Biden Position on Guns Is a Joke

Nice try but you are the one who is making powerless demands to violate people's rights.

Good save!

I can see why you think life is like that given your previously-demonstrated inability to think, but I for one am able to present intelligent arguments that other intelligent people take seriously.

Oh good! Let me know when you do!

It's where progressive vermin belong.

Just like Stalin said!

I mean, I do disagree with progressive vermin, sure. But mere disagreement is not why progressives belong in concentration camps.

Is it because you just hate some people for no reason? Yeah, you sound like a PRIME candidate for gun ownership.

(Actually you sound like you are kind of scary. I hope the authorities have you on some sort of list)

You are nasty people who violate people's civil liberties for fun.

It's not for fun.

You belong in concentration camps simply to prevent you from harming people.

For the greater good, eh comrade? DA!

Kak zhivut udranyiki!
Your fantasy that the American people will turn against freedom, will remain a fantasy.

Well, Americans are humans (with a few notable exceptions) and humans have been known to do some pretty draconian things. You need only look around the world to see some examples.

Your "right" to a gun is WHOLLY ARBITRARY. It isn't a law of nature. It's something we all AGREED to let you have. But it can go away.

Maybe you might want to try acting like an ADULT and discussing the issues rationally. Or not. See how well it works out in the long run for you.
As I said, you are willing to send people to die to fulfill your fantasies, but not take the risk youself.

It isn't my fantasy that you loons will start shooting anyone who even marginally scares you.

It's my fear that you guys are so over-the-edge that fewer of us are safe with you around.
It isn't my fantasy...
Your fantasy is that someday people like you will have "enough" and come for the guns. You said so yourself.
Well, except they won't people like -you-, because -they- will actually put their lives on the line, and -you- won't.
And so, -you- are more than willing to have OTHER people die to fulfill -your- fantasies.
Ar least we know where your fixation on small penises comes from.
Your fantasy is that someday people like you will have "enough" and come for the guns. You said so yourself.

It isn't my fantasy that you loons will be SO dedicated to your guns that you take up arms against the rest of the country.

We see how that usually ends in Ruby Ridge and Waco etc.

Well, except they won't people like -you-, because -they- will actually put their lives on the line, and -you- won't.

Yeah, you'll forgive me if I assume your fantasy of standing up and taking out the US military with your hunting rifles is largely a fever dream.

And so, -you- are more than willing to have OTHER people die to fulfill -your- fantasies.
Ar least we know where your fixation on small penises comes from.


Do they vote to make sure there's going to be another mass shooting at a school somewhere? It's good to have something that motivates oneself.

Wait. A few more mass shootings and a lot more "single issue voters" might appear over night! Only they won't vote the way you want. Keep your fingers crossed your hobby doesn't show up in the news yet again...
How about we do what has been suggested over and over after every recent school shooting. Secure our schools. Have armed security and trained armed teachers in schools. The armed security could be retired police or military. Limit entrances and install magnetic detectors. Have experts run security checks on each and every school and improve as required. Bullet proof glass is also worth considering for classrooms.

You will accomplish a lot more by securing the schools than by trying to ban and confiscate guns from honest people. Plus if you do confiscate guns you will only enable criminals who never will turn their weapons in.

But I get the feeling you are hoping for a whole bunch of mass shootings to occur to increase votes for gun grabbing Democrats.
Good save!
Meh. All I do is just tell the truth. Things always work out when I do that.

Oh good! Let me know when you do!
I always do it.

Is it because you just hate some people for no reason?
No. It's because progressive vermin cause so much harm to people.

Actually you sound like you are kind of scary. I hope the authorities have you on some sort of list
Of course you do. Progressives hate our freedom just as much as the 9/11 hijackers hated our freedom.

It's not for fun.
Yes it is. You violate people's civil liberties solely because you enjoy violating people's civil liberties. No other reason.

Well, Americans are humans (with a few notable exceptions) and humans have been known to do some pretty draconian things.
Americans are human.

Progressives are not.

Your "right" to a gun is WHOLLY ARBITRARY.
Wrong. It is something that all free people have.

It's something we all AGREED to let you have. But it can go away.
Nope. You have no such power.

Maybe you might want to try acting like an ADULT and discussing the issues rationally. Or not. See how well it works out in the long run for you.
You have no power to do anything at all.

It isn't my fantasy that you loons will be SO dedicated to your guns that you take up arms against the rest of the country.
We see how that usually ends in Ruby Ridge and Waco etc.
Those were not cases of people taking up arms against the country. Those were cases of the government murdering innocent Americans.

They ended with Timothy McVey giving the victims a bit of justice.

Yeah, you'll forgive me if I assume your fantasy of standing up and taking out the US military with your hunting rifles is largely a fever dream.
I've never heard him express any such fantasy. Usually it's progressives who hate America's military.
How about we do what has been suggested over and over after every recent school shooting. Secure our schools. Have armed security and trained armed teachers in schools.

Because that's turning America into an armed encampment.


Instead, let's try finding a way to REDUCE the number of shootings. We can look at how literally every other developed nation on the planet does it.

Limit entrances

There are literally ENTIRE BOOKS about disasters where doors were limited. It's part of the reason that fire safety organizations say "no" to this kind of silliness.

and install magnetic detectors. Have experts run security checks on each and every school and improve as required. Bullet proof glass is also worth considering for classrooms.

Bullet proof glass in schools? THE SAME SCHOOLS YOU WON'T PAY MORE IN TAXES TO IMPROVE? The same schools where the teachers have to buy their own school supplies?

What is wrong with this picture?

You will accomplish a lot more by securing the schools than by trying to ban and confiscate guns from honest people. Plus if you do confiscate guns you will only enable criminals who never will turn their weapons in.

You know, this sounds interesting...but then I shake my head and wake up and realize THERE IS LITERALLY NO OTHER DEVELOPED NATION ON THE PLANET THAT HAS TO DO THESE THINGS.

YOU GUYS have fucked up America. And you have lost your right to demand we make things MORE FUCKED UP just because you exist in that state so well.

But I get the feeling you are hoping for a whole bunch of mass shootings to occur to increase votes for gun grabbing Democrats.

Fuck off.
I always do it.

Ha! That's funny. It means you THINK what you are saying is rational. That's funny.

No. It's because progressive vermin cause so much harm to people.

Yes, the "giftpilz"

Of course you do. Progressives hate our freedom just as much as the 9/11 hijackers hated our freedom.

It's so simple for you isn't it? Too bad you're so stupid you think it actually IS that.

Yes it is. You violate people's civil liberties solely because you enjoy violating people's civil liberties. No other reason.

LOL. Strawman fallacy.

But I suspect fallacious logic is no stranger to you!

Americans are human.

Progressives are not.

Oh that's REALLY good! Demonize, dehumanize. First stop on the "elimination" train.

You sound like you REALLY admire Hitler.

They ended with Timothy McVey giving the victims a bit of justice.

See? YOU DO like dead kids! Timothy McVeigh (that's the spelling you were looking for) took out some kids in a daycare there. That feel like JUSTICE to you?

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Ha! That's funny. It means you THINK what you are saying is rational. That's funny.
What I say is quite rational.

Yes, the "giftpilz"
I speak English, not whatever gibberish you are spouting.

It's so simple for you isn't it? Too bad you're so stupid you think it actually IS that.
I'm trillions of times smarter than you are.

LOL. Strawman fallacy.
Wrong. Accusing you of atrocities is not what a strawman fallacy is.

But I suspect fallacious logic is no stranger to you!
You are the only person here who has proven to be incapable of logic.

Oh that's REALLY good! Demonize, dehumanize. First stop on the "elimination" train.
Progressives are vermin.

You sound like you REALLY admire Hitler.
Not really. He reminds me of you.

See? YOU DO like dead kids! Timothy McVeigh (that's the spelling you were looking for, moron) took out some kids in a daycare there. That feel like JUSTICE to you?
It was far from ideal, but it was the only justice the victims ever got (in this world at least).

You sick fuck.
Now you're going to try using progressive phony outrage against me?
I speak English, not whatever gibberish you are spouting.

I love that you were unfamiliar with the reference. Because it sounds from your posts you would be REALLY familiar with the "giftpilz".

I'm trillions of times smarter than you are.

Is that why you didn't get the "giftpilz" reference? LOL.

Wrong. Accusing you of atrocities is not what a strawman fallacy is.


You are the only person here who has proven to be incapable of logic.

Brilliant riposte, counsellor!

Progressives are vermin.

Please, we prefer "giftpilz"

It was far from ideal, but it was the only justice the victims ever got (in this world at least).

Sorry but those kids didn't deserve it. No matter how much you think they might have.

Now you're going to try using progressive phony outrage against me?

You are the one who is providing all the ammunition.
Handguns won't do much against body armor. Plus the portability of a handgun will not be required because the gun safe will be right there in the classroom.

Better that teachers keep rifles in their classrooms.

But to answer your question, right now progressives ensure that teachers are helpless and completely disarmed.


I do not share the common progressive opinion that freedom is sick and twisted.

Like other Americans, I find freedom to be a good thing.
Now we know that the Uvalde shooter didn't have body armor as first reported. The police did. The shooter had a MOLLE tacticool vest on. This is an old story and ignoramuses in the press always report that shooters with a vest have armor and it turns out otherwise. Remember that armor is on the line with the anti-gunners as well.
Because it sounds from your posts you would be REALLY familiar with the "giftpilz".
Sorry. English only.

Sorry but those kids didn't deserve it. No matter how much you think they might have.
The people at Waco and Ruby Ridge didn't deserve it.

I already said that the justice that McVey provided was less than ideal. He certainly didn't go about it the right way.

But it is a black mark on our country's history that he is the only person who has ever even tried to get justice for the victims. Those government murderers should have been tried in court. And if they had been, perhaps McVey would not have felt compelled to act on his own.

Kiss off , we can regulate guns anyway we see fit as a nation and since everyone except you gun bubbas want to do just that , then that in a democracy is the reason it should happen,. If I could write the law, I would exclude every one of you gun Bubbas from owning guns. Every one of you nut jobs in my neighborhood are dangerous as far as I'm concerned. Your chance of shooting yourself in the foot or shooting someone else, will happen way sooner than you will ever use that gun to protect anything. I don't even want you people around.
That lamebrain attitude is exactly what is getting kids killed. I, and many other CCW holders are military veterans, who are experienced & knowledgable about guns, as you leftist gun-clueless saps are not. We served many years in the US military, and didn't shoot ourselves in the foot , or do anything irresponsible with our guns.

What you describe is what would happen you, or your gun-illiterate liberals, got your hands on a gun (Alex Baldwin x 1,000).
Interesting fantasy. But in the real world you can't do anything without the NRA's permission.

If you could write the law, you'd be whining that every single one of your laws was struck down as unconstitutional.

The thing with progressives is, while you all wish that you could be the next Stalin, the American people will never let you do that to us.
This from a hate Nazi, a MAGA maggot. You will shoot more people by accident that shoot people protecting yourself, Simple fact, and that makes you look exactly as I'm saying, a joke. I'm more than willing to change the constitution to take the guns out of the hand of a group that supported or did try to bring down our democracy to force in a piece of shit for A dictator. And then give their support to that traitor to this country. Next time when you people try to bring down this great country, they will be armed to the teeth and even though Trump will ask you to kill for him, you will get massacred trying and will I ever celebrate. Bang!!!!!!!!!
That lamebrain attitude is exactly what is getting kids killed. I, and many other CCW holders are military veterans, who are experienced & knowledgable about guns, as you leftist gun-clueless saps are not. We served many years in the US military, and didn't shoot ourselves in the foot , or do anything irresponsible with our guns.

What you describe is what would happen you, or your gun-illiterate liberals, got your hands on a gun (Alex Baldwin x 1,000).
You have me rolling on the floor, I don't want any of you gun bubbas living by me, you are dangerous to everyone around, including your neighbors' pets, I would take a neighborhood full of immigrants any day over even one of you Gun Bubbas as a neighbor.
That lamebrain attitude is exactly what is getting kids killed. I, and many other CCW holders are military veterans, who are experienced & knowledgable about guns, as you leftist gun-clueless saps are not. We served many years in the US military, and didn't shoot ourselves in the foot , or do anything irresponsible with our guns.

What you describe is what would happen you, or your gun-illiterate liberals, got your hands on a gun (Alex Baldwin x 1,000).
Bullshit, guns are regulated and the Nazi Group NRA could do nothing about it. Bang another gun Bubbas shot himself in the foot!

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