Biden proposes banning vast majority of all guns.

God what a flippin dumbass. Heller overturned the precedent that was Miller you stupid shit. And he never even mentions Miller in his opinion.
Heller did no such thing. All supreme court's have referenced Miller vs US as the standard. And FYI supreme court's rulings when it comes to constitutionally protected rights are never over turned. Miller you dumb son of a bitch started the in common use defense of the second amendment which all supreme court's have used. Simp you need to take a few classes.
Don't need an amendment to pass laws against particular guns. You have the right to bear "arms", you don't have the right to bear any arms. Scalia even said that in the Heller decision.

But yesterday I posed a question, "What is the purpose of the second amendment? Why is it in the Bill of Rights? And not a single damn gun nut has been able to answer that question. It is not there for self-defense, hell the founders spent more time arguing that people shouldn't be forced to own a gun with the Quakers in mind. Self-defense, I don't even think it was mentioned in the Constitutional Convention, and for good reason. Private ownership of guns was dangerous. A musket against a skilled Native American archer is about like the modern equivalent of bringing a knife to a gunfight. The bow was more accurate and had a faster reload. Nine times out of ten, that "arm" ended in the hands of the enemy. Hell, that was the very reason the British were headed to the armory in the Battle of Lexington and Concord.

So come on, someone tell me the purpose of the second amendment.
It was exactly self defense, as Adams, and Jefferson pointed out…the quotes are earlier in the thread…
Heller did no such thing. All supreme court's have referenced Miller vs US as the standard. And FYI supreme court's rulings when it comes to constitutionally protected rights are never over turned. Miller you dumb son of a bitch started the in common use defense of the second amendment which all supreme court's have used. Simp you need to take a few classes.
Wow, I mean just, "Wow". So Constitutional protected rights can never be overturned? Seriously, I mean you are stupid enough to make that claim just months after Rowe was overturned? Miller WAS the standard, after Heller that is no longer the case.

In the 1939 case, United States vs. Miller, the court stated in a unanimous decision that the “obvious purpose” of the Second Amendment was to “assure the continuation and render possible the effectiveness of” the state militia and that it “must be interpreted and applied with that end in view.” In reversing this precedent in the Heller case, the 2008 Supreme Court justices drastically changed how American citizens interact with guns.

You got that, "reversing the precedent"?
It was exactly self defense, as Adams, and Jefferson pointed out…the quotes are earlier in the thread…
The second amendment was never about self-defense, until Heller. It was always about a militia and it stemmed from the founder's fear of a standing army. I mean that is like US History 101.
Wow, I mean just, "Wow". So Constitutional protected rights can never be overturned? Seriously, I mean you are stupid enough to make that claim just months after Rowe was overturned? Miller WAS the standard, after Heller that is no longer the case.

In the 1939 case, United States vs. Miller, the court stated in a unanimous decision that the “obvious purpose” of the Second Amendment was to “assure the continuation and render possible the effectiveness of” the state militia and that it “must be interpreted and applied with that end in view.” In reversing this precedent in the Heller case, the 2008 Supreme Court justices drastically changed how American citizens interact with guns.

You got that, "reversing the precedent"?
Look you under educated fuck Miller was the only supreme court ruling dealing with firearms. McDonald addressed the right to keep and bear arms it affirmed miller and used miller as a reference in common use. Heller ruled on the individual right. And Bruen ruled on the right to carry. All three courts referenced Miller weapons in common use.
Keep showing your ignorance simp.
Wow, I mean just, "Wow". So Constitutional protected rights can never be overturned? Seriously, I mean you are stupid enough to make that claim just months after Rowe was overturned? Miller WAS the standard, after Heller that is no longer the case.

In the 1939 case, United States vs. Miller, the court stated in a unanimous decision that the “obvious purpose” of the Second Amendment was to “assure the continuation and render possible the effectiveness of” the state militia and that it “must be interpreted and applied with that end in view.” In reversing this precedent in the Heller case, the 2008 Supreme Court justices drastically changed how American citizens interact with guns.

You got that, "reversing the precedent"?
Quote where in the Constuitution you have a right to an abortion.

This should be fun.
All supreme court's have referenced Miller vs US as the standard.
That standard...until Heller was in regards to the militia

Cruikshank and Miller both ruled on the 2A in regards to it's need relating to the militia
That standard...until Heller was in regards to the militia

Cruikshank and Miller both ruled on the 2A in regards to it's need relating to the militia
Again all Supreme court's have referenced miller. Everyone dealing with the second amendment. "IN COMMON USE"
Again all Supreme court's have referenced miller. Everyone dealing with the second amendment. "IN COMMON USE"
Cruikshank was in the 1870s retard. Miller was in the 30s

And both talked about guns in their relationship to militia use.
Look you under educated fuck Miller was the only supreme court ruling dealing with firearms. McDonald addressed the right to keep and bear arms it affirmed miller and used miller as a reference in common use. Heller ruled on the individual right. And Bruen ruled on the right to carry. All three courts referenced Miller weapons in common use.
Keep showing your ignorance simp.
Give it up dumbshit. There are almost a dozen cases dealing with gun rights in which the SCOTUS has rendered a judgement. Miller is most certainly not the "only" one. And interesting that you mention McDonald, which utilizes the due process clause of the 14th amendment to prevent states from nullifying the second amendment and reversed Cruikshank. Interesting because that is precisely the justification for the ruling in Rowe v. Wade. So now McDonald can be attacked.

That is the thing with you right wingers. The historical revisionism and judicial creationism you use will eventually come back and bite you in the ass. The reversal of Miller only makes it easier to ban those assault rifles. From Scalia, "small arms in common use AT THE TIME", so those are the only weapons that are protected by the second amendment. Semi-automatics are not in that genre. Assault weapons most certainly are not.
Give it up dumbshit. There are almost a dozen cases dealing with gun rights in which the SCOTUS has rendered a judgement. Miller is most certainly not the "only" one. And interesting that you mention McDonald, which utilizes the due process clause of the 14th amendment to prevent states from nullifying the second amendment and reversed Cruikshank. Interesting because that is precisely the justification for the ruling in Rowe v. Wade. So now McDonald can be attacked.

That is the thing with you right wingers. The historical revisionism and judicial creationism you use will eventually come back and bite you in the ass. The reversal of Miller only makes it easier to ban those assault rifles. From Scalia, "small arms in common use AT THE TIME", so those are the only weapons that are protected by the second amendment. Semi-automatics are not in that genre. Assault weapons most certainly are not.
You're wrong as usual
Miller ruled in order for a firearm to be protected by the second amendment it must have a reasonable expectation for an efficient and effective militia and weapons in common use of the time and supplied by the citizen.
Wow, I mean just, "Wow". So Constitutional protected rights can never be overturned? Seriously, I mean you are stupid enough to make that claim just months after Rowe was overturned? Miller WAS the standard, after Heller that is no longer the case.

In the 1939 case, United States vs. Miller, the court stated in a unanimous decision that the “obvious purpose” of the Second Amendment was to “assure the continuation and render possible the effectiveness of” the state militia and that it “must be interpreted and applied with that end in view.” In reversing this precedent in the Heller case, the 2008 Supreme Court justices drastically changed how American citizens interact with guns.

You got that, "reversing the precedent"?

Lol!!! You're going to compare a Bill of Rights Amendment to "abortion rights"?
Yes, they should not ban the private ownership of semi-automatic weapons, they should ban the manufacturing of them, except for military uses. Law enforcement can use single action pistols, bolt action rifles, and double barreled shotguns. I mean all you semi-automatic nuts must be some piss poor shots. You can't participate in cowboy shooting competitions, and while I might concede the advantage of having a semi-auto shotgun while dove hunting, no one should be hunting doves to start with.

To be honest, those that yield a semi-auto have adopted the spray and pray strategy, like during the Iraq War. 250,000 rounds fired for every insurgent killed. You guys are an insult to the skill of marksmanship. Daniel Morgan is rolling in his grave.
The sonofabitch stole an election, destroyed energy independence, allowed millions of Illegals to flood in, decreased family income and caused massive inflation and then he calls somebody that buys a Ruger 10-22 "sick"? LOL! The idiots that voted for him are the sickos.
“The idea we still allow semi-automatic weapons to be purchased is sick. Just sick," Biden said on Thanksgiving Day.
More parents murder their children than dies by a semi automatic rifle. And 61 is not that many. Freedom has a price
So all those schoolchildren killed are the price that's needed to be paid so you can pretend that you're a badass with your big guns? Geez, we're doomed.

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