Biden Position on Guns Is a Joke

You aren't going to make a case with Q anon crap. You are just boring the hell out of everyone with yours lies.
What does QAnon have to do with a shortage in baby formula and sky high gasoline prices?

In passing I never paid much attention to QAnon to begin with. After a couple predictions flopped I ignored his conspiracy theories.

QAnon[a] (/ˈkjuː.əˌnɒn/) is a political conspiracy theory that later evolved into a political movement. It originated in the American far-right political sphere. QAnon centers on false claims made by an anonymous individual or individuals known as "Q". The core QAnon theory is that a cabal of Satanic,[1][2][3] cannibalistic sexual abusers of children operating a global child sex trafficking ring conspired against former U.S. President Donald Trump during his term in office.[7] QAnon has direct roots in Pizzagate, an internet conspiracy theory that appeared one year earlier; it also incorporates elements of many other theories.[8] Some experts have described QAnon as a cult.[9]
Followers of the conspiracy theory say that Trump is secretly fighting the cabal of pedophiles, and will conduct mass arrests and executions of thousands of cabal members on a day known as "the Storm" or "the Event".[10] QAnon supporters have named Democratic politicians, Hollywood actors, high-ranking government officials, business tycoons, and medical experts as members of the cabal.[11] QAnon has also claimed that Trump stimulated the conspiracy of Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election to enlist Robert Mueller to join him in exposing the sex trafficking ring, and to prevent a coup d'état by Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and George Soros.[12][13] QAnon is described as antisemitic or rooted in antisemitic tropes, due to its fixation on Jewish financier George Soros and conspiracy theories about the Rothschild family, a frequent target of antisemites.[14][15] QAnon's conspiracy theories have been amplified by Russian and Chinese state-backed media companies, social media troll accounts,[20][16][21] and the far-right Falun Gong-associated Epoch Media Group.[27]
Not me but when you buy guns to show PEOPLE THE SIZE OF YOUR rocks NOW that's weird. And that is the only REASON THAT YOUR AR15 AND AR15 TYPE GUNS ARE BIG WITH YOUR GROUP. You micro penis people buy big guns for obvious reasons. Everyone knows that. That's just common knowledge.
Common knowledge is often bullshit.

Show me a real survey where people who own large firearms, drive big pickup trucks or expensive cars have smaller penises than the average bloke.

I don’t believe one has ever happened.

Plus if you were not so concerned about penis size as you obviously are you would realize that women are not all that fond of over endowed men. It isn’t how big you are but how well you use what you have.


Google searches indicate that penis size is far more important to men than it is to women.

“For every search women make about a partner’s phallus,” Stephens-Davidowitz writes, “men make roughly 170 searches about their own.”

In addition, women’s concerns about penis size are often the opposite of what men fear, as “more than 40 percent of complaints about a partner’s penis size say that it’s too big.”

The second-most common search by men, Stephens-Davidowitz found, is “how to make their sexual encounters longer.” But here too, their concerns conflict with women’s, as “there are roughly the same number of searches asking how to make a boyfriend climax more quickly as climax more slowly.”

Of course, Google searches reveal that women too have their own body hang-ups — but their concerns have changed over time.

In 2004, “the most common search regarding changing one’s butt was how to make it smaller,” Stephens-Davidowitz writes. But thanks to J.Lo, Kim Kardashian and other large-bottomed beauties taking center stage, this desire did a 180 over a decade.

“In 2014, there were more searches asking how to make your butt bigger than smaller in every state,” Stephens-Davidowitz writes. “These days, for every five searches looking into breast implants in the United States, there is one looking into butt implants.”
Here's what Joe Biden has repeatedly said he want to do about guns in America.

1. Ban what he calls "assault weapons"
2. Ban high-capacity magazines.
3. Hold gun Manufacturers "accountable"

Strike 1....Strike 2......Strike 3

First, according to the second amendment of the Constitution, the right to bears arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED (exactly what Biden is proposing to do)

Second, I don't think Biden, or any of his leftist friends, clueless about guns, have any idea what they're talking about, when they loosely throw the phrase "assault weapons". I've heard some of them refer to the AR-15 rifle as an assault weapon , when it's just an ordinary rifle, that fires one shot with each pull of the trigger.

Third, unlike Biden's claim that high capacity magazines have no place in a civilized society, and his question of why there is a need for that, there easily could be a need. What if a whole gang of thugs show up in your front yard ? (let's say 10-15 of them). A 6 shooter wouldn't cover that.

Third, gun manufacturers have nothing to do with any of this. In addition to the guns possessed by police, there are far more guns in the hands of law-abiding people (with CCW permits), than there are criminals in possession of them. And you cant blame an inanimate object. Some people kill or injure others with a car. Wanna ban cars ? Some people are attacked with baseball bat. Wanna ban baseball bats ? Some people are killed with a kitchen knife. Wanna ban them ?

Lastly, banning assault rifles (whatever anybody defines that to be) or any kind of rifle, doesnt ,match up with the facts. Relatively, very few people are killed with rifles.
Prez Biden is the Marxists joke on the American constituency.
The good ? He mismanaged Covid, had a recession and lost tens of thousands of jobs. Biden has the unimployment rate down to 3.6% from 6.3% when Trump left office. The growth in employment is the biggest in history of a one year period. Trump bragged when it was 6%. What a dufus . We have inflation driven by oil prices because of covid mismanagement and every form transportation shut down and oil companies stopped pumping oil. Oh, it’s there. The oil companies have yet to increase production to pre Covid levels.
Joe Biden bears a lot of responsibility for the rising gasoline prices.


Is Biden to blame for high gas prices?
Biden isn't fully to blame for high gas prices. However, he has much lower leverage over major oil-producing nations in the Middle East, unlike his predecessor Trump who enjoyed a good relationship with major OPEC countries. Trump also mediated what he called a “historic” oil production cut deal when global crude oil prices plunged in 2020.
Biden has announced the gradual release of 180 million barrels of oil from the U.S. strategic reserves. However, it doesn't seem to be having much impact at least in the short term.
Not me but when you buy guns to show PEOPLE THE SIZE OF YOUR rocks NOW that's weird. And that is the only REASON THAT YOUR AR15 AND AR15 TYPE GUNS ARE BIG WITH YOUR GROUP. You micro penis people buy big guns for obvious reasons. Everyone knows that. That's just common knowledge.
What is your idea (definition) of "AR15 TYPE GUNS"
The good ? He mismanaged Covid, had a recession and lost tens of thousands of jobs. Biden has the unimployment rate down to 3.6% from 6.3% when Trump left office. The growth in employment is the biggest in history of a one year period. Trump bragged when it was 6%. What a dufus . We have inflation driven by oil prices because of covid mismanagement and every form transportation shut down and oil companies stopped pumping oil. Oh, it’s there. The oil companies have yet to increase production to pre Covid levels.
You are obviously very ignorant, to the point that you really shouldn't be posting here.

1) Trump did not start the Covid menace, but his response to it was very GOOD >>>

Through the COVID pandemic, our Covid mortality rate was REDUCED from over 17,000/week in April 2020, to about 2000/week in June, and remained very low throughout the year, as a result of the many smart things that Trump did.
  • Massive production of Ventilators - These were left in short supply after the Obama/Biden admin (we now have so many we're exporting them),
  • the Navy hospital ships sent to New York & LA.
  • the stimulus checks,
  • The Task Force advice (ex. social distancing),
  • opposition/criticism of New York's dumb nursing home policies,
  • federal aid to hospitals, rapidly expanding production & distribution of medical supplies
  • travel bans (which Democrats called Trump a "racist' for),
  • Trump's advocacy of Hydroxychloriquin (now proven to be effective, despite criticism from Democrats), and Regeneron.
  • fast, continual development of a vaccine, and rapid success of Operation Warp Speed.
  • Created & signed the MISSION ACT, replacing the failed Obama Choice Act

2) If you are referring to the first 2 quarters of 2020, that was not Trump having a recession, that was a Democrat/Pandemic caused recession, brought about by Covid lockdowns, combined with Pelosi's refusals to allow stimulus checks to be sent out.
Immediately afterward, Trump scored the biggest GAIN IN GDP (33.8%) in US history in the 3rd quarter of 2020. Almost laughable how Democrats try to portray all this. lol

3) Your talk about the unemployment rate is again using the pandemic and its lag effects, to try to bash Trump, and praise Biden. Again laughable, nice try. Actually, Trump's record on unemployment was very admirable. Despite the pandemic and all its oddities, Trump brought unemployment from it's PANDEMIC RATE of 14.7% (April 2020) down to 6.4% (Jan. 2021), a drop of 8.3, in only 10 months, and that was in spite of all the pandemic irregularities and chaos going on at the time.

Your bumbling Biden, in contrast, (using your numbers) has brought the unemployment rate down 2.7 - ie. only 1/3 as much as what Trump did, despite Biden having 16 months (6 more than Trump's record) to work with it.

So when Trump "bragged when it was 6%", as you say, he was right, and he had plenty to brag about. YOU are the "dufus".

4) As for the gas prices, Democrats can BS it all they want, but they aren't fooling anybody. Everybody knows Biden, at war with the fossil fuel industry, shut down oil/gas production, as he said he would in the 2020 debates. But even the gas price inflation (200+%) isnt as bad as the rental housing inflation skyrocketing at 200-300% inflation, and these are dollar amounts far greater than gas prices at the pump.

I myself, was forced to move twice since Biden took over, with rents instantly jumping in amounts of HUNDREDS of $$. Apartment I had just 5 months ago at $600/mo, is now $1200/mo. Others have gone up far more than that, and 1 bedroom apts rountinely rent for $2000/mo now. So how was Biden involved ?
He opened up the border, let millions of illegal aliens (VOTES for him he thinks) in, and airlifted them to cities all over the country. Many of these migrants are from many different countries, and have lots of money. Rent control is absent (or even banned) in almost every state in the US, and rents have skyrocketed.

All these things are the reason why Biden's approval rating is at record low level, and the RED WAVE of November 2022 is approaching.
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It's a total killing machine and that is the reason the Gun Bubbas love it, it tells the whole world how big their cock is. They are the real heroes of this world. Big Junk Gun BUbba.
FALSE! it's an ordinary rifle that looks mean. Liberals know nothing about guns.
You had your chance with Trump. He left the country a mess. In typical fashion you’re now complaining Biden isn’t fixing it fast enough.
In Trump's next to last quarter, his GDP was 33.8% growth - by far, the highest in US history. When Trump left, the Mexican border was more secure than any time since Eisenhower was president, terrorists were being kept out, median wage was highest in US history, blacks & Hispanics' unemployment was lowest in US history, US was energy independent., inflation was 1.4% (now it's 8.3%, except gasoline and housing rents which are 200-300%)

Numbskull Biden couldn't fix a loose band-aid, or even read a teleprompter. :rolleyes:
What does QAnon have to do with a shortage in baby formula and sky high gasoline prices?

In passing I never paid much attention to QAnon to begin with. After a couple predictions flopped I ignored his conspiracy theories.

QAnon[a] (/ˈkjuː.əˌnɒn/) is a political conspiracy theory that later evolved into a political movement. It originated in the American far-right political sphere. QAnon centers on false claims made by an anonymous individual or individuals known as "Q". The core QAnon theory is that a cabal of Satanic,[1][2][3] cannibalistic sexual abusers of children operating a global child sex trafficking ring conspired against former U.S. President Donald Trump during his term in office.[7] QAnon has direct roots in Pizzagate, an internet conspiracy theory that appeared one year earlier; it also incorporates elements of many other theories.[8] Some experts have described QAnon as a cult.[9]
Followers of the conspiracy theory say that Trump is secretly fighting the cabal of pedophiles, and will conduct mass arrests and executions of thousands of cabal members on a day known as "the Storm" or "the Event".[10] QAnon supporters have named Democratic politicians, Hollywood actors, high-ranking government officials, business tycoons, and medical experts as members of the cabal.[11] QAnon has also claimed that Trump stimulated the conspiracy of Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election to enlist Robert Mueller to join him in exposing the sex trafficking ring, and to prevent a coup d'état by Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and George Soros.[12][13] QAnon is described as antisemitic or rooted in antisemitic tropes, due to its fixation on Jewish financier George Soros and conspiracy theories about the Rothschild family, a frequent target of antisemites.[14][15] QAnon's conspiracy theories have been amplified by Russian and Chinese state-backed media companies, social media troll accounts,[20][16][21] and the far-right Falun Gong-associated Epoch Media Group.[27]
Because it is bullshit , trying to blame it on Biden , is beyond stupid. Everything you write is like this , you are a candidate to just put on ignore for wasting bandwidth.
Common knowledge is often bullshit.

Show me a real survey where people who own large firearms, drive big pickup trucks or expensive cars have smaller penises than the average bloke.

I don’t believe one has ever happened.

Plus if you were not so concerned about penis size as you obviously are you would realize that women are not all that fond of over endowed men. It isn’t how big you are but how well you use what you have.


Google searches indicate that penis size is far more important to men than it is to women.

“For every search women make about a partner’s phallus,” Stephens-Davidowitz writes, “men make roughly 170 searches about their own.”

In addition, women’s concerns about penis size are often the opposite of what men fear, as “more than 40 percent of complaints about a partner’s penis size say that it’s too big.”

The second-most common search by men, Stephens-Davidowitz found, is “how to make their sexual encounters longer.” But here too, their concerns conflict with women’s, as “there are roughly the same number of searches asking how to make a boyfriend climax more quickly as climax more slowly.”

Of course, Google searches reveal that women too have their own body hang-ups — but their concerns have changed over time.

In 2004, “the most common search regarding changing one’s butt was how to make it smaller,” Stephens-Davidowitz writes. But thanks to J.Lo, Kim Kardashian and other large-bottomed beauties taking center stage, this desire did a 180 over a decade.

“In 2014, there were more searches asking how to make your butt bigger than smaller in every state,” Stephens-Davidowitz writes. “These days, for every five searches looking into breast implants in the United States, there is one looking into butt implants.”
Go away
Joe Biden bears a lot of responsibility for the rising gasoline prices.


Is Biden to blame for high gas prices?
Biden isn't fully to blame for high gas prices. However, he has much lower leverage over major oil-producing nations in the Middle East, unlike his predecessor Trump who enjoyed a good relationship with major OPEC countries. Trump also mediated what he called a “historic” oil production cut deal when global crude oil prices plunged in 2020.
Biden has announced the gradual release of 180 million barrels of oil from the U.S. strategic reserves. However, it doesn't seem to be having much impact at least in the short term.
He bears no responsibility, you are just stupid , thats the only point here.
Guns do not kill people criminals do. There is no reason why law abiding citizens should have on their 2nd amendment rights infringed.
There are lots of reasons, probably the biggest is, so they don't shoot themselves in the foot or kill their neighbor or children by their stupidity. At this point I would settle for just taking away the guns of anyone involved or supported the attempt to overthrow our democracy on jan6 to force in a piece of shit for a dictator, we as a country are stupid if we let these traitors have guns because if trump ask them to kill for him, they will in their next attempt to destroy our democracy and country. When they try again, I say, shoot every last one of them.
What is your idea (definition) of "AR15 TYPE GUNS"
Sure no problem ,any gun that was designed to destroy as much tissue as possible, like blowing a foot right off with one shot. Or putting a whole in your target big enough to put your fist through destroying a 4-6inch whole in that body. That hardly makes for a hunting gun, unless you are just looking for hamburger, all guns in that form.
You are obviously very ignorant, to the point that you really shouldn't be posting here.

1) Trump did not start the Covid menace, but his response to it was very GOOD >>>

Through the COVID pandemic, our Covid mortality rate was REDUCED from over 17,000/week in April 2020, to about 2000/week in June, and remained very low throughout the year, as a result of the many smart things that Trump did.
  • Massive production of Ventilators - These were left in short supply after the Obama/Biden admin (we now have so many we're exporting them),
  • the Navy hospital ships sent to New York & LA.
  • the stimulus checks,
  • The Task Force advice (ex. social distancing),
  • opposition/criticism of New York's dumb nursing home policies,
  • federal aid to hospitals, rapidly expanding production & distribution of medical supplies
  • travel bans (which Democrats called Trump a "racist' for),
  • Trump's advocacy of Hydroxychloriquin (now proven to be effective, despite criticism from Democrats), and Regeneron.
  • fast, continual development of a vaccine, and rapid success of Operation Warp Speed.
  • Created & signed the MISSION ACT, replacing the failed Obama Choice Act

2) If you are referring to the first 2 quarters of 2020, that was not Trump having a recession, that was a Democrat/Pandemic caused recession, brought about by Covid lockdowns, combined with Pelosi's refusals to allow stimulus checks to be sent out.
Immediately afterward, Trump scored the biggest GAIN IN GDP (33.8%) in US history in the 3rd quarter of 2020. Almost laughable how Democrats try to portray all this. lol

3) Your talk about the unemployment rate is again using the pandemic and its lag effects, to try to bash Trump, and praise Biden. Again laughable, nice try. Actually, Trump's record on unemployment was very admirable. Despite the pandemic and all its oddities, Trump brought unemployment from it's PANDEMIC RATE of 14.7% (April 2020) down to 6.4% (Jan. 2021), a drop of 8.3, in only 10 months, and that was in spite of all the pandemic irregularities and chaos going on at the time.

Your bumbling Biden, in contrast, (using your numbers) has brought the unemployment rate down 2.7 - ie. only 1/3 as much as what Trump did, despite Biden having 16 months (6 more than Trump's record) to work with it.

So when Trump "bragged when it was 6%", as you say, he was right, and he had plenty to brag about. YOU are the "dufus".

4) As for the gas prices, Democrats can BS it all they want, but they aren't fooling anybody. Everybody knows Biden, at war with the fossil fuel industry, shut down oil/gas production, as he said he would in the 2020 debates. But even the gas price inflation (200+%) isnt as bad as the rental housing inflation skyrocketing at 200-300% inflation, and these are dollar amounts far greater than gas prices at the pump.

I myself, was forced to move twice since Biden took over, with rents instantly jumping in amounts of HUNDREDS of $$. Apartment I had just 5 months ago at $600/mo, is now $1200/mo. Others have gone up far more than that, and 1 bedroom apts rountinely rent for $2000/mo now. So how was Biden involved ?
He opened up the border, let millions of illegal aliens (VOTES for him he thinks) in, and airlifted them to cities all over the country. Many of these migrants are from many different countries, and have lots of money. Rent control is absent (or even banned) in almost every state in the US, and rents have skyrocketed.

All these things are the reason why Biden's approval rating is at record low level, and the RED WAVE of November 2022 is approaching.
You are one brain dead butt kisser. Trump said it will be gone in a month, he wanted you to drink bleach and put a lightbulb up your ass for A CURE, The piece of shit said it was a Democratic plot or that democrats cause it on purpose. He killed hundreds of thousands with his lies about covid and the numbers prove it. One day like a miracle it will disappear. The pandemic is “fading away. It’s going to fade away.”The claim: “99%” of COVID-19 cases are “totally harmless.”The claim: Mexico is partly to blame for COVID-19 surges in the Southwest.The claim: Children are “virtually immune” to COVID-19.The U.S. has “among the lowest case-fatality rates of any major country anywhere in the world.”The claim: America is “rounding the corner” and “rounding the final turn” of the pandemic.The media is over blowing fears about the virus ahead of Election Day.What happens is, you get better” after being sick with COVID-19. “That's what happens: You get better.” “You get better and then you’re immune.” A CDC study shows that “85 percent of the people wearing masks catch” the virus. THE MAN OS AND WAS THE BIGGEST PIECE OF SHIT IN THE HISTORY OF AMERICAN POLITICS < HE CAUSED 100 OF THOUSANDS OF DEATHS WITH THESE LIES ABOVE < BY THE WAY THAT IS JUST A SMALL SAMPLE OF HIS LIES>
He bears no responsibility, you are just stupid , thats the only point here.
You just stated your opinion. You obviously have an inflated view of your intelligence.

Biden takes office after saying he wants to destroy the oil industry and the price of gasoline skyrockets. You lack the ability to see what is happening.

But at least you are a good Democrat sheeple.

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