Biden regime refuses to confirm record number of kids in cages at the border

There are over 3,200 children being kept in cages at the border. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez observed first-person that these facilities require children to drink water from the toilets. This is despicable, and the secretive Biden regime refuses to even confirm that it's happening.

They have NO PLAN to stop this barbaric practice.

White House press secretary Jen Psaki refused Tuesday to confirm reports that the number of detained unaccompanied minors at the border had tripled since Biden became president.

I’m not going to confirm numbers from here,” Psaki said during the White House press briefing. “Obviously, the Department of Homeland Security and others are–oversee the programs and the engagements that happen at the border.

Psaki was repeatedly questioned about the number of unattended minors in custody by the border control as reporters noted that the numbers had tripled just in the last two weeks to over 3,200 — more children held in detention centers at a single time than during President Donald Trump’s presidency.

Both President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris strongly condemned such facilities during the 2020 presidential campaign, accusing former President Donald Trump of putting children and “babies in cages.”

“Jen, why won’t you confirm that number?” one reporter asked. “That’s a very important number.”

Psaki repeatedly referred reporters to the Department of Homeland Security.

“But we’ve talked to them, Jen,” the reporter replied. “They won’t confirm the numbers.”

“I would encourage you to go back to them and ask them again,” Psaki replied. “We’re not going to confirm them are from the White House. It’s not our program.”

The White House is tracking the numbers of kids at the border, as they repeatedly deny that there is a crisis taking place on their watch.

“Look, I don’t think we need to sit here and put new labels on what we have already conveyed is challenging,” Psaki said, when asked if the numbers at the border had reached the level of a crisis.

She said the detained children would be moved “as quickly as possible” from the Border Patrol facilities to shelters where they could have educational resources, health resources, mental health resources, and legal aid.

Psaki told reporters that they would open up the migrant facilities in the future to reporters to see the centers personally.

“We’re committed to doing that,” she said, but added she did not have a timeline for when that would be.
"Those facilities, which are overseen by the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR), are distinct from the “cages” in US Customs and Border Protection holding facilities that generated widespread outrage under the Trump administration. "

There are over 3,200 children being kept in cages at the border. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez observed first-person that these facilities require children to drink water from the toilets. This is despicable, and the secretive Biden regime refuses to even confirm that it's happening.

They have NO PLAN to stop this barbaric practice.

White House press secretary Jen Psaki refused Tuesday to confirm reports that the number of detained unaccompanied minors at the border had tripled since Biden became president.

I’m not going to confirm numbers from here,” Psaki said during the White House press briefing. “Obviously, the Department of Homeland Security and others are–oversee the programs and the engagements that happen at the border.

Psaki was repeatedly questioned about the number of unattended minors in custody by the border control as reporters noted that the numbers had tripled just in the last two weeks to over 3,200 — more children held in detention centers at a single time than during President Donald Trump’s presidency.

Both President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris strongly condemned such facilities during the 2020 presidential campaign, accusing former President Donald Trump of putting children and “babies in cages.”

“Jen, why won’t you confirm that number?” one reporter asked. “That’s a very important number.”

Psaki repeatedly referred reporters to the Department of Homeland Security.

“But we’ve talked to them, Jen,” the reporter replied. “They won’t confirm the numbers.”

“I would encourage you to go back to them and ask them again,” Psaki replied. “We’re not going to confirm them are from the White House. It’s not our program.”

The White House is tracking the numbers of kids at the border, as they repeatedly deny that there is a crisis taking place on their watch.

“Look, I don’t think we need to sit here and put new labels on what we have already conveyed is challenging,” Psaki said, when asked if the numbers at the border had reached the level of a crisis.

She said the detained children would be moved “as quickly as possible” from the Border Patrol facilities to shelters where they could have educational resources, health resources, mental health resources, and legal aid.

Psaki told reporters that they would open up the migrant facilities in the future to reporters to see the centers personally.

“We’re committed to doing that,” she said, but added she did not have a timeline for when that would be.
"Those facilities, which are overseen by the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR), are distinct from the “cages” in US Customs and Border Protection holding facilities that generated widespread outrage under the Trump administration. "

Yes of course, cages are distinctly different than they were under Trump. Trump was a Republican, totally different. Under Democrats, we can call them a different name which makes them not cages since we aren't calling them that!

Or in your native language, baa, baa
There are over 3,200 children being kept in cages at the border. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez observed first-person that these facilities require children to drink water from the toilets. This is despicable, and the secretive Biden regime refuses to even confirm that it's happening.

They have NO PLAN to stop this barbaric practice.

White House press secretary Jen Psaki refused Tuesday to confirm reports that the number of detained unaccompanied minors at the border had tripled since Biden became president.

I’m not going to confirm numbers from here,” Psaki said during the White House press briefing. “Obviously, the Department of Homeland Security and others are–oversee the programs and the engagements that happen at the border.

Psaki was repeatedly questioned about the number of unattended minors in custody by the border control as reporters noted that the numbers had tripled just in the last two weeks to over 3,200 — more children held in detention centers at a single time than during President Donald Trump’s presidency.

Both President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris strongly condemned such facilities during the 2020 presidential campaign, accusing former President Donald Trump of putting children and “babies in cages.”

“Jen, why won’t you confirm that number?” one reporter asked. “That’s a very important number.”

Psaki repeatedly referred reporters to the Department of Homeland Security.

“But we’ve talked to them, Jen,” the reporter replied. “They won’t confirm the numbers.”

“I would encourage you to go back to them and ask them again,” Psaki replied. “We’re not going to confirm them are from the White House. It’s not our program.”

The White House is tracking the numbers of kids at the border, as they repeatedly deny that there is a crisis taking place on their watch.

“Look, I don’t think we need to sit here and put new labels on what we have already conveyed is challenging,” Psaki said, when asked if the numbers at the border had reached the level of a crisis.

She said the detained children would be moved “as quickly as possible” from the Border Patrol facilities to shelters where they could have educational resources, health resources, mental health resources, and legal aid.

Psaki told reporters that they would open up the migrant facilities in the future to reporters to see the centers personally.

“We’re committed to doing that,” she said, but added she did not have a timeline for when that would be.
"Those facilities, which are overseen by the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR), are distinct from the “cages” in US Customs and Border Protection holding facilities that generated widespread outrage under the Trump administration. "

Same cages, different name, different can put lipstick on a cage, but it's still a cage

But if the new name makes you feel good about yourself, that's all that matters
Maybe they're drinking out of toilets because Greg Abbott and Republicans completely fucked up on the energy grid prior to the deep freeze?

LOL They aren't drinking out of toilets. Its the way those fountains are designed. This came up the last time kids in cages was on this board.
Same cages
False. That's the entire point. It doesn't fit your narrative, so you invent your own reality.

No. You invent yours.

Kinda funny when Trump was POTUS the kids were in cages. Now that, that stuttering fuck is POTUS the kids aren't in cages.

Hypocrite much.
Cry it all out. Your narrative fell apart, but you are very attached to it. So you have a hissy. Rinse, repeat.

Nothing to cry about. My narrative is fine. Your narrative did fall apart but you are attached to is. Have your hypocritical hissy fit. Rinse and repeat. Dumbass.
Maybe they're drinking out of toilets because Greg Abbott and Republicans completely fucked up on the energy grid prior to the deep freeze?

No, idiot, AOC made that observation quite a while ago, long before the freeze in Texas. Was she lying?

That was when Trumpy Bear was president - Idiot
Where was your outrage then?
Meh, you loved it - With Rump it was come for the lies ... Stay for the cruelty!
hhahah the one that says the Biden Admin is REOPENING the same facilities closed down during the Trump admin because of the "backlash"?
Which is not in reference to the "cages". Enjoy your cackling.
hahahaha it's the same facilities did you not read the article you posted??? hahhaah

The Biden Admin even is quoted in your link complaining how they had to start from scratch because Trump shut down the Obama era facilities

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