Biden Position on Guns Is a Joke

More yeah but yeah but! Why do you sheep refuse to acknowledge that Trump is an idiot? It's always about the other guy. You have been sucked into a denial culture created by all of the constant lies by your Idol. Some have even claimed that Trump has a 150 IQ. I think you righties forgot to leave out the 1. Person Woman Man Camera Tv!! This is your genius? Watch this cringe worthy interview and then tell me all about Biden's Dementia.

So WTF is this about and what does it have to do with what we were discussing?

You leftists do this all the time. When losing a debate, just change the subject or move the goal posts.
So WTF is this about and what does it have to do with what we were discussing?

You leftists do this all the time. When losing a debate, just change the subject or move the goal posts.
Projecting again? You Trumpers love to say over and over that Biden has Dementia. So you can pass the blame for how Trump mishandled Covid onto him. So I ask you to watch the interview I posted to see for yourself what real dementia looks and sounds like. And to let you see just who and what you clowns have somehow given the label of Genius and to deflect his idiocy onto others. And to let you see what Severe narcissistic disorder looks like. And lastly, to show how terrible he is at lying and by extension how gullible you sheep are.
No, it means you're a retarded little troll who calls everyone who disagrees with him a Trump lover.

You're so full of shit you give sewers a bad name.
Whether you voted for him or not, it's obvious that you've fallen under his spell. That makes you a Trump sheep and one of the suckers born every minute that PT Barnum talked about. BTW That's Big troll to you.
Whether you voted for him or not, it's obvious that you've fallen under his spell. That makes you a Trump sheep and one of the suckers born every minute that PT Barnum talked about. BTW That's Big troll to you.

You're worthless.
I call him "Lord of the Lies" Both are fitting comparisons of the near hypnotic blind loyalty to a sham and a fraud of the first order.
Good one.
The only reason Trump munchkins can have for siding with a notorious liar, is commonality. His munchkins share the same shared “values” or lack there of. How many times do we have read these guys follow Trump in-their support of Putin and hang on to the big lie to realize they are anti American ? They have grown a little silent of late as Putin continues to bomb hospitals. But, that will be just temporary if and when the war is over.
Projecting again? You Trumpers love to say over and over that Biden has Dementia. So you can pass the blame for how Trump mishandled Covid onto him. So I ask you to watch the interview I posted to see for yourself what real dementia looks and sounds like. And to let you see just who and what you clowns have somehow given the label of Genius and to deflect his idiocy onto others. And to let you see what Severe narcissistic disorder looks like. And lastly, to show how terrible he is at lying and by extension how gullible you sheep are.

I don't have time to watch your stupid cut up videos. Everybody knows Biden isn't right in the head. Again, how did Trump screw up covid when Dementia had more deaths under his watch than Trump? You puppets are so brainwashed you can't think for yourselves. You are told to say things but not why you should be saying them. A compete moron can see our country was in much better hands than under this clown. Gasoline over twice the price, border in the worst shape in over 20 years, inflation the worst it's been in 40 years, interest rates rising, on the brink of a war with another nuclear armed country that already threatened us with nukes, a labor shortage that led to a supply chain shortage. The country under this Bozo is a complete mess.
I don't have time to watch your stupid cut up videos. Everybody knows Biden isn't right in the head. Again, how did Trump screw up covid when Dementia had more deaths under his watch than Trump? You puppets are so brainwashed you can't think for yourselves. You are told to say things but not why you should be saying them. A compete moron can see our country was in much better hands than under this clown. Gasoline over twice the price, border in the worst shape in over 20 years, inflation the worst it's been in 40 years, interest rates rising, on the brink of a war with another nuclear armed country that already threatened us with nukes, a labor shortage that led to a supply chain shortage. The country under this Bozo is a complete mess.
No time? Couldn't be for another reason, right? LOL
We liberals are so brainwashed? A complete fraud and conman with severe narcissistic disorder and a plan to become a despot was able to indoctrinate a cadre of fools with no critical thinking skills. It starts with the opening move of every tyrant that came before him. Destroy the people's faith in the press. Never let up on that mantra because that is the necessary first building block of an autocracy. Next, be sure to demonize anything the press says that may be negative to the plan while anointing those entities who will spread the propaganda necessary to laying the foundation of mistrust.
Next is to create solidarity among the clueless by manufacturing bogey men to play into the prejudices of the clueless and stoke hatred laying somewhat dormant in America. Make that hatred not only acceptable, but normal.
Find any and all opportunities to spread that hatred by using the same press that was friendly to the plan and more than willing to become a major tool to that end. This while maintaining the "fake news" label of those news agencies that are averse to your obvious intent.

Blame those bogeymen and their supposed threat to America on those currently in power and declare that you are the "chosen one" who will make it all right again. Who will make it all "white" again.

And now he's established a following eager to hear more because truth has become lies and lies have become truth. And the atmosphere has to be reinforced regularly to keep the throngs on board the ship of fools. And so there are Rallies upon Rallies aimed at justifying and making normal all of the fires of hatred that have been stoked and fed.
Next, maintain anonymity of yourself in terms of your past, your character, your finances and where your money comes from. And maintain how extraordinary your education and your wealth is while refusing to prove anything related to either of those. For those realities to be revealed would be a disaster because the truth of those things are completely contrary to the claims made.

Next, begin paring down your staff and replacing those who are unwilling to remain silent with scoundrels like yourself who want desperately to be part of that power grab and will do literately anything to remain in good standing with this false icon who is emerging as the broker of political power in your party. Those who will ignore any and all crimes or ties to our enemies when the real press and the real investigations attempt do hold your source of future power accountable.
Now the transition from normalcy and truth to madness, hate and misinformation is complete.
And now the torch is passed from Democracy to Authoritarianism,
You're a sick little fuck, aren't you?

Just like a vicious little liberal, goes after the children.

Fuck you. I hope we meet in a dark alley someday.
Mr internet tough guy. Wow. I think yoo momma called down into the basement that your dinner is ready.
That's just it. We already know what happened, Nothing. All a ruse and a Trump fantasy. Designed to overthrow a free and fair election. Remember, he said If I win I'll accept that, but If Biden wins, then I can't accept it. Or something along those lines. And when he couldn't convince any court, he cooked up an armed insurrection. Simple as that. He's a fuckin' nut!
Along with….
The nuts who believe him. He’s been scamming people his entire professional life. The suckers in the world are all on his side, along with white supremacist and delusional sad sacks who blame everyone else for their failures.
Along with….
The nuts who believe him. He’s been scamming people his entire professional life. The suckers in the world are all on his side, along with white supremacist and delusional sad sacks who blame everyone else for their failures.
His acceptance by the Cult is beginning to ebb. His last Rally had a tenth of what he used to draw. That's great news. Trumpism is dying but it's a mighty slow death. Can't wait for the GOP congress to get the message that it's time to reject Tyranny and madness. Another thing that will die a very slow death I'm afraid.
His acceptance by the Cult is beginning to ebb. His last Rally had a tenth of what he used to draw. That's great news. Trumpism is dying but it's a mighty slow death. Can't wait for the GOP congress to get the message that it's time to reject Tyranny and madness. Another thing that will die a very slow death I'm afraid.
Agree. He still has a cult following on line but no one will get off their ass to watch him in person. Here is a guy, Trump, who lost by 7 million votes to a candidate in any-other year he ran for president, couldn’t even get through the primaries without quitting. Trump is a loser who still appeals to the losers in the party.
Agree. He still has a cult following on line but no one will get off their ass to watch him in person. Here is a guy, Trump, who lost by 7 million votes to a candidate in any-other year he ran for president, couldn’t even get through the primaries without quitting. Trump is a loser who still appeals to the losers in the party.

If Trump is such a loser, why are the Communists still going after him over a year after he left office? If he wasn't such a loser, they might spend their time focusing on our border that they totally fucked up, our out of control inflation, our labor shortage that led to the supply chain shortage, our fuel prices. But nope! Focus on making sure Trump can't run in 2024.......because he's such a loser.

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