Biden Position on Guns Is a Joke

Let me repeat. They have never VOTED FOR IT. They make promises all the time. Remember better healthcare and infrastructure and hardening schools when they were in full control ? Never happened. Dems always voted for funds for school buildings. You guys are FOS and what anyone says like doofus DeSantis you mentioned wants to do, is a fking lie.He never supported it in the past, never introduced legislation when in control, and never voted for it.

The gop is a joke.
You say “The GOP is a joke” with the Democrat Joe Biden as President. You must be blind to what is happening under the Biden administration.

1) Gasoline and Diesel prices are SKYROCKETING.

2) Inflation is at a 30 year high.

3) Food and electrical shortages are expected this summer.

4) There is a shortage of baby formula which should have never happened.

5) Russia has invaded Ukraine and is threatenting to nuke NATO nations with its new Satin missiles. We may be in he first stage of WWIII.

6) China is preparing to invade Taiwan.

7) Iran is on the verge of producing a nuclear weapon.

8) Illegal aliens are crossing the Mexican border as are illegal drugs like fentanyl which are killing tens of thousands of Americans per year.

It took Joe Biden less then 2 years to totally fuck everything up.
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What that is, is a preview of what comes next if they can ban assault weapons (whatever the definition of that is). Specifically, they want to outlaw magazines that contain more than 10 rounds, which is a very large number of guns that would become illegal. They're always saying we're not going to confiscate your guns, but what they want to do is make them illegal everywhere.
Democrats believe gun owners are all uneducated rednecks who will not be able to figure out their incremental approach to disarming America.

You can see just how smart Democrats really are with Joe Biden running the nation. It took less than two years to totally fuck everything up.
You say “The GOP is a joke” with the Democrat Joe Biden as President. You must be blind to what is happening under the Biden administration.

1) Gasoline and Diesel prices are SKYROCKETING.

2) Inflation is at a 30 year high.

3) Food and electrical shortages are expected this summer.

4) There is a shortage of baby formula which should have never happened.

5) Russia has invaded Ukraine and is threatenting to nuke NATO nations with its new Satin missiles. We may be in he first stage of WWIII.

6) China is preparing to invade Taiwan.

7) Iran is on the verge of producing a nuclear weapon.

It took Joe Biden less then 2 years to totally fuck everything up.
Biden’s position on guns. You have a tough time flailing from one topic to another. Try to stay grounded.
Give me a break. Biden said ’there was no rational basis’ for 9mm pistols.

President Biden ranted against ownership of what he called “high-caliber weapons” Monday — appearing to suggest that there should be restrictions on the most popular handgun in America, the 9mm pistol, and repeating a previously debunked claim that the Second Amendment prohibits ownership of cannons.

Speaking to reporters outside the White House after returning to Washington from a weekend that included a visit to the site of last week’s mass shooting in Texas, Biden recounted a visit to a trauma hospital in New York, where he said doctors had showed him X-rays of gunshot wounds caused by various firearms.

“They said a .22-caliber bullet will lodge in the lung, and we can probably get it out — may be able to get it and save the life,” Biden said. “A 9mm bullet blows the lung out of the body.

“So the idea of these high-caliber weapons is, uh, there’s simply no rational basis for it in terms of thinking about self-protection, hunting,” the president went on.


Biden’s statements about 9mm pistols are in keeping with his rhetoric before entering the White House. At a 2019 fundraiser in Seattle, for example, then-candidate Biden asked his audience: “Why should we allow people to have military-style weapons including pistols with 9mm bullets and can hold 10 or more rounds?”

First you gun grabbers will try to ban and confiscate semi-automatic black rifles which you call “assault weapons” then you will move on banning all handguns like Canada hopes to do.

In the end Americans will be able to own a few firearms. Of course in order to own one you will have to go through a psychological examination and pay a yearly license fee of several hundred dollars per weapon or a bargain fee of $500 for the list below. You will also be limited to no more than 20 rounds for each weapon you own. All must be locked up and the ammo stored in a different room.

1. One single shot .22 rifle

2. One single shot rifle in a caliber larger than .22. No scope allowed as that would make it a “sniper rifle.”

3) One shotgun either a single shot or a double barreled weapon.

That’s every gun grabbers wet dream and you know it.
What that is, is a preview of what comes next if they can ban assault weapons (whatever the definition of that is). Specifically, they want to outlaw magazines that contain more than 10 rounds, which is a very large number of guns that would become illegal. They're always saying we're not going to confiscate your guns, but what they want to do is make them illegal everywhere.
This sounds way too complicated a topic for you to keep up with.
That must really be of concern to the gun crowd when yo mumma isn’t around to cook for you.
If the mother is out looking for baby formula a gun owner can always go to a fast food restaurant or open a can of chili. No problem.

Some gun owners can even cook. I can make dynamite chili from scratch. No problem.
Biden’s position on guns. You have a tough time flailing from one topic to another. Try to stay grounded.
Biden’s position on guns is another example of his failure. He keeps trying the same thing, (banning assault weapons) over and over again despite the fact he never gets anywhere.


Even during the last assault weapons ban you could legally buy an AR-15 style rifle if you wanted one and high capacity magazines were available and legal if manufactured before a set date but expensive.
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Biden’s position on guns is another example of his failure. He keeps trying the same thing, (banning assault weapons) over and over again despite the fact he never gets anywhere.

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Even during the last assault weapons ban you could legally buy an AR-15 style rifle if you wanted one and high capacity magazines were available and legal if manufactured before a set date but expensive.
Wow. You’re really into the military thing. That tells you the so called AR15 ban was useless.
Give me a break. Biden said ’there was no rational basis’ for 9mm pistols.
He’s right. It has two things going for it. It’s a very efficient pistol man killer, and the ammo is cheap.
Give me a break. Biden said ’there was no rational basis’ for 9mm pistols.

President Biden ranted against ownership of what he called “high-caliber weapons” Monday — appearing to suggest that there should be restrictions on the most popular handgun in America, the 9mm pistol, and repeating a previously debunked claim that the Second Amendment prohibits ownership of cannons.

Speaking to reporters outside the White House after returning to Washington from a weekend that included a visit to the site of last week’s mass shooting in Texas, Biden recounted a visit to a trauma hospital in New York, where he said doctors had showed him X-rays of gunshot wounds caused by various firearms.

“They said a .22-caliber bullet will lodge in the lung, and we can probably get it out — may be able to get it and save the life,” Biden said. “A 9mm bullet blows the lung out of the body.

“So the idea of these high-caliber weapons is, uh, there’s simply no rational basis for it in terms of thinking about self-protection, hunting,” the president went on.


Biden’s statements about 9mm pistols are in keeping with his rhetoric before entering the White House. At a 2019 fundraiser in Seattle, for example, then-candidate Biden asked his audience: “Why should we allow people to have military-style weapons including pistols with 9mm bullets and can hold 10 or more rounds?”

First you gun grabbers will try to ban and confiscate semi-automatic black rifles which you call “assault weapons” then you will move on banning all handguns like Canada hopes to do.

In the end Americans will be able to own a few firearms. Of course in order to own one you will have to go through a psychological examination and pay a yearly license fee of several hundred dollars per weapon or a bargain fee of $500 for the list below. You will also be limited to no more than 20 rounds for each weapon you own. All must be locked up and the ammo stored in a different room.

1. One single shot .22 rifle

2. One single shot rifle in a caliber larger than .22. No scope allowed as that would make it a “sniper rifle.”

3) One shotgun either a single shot or a double barreled weapon.

That’s every gun grabbers wet dream and you know it.
Bullshit, he said there is no rational need for a high caliber weapon. The biggest threat to the second is you gun Bubba Thinking there should be no regulation of guns. People are sick and tired of you pukes, right now the majority in this country think there should be more regulations. And It is mostly because of you ignorant idiots and your stand on guns. So stupidity will help the cause, your stupidity, that is. More regulations and no one who tried to bring down our democracy or supported that or supported Trump should be able to have a gun, You don't let your country's enemy have guns.
You say “The GOP is a joke” with the Democrat Joe Biden as President. You must be blind to what is happening under the Biden administration.

1) Gasoline and Diesel prices are SKYROCKETING.

2) Inflation is at a 30 year high.

3) Food and electrical shortages are expected this summer.

4) There is a shortage of baby formula which should have never happened.

5) Russia has invaded Ukraine and is threatenting to nuke NATO nations with its new Satin missiles. We may be in he first stage of WWIII.

6) China is preparing to invade Taiwan.

7) Iran is on the verge of producing a nuclear weapon.

8) Illegal aliens are crossing the Mexican border as are illegal drugs like fentanyl which are killing tens of thousands of Americans per year.

It took Joe Biden less then 2 years to totally fuck everything up.
What a stupid list that Biden has nothing to do with. I love it when the right comes on this stupid about anything , it pleads my case for me. My case being that MAGA Maggots are dumber than door knobs.
Biden’s position on guns is another example of his failure. He keeps trying the same thing, (banning assault weapons) over and over again despite the fact he never gets anywhere.

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Even during the last assault weapons ban you could legally buy an AR-15 style rifle if you wanted one and high capacity magazines were available and legal if manufactured before a set date but expensive.
Geesus, the guy couldn’t get nominated in three try’s on his own. He’s an poor choice. But he beat Trump and he’d beat him again by an even greater margin. Even those dumb enough to vote for Trump the first time are tired of him. Trump is a loser and his minions are losers.
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Biden’s position on guns is another example of his failure. He keeps trying the same thing, (banning assault weapons) over and over again despite the fact he never gets anywhere.

View attachment 654027

Even during the last assault weapons ban you could legally buy an AR-15 style rifle if you wanted one and high capacity magazines were available and legal if manufactured before a set date but expensive.
Biden has United NATO, passed infrastructure bill and provided free covid shots for everyone more efficiently then Trump ever could and if with our help Russia is defeated in Ukraine it will be the greatest free world supported effort vs a tyrant since ww2. Oh, and his first budget has lowered the deficit over Trumps tax giveaway.
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I think it is time to take away all the guns of the people who tried to destroy our democracy to force in a piece of shit, as a dictator, on 1/6. And that includes anyone who supported these traitors to our country, Also Guns should be taken away from anyone who supports the person who made this take over happen, Trump. IT is only logical that You do everything possible to keep weapons out of the hands of this countries biggest threat and enemy. Being a traitor to our democracy and country is the best reason out there to take away their guns.
Wow. You’re really into the military thing. That tells you the so called AR15 ban was useless.
The only thing the last assault weapons ban did was make semi-automatic rifles like the AR-15 popular. Up to that ban most people preferred bolt action rifles or semi-auto rifles with nice wood stocks for hunting or target shooting.

Anytime you ban something it becomes more attractive. A few gun enthusiasts bought either AR or AK rifles and discovered they were reliable and accurate and told other gun enthusiasts. The black, military style rifles became more and more popular despite the ban.

The biggest advantage of the AR-15 in my opinion is its versatility. He has been called the Swiss knife of firearms. It can be modified by the owner in ways that used to require a gunsmith.

Biden has United NATO, passed infrastructure bill and provided free covid shots for everyone more efficiently then Trump ever could and if with our help Russia is defeated in Ukraine it will be the greatest free world supported effort vs a tyrant since ww2. Oh, and his first budget has lowered the deficit over Trumps tax giveaway.
Gasoline prices have skyrocketed under Biden and now we have inflation again after three decades. Russia has invaded Ukraine and could possibly still win by using tactical nukes. If that happens we may have WWIII and a Russian EMP bomb could cut our electricity for months to years. China is planning to invade Taiwan. Iran is on the verge of developing nukes. Illegals are swimming across the Mexican border along with powerful drugs like fentanyl which is killing hundreds of thousands of Americans.

Joe Biden is the worst President in our history. Plus the old demented fool is as corrupt a politician as you can find.

Bidet is an idiot and all the thugs in this stolen Administration along with him are too.

I wonder if he has ever read a history book. :mad:

So, guns have never been confiscated from legal gun owners. It’s just fear mongering. Go it. Now go back to your closet and hide.
No fear mongering. The fact that the left outlaws guns before confiscating them does not change the fact that the left intentionally abuses registration lists to confiscate people's guns.

Exactly right.
They have a right to a well regulated militia, no more, no less.
That is incorrect. We have the right to keep and bear arms.

If they want to play with military weapons and still keep their civilian jobs , they can join the national guard.
Or we can just go buy military weapons.

He’s right.
No he isn't. Traitor Joe is once again lying about guns. The 9mm is appropriate for defense against criminals, as is demonstrated by the police's frequent use of it for defense against criminals.
What is it with your constant suggestions about the NRA saving us?
The NRA routinely prevents the passage of laws that would violate our civil liberties.

Are you being facetious or mocking the lefties?

Well, I'm always mocking the lefties. But my reference to the fact that the NRA upholds and enforces the Constitution is not meant as any kind of specific mocking.

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