Biden Position on Guns Is a Joke

I remember all the regular shooters at my range legally buying AR-15s and high cap magazines during that ban.
The manufacturers of “assault weapons” like the AR-15 removed a couple of items from their product and it no longer was banned.
High cap magazines manufactured before a certain date were legal but very expensive.
And really the magazines were only very expensive for the last few years of the ban. For most of the ban they were more expensive, but not dramatically so.

The ban actually made the AR-15 popular.
Yep. Progressives always screw up and their proposals always backfire.

Anti-gun people have this odd obsession with the size of cocks. They often also say that people who drive big pickup trucks have tiny cocks.
That leads me to believe they are the one who have tiny ones.
Yes. Progressive women often tell me that the reason why they cheat on their progressive husbands is because progressive men have tiny penises.
Kiss off, we can regulate guns anyway we see fit as a nation and since everyone except you gun bubbas want to do just that, then that in a democracy is the reason it should happen.
Interesting fantasy. But in the real world you can't do anything without the NRA's permission.

If I could write the law, I would exclude every one of you gun Bubbas from owning guns. Every one of you nut jobs in my neighborhood are dangerous as far as I'm concerned. Your chance of shooting yourself in the foot or shooting someone else, will happen way sooner than you will ever use that gun to protect anything. I don't even want you people around.
If you could write the law, you'd be whining that every single one of your laws was struck down as unconstitutional.

The thing with progressives is, while you all wish that you could be the next Stalin, the American people will never let you do that to us.
I lived in Texas during that time. Everyone was buying an SKS or a ban-compliant AK-47 with the bayonet lug cut off and one of those goofy thumbhole stocks. It was like the Eastern Bloc countries saw a market and flooded this country with millions of SKS, AK, and Mosin-Nagant rifles. Something like 25 million SKS's were imported during the ban.
I remember a co-worker who was into AK-47 clones. They work well but are not quite as adaptable as the AR-15.

The ban actually made such semi-auto rifles popular. It even helped semi-auto pistols become more popular than revolvers.
The last thing you do is vote for anyone who supports the distribution of the most dangerous weapons to unqualified peoples. Geesus, that makes you less safe.
It's not like an AR-15 is anything like a "most dangerous weapon". That pistol grip doesn't make a gun become any more dangerous.
And really the magazines were only very expensive for the last few years of the ban. For most of the ban they were more expensive, but not dramatically so.

Yep. Progressives always screw up and their proposals always backfire.

Yes. Progressive women often tell me that the reason why they cheat on their progressive husbands is because progressive men have tiny penises.

My experience is that progressive guys bullshit a lot abut how many women they have bedded. Has something to do with their insecurity. That may be due to the fact that progressive men have small penises.
What would be served by responsible, legal gun owners giving up their property?

Fewer guns that will be stolen or otherwise wind up in the wrong hands. Ergo fewer mass shootings.

I'd go so far as to say your priorities are misplaced, irrelevant and absurd.

No other country in the developed world lives like this. The only reason WE do is because of your hobby.

Personally I'm getting tired of living with your hobby. And given that many of you are Conservatives and good Christians as well I am REALLY tired of you guys trying to pass your hobby off as something other than just your hobby.

Most of you will never save anyone. Most of you will never do ANYTHING of value to society with your gun. So drop all the canards and drop all the John Wayne Fantasies.

Take responsibility for your hobby. It's going to get expensive and require more paperwork.

You have a choice: meet civilization half-way and be willing to have your hobby registered and tracked or lose your hobby altogether.

But make no mistake: YOUR HOBBY is what will wind up changing in the long run. Maybe not today, maybe not in this year. But the more of these horrors that are visited on us the more you guys are going to have to consider what YOU are going to give up.

We've already given up safety and security in public places for you. What are you going to give up for us?
Fewer guns that will be stolen or otherwise wind up in the wrong hands. Ergo fewer mass shootings.

No other country in the developed world lives like this. The only reason WE do is because of your hobby.

Personally I'm getting tired of living with your hobby. And given that many of you are Conservatives and good Christians as well I am REALLY tired of you guys trying to pass your hobby off as something other than just your hobby.

Most of you will never save anyone. Most of you will never do ANYTHING of value to society with your gun. So drop all the canards and drop all the John Wayne Fantasies.

Take responsibility for your hobby. It's going to get expensive and require more paperwork.

You have a choice: meet civilization half-way and be willing to have your hobby registered and tracked or lose your hobby altogether.

But make no mistake: YOUR HOBBY is what will wind up changing in the long run. Maybe not today, maybe not in this year. But the more of these horrors that are visited on us the more you guys are going to have to consider what YOU are going to give up.

We've already given up safety and security in public places for you. What are you going to give up for us?
Why should we give up anything?

We give you an inch and you push for a mile.

You might consider stopping gangs from having shootouts in places like New York City. There are plenty of laws on the books you can use to stop this activity. Instead you try to take guns away from honest people.

Watch the video at this link.

Harrowing video shows wild broad-daylight shooting in Brooklyn ):

We give you laws you don’t bother to enforce. How about no more laws until you follow through on using the ones you have.
We shouldn't.
There's absolutely no rational reason to agree to any of the unnecessary and ineffective restrictions they want to lay on the exercise of the right o keep and bear arms.
Not one inch.
When you are getting shoot outs in the middle of the day in New York City you would think anyone caught illegally carrying a gun would be in big trouble.


The I-Team looked at data from all city gun arrests in 2016 under laws 265.03, 265.04 and 265.19 – laws which require a minimum sentence of 3.5 years in prison. The information only reflects cases that made it before a judge after the NYPD made the felony gun arrest. Travelers unfamiliar with New York’s gun laws arrested at LaGuardia airport for illegal possession of a firearm is not reflected in the data.

The data reveals that, with the exception of Manhattan, a majority of defendants arrested in the other four boroughs got lesser sentences or plea deals.
No other country in the developed world lives like this. The only reason WE do is because of your hobby.
Wrong. Gun availability has little impact on homicide rates.

Personally I'm getting tired of living with your hobby.
Too bad for you.

And given that many of you are Conservatives and good Christians as well I am REALLY tired of you guys trying to pass your hobby off as something other than just your hobby.
Again, too bad for you.

Most of you will never save anyone. Most of you will never do ANYTHING of value to society with your gun.
That's our choice. If you won't bother to arm yourself, why should we stick our necks out to defend you?

So drop all the canards and drop all the John Wayne Fantasies.
Freedom is neither a canard nor a fantasy.

You have a choice: meet civilization half-way and be willing to have your hobby registered and tracked or lose your hobby altogether.
No we don't. And we choose neither.

What we choose instead is: absolutely no new gun laws no matter how much that makes you whine.

But make no mistake: YOUR HOBBY is what will wind up changing in the long run. Maybe not today, maybe not in this year. But the more of these horrors that are visited on us the more you guys are going to have to consider what YOU are going to give up.
Progressives sure do like to fantasize about violating people's civil liberties.

But no, your disgusting fantasies will never happen in reality.

We've already given up safety and security in public places for you.
No you haven't. As previously noted, gun availability has little impact on homicide rates.

What are you going to give up for us?
Absolutely nothing whatsoever.
Wrong. Gun availability has little impact on homicide rates.

You know people might take you seriously if just ONE reality-based talking point would make it into your remit.

Too bad for you.

I know. But at the end of the day my hobby isn't helping kill children like yours is.

Again, too bad for you.

I understand. Thank you for agreeing that many people in your movement are disgusting hypocrites.
That's our choice. If you won't bother to arm yourself, why should we stick our necks out to defend you?

You aren't defending me. Statistics show you will NEVER defend me. In fact the odds are that you will hurt yourself or someone in your family LONG before you'll stop any crimes or defend anyone.

Freedom is neither a canard nor a fantasy.

What would YOU know about freedom? You live in SLAVERY to your utter terror. You need guns all around you because EVERYTHING is terrifying to you and the only way to deal with ANYTHING in your book is to be able to SHOOT IT.

You are the least free person I have met in a while.

No you haven't. As previously noted, gun availability has little impact on homicide rates.

Absolutely nothing whatsoever.

Good. You are admitting you guys are hypocrites and sociopaths. I guess that leaves the rest of us with no choice but take your hobby away from you.

Hypocrite sociopaths are NOT people who should have guns.

You deserve NOTHING. If you don't play well with society you lose your rights.

That's the deal.

Why should we give up anything?

Because we are a society. And not everyone likes you or your hobby.

We give you an inch and you push for a mile.

And what, praytell, have any of you EVER HAD TO GIVE UP in regards to guns? Seriously...YOU GET EVERYTHING! Why can't you guys just sit back and enjoy your win. Turn on the tube, watch some kids getting gunned down and sip a cold one.

We give you laws you don’t bother to enforce. How about no more laws until you follow through on using the ones you have.

America has the highest rate of imprisonment of any developed nation on earth. So your "hypothesis" doesn't hold water.

If all those laws don't work, I guess the only other thing is to take EVERYONE'S GUNS.

So either you give a little or you lose EVERYTHING.

And you will unless you learn to get along with the large number of Americans who DON'T enjoy your hobby and are kind of tired of watching kids die in school.
Because we are a society. And not everyone likes you or your hobby.

And what, praytell, have any of you EVER HAD TO GIVE UP in regards to guns? Seriously...YOU GET EVERYTHING! Why can't you guys just sit back and enjoy your win. Turn on the tube, watch some kids getting gunned down and sip a cold one.

America has the highest rate of imprisonment of any developed nation on earth. So your "hypothesis" doesn't hold water.

If all those laws don't work, I guess the only other thing is to take EVERYONE'S GUNS.

So either you give a little or you lose EVERYTHING.

And you will unless you learn to get along with the large number of Americans who DON'T enjoy your hobby and are kind of tired of watching kids die in school.
Realistically you don’t have the votes to get what you wish so your threats mean little.

Try reading this article from The Alantic and you might learn something. For one thing the NRA donations are not large enough to buy politicians. It is the voters that stop draconian gun legislation.


The narrative is familiar: Gun-control measures can never pass, because the NRA forbids it. The group buys off all the politicians with its incredible campaign spending. Then it owns their votes, and gets everything it wants. But the reality is starkly different.

In the 2020 election cycle, the NRA contributed less than $1 million directly to candidates. That made it the 996th-largest donor for the cycle, according to OpenSecrets. The group spent about $5.4 million on lobbying in that same time frame, which put it a bit higher, at 169th. Since 2012, the NRA’s highest contribution ranking has been 294th, and its highest lobbying ranking has been 85th.


And it isn’t because of the filibuster, either. The Democrats can’t get bare majorities to support their top gun priorities. They haven’t passed an assault-weapons ban since retaking the House in 2018. They’re unlikely to pass one or even bring it up for a vote before the 2022 midterms. And even if it passed the House, it wouldn’t pass the Senate.

The deadlock isn’t the result of the NRA paying off politicians to vote against the wishes of their constituents. It’s much simpler than that: Many people in this country own guns, and millions of them are dedicated voters. And they are what now stand in the way of new gun laws.
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Sounds like a threat.

It surely is that very thing. Assuming you don't bring something MEANINGFUL to the table (in other words not more of your fucked up fantasies of turning America into an armed encampment where everything needs an armed guard).

I honestly don't know what you want to DEFEND if that is your vision for America. It sounds like hell on earth. And that's what you WANT?

Stack up. Try it.

Given the track record of most gun owners (studies keep showing that guns in the home are more dangerous for people in the home than any would-be attackers) I'll take those odds.

Also: if the Gov't wanted your guns you wouldn't have much of a choice. Based on your handle here I assume you are more than familiar with the kind of hardware the US has available to its military. You will lose. Sorry to break it to you.
Realistically you don’t have the votes to get what you wish so your threats mean little.

I dunno. Previously I would have agreed with you, but not so sure now.

Try reading this article from MSNBC and you might learn something. For one thing the NRA donations are not large enough to buy politicians.

Is that why the legislators who get the most from the NRA don't ever pass any meaningful legislation that goes against the NRA's wishes?

It is the voters that stop draconian gun legislation.

Sure, sure.

I dunno. Previously I would have agreed with you, but not so sure now.

Is that why the legislators who get the most from the NRA don't ever pass any meaningful legislation that goes against the NRA's wishes?

Sure, sure.

You guys don’t propose “meaningful” legislation….you just try to pass each baby step to total bans and confiscation
You guys don’t propose “meaningful” legislation….you just try to pass each baby step to total bans and confiscation
And then they tell us that if t we don't give them another inch, they're going to take it all.

Funny thing is they never consider the millions of people they will kill - and wont be anywhere to be found when it comes time to volunteer to be one of them.
And then they tell us that if t we don't give them another inch, they're going to take it all.

Funny thing is they never consider the millions of people they will kill - and wont be anywhere to be found when it comes time to volunteer to be one of them.

Yep…..give us the gun law we want now….or we will take all of them

Then……give us the next gun law we want or we will take all of them

Then…..give us the next gun law we want or we will take all of them

The proper response to the first demamd

F**k off and die

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