Biden Position on Guns Is a Joke

What a bunch of 8 year olds on this thread, Little smiley faces, little animations and Imoges. I suppose that's supposed to mean something intellectual. It doesn't. Adults won't take you serious if you act like babies. It's so easy to see why you all became Trump sheep. So easily led by your little childish noses. How does it feel to be such suckers?
Who's the sucker?

You're the one who wants to spend time ànd money on meaningless legislation that no one will ever obey.
You idiots spent those eight years trying to drum up false charges on Obama without a bit of success. But we will make a bunch of Trump's crimes stick. Because his were of the real variety. Just watch!
Stupid leftie. ^^^

Democrats will be TROUNCED this election.

And next.

And next.
What specifically is it he was supposed to do that wasn't done?
Well, start with his purposefully lying about Covid and its seriousness. That was uncovered when he confessed that to Bob Woodward in an interview. He wanted the testing to stop or be drastically reduced so that, in his words, "Less testing fewer cases!" Moron. Then he pushed for ridiculous treatments and cures like injecting bleach or breathing disinfectant, or shining a light in the body. HA HA etc. Pushed Hydroxychloroquin as a cure, belittled scientists who actually know how to handle viruses. Fucked with the CDC over and over. Kept a steamship from disembarking its passengers so it wouldn't look bad on a numbers report. Did you forget those things? How about, "just like magic, it will disappear!? That was a good one. Are you fuckin' nuts?
Stupid leftie. ^^^

Democrats will be TROUNCED this election.

And next.

And next.
Maybe, that has been the historic pattern of midterms. But folks are tiring of Trumpism and we'll see. Even the propaganda networks are starting to grow weary of his madness and trumpist congress people. We still have 7 months to make our case. Don't count your chickens, Clint.
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Of course no, you are a dishonorable son of a bitch and apparently don't mind displaying it for the whole world to see.
That from a little lamb being led around by the nose by an idiot scoundrel. How does it feel being dumber than the biggest moron ever to occupy a political position.
You have a fixation on the GOP, those 3 letters mentioned in about every one of your posts. What you don't have (as is typical of information-deprived victims of liberal OMISSION media), is much of any knowledge of what's been happening in recent years.

GOP screwed regular people, you think ? Man, are you ever DUPED. Wanna buy a bridge in Brooklyn ?


5. created 10 million jobs in 4 months, created over 400,000 manufacturing jobs,
6. unemployment claims hit 50 year low,
7. lowest unemployment for blacks, Hispanics, Asians, and disabled in US history, 8.lowest unemployment for women in over 70 years,
9. lowest unemployment rate ever recorded for Americans without a high school diploma,
10. 4 million Americans off food stamps,
11. vocational training topped 4 million - highest ever,
12. highest median wage in US history .
13. Obamacare individual mandate penalty GONE,
14. FDA approved more affordable generic drugs than ever before in history. > drug companies are freezing or reversing planned price increases,
15. reformed the Medicare program to stop hospitals from overcharging low-income seniors on their drugs—saving seniors hundreds of millions of dollars,
17. $6 billion in NEW funding to fight the opioid epidemic (the most ever),
34. created 8,700 Opportunity Zones with investment incentives for companies to invest in distressed communities
42. increased wages for military personnel
43. Through the COVID pandemic, our Covid mortality rate was REDUCED from over 17,000/week in April. to about 2000/week in June. and remained very low throughout the year, as a result of the many smart things that the president has done. 90% REDUCTION. > HUGE SUCCESS
52. fast, continual development of a vaccine, and rapid success of Operation Warp Speed.
55. Got $ 250 Million/year to black colleges.
yes, his greatest thing was not wrecking obama's revovery. and then he did lol...
yes, his greatest thing was not wrecking obama's revovery. and then he did lol...
Poor Information-deprived liberal screws up another one. Your media never showed you the famous V-GRAPH. It's about time you found out. Obama's last 2 years were a GDP SINKING failure. Trump's first 2 years, rescued us from that, with INCREASING GDPs.
You're welcome. No need to be DUPED ignorant any longer.


Well, start with his purposefully lying about Covid and its seriousness. That was uncovered when he confessed that to Bob Woodward in an interview. He wanted the testing to stop or be drastically reduced so that, in his words, "Less testing fewer cases!" Moron. Then he pushed for ridiculous treatments and cures like injecting bleach or breathing disinfectant, or shining a light in the body. HA HA etc. Pushed Hydroxychloroquin as a cure, belittled scientists who actually know how to handle viruses. Fucked with the CDC over and over. Kept a steamship from disembarking its passengers so it wouldn't look bad on a numbers report. Did you forget those things? How about, "just like magic, it will disappear!? That was a good one. Are you fuckin' nuts?
You lie to smear Trump claiming he lies.

Brilliant, absolutely fucking brilliant.

The US total Covid Case mortality rate is 1.2%, approximately the same as a bad outbreak of H1N1.

Total mortality rate for the country? .295%
Total mortality for the 1918 Spanish flu in the US? .658%

So just as he said, similar to a bad year of The Flu. Of course the symptoms for colds, flu, and Covid are so similar as to often be indistinguishable without testing too.

The second is an absolute lie, he never said shit about injecting bleach.

UV Bronchoscopy was at the time already being explored by one of the top research hospitals in the world, MDA.

The same hospital was experimenting with pulmonary lavage treatments using an idodine mist for another condition at the same time not to mention we've been using Iodine both internally to treat lesions in the mouth, trachea/throat and esophagus for a century and Sodium Iodide IV for almost as long.

The people were quarantined on the damned cruise ship to keep them from spreading it ashore you idiot.

"just like magic, it will disappear!?

That's what happens with every pandemic, sooner or later they all end. Thankfully Omicron has spread like fire leaving long lasting immunity to all strains for those exposed.

Now, can you answer my question?

What needed to be done that wasn't? What measures could he have taken that were not taken which would have had an impact on the pandemic. Again, be specific.

At worst he's guilty of trying to avoid unnecessarily panicking the public, rather than as Fauci did lying to them because he was more concerned with health care worker's safety than that of average Americans trying to buy masks to help slow/stop the spread to protect themselves and their families.

Then explain for us why more people died of Covid during Bidens' reign than during the Trump Administration when Biden had all the tools in place thanks to the previous administration including vaccines ready to go and a distribution system already in place to get them to the state health authorities and more than a year's lead time on available treatments that the previous administration did not have.
Maybe, that has been the historic pattern of midterms. But folks are tiring of Trumpism and we'll see. Even the propaganda networks are starting to grow weary of his madness and trumpist congress people. We still have 7 months to make our case. Don't count your chickens, Clint.
You have no case to make other than warning your fellow dem's to man the life boats. :auiqs.jpg:
You lie to smear Trump claiming he lies.

Brilliant, absolutely fucking brilliant.

The US total Covid Case mortality rate is 1.2%, approximately the same as a bad outbreak of H1N1.

Total mortality rate for the country? .295%
Total mortality for the 1918 Spanish flu in the US? .658%

So just as he said, similar to a bad year of The Flu. Of course the symptoms for colds, flu, and Covid are so similar as to often be indistinguishable without testing too.

The second is an absolute lie, he never said shit about injecting bleach.

UV Bronchoscopy was at the time already being explored by one of the top research hospitals in the world, MDA.

The same hospital was experimenting with pulmonary lavage treatments using an idodine mist for another condition at the same time not to mention we've been using Iodine both internally to treat lesions in the mouth, trachea/throat and esophagus for a century and Sodium Iodide IV for almost as long.

The people were quarantined on the damned cruise ship to keep them from spreading it ashore you idiot.

That's what happens with every pandemic, sooner or later they all end. Thankfully Omicron has spread like fire leaving long lasting immunity to all strains for those exposed.

Now, can you answer my question?

What needed to be done that wasn't? What measures could he have taken that were not taken which would have had an impact on the pandemic. Again, be specific.

At worst he's guilty of trying to avoid unnecessarily panicking the public, rather than as Fauci did lying to them because he was more concerned with health care worker's safety than that of average Americans trying to buy masks to help slow/stop the spread to protect themselves and their families.

Then explain for us why more people died of Covid during Bidens' reign than during the Trump Administration when Biden had all the tools in place thanks to the previous administration including vaccines ready to go and a distribution system already in place to get them to the state health authorities and more than a year's lead time on available treatments that the previous administration did not have.
More excuse making. "Less testing- Fewer cases, right? He's responsible for at least 200,000 unnecessary deaths with all of his encouraging folks not to wear masks and holding maskless rallies in the midst of the pandemic. And he did suggest injecting Disinfectants which he later tried to walk back. Bleach is a disinfectant. Manufacturers of bleach products were so concerned that they issued press releases to tell folks not to drink or inject bleach. Avoid panicking? Yeah, that was his excuse but his effort to hide the numbers and hold rallies demonstrates that he's a madman who didn't give a shit about the people until he got Corona himself and even then it took him a while to tell folks to wear masks. Biden had to convince people that they should be vaccinated because trump and his clowns were saying not to. Biden had to overcome the stupidity of Trumpian nonsense and had to issue mandates because by that time Covid was spreading like wildfire and new variants were appearing. If left up to Trump, there would probably be two million dead. Indistinguishable from flu without testing. I agree. But trump did everything in his sick mind to discourage testing so his numbers would look better. You love that screwball so much? Please keep him but don't let him out among normal people. And that whole Herd immunity thing that you advocate is the kind of thing that can cost many lives, you fuckin' stupid fuck! We're talking about nearly a million dead and you make claims about any form of covid being helpful? We wouldn't have gotten to the numbers we had without that kind of dangerous rhetoric and propaganda. Trump cared about healthcare workers? If he did he wouldn't have held rallies all over while belittling folks for wearing masks. Trump cares about Trump Period! Have I ever told you that you are an idiot and a sucker? If not, I just did.
Once again making a fool of yourself. I didn't vote for him either time and won't if he runs again.
Oh, pardon me. How could I have made such an assumption? LOL Give me a break. You defend every screwup he makes and every and lie he spews. Face it. You're a little lamb who keeps his nose stuck to papa rams ass. It's embarrassing.
Oh, pardon me. How could I have made such an assumption? LOL Give me a break. You defend every screwup he makes and every and lie he spews. Face it. You're a little lamb who keeps his nose stuck to papa rams ass. It's embarrassing.

You're not so bad. As far as liberals go, you're okay. :)
More excuse making. "Less testing- Fewer cases, right? He's responsible for at least 200,000 unnecessary deaths with all of his encouraging folks not to wear masks and holding maskless rallies in the midst of the pandemic. And he did suggest injecting Disinfectants which he later tried to walk back. Bleach is a disinfectant. Manufacturers of bleach products were so concerned that they issued press releases to tell folks not to drink or inject bleach. Avoid panicking? Yeah, that was his excuse but his effort to hide the numbers and hold rallies demonstrates that he's a madman who didn't give a shit about the people until he got Corona himself and even then it took him a while to tell folks to wear masks. Biden had to convince people that they should be vaccinated because trump and his clowns were saying not to. Biden had to overcome the stupidity of Trumpian nonsense and had to issue mandates because by that time Covid was spreading like wildfire and new variants were appearing. If left up to Trump, there would probably be two million dead. Indistinguishable from flu without testing. I agree. But trump did everything in his sick mind to discourage testing so his numbers would look better. You love that screwball so much? Please keep him but don't let him out among normal people. And that whole Herd immunity thing that you advocate is the kind of thing that can cost many lives, you fuckin' stupid fuck! We're talking about nearly a million dead and you make claims about any form of covid being helpful? We wouldn't have gotten to the numbers we had without that kind of dangerous rhetoric and propaganda. Trump cared about healthcare workers? If he did he wouldn't have held rallies all over while belittling folks for wearing masks. Trump cares about Trump Period! Have I ever told you that you are an idiot and a sucker? If not, I just did.
Now you're just fabricating bullshit again. Trump never told people not to wear masks and you can't even show one excess death occurred among those going maskless.

A mask wouldn't do squat for you anyhow without a face mask since there's a direct pathway from your eyes to the sinuses.

Lots of things are "disinfectants" such as Iodine and UV light, both of which are shown to be highly effective at killing the virus.

The Mortality rate from Omicron is less than that of the Flu and about the same as the common cold, around 1:40,000 people and those are people who were already on the verge of death from other conditions who were likely to die from any new respiratory infection.

All you have are lies and seething hatred to offer.

You cannot show where Trump ever told people not to get tested, that's just another lie.

Herd immunity is how you stop a pandemic you idiot and the fastest way to achieve it is with Omicron which has very mild symptoms and leaves people with better, stronger, lasting immunity than any of the vaccines.

Natural immunity has shown to be 6x stronger and much longer lasting than immunity from any of the vaccines.

You're simply lying again, Trump never told people not to get vaccinated and you know it. He's been widely criticized by the anti vaxx nutters for still promoting the vaccine so why are you lying again?

Oh, pardon me. How could I have made such an assumption? LOL Give me a break. You defend every screwup he makes and every and lie he spews. Face it. You're a little lamb who keeps his nose stuck to papa rams ass. It's embarrassing.
There you go lying again. When he was wrong I said so and still do.
Now you're just fabricating bullshit again. Trump never told people not to wear masks and you can't even show one excess death occurred among those going maskless.

A mask wouldn't do squat for you anyhow without a face mask since there's a direct pathway from your eyes to the sinuses.

Lots of things are "disinfectants" such as Iodine and UV light, both of which are shown to be highly effective at killing the virus.

The Mortality rate from Omicron is less than that of the Flu and about the same as the common cold, around 1:40,000 people and those are people who were already on the verge of death from other conditions who were likely to die from any new respiratory infection.

All you have are lies and seething hatred to offer.

You cannot show where Trump ever told people not to get tested, that's just another lie.

Herd immunity is how you stop a pandemic you idiot and the fastest way to achieve it is with Omicron which has very mild symptoms and leaves people with better, stronger, lasting immunity than any of the vaccines.

Natural immunity has shown to be 6x stronger and much longer lasting than immunity from any of the vaccines.

You're simply lying again, Trump never told people not to get vaccinated and you know it. He's been widely criticized by the anti vaxx nutters for still promoting the vaccine so why are you lying again?

You're so full of shit that you can't wear a hat. You'll believe any horse hooey that Trump and his clown posse step in. He has you silly geese hanging on every moronic word he says. When will you robots understand that you are backing the biggest loser in American history? The lowest of the low and the dumbest of the dumb. And you folks are obviously two steps below him on the stupid scale. It's gonna be a revelation when reality strikes you all of a sudden and you have to face the fact that you are the easiest of marks. You accuse me of lying and what I have to say about that is whatever I've said that you find fault with is close enough to the truth for you fools. You have no gauge by which to distinguish one from the other because you have been conditioned to believe any fuckin' thing. I've gotta say though you Sheep are an interesting flock, as flocks go. You managed to turn off most of your senses so you can maintain the fallacy that you will die trying to justify. Your guy is a monster and a fraud and yes. I do hate that traitorous fuck. He earns every bit of it. And I'm not too fond of his apologists like you fools either. A sad bunch of reality deniers. Snap out of it or you're gonna have some Splainin' to do, to your family, friends and yourselves.

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