Biden regime watching American's Facebook posts and telling Zuckerberg which ones to ban.

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Simple poll
"Consulting with experts" does not equal censorship.
Psaki flat out says that the Admin is flagging posts for facebook.

She also laid out four things that the Admin is requesting of social media companies...

1. That they measure and share data on "the reach of 'misinformation' on their platforms."
2. More robust enforcement (censorship). She notes that 12 people produce about 65% of "anti-vaccine information." The White House wants them banned.
3. Faster censorship. Current censorship is not fast enough for the White House.
4. More official government messages pushed into peoples' "feeds."

When the government is using its immense authority to coerce these companies to censor the content of private citizens, that's called Fascism.

The irony is that as these social media platforms have become de facto arms of the Democrats and therefore current US government, they will arguably not deserve Section 230 protection and must abide by the First Amendment, even if they are technically private companies.

Many of the people that they’re asking to be censored or Russian propaganda sites that are promoting false information about vaccines to undermine the faith of the American public in their government.

Do you think that the Russian government should be able to lie with impunity to try to destroy the nation? How are people reading their lies supposed to know who they are and what their intentions are?
What's next we also must kill down syndrome babies?
Where the fuck does that come from? You fuckers have dideased minds.
Depends on what is being "censored". If i call someone a poopoo head I dont think that should be "censored" but if someone is lying to the public then I have no problem with it being "censored" especially if its on someones platform that you have no right to be on.
It's not the governments platform so why are they involved? This is some serious dangerous government creep...
Well …she also said that if you are banned from one platform you should be banned from them all. So…obviously it’s not just Facebook they are in bed with.
At this point we're fucked. I can not wait for the midterms to put these thieves in check and then 2024 to kick them the fuck out of DC
With the voting system in a number of states rigged so the demrats win no matter what, I am not holding by breath.
You would kill whats left of your brain if you held your breath. What kind of rigged system votes repubs into office if its done by dems?
LOL. In some states like Arizona, PA, GA, for starters. And I won't be holding my breath for residents of the Island of the Living Brain dead like yourself to even have a 1 digit IQ.
Depends on what is being "censored". If i call someone a poopoo head I dont think that should be "censored" but if someone is lying to the public then I have no problem with it being "censored" especially if its on someones platform that you have no right to be on.

Like if they said I could keep my doctor if I liked it or I could keep my healthcare plan if I liked it or they said that my Healthcare premiums would be reduced by $2,000
Not really. That doesn't make you die. More like injecting bleach to sort of clean the virus away.
Dems told you PTOUS said that. In fact, he did not say that. Maybe Dems are the problem. :cool:
Depends on what is being "censored". If i call someone a poopoo head I dont think that should be "censored" but if someone is lying to the public then I have no problem with it being "censored" especially if its on someones platform that you have no right to be on.

Like if they said I could keep my doctor if I liked it or I could keep my healthcare plan if I liked it or they said that my Healthcare premiums would be reduced by $2,000
Not really. That doesn't make you die. More like injecting bleach to sort of clean the virus away.
Dems told you PTOUS said that. In fact, he did not say that. Maybe Dems are the problem. :cool:
Nah bruh. My own eyes and ears heard that retarded mother fucker say that. :)
Depends on what is being "censored". If i call someone a poopoo head I dont think that should be "censored" but if someone is lying to the public then I have no problem with it being "censored" especially if its on someones platform that you have no right to be on.
C'mon, what is lying?? You can find "the earth is flat" posted on FB every day. Did the dems say the vaccine was not working when Trump was the POTUS?
Let me be specific. Lies that cause people to die or goad them to violence....where people tend to die. I never heard anyone say the vaccine wouldn't work except Drumpf followers.
Where were you when the Dems said 'NO' to the vaccine because it was Trump's vaccine? :laughing0301:

Harris’ statement, which came during the only vice presidential debate of the 2020 election cycle, underscores the central role that Covid-19 vaccine development has played on the 2020 campaign trail.

“If public health professionals, if Dr. Fauci, if the doctors tell us that we should take it, I’ll be the first in line to take it, absolutely,” she said. “But if Donald Trump tells us that we should take it, I’m not taking it.”

Harris and the Democratic presidential nominee, Joe Biden, have criticized Trump for months for rhetoric that undermines government scientists and, they argue, has damaged public trust in an eventual vaccine. Biden has backed Harris’ stance on the Trump administration’s vaccine development process, outlining several transparency thresholds that the campaign would require before endorsing use of a Covid-19 vaccine.

For months, President Trump has pledged an imminent vaccine approval, openly acknowledging he’s seeking one by Election Day on Nov. 3.

In response, Pence stopped short of echoing the Trump campaign’s prior accusation that Harris’ stance makes her an “anti-vaxxer,” but he called her stance “unconscionable.”
That never happened. Dont blame your lack of reading comprehension either. You quoted exactly what was said so you are intentionally being a repub and lying.
That was at the VP debate :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
Depends on what is being "censored". If i call someone a poopoo head I dont think that should be "censored" but if someone is lying to the public then I have no problem with it being "censored" especially if its on someones platform that you have no right to be on.

Like if they said I could keep my doctor if I liked it or I could keep my healthcare plan if I liked it or they said that my Healthcare premiums would be reduced by $2,000
Not really. That doesn't make you die. More like injecting bleach to sort of clean the virus away.
Dems told you PTOUS said that. In fact, he did not say that. Maybe Dems are the problem. :cool:
Nah bruh. My own eyes and ears heard that retarded mother fucker say that. :)
You should give us the clip then. I remembered he did not say bleach. Then, maybe as you said, "people were smart enough not to take it literally" :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:
Simple poll
"Consulting with experts" does not equal censorship.
Psaki flat out says that the Admin is flagging posts for facebook.

She also laid out four things that the Admin is requesting of social media companies...

1. That they measure and share data on "the reach of 'misinformation' on their platforms."
2. More robust enforcement (censorship). She notes that 12 people produce about 65% of "anti-vaccine information." The White House wants them banned.
3. Faster censorship. Current censorship is not fast enough for the White House.
4. More official government messages pushed into peoples' "feeds."

When the government is using its immense authority to coerce these companies to censor the content of private citizens, that's called Fascism.

The irony is that as these social media platforms have become de facto arms of the Democrats and therefore current US government, they will arguably not deserve Section 230 protection and must abide by the First Amendment, even if they are technically private companies.

Many of the people that they’re asking to be censored or Russian propaganda sites that are promoting false information about vaccines to undermine the faith of the American public in their government.

Do you think that the Russian government should be able to lie with impunity to try to destroy the nation? How are people reading their lies supposed to know who they are and what their intentions are?
What's next we also must kill down syndrome babies?
Where the fuck does that come from? You fuckers have dideased minds.
The minister of truth?
Depends on what is being "censored". If i call someone a poopoo head I dont think that should be "censored" but if someone is lying to the public then I have no problem with it being "censored" especially if its on someones platform that you have no right to be on.

Like if they said I could keep my doctor if I liked it or I could keep my healthcare plan if I liked it or they said that my Healthcare premiums would be reduced by $2,000
Not really. That doesn't make you die. More like injecting bleach to sort of clean the virus away.
Dems told you PTOUS said that. In fact, he did not say that. Maybe Dems are the problem. :cool:
Nah bruh. My own eyes and ears heard that retarded mother fucker say that. :)
You should give us the clip then. I remembered he did not say bleach. Then, maybe as you said, "people were smart enough not to take it literally" :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:
Oldie but goodie. Check out Dr Birk trying her best not to be included. :auiqs.jpg:

What a fucking idiot.

Last edited:
Simple poll.

commiesake isn't helping, she's driecting. When a private company acts in concert with the government, they have to abide by the same rules as the government. So the 1st and 4th amendments apply.

Depends on what is being "censored". If i call someone a poopoo head I dont think that should be "censored" but if someone is lying to the public then I have no problem with it being "censored" especially if its on someones platform that you have no right to be on.

Like if they said I could keep my doctor if I liked it or I could keep my healthcare plan if I liked it or they said that my Healthcare premiums would be reduced by $2,000
Not really. That doesn't make you die. More like injecting bleach to sort of clean the virus away.
Dems told you PTOUS said that. In fact, he did not say that. Maybe Dems are the problem. :cool:
Nah bruh. My own eyes and ears heard that retarded mother fucker say that. :)
You should give us the clip then. I remembered he did not say bleach. Then, maybe as you said, "people were smart enough not to take it literally" :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:
Oldie but goodie. Check out Dr Birk trying her best not to be included. :auiqs.jpg:

What a fucking idiot.


when you need to quote from the view's talking point to support your argument, you know you are on the right side of the Karen.
Simple poll
"Consulting with experts" does not equal censorship.
Psaki flat out says that the Admin is flagging posts for facebook.

She also laid out four things that the Admin is requesting of social media companies...

1. That they measure and share data on "the reach of 'misinformation' on their platforms."
2. More robust enforcement (censorship). She notes that 12 people produce about 65% of "anti-vaccine information." The White House wants them banned.
3. Faster censorship. Current censorship is not fast enough for the White House.
4. More official government messages pushed into peoples' "feeds."

When the government is using its immense authority to coerce these companies to censor the content of private citizens, that's called Fascism.

The irony is that as these social media platforms have become de facto arms of the Democrats and therefore current US government, they will arguably not deserve Section 230 protection and must abide by the First Amendment, even if they are technically private companies.

Many of the people that they’re asking to be censored or Russian propaganda sites that are promoting false information about vaccines to undermine the faith of the American public in their government.

Do you think that the Russian government should be able to lie with impunity to try to destroy the nation? How are people reading their lies supposed to know who they are and what their intentions are?
>Many of the people that they’re asking to be censored or Russian propaganda sites that are promoting false information about vaccines to undermine the faith of the American public in their government.

Complete BS, Dragonlady. Did you just make that up?

You tell me which of these 12 people Psaki referred to are Russian propaganda sites:

1. Joseph Mercola
2. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
3. Ty and Charlene Bollinger
4. Sherri Tenpenny
5. Rizza Islam
6. Rashid Buttar
7. Erin Elizabeth
8. Sayer Ji
9. Kelly Brogan
10. Christiane Northrup
11. Ben Tapper
12. Kevin Jenkins

Simple poll.

"Consulting with experts" does not equal censorship.

We're flagging problematic posts FOR Facebook.

That IS contributing to sensorship. Unless you think by flagging them they mean doing nothing to the posts...

All that means is alerting them to the fraudulent posts.

No, it means alerting them to non-government approved posts. I guess you're not smart enough to understand the difference. Someone expressing a personal opinion can't be fraudulent.

Biden...Making America Greater.
Biden is a sick joke.
Jokes on you.

PS: August is in 2 weeks...when is your blob going to be back in office?
Not an election thread, Dumbass.

Any comment on Adolf Biden's collusion with Facebook?
Its satire...everything you post is a joke.

You put it in politics fuck face.

306-232. Scoreboard.
And 4 years ago you were against the elec
Biden...Making America Greater.
Biden is a sick joke.
Jokes on you.

PS: August is in 2 weeks...when is your blob going to be back in office?
Not an election thread, Dumbass.

Any comment on Adolf Biden's collusion with Facebook?
Its satire...everything you post is a joke.

You put it in politics fuck face.

306-232. Scoreboard.
And just think 4 years ago you wanted the EC abolished. Of course Thief in Chief Biden had lots of help from dominion software and fraudulent vote counts.
And just think....if you can....quote me as saying I want the EC Abolished. You can't. You won't. I win. You lose. As per usual.
Depends on what is being "censored". If i call someone a poopoo head I dont think that should be "censored" but if someone is lying to the public then I have no problem with it being "censored" especially if its on someones platform that you have no right to be on.
The exact point is, do you think the government never lies?
We should Never hear opinions other than the governments?
How do you know who is lying, the government or the poster?
Everyone is supposed to be free to access to online "platforms" and say whatever they want to, that's why section 230 was approved.
Pretty sure the government lies. You ever watch a established politician talk to the public? The government is not going to lock down the public and fuckup their tax base so you can be sure that if they lie its going to be to give an early all clear.

You arent free to access those online platforms if you don't follow their rules. Like no lying.

Yet they give free rein to murderous dictators, go fucking figure.

Simple poll
"Consulting with experts" does not equal censorship.
Psaki flat out says that the Admin is flagging posts for facebook.

She also laid out four things that the Admin is requesting of social media companies...

1. That they measure and share data on "the reach of 'misinformation' on their platforms."
2. More robust enforcement (censorship). She notes that 12 people produce about 65% of "anti-vaccine information." The White House wants them banned.
3. Faster censorship. Current censorship is not fast enough for the White House.
4. More official government messages pushed into peoples' "feeds."

When the government is using its immense authority to coerce these companies to censor the content of private citizens, that's called Fascism.

The irony is that as these social media platforms have become de facto arms of the Democrats and therefore current US government, they will arguably not deserve Section 230 protection and must abide by the First Amendment, even if they are technically private companies.

Many of the people that they’re asking to be censored or Russian propaganda sites that are promoting false information about vaccines to undermine the faith of the American public in their government.

Do you think that the Russian government should be able to lie with impunity to try to destroy the nation? How are people reading their lies supposed to know who they are and what their intentions are?
>Many of the people that they’re asking to be censored or Russian propaganda sites that are promoting false information about vaccines to undermine the faith of the American public in their government.

Complete BS, Dragonlady. Did you just make that up?

You tell me which of these 12 people Psaki referred to are Russian propaganda sites:

1. Joseph Mercola
2. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
3. Ty and Charlene Bollinger
4. Sherri Tenpenny
5. Rizza Islam
6. Rashid Buttar
7. Erin Elizabeth
8. Sayer Ji
9. Kelly Brogan
10. Christiane Northrup
11. Ben Tapper
12. Kevin Jenkins

I was referring to the comments throughout the world for months, you dolt:

Simple poll
"Consulting with experts" does not equal censorship.
Psaki flat out says that the Admin is flagging posts for facebook.

She also laid out four things that the Admin is requesting of social media companies...

1. That they measure and share data on "the reach of 'misinformation' on their platforms."
2. More robust enforcement (censorship). She notes that 12 people produce about 65% of "anti-vaccine information." The White House wants them banned.
3. Faster censorship. Current censorship is not fast enough for the White House.
4. More official government messages pushed into peoples' "feeds."

When the government is using its immense authority to coerce these companies to censor the content of private citizens, that's called Fascism.

The irony is that as these social media platforms have become de facto arms of the Democrats and therefore current US government, they will arguably not deserve Section 230 protection and must abide by the First Amendment, even if they are technically private companies.

Many of the people that they’re asking to be censored or Russian propaganda sites that are promoting false information about vaccines to undermine the faith of the American public in their government.

Do you think that the Russian government should be able to lie with impunity to try to destroy the nation? How are people reading their lies supposed to know who they are and what their intentions are?
What's next we also must kill down syndrome babies?
Where the fuck does that come from? You fuckers have dideased minds.
The minister of truth?
Izzat from Harry Potter movies?

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