainly more prevalent on the GOP side. The meager attempts at leveling the playing field by Democrats are always met with massive resistance by the GOP. And we've even got a couple of DINO's who have been bought off by monied interests and so all hope is lost. We have become a divided nation and that division has tripled under the Trump administration. Not only by economic class but by race, sex, country of origin, religious affiliation and on and on. And those who are Trump sheep are not only accept-ant of the situation but more than happy to help spread the venom. Seems they feel more than, better than, more de-servant and entitled than and more dismissive of the struggles of their fellow man. It's scary to think of what is happening and how our kids and theirs will fare in the future. Drug prices will continue the climb, healthcare will become even more unavailable to everyone but the elite and families will continue to live under more and more pressure. And the thing that would set us on a much needed different path is being vilified, labeled as communism, socialism, unaffordable etc while the folks that continue to deny the working man a hand up are the first to grab it for themselves. People have been sold a bill of goods that I never imagined would be bought by so many Americans, Even those who need help badly have been trained to vote against their own interests time and time again. Rant over.
Okay asshole, Or should I call you butthole. An AR15 can be converted easily to mimic an M16. Fully automatic. That can't be done with a hunting rifle etc. You have 30 AR's ? What are you paranoid about? And BTW your interpretation of the second amendment is just that, opinion. It will be challenged in the future, you can bet on it. You are just another gun nut idiot who thinks it makes him taller or some shit. It doesn't. It makes you look like what you are, A child trying to look like a bad ass. Again, you're not. Now, piss off!

If you convert an AR-15 into full auto then that is already a crime.

I have 30 ARs because I like to build and shoot them and it is none of your fucking business. I have never used them for a crime and never have the intentions of doing it so you can go fuck yourself being a little pussy. You need to grow up and stop being an asshole concerned with what other people do. Just like you stupid hate filled Moon Bats to try to run other people's lives.

There are a couple of cases before the Supreme Court now that may settle this issue forever if the Court has the courage to rule the right way. The problem is that the Court has never ruled that State and Locals must apply Strict Scrutiny to gun laws. In other words the government must have a really good reason to deny a citizen their Constitutional Right to Keep and Bear Arms. The same level of scrutiny that we for freedom of religion and free speech.

Since the Court took the New York case and based upon the comments in the oral arguments it looks like the Court will be putting an end to all this Moon Bat infringement on the right to keep and bear arms and that is a good thing.

If you don't like the Consititonal Right to Keep and Bear then you have two choices; either move to another country or go fuck yourself. That is one of the basic Liberties of this country.
What you don't want to understand is that NOT EVERYONE IS BUILT TO BE TECHNICAL, AND TO WORK FOR MIN WAGE IS TO LIVE IN ABJECT POVERTY. I ask NOTHING for myself. I do just fine. I ask that we treat those not as fortunate with dignity and stop looking down our fuckin' noses at them as if they don't exist or even matter. You have this attitude typical of many Trumpers. No skills, having a hard time? Fuck ya, figure it out. I'm a proud Liberal and you're an elitest asswipe.

You leftists are so brain dead. You think people create work so that others can have a job. Got news for ya: that's not why jobs are created.

If you don't like what some are paying their employees, open up a similar company and pay your employees what you want. You'll be out of business within a year. You don't understand competition. You don't understand business. You don't understand the American consumer. You can't compete against me paying your employees twice as much as I pay mine. That's why no skill jobs pay what they do.
Might have something to do with expensive training and sacrifice is too great to save the greedy idiot lying GOP megarich, super duper....

Then you don't go to college. Go to trade school. Much cheaper, you graduate and get into the workforce much quicker, and you'll make more money over a lifetime.

My employer sent his son to tractor-trailer school. It cost him $2,500. You can pay that back in a month once you start working. School will even guarantee you a job upon graduation. If you don't like that, some companies will train people to get a CDL for free if you sign a contract to work for them for one year.

My father is another good example of this. To be a bricklayer apprentice all you have to do is sign on the dotted line. The union will get you a job, pay for all your schooling, and you will have a profession that pays very well, and all you have to do is buy your own tools which is under $100.00.

Excuses are like assholes: everybody has one. If you ever go to a library (which I doubt) ask the librarian where they keep the books written by successful excuse makers. She'll just look at you with a confused face because all excuse makers are failures.
If you convert an AR-15 into full auto then that is already a crime.

I have 30 ARs because I like to build and shoot them and it is none of your fucking business. I have never used them for a crime and never have the intentions of doing it so you can go fuck yourself being a little pussy. You need to grow up and stop being an asshole concerned with what other people do. Just like you stupid hate filled Moon Bats to try to run other people's lives.

There are a couple of cases before the Supreme Court now that may settle this issue forever if the Court has the courage to rule the right way. The problem is that the Court has never ruled that State and Locals must apply Strict Scrutiny to gun laws. In other words the government must have a really good reason to deny a citizen their Constitutional Right to Keep and Bear Arms. The same level of scrutiny that we for freedom of religion and free speech.

Since the Court took the New York case and based upon the comments in the oral arguments it looks like the Court will be putting an end to all this Moon Bat infringement on the right to keep and bear arms and that is a good thing.

If you don't like the Consititonal Right to Keep and Bear then you have two choices; either move to another country or go fuck yourself. That is one of the basic Liberties of this country.
You came at me, asshole. The fact that you can't handle it shows who the fuckin' baby is. Since you have so many ARs you can afford to stick one up your ass. Don't forget the KY. If your guns are none of my business, why did you bring it up? trying to impress me or yourself? Just another gun nut moron. Go fuck myself? Shit, if I could do that, I'd never leave the house. Like I said before, those guns won't make you taller or more manly or whatever your shortcoming is. You can buy twenty more and you'll still be the Douchebag that you are. Let's keep this going. it's a hoot!
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You leftists are so brain dead. You think people create work so that others can have a job. Got news for ya: that's not why jobs are created.

If you don't like what some are paying their employees, open up a similar company and pay your employees what you want. You'll be out of business within a year. You don't understand competition. You don't understand business. You don't understand the American consumer. You can't compete against me paying your employees twice as much as I pay mine. That's why no skill jobs pay what they do.
What makes you think I'm interested in a fuckin' thing you have to say? Go back to getting off on a picture of The Donald. Elitist shithead.
Then you don't go to college. Go to trade school. Much cheaper, you graduate and get into the workforce much quicker, and you'll make more money over a lifetime.

My employer sent his son to tractor-trailer school. It cost him $2,500. You can pay that back in a month once you start working. School will even guarantee you a job upon graduation. If you don't like that, some companies will train people to get a CDL for free if you sign a contract to work for them for one year.

My father is another good example of this. To be a bricklayer apprentice all you have to do is sign on the dotted line. The union will get you a job, pay for all your schooling, and you will have a profession that pays very well, and all you have to do is buy your own tools which is under $100.00.

Excuses are like assholes: everybody has one. If you ever go to a library (which I doubt) ask the librarian where they keep the books written by successful excuse makers. She'll just look at you with a confused face because all excuse makers are failures.
So your boss's kid was able to do it? Miss the point much? The GOP has screwed regular people, people didn't just get lazy and stupid like you dupes believe....

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