Biden Position on Guns Is a Joke

View attachment 653331 THESE CLOWNS ARE IDIOTS
YOU are the idiot. 56% of these are suicides, which could have occured in any of a number of ways. More easily with drugs.

The fact remains that guns in the hands of trained, law-abiding people, are the best defense against criminals. Lamebrain liberals want to diminish that, which will give us MORE GUN CRIME.
So continue to try to take firearms from honest people. You will continue to fail.

Don’t try to better secure schools or better treat mental illness. Keep doing what has been tried and tried and tried since the JFK assassination. More students and innocent people will continue to die.

Doing the same thing over and over and over and expecting different results is a sign of mental illness.
Honest people , hell, I’m more concerned about your group's level of stupidity. If the solution cost anything, it will be voted down by the MAGA maggots. Making your remarks just that much more stupid./
Face reality. Americans are not like people in other nations.

We feel an armed individual is a citizen while a disarmed individual is a subject.

View attachment 652957
An armed MAGA maggot is a shooting in the foot statistic, nothing else. IN their process of protecting themselves, they have shot 473 people, while their guns have killed 18,212 people in just the first half of 2022. SO how stupid is their remarks about needing guns for protection. These people are cartoon characters.
YOU are the idiot. 56% of these are suicides, which could have occured in any of a number of ways. More easily with drugs.

The fact remains that guns in the hands of trained, law-abiding people, are the best defense against criminals. Lamebrain liberals want to diminish that, which will give us MORE GUN CRIME.
I guess we have to repeat this, to show how comical his remark is. ------An armed MAGA maggot is a shooting in the foot statistic, nothing else. IN their process of protecting themselves, they have shot 473 people, while their guns have killed 18,212 people in just the first half of 2022. SO how stupid is their remarks about needing guns for protection. These people are cartoon characters.
An armed MAGA maggot is a shooting in the foot statistic, nothing else. IN their process of protecting themselves, they have shot 473 people, while their guns have killed 18,212 people in just the first half of 2022. SO how stupid is their remarks about needing guns for protection. These people are cartoon characters.
How many of those people were killed by gang members on the streets of large urban cities? Plus how many of those gang members had been arrested before for illegally carrying a firearm and got off scot-free or with a slap on the wrist? 228 people have died in Chicago so far this year.

Realistically do you think all the killers are Trump supporters? A drug gang member in Chicago is a MAGA supporter? You obviously have Trump derangement syndrome.

Perhaps it is the Democrats not the Trump supporters who are enabling gang killings in big cities.

Honest people , hell, I’m more concerned about your group's level of stupidity. If the solution cost anything, it will be voted down by the MAGA maggots. Making your remarks just that much more stupid./
I believe the Republicans favor hardening schools. It’s the Dems who vote the legislation down.

How many of those people were killed by gang members on the streets of large urban cities? Plus how many of those gang members had been arrested before for illegally carrying a firearm and got off scot-free or with a slap on the wrist? 228 people have died in Chicago so far this year.

Realistically do you think all the killers are Trump supporters? A drug gang member in Chicago is a MAGA supporter? You obviously have Trump derangement syndrome.

Perhaps it is the Democrats not the Trump supporters who are enabling gang killings in big cities.

There is19 states that are more dangerous to live in than New York, all MAGA Maggot states. You gun bubbas are a joke, What are the worst States for homicide and homicide by guns , MAGA Maggot states are the worst in this country. What states have the biggest hate group numbers , YUP MAGA Maggot states again.
I believe the Republicans favor hardening schools. It’s the Dems who vote the legislation down.

Hardening schools bullshit, you're a liar. They got a majority vote but they couldn't get the 60 votes needed that both parties demanded. If they open their mouths it is a lie or distortion always. Never the truth.
Honest people who understand that if the government knows which law abiding citizens possess which guns, the government will try to unjustly seize those guns from those law abiding citizens.
Exactly when is this going to happen ? Everyone who has ever purchased a firearm from an ffl dealer of had a state issued weapons permit, had a hunting license etc. has been know to posses a firearm. Do you have any proof in the last that the FEDERAL GOVT. has had a. A pain of taking law abiding citizen’s guns away ? I’m still waiting for them to take mine. How about yours ? Any “takers”.
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Hardening schools bullshit, you're a liar. They got a majority vote but they couldn't get the 60 votes needed that both parties demanded. If they open their mouths it is a lie or distortion always. Never the truth.
Next you are going to tell me that the President thinks hardening schools is a good idea.

Of course Biden and the Democratic Party are not as interested in saving the lives of children as they are about banning certain firearms, Demcorats keep trying the same thing over and over and over despite the fact that it never works. In fact their efforts to ban guns will lead to another wild buying spree and firearms and ammo will be as rare as baby formula.

Everybody now will want a 9mm handgun because the idiot we have for President says it will blow a lung right out of a body. Many shooters consider the 9mm and the 38 Special to be underpowered or at the bottom of the list of acceptable rounds to be used for self defense.
I can have someone I know drive away with my rig and wait in the dark for the Break in too
Any your point is, the defense of your home depends upon you hiding in wait 24/7. Having a firearm deters no one as effectively as a o,er bora of other measures. The only security they provide, is in actual use which just isn’t happening.
You guys sound positively unhinged. You would rather see schools turned into armed encampments than consider giving up your guns.

Your priorities are mixed up. I'd go so far to say that your priorities are psychopathic.
No; I'd rather see kids live. You can take every AR-15 out of the country and it won't stop school shootings. Many school and other mass shootings are handguns.

You can ban large capacity magazines but it won't reduce the number of dead. In most successful successful mass shootings, school or otherwise, AR-15 or otherwise, the shooter changes magazines at least once, often more than once. Granted, this is an extreme example but it shows just what can be done with a revolver, 16 shots, including two reloads, in 4 seconds.

Here's a more reasonable expectation, still just a few seconds to reload a revolver

If you want to see kids live, and I don't believe any anti-gun Democrat does, then protect the children rather than attack the gun. The first two things that can be done before kids go back to school in the fall, and the very first even before they return for summer school, are:

  1. Temporarily, but immediately, put armed security at every school door. Either off-duty cops or retired military or, if it's the only way, on-duty cops.
  2. Harden the schools to restrict access:
    1. Update all school doors to automatically close and lock, to be intrusion resistant, to report to the school office, district office, school security and the local police every time a school door is opened and closed,
    2. Single point of entry when the school is occupied including man traps.
    3. Tall fences, walls even, around schools.
    4. When schools are properly hardened, the number of armed guards could be reduced to the main entry with the guard moving to other entries when needed - supply deliveries, etc.
Longer term things to work on are mental health and the damage done to children by the left telling all children that they are either in the abused/oppressed class or are abusers/oppressors. No child goes through public, or most private, schools today being told that they're wonderful people with great opportunities ahead of them.

Ensure that the government has zero authority to close schools in any health or pandemic for more than enough time to sanitize a facility that was exposed. We use to quarantine the sick and exposed, not the healthy. Ban mandatory masks and other things that lead to child insecurity. Quit telling children without a mask that they're murdering their teachers.

All of the causes of school shootings lie directly at the feet of the left and the Democrats - without exception. And then the Democrats want to place the blame on guns owned by law-abiding Americans.
You get a permit and a firearm and a dog, or two.

The last thing you do is vote for anyone who supports the distribution of the most dangerous weapons to unqualified peoples. Geesus, that makes you less safe.

I live in the woods on a mountain where the roads get so slippery in the winter, no one gets in or out easily. That includes criminals. So you’re less likely to be confronted by criminals. Still, we’re all armed and have big dogs. That doesn’t mean we support anyone having unlicensed guns and dogs.
Is a licensed gun safer than an unlicensed gun?
Next you are going to tell me that the President thinks hardening schools is a good idea.

Of course Biden and the Democratic Party are not as interested in saving the lives of children as they are about banning certain firearms, Demcorats keep trying the same thing over and over and over despite the fact that it never works. In fact their efforts to ban guns will lead to another wild buying spree and firearms and ammo will be as rare as baby formula.

Everybody now will want a 9mm handgun because the idiot we have for President says it will blow a lung right out of a body. Many shooters consider the 9mm and the 38 Special to be underpowered or at the bottom of the list of acceptable rounds to be used for self defense.
That’s ridiculous. The hardening of schools money has Never been proposed or voted for by republicans. It would have to include minority schools as well, which the white supremest majority of republicans never vote for. Pkus, 5heir always inclusion of more firearms in schools is a non starter.

Republicans are hypocritical fools. 5heyvalwaysbinsist 5heir major events happen in gun free zones.
No; I'd rather see kids live. You can take every AR-15 out of the country and it won't stop school shootings. Many school and other mass shootings are handguns.

You can ban large capacity magazines but it won't reduce the number of dead. In most successful successful mass shootings, school or otherwise, AR-15 or otherwise, the shooter changes magazines at least once, often more than once. Granted, this is an extreme example but it shows just what can be done with a revolver, 16 shots, including two reloads, in 4 seconds.

Here's a more reasonable expectation, still just a few seconds to reload a revolver

If you want to see kids live, and I don't believe any anti-gun Democrat does, then protect the children rather than attack the gun. The first two things that can be done before kids go back to school in the fall, and the very first even before they return for summer school, are:

  1. Temporarily, but immediately, put armed security at every school door. Either off-duty cops or retired military or, if it's the only way, on-duty cops.
  2. Harden the schools to restrict access:
    1. Update all school doors to automatically close and lock, to be intrusion resistant, to report to the school office, district office, school security and the local police every time a school door is opened and closed,
    2. Single point of entry when the school is occupied including man traps.
    3. Tall fences, walls even, around schools.
    4. When schools are properly hardened, the number of armed guards could be reduced to the main entry with the guard moving to other entries when needed - supply deliveries, etc.
Longer term things to work on are mental health and the damage done to children by the left telling all children that they are either in the abused/oppressed class or are abusers/oppressors. No child goes through public, or most private, schools today being told that they're wonderful people with great opportunities ahead of them.

Ensure that the government has zero authority to close schools in any health or pandemic for more than enough time to sanitize a facility that was exposed. We use to quarantine the sick and exposed, not the healthy. Ban mandatory masks and other things that lead to child insecurity. Quit telling children without a mask that they're murdering their teachers.

All of the causes of school shootings lie directly at the feet of the left and the Democrats - without exception. And then the Democrats want to place the blame on guns owned by law-abiding Americans.

Lots of hogwash. You obviously know little about fire regulations.
The fact remains that guns in the hands of trained, law-abiding people, are the best defense against criminals.

What Progs are really saying with all their gun angst is something they've been demonstrating for decades: They're just too immature, irresponsible, violent and stupid to be trusted with a firearm--- if they aren't out there shooting themselves, they are a danger to the whole community. The left are all a bunch of sick fucks-- -- just recently, one of them tried to smear cake all over the Mona Lisa but fortunately, the painting is protected behind bulletproof glass. They took the perp in for psychological evaluation.
Yep…..give us the gun law we want now….or we will take all of them

Then……give us the next gun law we want or we will take all of them

Then…..give us the next gun law we want or we will take all of them

The proper response to the first demamd

F**k off and die

Unfortunately, the response from most gun owners, including many of the most vocal, so-called, self-proclaimed, gun rights supporters here is to support what they call reasonable restrictions - in other words, they support gun control that they like and only push back when it's something they don't like.
Despite your Stalinist fantasies, America is a democracy. That means the government answers to us.
A democracy is where the majority gets to vote for slavery and slavery is enacted. We're a constitutional republic and we have a constitution that limits what government, even the majority, can do to impose their will on the minority. That's a good thing.

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