Biden Position on Guns Is a Joke

You guys don’t propose “meaningful” legislation….you just try to pass each baby step to total bans and confiscation

You guys live in such abject terror of losing your guns.

You guys are the least free Americans I've ever met. You live in abject terror of EVERYONE ELSE and you further fret non-stop that someone's going to take your guns.

I actually kind of feel sorry for you. I just wish your hobby didn't help people kill little kids so easily.

All you ever propose are ways to make America more like your demented horror show. That's YOUR fear, my friend. YOUR malfunction.

YOU have turned America into a hellscape. And it isn't enough for you. You want MORE and MORE and MORE guns. That's your answer to everything. You live in TERROR and you only know one way to deal with it: THE GUN.
The proper response to the first demamd
F**k off and die
Nothing here changes the fact that when the time comes, you wont be anywhere near it.

...and you probably won't either. So that's good.

I am always fascinated at grown men who have such an intense fantasy life. But in reality you go to your regular job like the rest of us. You have to run to the store. You have to pick up pantyhose for your wife. All the usual grey-flannel life stuff.

That's life. NOT the fantasies you harbor on the weekend of being a big man gunnin' down libtards as you reclaim America. That's a cartoon. Most of us figured out YEARS AGO that we aren't going to become astronauts or wild west gunslingers with a big horse. Most of us grew up at some point.

Think for a minute: do you REALLY think an America where there are armed guards in the schools and churches is what you really, really want? Because that's ALL you ever propose.

More guns show up, more shootings happen.

What kind of America do you want? If you tell me you want an armed encampment where everyone is gunning for everyone else I will accept that as it aligns with the only legislation you support. But if you actually want an America more like what we all grew up in, maybe, just maybe you need to rethink your hobbies and your choice of toys.

I bet you guys have ENTIRE COLLECTIONS of super-manly graphics. Lots of screamin' skulls and vicious snakes and maybe a few women popping out of skimpy outfits. All so very manly. That way no one will know about those "secret thoughts" that come from time to time. You know the thoughts. The ones your buddies at the lake lot wouldn't like hearing from you. So you go out and find more MANLY GRAPHICS to put on things.

Just a few more gun-wielding he-men and everyone will buy the facade. Just a few more....
You know people might take you seriously if just ONE reality-based talking point would make it into your remit.
Your dislike for reality does not make it any less real.

I know. But at the end of the day my hobby isn't helping kill children like yours is.
Nope. Gun availability has little impact on homicide rates.

I understand. Thank you for agreeing that many people in your movement are disgusting hypocrites.
No hypocrisy on our end.

I don't care if you find us disgusting.

You aren't defending me. Statistics show you will NEVER defend me. In fact the odds are that you will hurt yourself or someone in your family LONG before you'll stop any crimes or defend anyone.
Damn right I won't defend you. You're not worth defending.

As far as I'm concerned, you and the rest of the progressives all belong in concentration camps.

What would YOU know about freedom?
I'm an American, so everything.

You live in SLAVERY to your utter terror. You need guns all around you because EVERYTHING is terrifying to you and the only way to deal with ANYTHING in your book is to be able to SHOOT IT.
You are the least free person I have met in a while.

Statistics show otherwise.

Good. You are admitting you guys are hypocrites and sociopaths.
Nope. We do not agree to your false accusations.

I guess that leaves the rest of us with no choice but take your hobby away from you.
You have no ability to do that.

Hypocrite sociopaths are NOT people who should have guns.
You deserve NOTHING. If you don't play well with society you lose your rights.
That's the deal.

That's not the deal. That's your pathetic fantasy of becoming the next Stalin.

You have no power to inflict harm on us, and you never will.

Because we are a society. And not everyone likes you or your hobby.
Your dislike for freedom is irrelevant. America will remain free no matter how much you hate it.

And what, praytell, have any of you EVER HAD TO GIVE UP in regards to guns? Seriously...YOU GET EVERYTHING!
Actually there are many restrictions on guns already. And you guys have been violating people's civil liberties for no reason for years in various far-left states.

Why can't you guys just sit back and enjoy your win. Turn on the tube, watch some kids getting gunned down and sip a cold one.
I do enjoy the fact that I have defeated you.

America has the highest rate of imprisonment of any developed nation on earth. So your "hypothesis" doesn't hold water.
Wrong. He stated a fact, and his fact is correct.

What is it about progressives that makes them unable to think and use logic?

If all those laws don't work,
Some don't. Some merely are not enforced.

I guess the only other thing is to take EVERYONE'S GUNS.
You don't have the power to do that.

So either you give a little or you lose EVERYTHING.
You don't have the power to do that.

And you will unless you learn to get along with the large number of Americans who DON'T enjoy your hobby and are kind of tired of watching kids die in school.
No we won't. You have no power to do anything.

studies keep showing that guns in the home are more dangerous for people in the home than any would-be attackers

Also: if the Gov't wanted your guns you wouldn't have much of a choice. Based on your handle here I assume you are more than familiar with the kind of hardware the US has available to its military. You will lose. Sorry to break it to you.
Despite your Stalinist fantasies, America is a democracy. That means the government answers to us.

Additionally, the courts protect us and will not allow our civil liberties to be violated.

I dunno. Previously I would have agreed with you, but not so sure now.
Watch us keep blocking your attempts to violate our civil liberties.

Sooner or later it will sink in that you have no power and you never will.

You guys live in such abject terror of losing your guns.
You guys are the least free Americans I've ever met. You live in abject terror of EVERYONE ELSE and you further fret non-stop that someone's going to take your guns.
Nonsense. We know that you have no power to impose your Stalinist tyranny on us.

I actually kind of feel sorry for you. I just wish your hobby didn't help people kill little kids so easily.
Our hobby does not kill anyone at all.

All you ever propose are ways to make America more like your demented horror show. That's YOUR fear, my friend. YOUR malfunction.
YOU have turned America into a hellscape.
That's just your dislike for freedom.

You're in good company. The 9/11 hijackers hated our freedom just as much as you do.

What kind of America do you want? If you tell me you want an armed encampment where everyone is gunning for everyone else I will accept that as it aligns with the only legislation you support. But if you actually want an America more like what we all grew up in, maybe, just maybe you need to rethink your hobbies and your choice of toys.
We're not going to give up our freedom no matter how much you beg.

But keep on begging. It's kind of funny.

As far as I'm concerned, you and the rest of the progressives all belong in concentration camps.

^^^^THIS is the kind of stuff I like to see from you guys.

It shows what this is all really about. You find you are relatively "powerless" in your boring dull middle-class life. You are forced to toe the corporate line for your meager paycheck and you lack any ability to enact YOUR desires while everyone can tell you what to do all the time.

This frustrates you so you fantasize about what would give you REAL POWER. And that's the "gun". The gun represents for you a sense of power over others. It buys you a sense of importance. Suddenly YOU hold all the power because you have a gun.

They make you a "man" as opposed to the hampered little grey boy that trudges to work every day and home every night and to the golfcourse and bar every weekend. Over and over and over. Always taking commands, never being taken seriously.

That's not the deal. That's your pathetic fantasy of becoming the next Stalin.

YOU were the one who said we should all be in concentration camps.

Despite your Stalinist fantasies, America is a democracy. That means the government answers to us.

Again, so far ONLY YOU want to throw everyone who disagrees with you in a CONCENTRATION CAMP.

I cannot imagine that the irony of your post misses you as well. No one could be that stupid.

So, kudos on satire at a whole new level.
I dunno. Previously I would have agreed with you, but not so sure now.

Is that why the legislators who get the most from the NRA don't ever pass any meaningful legislation that goes against the NRA's wishes?

Sure, sure.
I know a number of gun owners who will show up at the polls for every election and are one issue voters. Gun control is that issue and they are opposed to any form of draconian gun control and also to a national registry of firearms.

In fact I know one just other gun enthusiast who is a registered Democrat. (I was a registered Democrat until three years ago. As with many Democrats it wasn’t so much that I left the Democratic Party as it left me.)

Now that women and minorities are buying guns for the first time you can bet they are not going to vote for gun grabbing Democrats. Firearms are not cheap and now new owners have invested money in one or several they definitely do not wish to turn it in to the government.

Plus, Sleepy Joe is out saying he sees no need for 9mm pistols. Guess what a lot of first time gun owners just bought.

Oh by the way, A 9mm round from a handgun will not blow a lung out of the body as our idiot President claims. Does this fool think people are so stupid as to believe him? Nest he will tell people that a 9mm is so powerful that shooting one will knock both you and your victim off your feet.

It shows what this is all really about. You find you are relatively "powerless" in your boring dull middle-class life. You are forced to toe the corporate line for your meager paycheck and you lack any ability to enact YOUR desires while everyone can tell you what to do all the time.
This frustrates you so you fantasize about what would give you REAL POWER.
Nice try but you are the one who is making powerless demands to violate people's rights.

And that's the "gun". The gun represents for you a sense of power over others. It buys you a sense of importance. Suddenly YOU hold all the power because you have a gun.
They make you a "man" as opposed to the hampered little grey boy that trudges to work every day and home every night and to the golfcourse and bar every weekend.
Your ignorance is pretty silly.

Over and over and over. Always taking commands, never being taken seriously.
I can see why you think life is like that given your previously-demonstrated inability to think, but I for one am able to present intelligent arguments that other intelligent people take seriously.

YOU were the one who said we should all be in concentration camps.
It's where progressive vermin belong.

Again, so far ONLY YOU want to throw everyone who disagrees with you in a CONCENTRATION CAMP.
Not really.

I mean, I do disagree with progressive vermin, sure. But mere disagreement is not why progressives belong in concentration camps.

You are nasty people who violate people's civil liberties for fun. You belong in concentration camps simply to prevent you from harming people.
It's not like an AR-15 is anything like a "most dangerous weapon". That pistol grip doesn't make a gun become any more dangerous.
That’s all you think what makes an AR15 platform rifle ? You really don’t know much about firearms do you ?
My Mountain Home (North Eastern Shasta County / Ultra rural southern Cascades ) is surrounded by Cartel Henchmen / Neckbeard Local Freak Pot grows and Meth cooker/ Part time pot trimmers giving growing a go types ( If I wanted to live where my nearest neighbor was 7.1 miles away It would be the Montana prairie or Alaska but not my region of Far Nor Cal anymore . Yes I have a California CCW but my 15 pound Female Dwarf White Poodle passed away so I’m currently dogless
Maybe it’s time to go to the local dog pound and adopt man’s best friend.
I know a number of gun owners who will show up at the polls for every election and are one issue voters.

Do they vote to make sure there's going to be another mass shooting at a school somewhere? It's good to have something that motivates oneself.

Gun control is that issue and they are opposed to any form of draconian gun control and also to a national registry of firearms.

Wait. A few more mass shootings and a lot more "single issue voters" might appear over night! Only they won't vote the way you want. Keep your fingers crossed your hobby doesn't show up in the news yet again...


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