Biden proposes banning vast majority of all guns.

Scalia is not around to tell us what he meant.

We have to look at the last three major decisions by the Supremes. Heller, McDonald and Bruen. They all strongly declare that the right to keep and bear arms is an individual right. Bruen goes the farthest to say that the goddamn government better have a really really really good reason to infringe upon the right to keep and bear arms because what we have seen lately doesn't hack it. It is now required that the lower courts must apply Strict Scrutiny when determining if the fucking law is infrinigning or not. Something they haven't done in the past that allowed gun and magazines bans and dictated ridiculous licensing requirements.
Sicilia was quite clear he was referencing Miller vs US and the restriction of sawed off shotguns. Anti gunners have bastardized what he said
Sicilia was quite clear he was referencing Miller vs US and the restriction of sawed off shotguns. Anti gunners have bastardized what he said
If these Liberal idiot would ever look at Miller they would discover that the Court said that the Second protected arms in general use by the military.

Miller's saw off shotgun was determined not to be protected because the Court did not think it was a military weapon. However, they were wrong because the US used sawed off shotguns in the WW1 trench warfare.
If these Liberal idiot would ever look at Miller they would discover that the Court said that the Second protected arms in general use by the military.

Miller's saw off shotgun was determined not to be protected because the Court did not think it was a military weapon. However, they were wrong because the US used sawed off shotguns in the WW1 trench warfare.
So true. Did you know Jack Miller won his case but during the appeal he didn't show up nor did he have representation and the supreme court ruled against him
So true. Did you know Jack Miller won his case but during the appeal he didn't show up nor did he have representation and the supreme court ruled against him
Yes, I know the whole story. If he had shown up and had a decent defense we could have got the filthy NFA law overturned.
I am good with the Bill of Rights, unlike you asshole Libtards.

By the way Moon Bat. This is by far the typical "mass shooting". A bunch of goddamn Negros shitheads shooting it out in the 'hood' of a city controlled by worthless Democrats.

And what the fuck does gang violence have to do with school shootings, you moron?
Wrong you bastardized what Scalia said. He was referencing Miller vs US. and sawed off shotguns. The right to keep and bear shall not be infringed.
Get the hell out of here you damn amateur

The Second Amendment right is not unlimited. We do not cast doubt on concealed-weapons prohibitions, laws barring possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, laws barring firearms in sensitive places like schools and government buildings, and laws imposing conditions on commercial sale of arms. (54-55) Also, the sorts of weapons protected are the sorts of small arms that were lawfully possessed at home at the time of the Second Amendment’s ratification, not those most useful in military service today, so “M-16 rifles and the like” may be banned.

For future reference, if you haven't even read the damn opinion don't be spouting off about what it says.

So chances are Biden had another Alzheimer moment, and meant "assault rifles" and not semi-auto's, and yes I know they are the same thing, but Dimocrats and the left love to use the scary word.
“I know they are the same thing”… then STFU
Get the hell out of here you damn amateur

The Second Amendment right is not unlimited. We do not cast doubt on concealed-weapons prohibitions, laws barring possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, laws barring firearms in sensitive places like schools and government buildings, and laws imposing conditions on commercial sale of arms. (54-55) Also, the sorts of weapons protected are the sorts of small arms that were lawfully possessed at home at the time of the Second Amendment’s ratification, not those most useful in military service today, so “M-16 rifles and the like” may be banned.

For future reference, if you haven't even read the damn opinion don't be spouting off about what it says.

Ok simp you clueless piece of shit Sicilia was referencing Miller vs US the only supreme court decision that state which firearms are protected by the second amendment. The court ruled on sawed off shotguns and firearms in common use. You're dismissed simp.
Ok simp you clueless piece of shit Sicilia was referencing Miller vs US the only supreme court decision that state which firearms are protected by the second amendment. The court ruled on sawed off shotguns and firearms in common use. You're dismissed simp.
God what a flippin dumbass. Heller overturned the precedent that was Miller you stupid shit. And he never even mentions Miller in his opinion.
Why is the question.
To ensure the security of the State.

England reversed a ban on private ownership of guns because of rampant crime and the inability of the English military to protect the citizens. It was then ordered that citizens secure the means to protect themselves, which included guns. This was not lost on the framers of the Constitution.

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