Biden Position on Guns Is a Joke

If we didn't eliminate unions you would just have more jobs leaving the country. The ones that couldn't leave would have invested in more automation, the number one jobs killer in the US. WTF would ever make anybody think that if they unionized, a company will just have to sit there and take it? Unions were a bubble like the tech bubble, like the housing bubble. All bubbles burst.
Let them leave! There will be plenty of start ups to fill the void. And if they don't want to treat those who built their fortunes with dignity, Fuck Em. Openings for new companies as the unAmerican corporations fled would be the dream of many an investor. That's part of the overall problem. Corporations have far too much political power and we shouldn't let them dictate policy and by doing so, determine how the working man will live.
Let them leave! There will be plenty of start ups to fill the void. And if they don't want to treat those who built their fortunes with dignity, Fuck Em. Openings for new companies as the unAmerican corporations fled would be the dream of many an investor. That's part of the overall problem. Corporations have far too much political power and we shouldn't let them dictate policy and by doing so, determine how the working man will live.

Yeah, let them leave. Well many did, that's why we were so Fd when we got hit with covid. We didn't have any PPE, and we had to wait for companies outside of the US to make it and they sure didn't put the US first as if they were making it here.

There are no US startups because a US company can't compete price wise with any foreign entity as I tried to explain to you. Try it yourself and see what happens. The US consumer will always opt for a cheaper product every time. How do you think Walmart made it to number one?
Trump's economy was simply a continuation of the Obama economy but with deregulations allowing companies to pollute freely. And even then he managed to fuck up by his moronic Covid response. And the withdrawal from Affy is so easy to criticize. No clean or easy way to exit a war zone, that was proven in Vietnam. And it's so easy to forget Trump's withdrawal from Syria. Left our allies to be slaughtered by Turkey from the east and Russia from the north. But the Trump clan doesn't want to talk about that. Convenient as hell. He literally did a favor for Erdogon and his daddy, Putin. And to suggest that Trump was tougher on him or would have a winning response for the Ukraine invasion because Putin feared him, is absurd. He didn't fear him. Trump was doing for him everything he ever dreamed of. Alienating our NATO aligned partners and even threatened to pull out of NATO altogether. Denied that Putin interfered in our elections and even denigrated our Intel agencies on the world stage. And as the invasion in Ukraine started Trump Praised him for his "Genius!" For you to not put two and two together after that is the very signature of an indoctrinated fool.

So you deny Putin was smart? He waited until our leadership was weak enough for him to safely attack Ukraine. Trump was too balsey. He was afraid of what Trump would do because Trump was pro-American. And do you think Dementia took our allies in Afghanistan with us? He didn't even take Americans with us. He took the military out first and then tried to leave. What a buffoon. Even his ass kissing Generals told him not to do something that stupid and he didn't listen.

So how did Trump fuckup the covid response? And don't tell me what Trump said, show me what Trump did. Trump had less covid deaths under his watch even though DumBama cleaned out our PPE and never replaced it than Dementia did with three Trump vaccines that Trump didn't have yet. And yes, that deregulation and lowering taxes on our job producers DID help create the economy we enjoyed right up until Dementia's buddies in China sent us their flu.

Now that Dementia stopped the Keystone, stopped new oil exploration and drilling on public land, put more costly regulations in place, he put Putin in the drivers seat. So how is your green now that we are looking at a potential nuclear war?
So you deny Putin was smart? He waited until our leadership was weak enough for him to safely attack Ukraine. Trump was too balsey. He was afraid of what Trump would do because Trump was pro-American. And do you think Dementia took our allies in Afghanistan with us? He didn't even take Americans with us. He took the military out first and then tried to leave. What a buffoon. Even his ass kissing Generals told him not to do something that stupid and he didn't listen.

So how did Trump fuckup the covid response? And don't tell me what Trump said, show me what Trump did. Trump had less covid deaths under his watch even though DumBama cleaned out our PPE and never replaced it than Dementia did with three Trump vaccines that Trump didn't have yet. And yes, that deregulation and lowering taxes on our job producers DID help create the economy we enjoyed right up until Dementia's buddies in China sent us their flu.

Now that Dementia stopped the Keystone, stopped new oil exploration and drilling on public land, put more costly regulations in place, he put Putin in the drivers seat. So how is your green now that we are looking at a potential nuclear war?
Could you possibly be any more delusional? I'm gonna call you Comrade from this point. Could you be any more anti-American? Fuck off you traitorous asshole.
What a bunch of 8 year olds on this thread, Little smiley faces, little animations and Imoges. I suppose that's supposed to mean something intellectual. It doesn't. Adults won't take you serious if you act like babies. It's so easy to see why you all became Trump sheep. So easily led by your little childish noses. How does it feel to be such suckers?
What a bunch of 8 year olds on this thread, Little smiley faces, little animations and Imoges. I suppose that's supposed to mean something intellectual. It doesn't. Adults won't take you serious if you act like babies. It's so easy to see why you all became Trump sheep. So easily led by your little childish noses. How does it feel to be such suckers?

You don't understand. We do that because we know it irritates people like you. :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :badgrin::laughing0301::auiqs.jpg::badgrin::laughing0301::auiqs.jpg::badgrin:
You don't understand. We do that because we know it irritates people like you. :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :badgrin::laughing0301::auiqs.jpg::badgrin::laughing0301::auiqs.jpg::badgrin:
Okay little fella. Cute little Comrade. I'm pinching your little cheeks through the screen. You're adorable. Now if you could stop being a spoiled brat you might actually seem normal.
Can't wait til when gas prices fall again so mysteriously like they always do. They'll probably credit Trump for that. Just can't help themselves. Silly little comrade lambs that they are. It's a hoot.
Can't wait til when gas prices fall again so mysteriously like they always do. They'll probably credit Trump for that. Just can't help themselves. Silly little comrade lambs that they are. It's a hoot.

The only way that will happen is if Dementia adopts Trump's successful policies. But don't count on that. His and the Communist parties' goals are to do everything opposite Trump. That's why the country is in this bad of shape.

Prices are going to rise even higher, just like the cost of living. Dementia signed away another 1.5 trillion dollars of debt for your green dream. It's only going to get worse from here--not better.
The only way that will happen is if Dementia adopts Trump's successful policies. But don't count on that. His and the Communist parties' goals are to do everything opposite Trump. That's why the country is in this bad of shape.

Prices are going to rise even higher, just like the cost of living. Dementia signed away another 1.5 trillion dollars of debt for your green dream. It's only going to get worse from here--not better.
Everything opposite Trump. Now that's a winning strategy for America. Trump is a winning strategy for big daddy Putin and hatred, and division. You've gotta pay attention little Comrade. I know you love your big Orange blowhard Daddy but daddy is a fuckin' Nut!
Everything opposite Trump. Now that's a winning strategy for America. Trump is a winning strategy for big daddy Putin and hatred, and division. You've gotta pay attention little Comrade. I know you love your big Orange blowhard Daddy but daddy is a fuckin' Nut!

Russia, Russia. Russia.jpeg

That Putin shit is getting as old as the racism shit on your side. Try to come up with something new and not outdated. Trump didn't kiss Putin's ass and allow him to run his pipeline making Europe dependent on them, Dementia did that.

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