Biden proposes banning vast majority of all guns.

So you're good with 61 mass shootings.

Thanks for coming clean, fool.
I am good with the Bill of Rights, unlike you asshole Libtards.

By the way Moon Bat. This is by far the typical "mass shooting". A bunch of goddamn Negros shitheads shooting it out in the 'hood' of a city controlled by worthless Democrats.

Yes, they should not ban the private ownership of semi-automatic weapons, they should ban the manufacturing of them, except for military uses. Law enforcement can use single action pistols, bolt action rifles, and double barreled shotguns. I mean all you semi-automatic nuts must be some piss poor shots. You can't participate in cowboy shooting competitions, and while I might concede the advantage of having a semi-auto shotgun while dove hunting, no one should be hunting doves to start with.

To be honest, those that yield a semi-auto have adopted the spray and pray strategy, like during the Iraq War. 250,000 rounds fired for every insurgent killed. You guys are an insult to the skill of marksmanship. Daniel Morgan is rolling in his grave.
Stupidity is infinite.
I am good with the Bill of Rights, unlike you asshole Libtards.

By the way Moon Bat. This is by far the typical "mass shooting". A bunch of goddamn Negros shitheads shooting it out in the 'hood' of a city controlled by worthless Democrats.

Whoa, that is not a "mass shooting" per the numbers you gun freaks are claiming. Only one dead, not a mass shooting. I mean that is the way you assholes operate. Want to argue that there have not been 600 mass shootings, only 61, and then here you go, trotting out one of the 600, not one of the 61, and claiming it is a mass shooting.

Consistency fool, or STFU.
Well, I guess it's a good thing that your opinion has no sway in the Congress....Want to do away with a right? pass an amendment....Give er a go....
Don't need an amendment to pass laws against particular guns. You have the right to bear "arms", you don't have the right to bear any arms. Scalia even said that in the Heller decision.

But yesterday I posed a question, "What is the purpose of the second amendment? Why is it in the Bill of Rights? And not a single damn gun nut has been able to answer that question. It is not there for self-defense, hell the founders spent more time arguing that people shouldn't be forced to own a gun with the Quakers in mind. Self-defense, I don't even think it was mentioned in the Constitutional Convention, and for good reason. Private ownership of guns was dangerous. A musket against a skilled Native American archer is about like the modern equivalent of bringing a knife to a gunfight. The bow was more accurate and had a faster reload. Nine times out of ten, that "arm" ended in the hands of the enemy. Hell, that was the very reason the British were headed to the armory in the Battle of Lexington and Concord.

So come on, someone tell me the purpose of the second amendment.
Whoa, that is not a "mass shooting" per the numbers you gun freaks are claiming. Only one dead, not a mass shooting. I mean that is the way you assholes operate. Want to argue that there have not been 600 mass shootings, only 61, and then here you go, trotting out one of the 600, not one of the 61, and claiming it is a mass shooting.

Consistency fool, or STFU.

If two gang members get shot in a drug deal gone bad then it is considered a mass shooting under some definitions. The confusion is that there is no standard definition for a mass shooting.

They just make it up as they go along. Typical for Libtard assholes.
So you're ok with that many mass shootings? Or more? How many more?
More parents murder their children than dies by a semi automatic rifle. And 61 is not that many. Freedom has a price
Don't need an amendment to pass laws against particular guns. You have the right to bear "arms", you don't have the right to bear any arms. Scalia even said that in the Heller decision.

But yesterday I posed a question, "What is the purpose of the second amendment? Why is it in the Bill of Rights? And not a single damn gun nut has been able to answer that question. It is not there for self-defense, hell the founders spent more time arguing that people shouldn't be forced to own a gun with the Quakers in mind. Self-defense, I don't even think it was mentioned in the Constitutional Convention, and for good reason. Private ownership of guns was dangerous. A musket against a skilled Native American archer is about like the modern equivalent of bringing a knife to a gunfight. The bow was more accurate and had a faster reload. Nine times out of ten, that "arm" ended in the hands of the enemy. Hell, that was the very reason the British were headed to the armory in the Battle of Lexington and Concord.

So come on, someone tell me the purpose of the second amendment.
Wrong you bastardized what Scalia said. He was referencing Miller vs US. and sawed off shotguns. The right to keep and bear shall not be infringed.
Don't need an amendment to pass laws against particular guns. You have the right to bear "arms", you don't have the right to bear any arms. Scalia even said that in the Heller decision.
Scalia is not around to tell us what he meant.

We have to look at the last three major decisions by the Supremes. Heller, McDonald and Bruen. They all strongly declare that the right to keep and bear arms is an individual right. Bruen goes the farthest to say that the goddamn government better have a really really really good reason to infringe upon the right to keep and bear arms because what we have seen lately doesn't hack it. It is now required that the lower courts must apply Strict Scrutiny when determining if the fucking law is infrinigning or not. Something they haven't done in the past that allowed gun and magazines bans and dictated ridiculous licensing requirements.
I have yet to see this question asked.
If semi-automatic weapons are banned, how many deaths will result from the attempts at confiscating them from owners who suddenly become outlaws?
How many of those deaths are acceptable?
How many deaths of cops trying to confiscate them are acceptable?
How many deaths of the owners are acceptable?
the problem is drug addicts like hunter getting guns…and a white house that won’t enforce existing laws about lying on applications to get guns
Don't fall into the trap. There have not been 600 mass shootings

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