Biden Position on Guns Is a Joke

You're a sick little fuck, aren't you?

Just like a vicious little liberal, goes after the children.

Fuck you. I hope we meet in a dark alley someday.
He hopes so too. He knows all about your legendary mouth. But what's that there Orange stuff on yer lips?
I yield to your obvious anal expertise. Glad you have found your place in life.
And I'm glad fer you too Clint! Who says there's no such thing as a free lunch? Guess we proved them rascals wrong. I'm also available for dinners and dancin'
From QUORA: From what I’ve seen, The Hill’s news reporting is pretty even handed and accurate, although the site is considered to be slightly right leaning.

However, they also employ John Solomon as their executive VP of digital video and as a columnist. With a strong background in investigative journalism, his work of late has descended into promoting baseless conspiracy theories, like the widely discredited Uranium One. I’ve seen stories of his promoted by the right-wing media in the past couple of years that have fallen apart under scrutiny.
From QUORA: From what I’ve seen, The Hill’s news reporting is pretty even handed and accurate, although the site is considered to be slightly right leaning.

However, they also employ John Solomon as their executive VP of digital video and as a columnist. With a strong background in investigative journalism, his work of late has descended into promoting baseless conspiracy theories, like the widely discredited Uranium One. I’ve seen stories of his promoted by the right-wing media in the past couple of years that have fallen apart under scrutiny.
Quara? Seriously? Anyone can answer a question on Quora and do so anonymously.
Quara? Seriously? Anyone can answer a question on Quora and do so anonymously.
All it proves is that if you want to support any position including if pigs can fly, you can find it. And anyone who challenges that source better stand by because there will be a hundred more. Nature of the beast. Especially since the GOP has created such division. A wise man keeps his eyes and ears open and his mind as well and you can figure it out.
More excuse making. "Less testing- Fewer cases, right? He's responsible for at least 200,000 unnecessary deaths with all of his encouraging folks not to wear masks and holding maskless rallies in the midst of the pandemic. And he did suggest injecting Disinfectants which he later tried to walk back. Bleach is a disinfectant. Manufacturers of bleach products were so concerned that they issued press releases to tell folks not to drink or inject bleach. Avoid panicking? Yeah, that was his excuse but his effort to hide the numbers and hold rallies demonstrates that he's a madman who didn't give a shit about the people until he got Corona himself and even then it took him a while to tell folks to wear masks. Biden had to convince people that they should be vaccinated because trump and his clowns were saying not to. Biden had to overcome the stupidity of Trumpian nonsense and had to issue mandates because by that time Covid was spreading like wildfire and new variants were appearing. If left up to Trump, there would probably be two million dead. Indistinguishable from flu without testing. I agree. But trump did everything in his sick mind to discourage testing so his numbers would look better. You love that screwball so much? Please keep him but don't let him out among normal people. And that whole Herd immunity thing that you advocate is the kind of thing that can cost many lives, you fuckin' stupid fuck! We're talking about nearly a million dead and you make claims about any form of covid being helpful? We wouldn't have gotten to the numbers we had without that kind of dangerous rhetoric and propaganda. Trump cared about healthcare workers? If he did he wouldn't have held rallies all over while belittling folks for wearing masks. Trump cares about Trump Period! Have I ever told you that you are an idiot and a sucker? If not, I just did.

When did Trump ever encourage people not to wear masks? He did state masks were not necessary, but that was before covid became a problem in this country; a time where Piglosi encouraged people to go to China town, and DeBlasio told people to ride the subway and go shopping. When it became a problem in this country, Trump encouraged people to wear masks and even said it was patriotic to do so. However Trump left that choice up to the people. That's why he had no mask mandates at is get togethers.

And when did Trump encourage people not to get the vaccine he worked so hard for to get? It was Dementia and Whorris who said they'd never take a vaccine under Trump.

The biggest super spreader in this country was Dementia opening up the border to anybody who wanted to come in, untested, un-vaxed, and then he bused or flew those diseased immigrants all across the country coast to coast.
When did Trump ever encourage people not to wear masks? He did state masks were not necessary, but that was before covid became a problem in this country; a time where Piglosi encouraged people to go to China town, and DeBlasio told people to ride the subway and go shopping. When it became a problem in this country, Trump encouraged people to wear masks and even said it was patriotic to do so. However Trump left that choice up to the people. That's why he had no mask mandates at is get togethers.

And when did Trump encourage people not to get the vaccine he worked so hard for to get? It was Dementia and Whorris who said they'd never take a vaccine under Trump.

The biggest super spreader in this country was Dementia opening up the border to anybody who wanted to come in, untested, un-vaxed, and then he bused or flew those diseased immigrants all across the country coast to coast.
Funny how the Trump/Murdoch etc base believes vax and masks etc are a hoax and conspiracy eh? Trump has said everything at one point or another lol...They said they wouldn't take Trump's word alone, super dupe. Only ignoramuses would.....
More excuse making. "Less testing- Fewer cases, right? He's responsible for at least 200,000 unnecessary deaths with all of his encouraging folks not to wear masks and holding maskless rallies in the midst of the pandemic. And he did suggest injecting Disinfectants which he later tried to walk back. Bleach is a disinfectant. Manufacturers of bleach products were so concerned that they issued press releases to tell folks not to drink or inject bleach. Avoid panicking? Yeah, that was his excuse but his effort to hide the numbers and hold rallies demonstrates that he's a madman who didn't give a shit about the people until he got Corona himself and even then it took him a while to tell folks to wear masks. Biden had to convince people that they should be vaccinated because trump and his clowns were saying not to. Biden had to overcome the stupidity of Trumpian nonsense and had to issue mandates because by that time Covid was spreading like wildfire and new variants were appearing. If left up to Trump, there would probably be two million dead. Indistinguishable from flu without testing. I agree. But trump did everything in his sick mind to discourage testing so his numbers would look better. You love that screwball so much? Please keep him but don't let him out among normal people. And that whole Herd immunity thing that you advocate is the kind of thing that can cost many lives, you fuckin' stupid fuck! We're talking about nearly a million dead and you make claims about any form of covid being helpful? We wouldn't have gotten to the numbers we had without that kind of dangerous rhetoric and propaganda. Trump cared about healthcare workers? If he did he wouldn't have held rallies all over while belittling folks for wearing masks. Trump cares about Trump Period! Have I ever told you that you are an idiot and a sucker? If not, I just did.
You're A F--ING LIAR.
When did Trump ever encourage people not to wear masks? He did state masks were not necessary, but that was before covid became a problem in this country; a time where Piglosi encouraged people to go to China town, and DeBlasio told people to ride the subway and go shopping. When it became a problem in this country, Trump encouraged people to wear masks and even said it was patriotic to do so. However Trump left that choice up to the people. That's why he had no mask mandates at is get togethers.

And when did Trump encourage people not to get the vaccine he worked so hard for to get? It was Dementia and Whorris who said they'd never take a vaccine under Trump.

The biggest super spreader in this country was Dementia opening up the border to anybody who wanted to come in, untested, un-vaxed, and then he bused or flew those diseased immigrants all across the country coast to coast.
Yeah but yeah but... What a child. When it bacame a problem? Are you serious? He knew it was a deadly virus but said nothing about its seriousness and sold the idea that it was gonna just disappear even after the CDC warned of what was about to happen. Right from the git go he discouraged taking precautions. He purposefully neglected to wear a mask in the debates and belittled scientists because, "Nobody knows viruses better than I do!" His usual narcissistic lunacy. And you bought it all like a good little lamb. Shameful. You'll have to live with all of that.
Looks like I've got me another Cowpoke playmate. Bring it gunslinger. When you're not busy poking cows or kissin' orange ass.
Yeah but yeah but... What a child. When it bacame a problem? Are you serious? He knew it was a deadly virus but said nothing about its seriousness and sold the idea that it was gonna just disappear even after the CDC warned of what was about to happen. Right from the git go he discouraged taking precautions. He purposefully neglected to wear a mask in the debates and belittled scientists because, "Nobody knows viruses better than I do!" His usual narcissistic lunacy. And you bought it all like a good little lamb. Shameful. You'll have to live with all of that.

I have no problem living with that. Do you have a problem with more Americans dying from covid under Dementia, that he ran out of testing equipment with no excuse in the world other than incompetence, that he let millions of drifters into our country some who likely had covid and God knows what other diseases, that the Supreme Court stopped him from vaccine mandates?

You see all you leftist have is "what Trumps said" but the science tells us viruses don't listen to what anybody says, they react to what people do. H1N1 was deadly, Ebola was deadly, but nobody locked down the country over it. In fact DumBama used all our PPE over H1N1 and never replaced it, just left the shelves empty.
I have no problem living with that. Do you have a problem with more Americans dying from covid under Dementia, that he ran out of testing equipment with no excuse in the world other than incompetence, that he let millions of drifters into our country some who likely had covid and God knows what other diseases, that the Supreme Court stopped him from vaccine mandates?

You see all you leftist have is "what Trumps said" but the science tells us viruses don't listen to what anybody says, they react to what people do. H1N1 was deadly, Ebola was deadly, but nobody locked down the country over it. In fact DumBama used all our PPE over H1N1 and never replaced it, just left the shelves empty.
people of the gop base did not vax and died....great job
I have no problem living with that. Do you have a problem with more Americans dying from covid under Dementia, that he ran out of testing equipment with no excuse in the world other than incompetence, that he let millions of drifters into our country some who likely had covid and God knows what other diseases, that the Supreme Court stopped him from vaccine mandates?

You see all you leftist have is "what Trumps said" but the science tells us viruses don't listen to what anybody says, they react to what people do. H1N1 was deadly, Ebola was deadly, but nobody locked down the country over it. In fact DumBama used all our PPE over H1N1 and never replaced it, just left the shelves empty.
More yeah but yeah but! Why do you sheep refuse to acknowledge that Trump is an idiot? It's always about the other guy. You have been sucked into a denial culture created by all of the constant lies by your Idol. Some have even claimed that Trump has a 150 IQ. I think you righties forgot to leave out the 1. Person Woman Man Camera Tv!! This is your genius? Watch this cringe worthy interview and then tell me all about Biden's Dementia.


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