Biden regime watching American's Facebook posts and telling Zuckerberg which ones to ban.

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Democrats are once again appointing themselves as the authority as to what classifies as facts and misinformation. Remember, this is the same crew that appointed itself as arbiters of determining “hate speech” and “hate crimes”.
Biden...Making America Greater.
Biden is a sick joke.
Jokes on you.

PS: August is in 2 weeks...when is your blob going to be back in office?
Not an election thread, Dumbass.

Any comment on Adolf Biden's collusion with Facebook?
Its satire...everything you post is a joke.

You put it in politics fuck face.

306-232. Scoreboard.
So the Biden regime isn't flagging people and telling Facebook to ban them?
Doubtful. Do you still have your Facebook account?
So you didn’t watch Circle Back Girl say they were.

Stay ignorant……it’s what you are good at.
Biden and all his people are a cancer on our country. The sooner we decertify his election, the better our country will be.
Simple poll.

This all come about by trump spreadimg blatant.lies that were proven to be so.
Republicans have no one to blame but themselves but now bellow when steps are taken to stop it.

They are not censoring free speech. The social media platforms are privately owned.

Now they are colluding with the government. Say bye bye to 230 protections. :)

They are not colluding. It's onlyproper that governments don't belch lies when gullible idiots like trump supporters soak it up.
They are private companies to act as they choose. Not even biden can spread propaganda anymore.

The problem is they have silenced trump . You would have agreed if they silenced Biden. You hypocrites.

Only a complete loon can listen to a government official tell the world they are colluding with a company, and declare they aren't.

Hello crazy person...
Simple poll.

This all come about by trump spreadimg blatant.lies that were proven to be so.
Republicans have no one to blame but themselves but now bellow when steps are taken to stop it.

They are not censoring free speech. The social media platforms are privately owned.

Now they are colluding with the government. Say bye bye to 230 protections. :)

They are not colluding. It's onlyproper that governments don't belch lies when gullible idiots like trump supporters soak it up.
They are private companies to act as they choose. Not even biden can spread propaganda anymore.

The problem is they have silenced trump . You would have agreed if they silenced Biden. You hypocrites.

Only a complete loon can listen to a government official tell the world they are colluding with a company, and declare they aren't.

Hello crazy person...

It defies logic. She states in the first minute of the video they are working WITH FACEBOOK to find and sensor posts.
The problem is they have silenced trump . You would have agreed if they silenced Biden. You hypocrites.

Most conservative do NOT agree that Biden should be silenced, that s not true. Most conservatives also believe the Trump and those who support him shouldn't be silenced either. When a gov't silences the opposition as the democrats and their collaborators in the media and academia are doing, then you are taking steps down the road that leads to a totalitarian gov't. To support the idea that Trump should b silenced and then claim to be for free speech, now THAT is hypocrisy.
Simple poll.

"Consulting with experts" does not equal censorship.

We're flagging problematic posts FOR Facebook.

That IS contributing to sensorship. Unless you think by flagging them they mean doing nothing to the posts...

This is both ignorant and wrong.

When government subjects FB to punitive measures because of its content, it's at that point free speech is being censored.

Bullshit. The Regime is telling FB who to ban.
Simple poll.

"Consulting with experts" does not equal censorship.

We're flagging problematic posts FOR Facebook.

That IS contributing to sensorship. Unless you think by flagging them they mean doing nothing to the posts...

This is both ignorant and wrong.

When government subjects FB to punitive measures because of its content, it's at that point free speech is being censored.

Wrong, moron. When the government prevents Verizon from barring cutsomers who have opinions that Verizon disagrees with, that's censorship? Only a Stalinist idiot would agree.

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