Biden Position on Guns Is a Joke

And the only thing that would have stopped the shooter sooner would have been a mother with an AR-15. Even if she'd been fatally shot, in her dying breath she would have stopped the shooter. Unlike Democrats and the Uvalde police, mothers would give their lives not just for their own children but for your children.

Why don't you like police? Do Blue Lives not matter to you? Do you want to "defund the police"?
No; I'd rather see kids live. You can take every AR-15 out of the country and it won't stop school shootings. Many school and other mass shootings are handguns.

You can ban large capacity magazines but it won't reduce the number of dead.


Now that's just typically stupid, because in no cases do I believe in banning guns for anyone other than the people who support or attempted to bring down our democracy to force in a piece of shit for a dictator, they are traitors, and we are stupid to let a scum group like that own guns To help them destroy our country. I thought they all should have been shot. That just shows how stupid your group is.
No it's not. Where do you get this stuff?

LOL. No it doesn't.

That does not ipso facto mean you have a right to a gun. By your reasoning this means you have a right to a nuclear weapon.

You are certainly free to defend yourself. That doesn't mean you have a "right" to access for any and every means.
Exactly right.
They have a right to a well regulated militia, no more, no less. If they want to play with military weapons and still keep their civilian jobs , they can join the national guard.
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Now that's just typically stupid, because in no cases do I believe in banning guns for anyone other than the people who support or attempted to bring down our democracy to force in a piece of shit for a dictator, they are traitors, and we are stupid to let a scum group like that own guns To help them destroy our country. I thought they all should have been shot. That just shows how stupid your group is.
Well, anyone Who thinks people aught to be shot just for a belief, probably qualifies as a mentally unfit person to possess a firearm themselves.
Wow. You're as despicable and a low-life as a human being can be. How many children died because of scum like you so full of hate that your hate comes before the lives of children.
Can't you read, you idiot, the bill was ignored because all of Cruz's bills are ignored because he is nothing but a piece of shit and everyone knows it . One more time he has written
What an idiot, they should have been shot when they attacked our capital, beating and injuring 140 cops to bring down our democracy to force in a piece of shit for a dictator. Everyone who forced their way into the capital should have been shot. Bringing down our country is not a belief, no matter what the thinking is. You and everyone who supports that are scum and traitors to this country.
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And the only thing that would have stopped the shooter sooner would have been a mother with an AR-15. Even if she'd been fatally shot, in her dying breath she would have stopped the shooter. Unlike Democrats and the Uvalde police, mothers would give their lives not just for their own children but for your children.
Just MAGA maggot bullshit.
To me making schools more secure makes damn good sense. It will save lives.

Trying to ban semi-automatic rifles is a waste of effort and will never pass in an election year. Especially since many first time gun owners are black and women.

Biden also managed to shoot himself in the foot when he started babbling about banning 9mm pistols that can blow the lung right out of a person. He wants to ban the most popular style of rifle and the most poplar caliber of pistol in the nation. All he will accomplish is to take the tittle of the world‘s best gun salesman away from Obama. We can look forward to another long period of time where guns are hard to buy and ammo is not available.

Democrats should at least ry to learn a little about firearms before they try to legislate them. The AR-15 is used for hunting and the 9mm pistol is not a super powerful weapon that can extract a human lung with one shot.


Will a 9mm stop a threat? Probably. But it is better to be cautious on the side of excess than the other. If you fire at someone, the intent is to kill because your only firing due to your life being in immediate danger. I feel it’s better to stop a threat with the least amount of rounds….less chance of a round getting away from you, and more rounds in your gun in case you need them. Minimally I carry my .40 or .45, but usually I carry my Ruger Super Redhawk Alaskan .454. A 3.5″ barrel makes it very comfortable even for an IWB holster. I have been carrying for 20 years, and I can’t count how many professionals advise carrying the largest caliber you can. If you have to carry a 9mm, then at least get the best carry ammo you can afford. –J. Cedar

If you can guarantee shot placement right between the eyes every time, sure the 9mm is adequate for self defense, even a .22 is adequate. And to be perfectly honest, it takes a real moron to continue the engagement after having been shot, even once by anything, if you’re talking self defense, not combat. But face it, morons are becoming the norm, so if you can’t guarantee shot placement, the next most important thing you can do is make as big a hole as possible, dumping as much energy as possible into the target, and that requires something bigger than a 9mm. –Chas.
Typical MAGA Maggot bullshit, wanting to ban AR15 is not the same as banning all semi automatics. No bill will ever be presented to ban all semi automatics. That just how pitiful and stupid your group is to even try that as an argument. If it was presented, Democrats would vote against it stupid.
Just MAGA maggot bullshit.
You sound like a walking time bomb. Though I agree with your general sentiment, the wording of it left a reader with the idea that supporters of the insurrection, even if they did not participate in any way, should be shot. That’s a low bar and a crime as well. If there was no direct personal threat, we don’t shoot people.
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You sound like a walking time bomb. Though I agree with your general sentiment, the wording of it left a reader with the idea that supporters of the insurrection, even if they did not participate in any way, should be shot. That’s a low bar and a crime as well.
Then that would be their mistake, everyone who was involved should have been shot, everyone that was involved and supported it or supported the scum they were trying to force in as a dictator is a traitor to this great country. You can decide for yourself what should happen to people who support bringing down our democracy to force in a piece of shit for a dictator
You sound like a walking time bomb. Though I agree with your general sentiment, the wording of it left a reader with the idea that supporters of the insurrection, even if they did not participate in any way, should be shot. That’s a low bar and a crime as well. If there was no direct personal threat, we don’t shoot people.
What you are dealing with is someone who is totally fed up with the MAGA Maggots. . There isn't one honorable intentions among the hole group, they literally are this countries biggest threat and enemy and in fact there is nothing that comes close to their threat level for America.
In fact, I would suggest you yourself get on my bandwagon. Take a position and forget the be nice bullshit that will get you and your country nowhere.
Then that would be their mistake, everyone who was involved should have been shot, everyone that was involved and supported it or supported the scum they were trying to force in as a dictator is a traitor to this great country. You can decide for yourself what should happen to people who support bringing down our democracy to force in a piece of shit for a dictator
By whom ? That declaration makes no more sense then saying every trespasser should be shot. If in the comitting of an insurrection there is a direct threat, that’s one thing. 95% of the insurrectionists were dullard minions of Trump.
Take a position and forget the be nice bullshit that will get you and your country nowhere.
Really ? You think I’m being nice if I recommend they all be put to trial in a public arena and sentenced to the maximum allowable time and share the cell with a known BFer. What ever is lawfully appropriate……..
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Typical MAGA Maggot bullshit, wanting to ban AR15 is not the same as banning all semi automatics. No bill will ever be presented to ban all semi automatics. That just how pitiful and stupid your group is to even try that as an argument. If it was presented, Democrats would vote against it stupid.
So why is Sleepy Joe talking about there being no reason to own a 9mm pistol?

How about Dianne Feinstein?

Many Democrats would love to pass gun legislation like exists in Canada where they are trying to ban all handguns.

You may think gun owners are stupid but we are wise to your incremental approach to banning the civilian ownership of most firearms. It’s like a camel sticking its nose under the tent.

By whom ? That declaration makes no more sense then saying every trespasser should be shot. If in the comitting of an insurrection there is a direct threat, that’s one thing. 95% of the insurrectionists were dullard minions of Trump.
So if they had taken over, it would be no big deal because they were dullard minions of Trump. Maybe give that anther try. They weren't trespassers, they were insurrectionist trying to destroy our democracy and the country with it. Makes my point, try taking a stand.
So why is Sleepy Joe talking about there being no reason to own a 9mm pistol?

How about Dianne Feinstein?

Many Democrats would love to pass gun legislation like exists in Canada where they are trying to ban all handguns.

You may think gun owners are stupid but we are wise to your incremental approach to banning the civilian ownership of most firearms. It’s like a camel sticking its nose under the tent.

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Typical stupid MAGA maggot bullshit or distortion. He said nothing about banning 9mm and in no way because they want to ban ar's doesn't in any way mean they want to ban every gun , that just stupid talk. Gun Bubba redneck stupid talk.
So why is Sleepy Joe talking about there being no reason to own a 9mm pistol?

How about Dianne Feinstein?

Many Democrats would love to pass gun legislation like exists in Canada where they are trying to ban all handguns.

You may think gun owners are stupid but we are wise to your incremental approach to banning the civilian ownership of most firearms. It’s like a camel sticking its nose under the tent.

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You people are such garbage brain idiots.
Typical stupid MAGA maggot bullshit or distortion. He said nothing about banning 9mm and in no way because they want to ban ar's doesn't in any way mean they want to ban every gun , that just stupid talk. Gun Bubba redneck stupid talk.
Give me a break. Biden said ’there was no rational basis’ for 9mm pistols.

President Biden ranted against ownership of what he called “high-caliber weapons” Monday — appearing to suggest that there should be restrictions on the most popular handgun in America, the 9mm pistol, and repeating a previously debunked claim that the Second Amendment prohibits ownership of cannons.

Speaking to reporters outside the White House after returning to Washington from a weekend that included a visit to the site of last week’s mass shooting in Texas, Biden recounted a visit to a trauma hospital in New York, where he said doctors had showed him X-rays of gunshot wounds caused by various firearms.

“They said a .22-caliber bullet will lodge in the lung, and we can probably get it out — may be able to get it and save the life,” Biden said. “A 9mm bullet blows the lung out of the body.

“So the idea of these high-caliber weapons is, uh, there’s simply no rational basis for it in terms of thinking about self-protection, hunting,” the president went on.


Biden’s statements about 9mm pistols are in keeping with his rhetoric before entering the White House. At a 2019 fundraiser in Seattle, for example, then-candidate Biden asked his audience: “Why should we allow people to have military-style weapons including pistols with 9mm bullets and can hold 10 or more rounds?”

First you gun grabbers will try to ban and confiscate semi-automatic black rifles which you call “assault weapons” then you will move on banning all handguns like Canada hopes to do.

In the end Americans will be able to own a few firearms. Of course in order to own one you will have to go through a psychological examination and pay a yearly license fee of several hundred dollars per weapon or a bargain fee of $500 for the list below. You will also be limited to no more than 20 rounds for each weapon you own. All must be locked up and the ammo stored in a different room.

1. One single shot .22 rifle

2. One single shot rifle in a caliber larger than .22. No scope allowed as that would make it a “sniper rifle.”

3) One shotgun either a single shot or a double barreled weapon.

That’s every gun grabbers wet dream and you know it.
President Biden ranted against ownership of what he called “high-caliber weapons” Monday — appearing to suggest that there should be restrictions on the most popular handgun in America, the 9mm pistol, and repeating a previously debunked claim that the Second Amendment prohibits ownership of cannons.

What that is, is a preview of what comes next if they can ban assault weapons (whatever the definition of that is). Specifically, they want to outlaw magazines that contain more than 10 rounds, which is a very large number of guns that would become illegal. They're always saying we're not going to confiscate your guns, but what they want to do is make them illegal everywhere.

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