Biden regime watching American's Facebook posts and telling Zuckerberg which ones to ban.

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Depends on what is being "censored". If i call someone a poopoo head I dont think that should be "censored" but if someone is lying to the public then I have no problem with it being "censored" especially if its on someones platform that you have no right to be on.
"but if someone is lying to the public then I have no problem with it being "censored"".
So you're okay with censoring every politician alive, all that have lived and all that ever will exist.......... Okay, I'm good with that........ :eusa_whistle:
Read further down. I revised and got specific about what type of lying.
the shit you type....what about deflections, the other shit scum demonRATS do
Dont get emotional. Please use a little punctuation. Are you asking a question or making a statement?
emotional? is that what your lack of a brain tells you? how pathetic you are....
Depends on what is being "censored". If i call someone a poopoo head I dont think that should be "censored" but if someone is lying to the public then I have no problem with it being "censored" especially if its on someones platform that you have no right to be on.

Like if they said I could keep my doctor if I liked it or I could keep my healthcare plan if I liked it or they said that my Healthcare premiums would be reduced by $2,000
Not really. That doesn't make you die. More like injecting bleach to sort of clean the virus away.

So now you're changing your story just in the post above you said if someone was lying to the public but now you're okay with it because it was obammy lying.

Sad really.
Yes. I freely admitted I was going to be specific. You would have known that if you had read the thread.
Depends on what is being "censored". If i call someone a poopoo head I dont think that should be "censored" but if someone is lying to the public then I have no problem with it being "censored" especially if its on someones platform that you have no right to be on.
"but if someone is lying to the public then I have no problem with it being "censored"".
So you're okay with censoring every politician alive, all that have lived and all that ever will exist.......... Okay, I'm good with that........ :eusa_whistle:
Read further down. I revised and got specific about what type of lying.
Yeah but here's the rub. The Federal government telling or advising a private entity, any private entity to censor anything that is not deemed secret and above is a blatant violation of the 1st Amendment. The government is by law required to be above that.
What part of the first says the government cant urge private companies to be more responsible?
Sorry but that spin doesn't fly especially when it comes to the 1st Amendment. Besides, more responsible is typically subjective in cases like this, i.e. politically motivated. Granted you won't see it that way but that is reality whether any of us like it or not.
Show me in the 1rst what you are talking about?
Oh so in your eyes the 1st Amendment is subjective depending on which party is in control. Got it. :thup:

It's up to SCOTUS to determine if any speech qualifies as a breach of the peace or causes violence, not the White House.
Nope. I dont care who is in control. If they want to urge FB to warn others that someone is telling a lie and it can result in death or violence I'm all for it. Again I ask you to show us all the pertinent part of the 1rst that you claim someone is violating.
Simple poll.

It’s not a simple pool because your question is completely in accurate. Facebook is censoring speech, it’s removing false and inaccurate information.

These aren’t peoples personal opinions that are being censored, this is propaganda being promulgated to promote conspiracy theories about the pandemic, to undermine Western democracies.

I realize that you people who don’t care whether you’re being lied to or not have no problem with this but people are dying and it’s time for it to end.
Simple poll.

"Consulting with experts" does not equal censorship.

We're flagging problematic posts FOR Facebook.

That IS contributing to sensorship. Unless you think by flagging them they mean doing nothing to the posts...

All that means is alerting them to the fraudulent posts.


You clowns are the people that China loves. You’re the ones who are undermining democracy and destroying the nation. That’s what China wants and you’re giving it to them in spades.

Keep believing Donald Trump and praying for his return. The people who are out to destroy the United States of America will love you until the end of time if you’re successful.
Depends on what is being "censored". If i call someone a poopoo head I dont think that should be "censored" but if someone is lying to the public then I have no problem with it being "censored" especially if its on someones platform that you have no right to be on.
"but if someone is lying to the public then I have no problem with it being "censored"".
So you're okay with censoring every politician alive, all that have lived and all that ever will exist.......... Okay, I'm good with that........ :eusa_whistle:
Read further down. I revised and got specific about what type of lying.
Yeah but here's the rub. The Federal government telling or advising a private entity, any private entity to censor anything that is not deemed secret and above is a blatant violation of the 1st Amendment. The government is by law required to be above that.
What part of the first says the government cant urge private companies to be more responsible?
Sorry but that spin doesn't fly especially when it comes to the 1st Amendment. Besides, more responsible is typically subjective in cases like this, i.e. politically motivated. Granted you won't see it that way but that is reality whether any of us like it or not.
Show me in the 1rst what you are talking about?
Oh so in your eyes the 1st Amendment is subjective depending on which party is in control. Got it. :thup:

It's up to SCOTUS to determine if any speech qualifies as a breach of the peace or causes violence, not the White House.
Nope. I dont care who is in control. If they want to urge FB to warn others that someone is telling a lie and it can result in death or violence I'm all for it. Again I ask you to show us all the pertinent part of the 1rst that you claim someone is violating.
The Supreme Court requires the government to provide substantial justification for the interference with the right of free speech where it attempts to regulate the content of the speech. Generally, a person cannot be held liable, either criminally or civilly for anything written or spoken about a person or topic, so long as it is truthful or based on an honest opinion and such statements.
It's 'censorship', and we are in the middle of a pandemic that is causing new cases to soar.

Idiot Americans who believe in a cascade of daily lies is causing people to die, literally.

Bravo, President Biden. This is actually long, long overdue.
Fuck off. You lefties allowed several Democratic governors to kill seniors in nursing homes with no repercussions. You dipshits have no credibility.
You have no clue, it's why you're a Trumpster.

I try and be patient with you mental defectives, but everyone eventually runs out of patience.

Maybe you can humor me some other time.
Depends on what is being "censored". If i call someone a poopoo head I dont think that should be "censored" but if someone is lying to the public then I have no problem with it being "censored" especially if its on someones platform that you have no right to be on.
"but if someone is lying to the public then I have no problem with it being "censored"".
So you're okay with censoring every politician alive, all that have lived and all that ever will exist.......... Okay, I'm good with that........ :eusa_whistle:
Read further down. I revised and got specific about what type of lying.
Yeah but here's the rub. The Federal government telling or advising a private entity, any private entity to censor anything that is not deemed secret and above is a blatant violation of the 1st Amendment. The government is by law required to be above that.
What part of the first says the government cant urge private companies to be more responsible?
Sorry but that spin doesn't fly especially when it comes to the 1st Amendment. Besides, more responsible is typically subjective in cases like this, i.e. politically motivated. Granted you won't see it that way but that is reality whether any of us like it or not.
Show me in the 1rst what you are talking about?
Oh so in your eyes the 1st Amendment is subjective depending on which party is in control. Got it. :thup:

It's up to SCOTUS to determine if any speech qualifies as a breach of the peace or causes violence, not the White House.
Nope. I dont care who is in control. If they want to urge FB to warn others that someone is telling a lie and it can result in death or violence I'm all for it. Again I ask you to show us all the pertinent part of the 1rst that you claim someone is violating.
The Supreme Court requires the government to provide substantial justification for the interference with the right of free speech where it attempts to regulate the content of the speech. Generally, a person cannot be held liable, either criminally or civilly for anything written or spoken about a person or topic, so long as it is truthful or based on an honest opinion and such statements.
Yeah I figured thats the part you meant. Talking on a private platform isnt free speech for one and having it deleted or tagged by the platform owner with a warning isnt a criminal or civil penalty imposed by the government.
Simple poll
"Consulting with experts" does not equal censorship.
Psaki flat out says that the Admin is flagging posts for facebook.

She also laid out four things that the Admin is requesting of social media companies...

1. That they measure and share data on "the reach of 'misinformation' on their platforms."
2. More robust enforcement (censorship). She notes that 12 people produce about 65% of "anti-vaccine information." The White House wants them banned.
3. Faster censorship. Current censorship is not fast enough for the White House.
4. More official government messages pushed into peoples' "feeds."

When the government is using its immense authority to coerce these companies to censor the content of private citizens, that's called Fascism.

The irony is that as these social media platforms have become de facto arms of the Democrats and therefore current US government, they will arguably not deserve Section 230 protection and must abide by the First Amendment, even if they are technically private companies.
Simple poll.

What I find off the charts ironic is politicans of all people bitching about misinformation being put out. I would really love to point out to Jen Psaki the job of White House Press Secretary no matter if it's her holding the title or a Republican administration is that of a paid professional lair. This bullshit coming from people who I don't think could tell the truth if you had a loaded gun aimed at their head is unreal.
It's 'censorship', and we are in the middle of a pandemic that is causing new cases to soar.

Idiot Americans who believe in a cascade of daily lies is causing people to die, literally.

Bravo, President Biden. This is actually long, long overdue.
Fuck off. You lefties allowed several Democratic governors to kill seniors in nursing homes with no repercussions. You dipshits have no credibility.
You have no clue, it's why you're a Trumpster.

I try and be patient with you mental defectives, but everyone eventually runs out of patience.

Maybe you can humor me some other time.
No one believes you morons actually care about people dying let alone their over all health unless it’s politically beneficial

Sell that snake oil somewhere else.
Why is the Republican Party sponsoring a program of discouraging vaccinations against a deadly virus?

We will never know because Republicans on this forum never discuss what their party is doing.

In any case, the program is successful. Republican-led states rank at the bottom of vaccination rates, and Republicans cheered when Biden didn't reach his goal of 70% which involved a plan to save American lives. 99.5 percent of all covid-19-related deaths in the United States occur among unvaccinated people -- the bulk of those deaths occurring in Republican-led states.

Michael Gerson writes, "The recent outbreak of applause at the Conservative Political Action Conference for the United States’ failure to meet its vaccination target was macabre."

The Tennessean reports, "The Tennessee Department of Health will halt all adolescent vaccine outreach – not just for coronavirus, but all diseases – amid pressure from Republican state lawmakers, according to an internal report and agency emails.

"The health department will also stop all COVID-19 vaccine events on school property. These changes to Tennessee’s vaccination strategy illustrate how the state government continues to dial back efforts to vaccinate minors against coronavirus."

The Tennessee Department of Health fired Dr. Michelle Fiscus, the top vaccine official in the Tennessee state government becuase of her efforts to vaccinate teenagers.

Why? Ignorance. Apparently, the Republican Party attracts the ignorant. If there is another explanation, I would love to hear it.

Gerson offers this. "Some people are just badly misinformed. They think the vaccines come with itsy-bitsy tracking chips, or make you magnetic, or render you infertile. Ignorance is a form of moral mitigation, but it is still, well, ignorance.

"Some oppose vaccination out of a tragically misapplied libertarianism. They somehow think the defense of freedom requires the rejection of sound medical advice from the government. They seek liberation from rational rules, prudent precautions, scientific reality and from moral responsibility for their neighbors’ well-being [and their children]. This is the degraded version of a proud tradition: Live free and let someone else die."

Gerson adds, "In the case of Fox News celebrities in particular, they must know that discouraging vaccination — by exaggerating risks, highlighting unproven alternative therapies and normalizing anti-vaccine voices — will result in additional, unnecessary deaths."

For rational Americans -- presumably this would exclude most Republicans -- all of this makes no sense. Will encouraging the spread of a deadly virus win votes in Republican states? Is that possible?

We will never know the answer. Republicans remain silent on the issue almost like they know they are acting stupid but do it anyway.
The White House wants to expand it...

Fox News: Twitter explodes after Psaki urges Big Tech to unite on bans for 'misinformation' spreaders.
Why is the Republican Party sponsoring a program of discouraging vaccinations against a deadly virus?

We will never know because Republicans on this forum never discuss what their party is doing.

In any case, the program is successful. Republican-led states rank at the bottom of vaccination rates, and Republicans cheered when Biden didn't reach his goal of 70% which involved a plan to save American lives. 99.5 percent of all covid-19-related deaths in the United States occur among unvaccinated people -- the bulk of those deaths occurring in Republican-led states.

Michael Gerson writes, "The recent outbreak of applause at the Conservative Political Action Conference for the United States’ failure to meet its vaccination target was macabre."

The Tennessean reports, "The Tennessee Department of Health will halt all adolescent vaccine outreach – not just for coronavirus, but all diseases – amid pressure from Republican state lawmakers, according to an internal report and agency emails.

"The health department will also stop all COVID-19 vaccine events on school property. These changes to Tennessee’s vaccination strategy illustrate how the state government continues to dial back efforts to vaccinate minors against coronavirus."

The Tennessee Department of Health fired Dr. Michelle Fiscus, the top vaccine official in the Tennessee state government becuase of her efforts to vaccinate teenagers.

Why? Ignorance. Apparently, the Republican Party attracts the ignorant. If there is another explanation, I would love to hear it.

Gerson offers this. "Some people are just badly misinformed. They think the vaccines come with itsy-bitsy tracking chips, or make you magnetic, or render you infertile. Ignorance is a form of moral mitigation, but it is still, well, ignorance.

"Some oppose vaccination out of a tragically misapplied libertarianism. They somehow think the defense of freedom requires the rejection of sound medical advice from the government. They seek liberation from rational rules, prudent precautions, scientific reality and from moral responsibility for their neighbors’ well-being [and their children]. This is the degraded version of a proud tradition: Live free and let someone else die."

Gerson adds, "In the case of Fox News celebrities in particular, they must know that discouraging vaccination — by exaggerating risks, highlighting unproven alternative therapies and normalizing anti-vaccine voices — will result in additional, unnecessary deaths."

For rational Americans -- presumably this would exclude most Republicans -- all of this makes no sense. Will encouraging the spread of a deadly virus win votes in Republican states? Is that possible?

We will never know the answer. Republicans remain silent on the issue almost like they know they are acting stupid but do it anyway. They are so pathetic they can't even defend themselves.
Biden...Making America Greater.
Biden is a sick joke.
Jokes on you.

PS: August is in 2 weeks...when is your blob going to be back in office?
Not an election thread, Dumbass.

Any comment on Adolf Biden's collusion with Facebook?
Its satire...everything you post is a joke.

You put it in politics fuck face.

306-232. Scoreboard.
So the Biden regime isn't flagging people and telling Facebook to ban them?
Doubtful. Do you still have your Facebook account?
It's 'censorship', and we are in the middle of a pandemic that is causing new cases to soar.

Idiot Americans who believe in a cascade of daily lies is causing people to die, literally.

Bravo, President Biden. This is actually long, long overdue.
Fuck off. You lefties allowed several Democratic governors to kill seniors in nursing homes with no repercussions. You dipshits have no credibility.
You have no clue, it's why you're a Trumpster.

I try and be patient with you mental defectives, but everyone eventually runs out of patience.

Maybe you can humor me some other time.
No one believes you morons actually care about people dying let alone their over all health unless it’s politically beneficial

Sell that snake oil somewhere else.
No one cares or asked you what you believe though.
Depends on what is being "censored". If i call someone a poopoo head I dont think that should be "censored" but if someone is lying to the public then I have no problem with it being "censored" especially if its on someones platform that you have no right to be on.
"but if someone is lying to the public then I have no problem with it being "censored"".
So you're okay with censoring every politician alive, all that have lived and all that ever will exist.......... Okay, I'm good with that........ :eusa_whistle:
Read further down. I revised and got specific about what type of lying.
Yeah but here's the rub. The Federal government telling or advising a private entity, any private entity to censor anything that is not deemed secret and above is a blatant violation of the 1st Amendment. The government is by law required to be above that.
What part of the first says the government cant urge private companies to be more responsible?
Sorry but that spin doesn't fly especially when it comes to the 1st Amendment. Besides, more responsible is typically subjective in cases like this, i.e. politically motivated. Granted you won't see it that way but that is reality whether any of us like it or not.
Show me in the 1rst what you are talking about?
Oh so in your eyes the 1st Amendment is subjective depending on which party is in control. Got it. :thup:

It's up to SCOTUS to determine if any speech qualifies as a breach of the peace or causes violence, not the White House.
Nope. I dont care who is in control. If they want to urge FB to warn others that someone is telling a lie and it can result in death or violence I'm all for it. Again I ask you to show us all the pertinent part of the 1rst that you claim someone is violating.
The Supreme Court requires the government to provide substantial justification for the interference with the right of free speech where it attempts to regulate the content of the speech. Generally, a person cannot be held liable, either criminally or civilly for anything written or spoken about a person or topic, so long as it is truthful or based on an honest opinion and such statements.
Yeah I figured thats the part you meant. Talking on a private platform isnt free speech for one and having it deleted or tagged by the platform owner with a warning isnt a criminal or civil penalty imposed by the government.
You're ignoring the true spirit (intent) of the 1st Amendment. Where does the government have the right to impose criminal or civil penalties without substantial proof that some opinions are indeed "intentional" criminal attempts to incite violence or cause a breach of the peace. There's a specific legal difference.

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