Biden Position on Guns Is a Joke

The only begging you hear are the parents at Uvalde begging your BLUE LINE to go in and save their kids.

I understand you probably find that funny as well.

Ha. ha. ha.
And the only thing that would have stopped the shooter sooner would have been a mother with an AR-15. Even if she'd been fatally shot, in her dying breath she would have stopped the shooter. Unlike Democrats and the Uvalde police, mothers would give their lives not just for their own children but for your children.
That’s all you think what makes an AR15 platform rifle ? You really don’t know much about firearms do you ?
Solder on the flash protector. Weld on the magazine. So what? How does that make the gun less deadly? How does a barrel shroud make a gun more deadly?

I'd suggest that it's you that doesn't know about the AR platform but I think you do know. You do know that not a single characteristic defined in the 1994 assault weapons ban made the gun more deadly. You just choose to participate in the lie.
Well, Americans are humans (with a few notable exceptions) and humans have been known to do some pretty draconian things. You need only look around the world to see some examples.

Your "right" to a gun is WHOLLY ARBITRARY. It isn't a law of nature. It's something we all AGREED to let you have. But it can go away.

Maybe you might want to try acting like an ADULT and discussing the issues rationally. Or not. See how well it works out in the long run for you.

You are wrong. The right to keep and bear arms is absolutely a natural right. It extends first from the right to life and also from the right to liberty. If I have a right to life then I have the right to defend my life. If those attempting to take my life have guns then I certainly have the right to guns in defense against them.
Exactly when is this going to happen ? Everyone who has ever purchased a firearm from an ffl dealer of had a state issued weapons permit, had a hunting license etc. has been know to posses a firearm.
The NRA will protect us and prevent it from happening.

Do you have any proof in the last that the FEDERAL GOVT. has had a. A pain of taking law abiding citizen’s guns away ? I’m still waiting for them to take mine. How about yours ? Any “takers”.
Well there is past history when it has happened.

Australia and the UK used to have gun registration and people would mock people who said the registration lists would be used to seize people's guns.

Then they outlawed many guns and used registration lists to enforce those bans.

New York City also did the same regarding semi-auto long guns that have pistol grips on them. People used to mock those who said the registration lists would be abused. Then those same people supported abusing the registration lists to seize guns after they were outlawed.

So we all know what progressives are trying to do. No one will be fooled by claims that registration is harmless.
No; I'd rather see kids live. You can take every AR-15 out of the country and it won't stop school shootings. Many school and other mass shootings are handguns.

You can ban large capacity magazines but it won't reduce the number of dead. In most successful successful mass shootings, school or otherwise, AR-15 or otherwise, the shooter changes magazines at least once, often more than once. Granted, this is an extreme example but it shows just what can be done with a revolver, 16 shots, including two reloads, in 4 seconds.

Here's a more reasonable expectation, still just a few seconds to reload a revolver

If you want to see kids live, and I don't believe any anti-gun Democrat does, then protect the children rather than attack the gun. The first two things that can be done before kids go back to school in the fall, and the very first even before they return for summer school, are:

  1. Temporarily, but immediately, put armed security at every school door. Either off-duty cops or retired military or, if it's the only way, on-duty cops.
  2. Harden the schools to restrict access:
    1. Update all school doors to automatically close and lock, to be intrusion resistant, to report to the school office, district office, school security and the local police every time a school door is opened and closed,
    2. Single point of entry when the school is occupied including man traps.
    3. Tall fences, walls even, around schools.
    4. When schools are properly hardened, the number of armed guards could be reduced to the main entry with the guard moving to other entries when needed - supply deliveries, etc.
Longer term things to work on are mental health and the damage done to children by the left telling all children that they are either in the abused/oppressed class or are abusers/oppressors. No child goes through public, or most private, schools today being told that they're wonderful people with great opportunities ahead of them.

Ensure that the government has zero authority to close schools in any health or pandemic for more than enough time to sanitize a facility that was exposed. We use to quarantine the sick and exposed, not the healthy. Ban mandatory masks and other things that lead to child insecurity. Quit telling children without a mask that they're murdering their teachers.

All of the causes of school shootings lie directly at the feet of the left and the Democrats - without exception. And then the Democrats want to place the blame on guns owned by law-abiding Americans.

God You hate party members are dumb fucks. Democrats fault, Mask Maggot. Good God, MAGA Maggots are brain-dead to the core. You killers are all a joke to this world. Laughingstock of every nation around the world. You have me rolling on the floor. Send one of you MAGA maggots and the only thing that will be shot is your own foot. These Killers are a joke.
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You are wrong. The right to keep and bear arms is absolutely a natural right. It extends first from the right to life and also from the right to liberty. If I have a right to life then I have the right to defend my life. If those attempting to take my life have guns then I certainly have the right to guns in defense against them.
Here is what happens with that stupid scenario , In the process of you heroes protecting yourself you shot 473 people while 18,212 were killed in gun violence in just the first half of 2022. Tell me how that makes one ounce of sense. Gun Bubbas are complete, total idiots.
Next you are going to tell me that the President thinks hardening schools is a good idea.

Of course Biden and the Democratic Party are not as interested in saving the lives of children as they are about banning certain firearms, Demcorats keep trying the same thing over and over and over despite the fact that it never works. In fact their efforts to ban guns will lead to another wild buying spree and firearms and ammo will be as rare as baby formula.

Everybody now will want a 9mm handgun because the idiot we have for President says it will blow a lung right out of a body. Many shooters consider the 9mm and the 38 Special to be underpowered or at the bottom of the list of acceptable rounds to be used for self defense.
You have to understand that the bill was from Cruz and every patriot in this country have that type of traitor on ignore, Her won't get any bills passed. Want proof, he has written 339 bills, 7 stupid ones passed, everyone of the seven that got passed were total clown bills . If interested, I can list them for the humor of it.
You have me rolling on the floor, I don't want any of you gun bubbas living by me, you are dangerous to everyone around, including your neighbors' pets, I would take a neighborhood full of immigrants any day over even one of you Gun Bubbas as a neighbor.
You have to understand that the bill was from Cruz and every patriot in this country have that type of traitor on ignore, Her won't get any bills passed. Want proof, he has written 339 bills, 7 stupid ones passed, everyone of the seven that got passed were total clown bills . If interested, I can list them for the humor of it.
Wow. You're as despicable and a low-life as a human being can be. How many children died because of scum like you so full of hate that your hate comes before the lives of children.
You have to understand that the bill was from Cruz and every patriot in this country have that type of traitor on ignore, Her won't get any bills passed. Want proof, he has written 339 bills, 7 stupid ones passed, everyone of the seven that got passed were total clown bills . If interested, I can list them for the humor of it.
To me making schools more secure makes damn good sense. It will save lives.

Trying to ban semi-automatic rifles is a waste of effort and will never pass in an election year. Especially since many first time gun owners are black and women.

Biden also managed to shoot himself in the foot when he started babbling about banning 9mm pistols that can blow the lung right out of a person. He wants to ban the most popular style of rifle and the most poplar caliber of pistol in the nation. All he will accomplish is to take the tittle of the world‘s best gun salesman away from Obama. We can look forward to another long period of time where guns are hard to buy and ammo is not available.

Democrats should at least ry to learn a little about firearms before they try to legislate them. The AR-15 is used for hunting and the 9mm pistol is not a super powerful weapon that can extract a human lung with one shot.


Will a 9mm stop a threat? Probably. But it is better to be cautious on the side of excess than the other. If you fire at someone, the intent is to kill because your only firing due to your life being in immediate danger. I feel it’s better to stop a threat with the least amount of rounds….less chance of a round getting away from you, and more rounds in your gun in case you need them. Minimally I carry my .40 or .45, but usually I carry my Ruger Super Redhawk Alaskan .454. A 3.5″ barrel makes it very comfortable even for an IWB holster. I have been carrying for 20 years, and I can’t count how many professionals advise carrying the largest caliber you can. If you have to carry a 9mm, then at least get the best carry ammo you can afford. –J. Cedar

If you can guarantee shot placement right between the eyes every time, sure the 9mm is adequate for self defense, even a .22 is adequate. And to be perfectly honest, it takes a real moron to continue the engagement after having been shot, even once by anything, if you’re talking self defense, not combat. But face it, morons are becoming the norm, so if you can’t guarantee shot placement, the next most important thing you can do is make as big a hole as possible, dumping as much energy as possible into the target, and that requires something bigger than a 9mm. –Chas.
That’s ridiculous. The hardening of schools money has Never been proposed or voted for by republicans. It would have to include minority schools as well, which the white supremest majority of republicans never vote for. Pkus, 5heir always inclusion of more firearms in schools is a non starter.

Republicans are hypocritical fools. 5heyvalwaysbinsist 5heir major events happen in gun free zones.
DeSantis is a Republican.

If either party is racist it is the Democratic Party. You are just projecting.

The NRA will protect us and prevent it from happening.

Well there is past history when it has happened.

Australia and the UK used to have gun registration and people would mock people who said the registration lists would be used to seize people's guns.

Then they outlawed many guns and used registration lists to enforce those bans.

New York City also did the same regarding semi-auto long guns that have pistol grips on them. People used to mock those who said the registration lists would be abused. Then those same people supported abusing the registration lists to seize guns after they were outlawed.

So we all know what progressives are trying to do. No one will be fooled by claims that registration is harmless.
What is it with your constant suggestions about the NRA saving us? Are you being facetious or mocking the lefties?
NRA only defends rights founders gave us in the 2nd amendment. Ho hum. Yawn****
The Founders did NOT give us any rights in the 2nd Amendment. It is a natural right and exists with or without the 2nd Amendment, with or without the Constitution even. The 2nd Amendment forbade the government from infringing on an existing right.

The difference is critical. That which the government grants, the government can take away. If the 2nd Amendment is repealed, the right exists still.
All that is exactly what YOU are doing here. Only thing you've accomplished is getting people to never read your posts again.
You're right; his posts are definitely without logic, law, reason, or any support. His posts all stem from his hatred.
Lots of hogwash. You obviously know little about fire regulations.
Totally wrong. It is you that knows nothing about fire regulations and systems. Doors with magnetic locks can automatically unlock in a fire. Doors that are locked and can't be opened from the outside can be configured to be opened from the inside.

I was in the back of a gas station/mini-mart to the restroom the other day. The back door exit was configured to allow immediate exit, triggering an alarm, from the inside. From the outside, there's not even a handle. I guess, to you Democrats, cases of Coca-cola products deserve better protection than do children. Afterall, children are, to you, nothing more than a bag of cells.
And the only thing that would have stopped the shooter sooner would have been a mother with an AR-15. Even if she'd been fatally shot, in her dying breath she would have stopped the shooter. Unlike Democrats and the Uvalde police, mothers would give their lives not just for their own children but for your children.
So now, parents should be posted in classrooms armed with assault rifles ?
Totally wrong. It is you that knows nothing about fire regulations and systems. Doors with magnetic locks can automatically unlock in a fire. Doors that are locked and can't be opened from the outside can be configured to be opened from the inside.

I was in the back of a gas station/mini-mart to the restroom the other day. The back door exit was configured to allow immediate exit, triggering an alarm, from the inside. From the outside, there's not even a handle. I guess, to you Democrats, cases of Coca-cola products deserve better protection than do children. Afterall, children are, to you, nothing more than a bag of cells.
You know what happened. Maybe you were asleep. The door was left propped open. You must be naive. Literally anyone knocking at a door will be let in by unwary students. You live in a dream world. I never heard such hog wash. The only sure fire way is to have every door monitored. Obviously gas station minimarts have no where near the traffic on one side as a school full of unaware fourth graders and six year olds. Your comments sound like you have never been in school.

The hilarious thing is, conservatives have all these bright ideas and NEVER vote to pay for it.....justmore guns. Idiocy
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The NRA will protect us and prevent it from happening.

Well there is past history when it has happened.

Australia and the UK used to have gun registration and people would mock people who said the registration lists would be used to seize people's guns.

Then they outlawed many guns and used registration lists to enforce those bans.

New York City also did the same regarding semi-auto long guns that have pistol grips on them. People used to mock those who said the registration lists would be abused. Then those same people supported abusing the registration lists to seize guns after they were outlawed.

So we all know what progressives are trying to do. No one will be fooled by claims that registration is harmless.
So, guns have never been confiscated from legal gun owners. It’s just fear mongering. Go it. Now go back to your closet and hide.
DeSantis is a Republican.

If either party is racist it is the Democratic Party. You are just projecting.

Let me repeat. They have never VOTED FOR IT. They make promises all the time. Remember better healthcare and infrastructure and hardening schools when they were in full control ? Never happened. Dems always voted for funds for school buildings. You guys are FOS and what anyone says like doofus DeSantis you mentioned wants to do, is a fking lie.He never supported it in the past, never introduced legislation when in control, and never voted for it.

The gop is a joke.
You are wrong. The right to keep and bear arms is absolutely a natural right.

No it's not. Where do you get this stuff?

It extends first from the right to life and also from the right to liberty.

LOL. No it doesn't.

If I have a right to life then I have the right to defend my life.

That does not ipso facto mean you have a right to a gun. By your reasoning this means you have a right to a nuclear weapon.

If those attempting to take my life have guns then I certainly have the right to guns in defense against them.

You are certainly free to defend yourself. That doesn't mean you have a "right" to access for any and every means.

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