Biden regime watching American's Facebook posts and telling Zuckerberg which ones to ban.

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Depends on what is being "censored". If i call someone a poopoo head I dont think that should be "censored" but if someone is lying to the public then I have no problem with it being "censored" especially if its on someones platform that you have no right to be on.
The exact point is, do you think the government never lies?
We should Never hear opinions other than the governments?
How do you know who is lying, the government or the poster?
Everyone is supposed to be free to access to online "platforms" and say whatever they want to, that's why section 230 was approved.
Pretty sure the government lies. You ever watch a established politician talk to the public? The government is not going to lock down the public and fuckup their tax base so you can be sure that if they lie its going to be to give an early all clear.

You arent free to access those online platforms if you don't follow their rules. Like no lying.

Yet they give free rein to murderous dictators, go fucking figure.

Thats their business. If you dont like it go to parlor or start your own platform.

Actually it's not just their business, when their published rules aren't applied equally they open themselves to liability for consumer fraud. Death to America isn't dangerous speech according to them, but saying it's up to the individual if they chose to take a voluntary vaccine somehow is. You're nothing but a fucking hypocrite just like the American oligarchs are.

BTW, this board is as close to social media of any kind as I get.

"Actually it's not just their business"

Actually it is which is why you are subject to their rules when using their platform. If they want to open themselves up to liability that's their fucking business. There is nothing you can do if you break their rules and they decide to censor your stupid ass. "Johnny did it too" isn't a valid excuse you whiney little bitch.

Blah, blah, blah, you commies will make excuses for anyone that is doing your bidding. commiesaki just verified that's exactly what they're doing in a WH briefing. Her statements may have just won Trumps class action suit for him. I hope it costs the oligarch billions.

Youre a fucking fool if you think Drumpfs lawsuits are going to do anything other than get thrown out while he uses your donations to pay the court costs for both parties after losing. :)

ROFLMFAO, not my donations. You fools sure do love making assumptions and every time concerning me you've been wrong. Now run along you commie hypocrite, you're boring the hell out of me.

I'm not wrong about you. You are a frequent donator to Drumpfs money making schemes.

You haven't been right about anything, hell you can't even get a two sentence post correct. Where did you learn English, Chernobyl? LMAO

I'm definitely right about you. What problem did you have with my english?

Vocabulary, you're too ignorant to use the appropriate word. Hell you don't even know how to spell English. The rest, I have little faith you'll figure it out. But it would be fun watching you try.

I'm not going to try anything. You are ignorant if you can't read what I wrote. Your inability to point it out only confirms you have no clue what you are talking about.
Depends on what is being "censored". If i call someone a poopoo head I dont think that should be "censored" but if someone is lying to the public then I have no problem with it being "censored" especially if its on someones platform that you have no right to be on.
The exact point is, do you think the government never lies?
We should Never hear opinions other than the governments?
How do you know who is lying, the government or the poster?
Everyone is supposed to be free to access to online "platforms" and say whatever they want to, that's why section 230 was approved.
Pretty sure the government lies. You ever watch a established politician talk to the public? The government is not going to lock down the public and fuckup their tax base so you can be sure that if they lie its going to be to give an early all clear.

You arent free to access those online platforms if you don't follow their rules. Like no lying.

Yet they give free rein to murderous dictators, go fucking figure.

Thats their business. If you dont like it go to parlor or start your own platform.

Actually it's not just their business, when their published rules aren't applied equally they open themselves to liability for consumer fraud. Death to America isn't dangerous speech according to them, but saying it's up to the individual if they chose to take a voluntary vaccine somehow is. You're nothing but a fucking hypocrite just like the American oligarchs are.

BTW, this board is as close to social media of any kind as I get.

"Actually it's not just their business"

Actually it is which is why you are subject to their rules when using their platform. If they want to open themselves up to liability that's their fucking business. There is nothing you can do if you break their rules and they decide to censor your stupid ass. "Johnny did it too" isn't a valid excuse you whiney little bitch.

Blah, blah, blah, you commies will make excuses for anyone that is doing your bidding. commiesaki just verified that's exactly what they're doing in a WH briefing. Her statements may have just won Trumps class action suit for him. I hope it costs the oligarch billions.

Youre a fucking fool if you think Drumpfs lawsuits are going to do anything other than get thrown out while he uses your donations to pay the court costs for both parties after losing. :)

ROFLMFAO, not my donations. You fools sure do love making assumptions and every time concerning me you've been wrong. Now run along you commie hypocrite, you're boring the hell out of me.

I'm not wrong about you. You are a frequent donator to Drumpfs money making schemes.

You haven't been right about anything, hell you can't even get a two sentence post correct. Where did you learn English, Chernobyl? LMAO

I'm definitely right about you. What problem did you have with my english?

Vocabulary, you're too ignorant to use the appropriate word. Hell you don't even know how to spell English. The rest, I have little faith you'll figure it out. But it would be fun watching you try.

I'm not going to try anything. You are ignorant if you can't read what I wrote. Your inability to point it out only confirms you have no clue what you are talking about.

Of course you won't, you're too ignorant to figure it out on your own. Ask one of your comrades to lend ya a hand. I hear you commies are into that. LMAO

Simple poll.

This all come about by trump spreadimg blatant.lies that were proven to be so.
Republicans have no one to blame but themselves but now bellow when steps are taken to stop it.

They are not censoring free speech. The social media platforms are privately owned.

Now they are colluding with the government. Say bye bye to 230 protections. :)

They are not colluding. It's onlyproper that governments don't belch lies when gullible idiots like trump supporters soak it up.
They are private companies to act as they choose. Not even biden can spread propaganda anymore.

The problem is they have silenced trump . You would have agreed if they silenced Biden. You hypocrites.
Simple poll.

This all come about by trump spreadimg blatant.lies that were proven to be so.
Republicans have no one to blame but themselves but now bellow when steps are taken to stop it.

They are not censoring free speech. The social media platforms are privately owned.

Now they are colluding with the government. Say bye bye to 230 protections. :)

They are not colluding. It's onlyproper that governments don't belch lies when gullible idiots like trump supporters soak it up.
They are private companies to act as they choose. Not even biden can spread propaganda anymore.

The problem is they have silenced trump . You would have agreed if they silenced Biden. You hypocrites.

Government helping private business censor ..what could go wrong?
Simple poll.

This all come about by trump spreadimg blatant.lies that were proven to be so.
Republicans have no one to blame but themselves but now bellow when steps are taken to stop it.

They are not censoring free speech. The social media platforms are privately owned.

Now they are colluding with the government. Say bye bye to 230 protections. :)

They are not colluding. It's onlyproper that governments don't belch lies when gullible idiots like trump supporters soak it up.
They are private companies to act as they choose. Not even biden can spread propaganda anymore.

The problem is they have silenced trump . You would have agreed if they silenced Biden. You hypocrites.

Government helping private business censor ..what could go wrong?

Grow up. If both parties are restricted, what can go wrong.
Simple poll.

This all come about by trump spreadimg blatant.lies that were proven to be so.
Republicans have no one to blame but themselves but now bellow when steps are taken to stop it.

They are not censoring free speech. The social media platforms are privately owned.

Now they are colluding with the government. Say bye bye to 230 protections. :)

They are not colluding. It's onlyproper that governments don't belch lies when gullible idiots like trump supporters soak it up.
They are private companies to act as they choose. Not even biden can spread propaganda anymore.

The problem is they have silenced trump . You would have agreed if they silenced Biden. You hypocrites.

Government helping private business censor ..what could go wrong?

Grow up. If both parties are restricted, what can go wrong.

So you want the kkk democrats not being restricted?
Depends on what is being "censored". If i call someone a poopoo head I dont think that should be "censored" but if someone is lying to the public then I have no problem with it being "censored" especially if its on someones platform that you have no right to be on.

Americans have a right to lie even if the government doesn't like it.

Creepy how much power you liberals are willing to give the government. Wow.
Simple poll.

This all come about by trump spreadimg blatant.lies that were proven to be so.
Republicans have no one to blame but themselves but now bellow when steps are taken to stop it.

They are not censoring free speech. The social media platforms are privately owned.

Now they are colluding with the government. Say bye bye to 230 protections. :)

They are not colluding. It's onlyproper that governments don't belch lies when gullible idiots like trump supporters soak it up.
They are private companies to act as they choose. Not even biden can spread propaganda anymore.

The problem is they have silenced trump . You would have agreed if they silenced Biden. You hypocrites.

Government helping private business censor ..what could go wrong?

Grow up. If both parties are restricted, what can go wrong.

"Liberals", everyone.

Simple poll.

This all come about by trump spreadimg blatant.lies that were proven to be so.
Republicans have no one to blame but themselves but now bellow when steps are taken to stop it.

They are not censoring free speech. The social media platforms are privately owned.

Now they are colluding with the government. Say bye bye to 230 protections. :)

They are not colluding. It's onlyproper that governments don't belch lies when gullible idiots like trump supporters soak it up.
They are private companies to act as they choose. Not even biden can spread propaganda anymore.

The problem is they have silenced trump . You would have agreed if they silenced Biden. You hypocrites.

Government helping private business censor ..what could go wrong?

Grow up. If both parties are restricted, what can go wrong.

"Liberals", everyone.


That statement makes a lot of sense.
Are you off your meds.
Simple poll.

This all come about by trump spreadimg blatant.lies that were proven to be so.
Republicans have no one to blame but themselves but now bellow when steps are taken to stop it.

They are not censoring free speech. The social media platforms are privately owned.

Now they are colluding with the government. Say bye bye to 230 protections. :)

They are not colluding. It's onlyproper that governments don't belch lies when gullible idiots like trump supporters soak it up.
They are private companies to act as they choose. Not even biden can spread propaganda anymore.

The problem is they have silenced trump . You would have agreed if they silenced Biden. You hypocrites.

Government helping private business censor ..what could go wrong?

Grow up. If both parties are restricted, what can go wrong.

"Liberals", everyone.


That statement makes a lot of sense.
Are you off your meds.

You probably don't realize this, not being an American, but the govt has no business violating our Free Speech in this nation. Not even if we feel like speaking about how bad the vaccines are.
Simple poll.

This all come about by trump spreadimg blatant.lies that were proven to be so.
Republicans have no one to blame but themselves but now bellow when steps are taken to stop it.

They are not censoring free speech. The social media platforms are privately owned.

Now they are colluding with the government. Say bye bye to 230 protections. :)

They are not colluding. It's onlyproper that governments don't belch lies when gullible idiots like trump supporters soak it up.
They are private companies to act as they choose. Not even biden can spread propaganda anymore.

The problem is they have silenced trump . You would have agreed if they silenced Biden. You hypocrites.

Government helping private business censor ..what could go wrong?

Grow up. If both parties are restricted, what can go wrong.

"Liberals", everyone.


That statement makes a lot of sense.
Are you off your meds.

You probably don't realize this, not being an American, but the govt has no business violating our Free Speech in this nation. Not even if we feel like speaking about how bad the vaccines are.

I challenge you to show where Biden has violated your free speech and show the proof the vacinnes are bad for you?

Take your time. I'll wait here.
Simple poll.

This all come about by trump spreadimg blatant.lies that were proven to be so.
Republicans have no one to blame but themselves but now bellow when steps are taken to stop it.

They are not censoring free speech. The social media platforms are privately owned.

Now they are colluding with the government. Say bye bye to 230 protections. :)

They are not colluding. It's onlyproper that governments don't belch lies when gullible idiots like trump supporters soak it up.
They are private companies to act as they choose. Not even biden can spread propaganda anymore.

The problem is they have silenced trump . You would have agreed if they silenced Biden. You hypocrites.

Government helping private business censor ..what could go wrong?

Grow up. If both parties are restricted, what can go wrong.

"Liberals", everyone.


That statement makes a lot of sense.
Are you off your meds.

You probably don't realize this, not being an American, but the govt has no business violating our Free Speech in this nation. Not even if we feel like speaking about how bad the vaccines are.

I challenge you to show where Biden has violated your free speech and show the proof the vacinnes are bad for you?

Take your time. I'll wait here.

Don't be so arrogant bucko.

The spike proteins really like to congregate in ovaries and testes. You got those?

Simple poll.

This all come about by trump spreadimg blatant.lies that were proven to be so.
Republicans have no one to blame but themselves but now bellow when steps are taken to stop it.

They are not censoring free speech. The social media platforms are privately owned.

Now they are colluding with the government. Say bye bye to 230 protections. :)

They are not colluding. It's onlyproper that governments don't belch lies when gullible idiots like trump supporters soak it up.
They are private companies to act as they choose. Not even biden can spread propaganda anymore.

The problem is they have silenced trump . You would have agreed if they silenced Biden. You hypocrites.

Government helping private business censor ..what could go wrong?

Grow up. If both parties are restricted, what can go wrong.

"Liberals", everyone.


That statement makes a lot of sense.
Are you off your meds.

You probably don't realize this, not being an American, but the govt has no business violating our Free Speech in this nation. Not even if we feel like speaking about how bad the vaccines are.

I challenge you to show where Biden has violated your free speech and show the proof the vacinnes are bad for you?

Take your time. I'll wait here.

Face book
Simple poll.

This all come about by trump spreadimg blatant.lies that were proven to be so.
Republicans have no one to blame but themselves but now bellow when steps are taken to stop it.

They are not censoring free speech. The social media platforms are privately owned.

Now they are colluding with the government. Say bye bye to 230 protections. :)

They are not colluding. It's onlyproper that governments don't belch lies when gullible idiots like trump supporters soak it up.
They are private companies to act as they choose. Not even biden can spread propaganda anymore.

The problem is they have silenced trump . You would have agreed if they silenced Biden. You hypocrites.

Government helping private business censor ..what could go wrong?

Grow up. If both parties are restricted, what can go wrong.

"Liberals", everyone.


That statement makes a lot of sense.
Are you off your meds.

You probably don't realize this, not being an American, but the govt has no business violating our Free Speech in this nation. Not even if we feel like speaking about how bad the vaccines are.

I challenge you to show where Biden has violated your free speech and show the proof the vacinnes are bad for you?

Take your time. I'll wait here.

BTW "vaccines" has two c's and one n

Here's some more information for your reading pleasure. So, as you see from the last link, the spike proteins do not stay confined to the arm muscle, but accumulate in the organs. On top of that, they are failing fast. Look here. Data from Israel, last week, cases vax v. unvaxxed


  • Vaccine Israel.png
    Vaccine Israel.png
    19.9 KB · Views: 24
Simple poll.

This all come about by trump spreadimg blatant.lies that were proven to be so.
Republicans have no one to blame but themselves but now bellow when steps are taken to stop it.

They are not censoring free speech. The social media platforms are privately owned.

Now they are colluding with the government. Say bye bye to 230 protections. :)

They are not colluding. It's onlyproper that governments don't belch lies when gullible idiots like trump supporters soak it up.
They are private companies to act as they choose. Not even biden can spread propaganda anymore.

The problem is they have silenced trump . You would have agreed if they silenced Biden. You hypocrites.

Government helping private business censor ..what could go wrong?

Grow up. If both parties are restricted, what can go wrong.

"Liberals", everyone.


That statement makes a lot of sense.
Are you off your meds.

You probably don't realize this, not being an American, but the govt has no business violating our Free Speech in this nation. Not even if we feel like speaking about how bad the vaccines are.

I challenge you to show where Biden has violated your free speech and show the proof the vacinnes are bad for you?

Take your time. I'll wait here.

BTW "vaccines" has two c's and one n

Here's some more information for your reading pleasure. So, as you see from the last link, the spike proteins do not stay confined to the arm muscle, but accumulate in the organs. On top of that, they are failing fast. Look here. Data from Israel, last week, cases vax v. unvaxxed

Have you alerted the world to your earth shattering discoveries? They would like to know because they are madly vaccinating everyone on with.
And a buffoon like you has all the evidence they need. Brilliant.
Simple poll.

This all come about by trump spreadimg blatant.lies that were proven to be so.
Republicans have no one to blame but themselves but now bellow when steps are taken to stop it.

They are not censoring free speech. The social media platforms are privately owned.

Now they are colluding with the government. Say bye bye to 230 protections. :)

They are not colluding. It's onlyproper that governments don't belch lies when gullible idiots like trump supporters soak it up.
They are private companies to act as they choose. Not even biden can spread propaganda anymore.

The problem is they have silenced trump . You would have agreed if they silenced Biden. You hypocrites.

Government helping private business censor ..what could go wrong?

Grow up. If both parties are restricted, what can go wrong.

"Liberals", everyone.


That statement makes a lot of sense.
Are you off your meds.

You probably don't realize this, not being an American, but the govt has no business violating our Free Speech in this nation. Not even if we feel like speaking about how bad the vaccines are.

I challenge you to show where Biden has violated your free speech and show the proof the vacinnes are bad for you?

Take your time. I'll wait here.

BTW "vaccines" has two c's and one n

Here's some more information for your reading pleasure. So, as you see from the last link, the spike proteins do not stay confined to the arm muscle, but accumulate in the organs. On top of that, they are failing fast. Look here. Data from Israel, last week, cases vax v. unvaxxed

Have you alerted the world to your earth shattering discoveries? They would like to know because they are madly vaccinating everyone on with.
And a buffoon like you has all the evidence they need. Brilliant.

You call names because you have nothing else. Really. Nothing.
Simple poll.

This all come about by trump spreadimg blatant.lies that were proven to be so.
Republicans have no one to blame but themselves but now bellow when steps are taken to stop it.

They are not censoring free speech. The social media platforms are privately owned.

Now they are colluding with the government. Say bye bye to 230 protections. :)

They are not colluding. It's onlyproper that governments don't belch lies when gullible idiots like trump supporters soak it up.
They are private companies to act as they choose. Not even biden can spread propaganda anymore.

The problem is they have silenced trump . You would have agreed if they silenced Biden. You hypocrites.

Government helping private business censor ..what could go wrong?

Grow up. If both parties are restricted, what can go wrong.

"Liberals", everyone.


That statement makes a lot of sense.
Are you off your meds.

You probably don't realize this, not being an American, but the govt has no business violating our Free Speech in this nation. Not even if we feel like speaking about how bad the vaccines are.

I challenge you to show where Biden has violated your free speech and show the proof the vacinnes are bad for you?

Take your time. I'll wait here.

BTW "vaccines" has two c's and one n

Here's some more information for your reading pleasure. So, as you see from the last link, the spike proteins do not stay confined to the arm muscle, but accumulate in the organs. On top of that, they are failing fast. Look here. Data from Israel, last week, cases vax v. unvaxxed

Have you alerted the world to your earth shattering discoveries? They would like to know because they are madly vaccinating everyone on with.
And a buffoon like you has all the evidence they need. Brilliant.

You call names because you have nothing else. Really. Nothing.

I've had your measure for a week. You make outrageously ridiculous statements and expect to go unchallenged.
Don't be so stupid.

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