Biden Position on Guns Is a Joke

Regulate the hell out of these Gun Bubbas. The whole country wants to. SO we should. Funny the concept of the 2nd is to protect us from the overthrow of the government, so what do we do when that's the group that on Jan 6th tried to do just that. All to throw out our democracy to force in a piece of shit for a dictator. Next time it will be the big crunch!!!!!!!
You have me rolling on the floor, I don't want any of you gun bubbas living by me, you are dangerous to everyone around, including your neighbors' pets, I would take a neighborhood full of immigrants any day over even one of you Gun Bubbas as a neighbor.
But your GTG with Black Bloc and BLM eMe / MS13 living all around you
Regulate the hell out of these Gun Bubbas. The whole country wants to. SO we should.
You have no power to do that.

I'm more than willing to change the constitution
I don't doubt it. But you will not be permitted to do so.

Bullshit, guns are regulated and the Nazi Group NRA could do nothing about it. Bang another gun Bubbas shot himself in the foot!
I'm not sure what you are talking about. But the NRA does have the power to stop you from passing any new federal gun laws.
Because that's turning America into an armed encampment.


Instead, let's try finding a way to REDUCE the number of shootings. We can look at how literally every other developed nation on the planet does it.

There are literally ENTIRE BOOKS about disasters where doors were limited. It's part of the reason that fire safety organizations say "no" to this kind of silliness.

Bullet proof glass in schools? THE SAME SCHOOLS YOU WON'T PAY MORE IN TAXES TO IMPROVE? The same schools where the teachers have to buy their own school supplies?

What is wrong with this picture?

You know, this sounds interesting...but then I shake my head and wake up and realize THERE IS LITERALLY NO OTHER DEVELOPED NATION ON THE PLANET THAT HAS TO DO THESE THINGS.

YOU GUYS have fucked up America. And you have lost your right to demand we make things MORE FUCKED UP just because you exist in that state so well.

Fuck off.
So continue to try to take firearms from honest people. You will continue to fail.

Don’t try to better secure schools or better treat mental illness. Keep doing what has been tried and tried and tried since the JFK assassination. More students and innocent people will continue to die.

Doing the same thing over and over and over and expecting different results is a sign of mental illness.
Because that's turning America into an armed encampment.


Instead, let's try finding a way to REDUCE the number of shootings. We can look at how literally every other developed nation on the planet does it.

There are literally ENTIRE BOOKS about disasters where doors were limited. It's part of the reason that fire safety organizations say "no" to this kind of silliness.

Bullet proof glass in schools? THE SAME SCHOOLS YOU WON'T PAY MORE IN TAXES TO IMPROVE? The same schools where the teachers have to buy their own school supplies?

What is wrong with this picture?

You know, this sounds interesting...but then I shake my head and wake up and realize THERE IS LITERALLY NO OTHER DEVELOPED NATION ON THE PLANET THAT HAS TO DO THESE THINGS.

YOU GUYS have fucked up America. And you have lost your right to demand we make things MORE FUCKED UP just because you exist in that state so well.

Fuck off.
Face reality. Americans are not like people in other nations.

We feel an armed individual is a citizen while a disarmed individual is a subject.

I’m lookin ( But meanwhile I’m building moar Guns & gettin moar Ammo )
Sure, that will help. What most don’t get about self defense is, no matter how much you surround yourself with guns, it’s way less effective when compared to your dependence on others and other means. It’s a laughable choice.
Sure, that will help. What most don’t get about self defense is, no matter how much you surround yourself with guns, it’s way less effective when compared to your dependence on others and other means. It’s a laughable choice.
Depen on my Neighbors or the Sheriff ?
Depen on my Neighbors or the Sheriff ?
. A dog, security cameras, auto lighting and yes, neighbors. It’s hilarious thinking you having a firearm at home is going to deter anyone better then many other choices. WTF knows you have a gun. Who the fk cares if a burglar is waiting till you leave anyway.
Exactly which honest people are deterred by universal Background checks.

Nothing in there is a problem for honest people more then it would be for buying a gun from a gun dealer.
The anti-gun loons know UBC is a means to enact universal registration.
No one wonders why they want that.
. A dog, security cameras, auto lighting and yes, neighbors. It’s hilarious thinking you having a firearm at home is going to deter anyone better then many other choices. WTF knows you have a gun. Who the fk cares if a burglar is waiting till you leave anyway.
I can have someone I know drive away with my rig and wait in the dark for the Break in too
Exactly which honest people are deterred by universal Background checks.
Honest people who understand that if the government knows which law abiding citizens possess which guns, the government will try to unjustly seize those guns from those law abiding citizens.
You want to see how stupid the gun bubbas argument is. They shot 473 people using their guns defensively in the first half of 2022,to do that they have killed 18,212 people in total gun violent deaths in that same half year. These people are total ignorant clowns , they are a joke and every one of their arguments are a joke. This is like everything else with these MAGA Maggots. They have to make up their own definition of everything to make an argument for their case, and their definitions are always self-serving and stupid. All these things have definitions that they can't make a point with, so they make up their own definition.. Or pick one that is totally stupid,
You have me rolling on the floor, I don't want any of you gun bubbas living by me, you are dangerous to everyone around, including your neighbors' pets, I would take a neighborhood full of immigrants any day over even one of you Gun Bubbas as a neighbor.
Is there a doctor in the house? (or expert DEPROGRAMMER ?) Whew!
Bullshit, guns are regulated and the Nazi Group NRA could do nothing about it. Bang another gun Bubbas shot himself in the foot!
NRA only defends rights founders gave us in the 2nd amendment. Ho hum. Yawn****
You want to see how stupid the gun bubbas argument is. They shot 473 people using their guns defensively in the first half of 2022,to do that they have killed 18,212 people in total gun violent deaths in that same half year. These people are total ignorant clowns , they are a joke and every one of their arguments are a joke. This is like everything else with these MAGA Maggots. They have to make up their own definition of everything to make an argument for their case, and their definitions are always self-serving and stupid. All these things have definitions that they can't make a point with, so they make up their own definition.. Or pick one that is totally stupid,
All that is exactly what YOU are doing here. Only thing you've accomplished is getting people to never read your posts again.

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