Biden regime watching American's Facebook posts and telling Zuckerberg which ones to ban.

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Biden...Making America Greater.
Biden is a sick joke.
Jokes on you.

PS: August is in 2 weeks...when is your blob going to be back in office?
Not an election thread, Dumbass.

Any comment on Adolf Biden's collusion with Facebook?
Its satire...everything you post is a joke.

You put it in politics fuck face.

306-232. Scoreboard.
So the Biden regime isn't flagging people and telling Facebook to ban them?
Depends on what is being "censored". If i call someone a poopoo head I dont think that should be "censored" but if someone is lying to the public then I have no problem with it being "censored" especially if its on someones platform that you have no right to be on.
Depends on what is being "censored". If i call someone a poopoo head I dont think that should be "censored" but if someone is lying to the public then I have no problem with it being "censored" especially if its on someones platform that you have no right to be on.
It's not the governments platform so why are they involved? This is some serious dangerous government creep...
Depends on what is being "censored". If i call someone a poopoo head I dont think that should be "censored" but if someone is lying to the public then I have no problem with it being "censored" especially if its on someones platform that you have no right to be on.
It's not the governments platform so why are they involved? This is some serious dangerous government creep...
They are worried about all the lies about the vaccine and the effects its going to have on the economy if we have to go back to lockdown. I have zero problems with them trying to save the economy and some lives. The absence of truth is a national security risk at this point.
It's 'censorship', and we are in the middle of a pandemic that is causing new cases to soar.

Idiot Americans who believe in a cascade of daily lies is causing people to die, literally.

Bravo, President Biden. This is actually long, long overdue.
Depends on what is being "censored". If i call someone a poopoo head I dont think that should be "censored" but if someone is lying to the public then I have no problem with it being "censored" especially if its on someones platform that you have no right to be on.
C'mon, what is lying?? You can find "the earth is flat" posted on FB every day. Did the dems say the vaccine was not working when Trump was the POTUS?
Depends on what is being "censored". If i call someone a poopoo head I dont think that should be "censored" but if someone is lying to the public then I have no problem with it being "censored" especially if its on someones platform that you have no right to be on.
C'mon, what is lying?? You can find "the earth is flat" posted on FB every day. Did the dems say the vaccine was not working when Trump was the POTUS?
Let me be specific. Lies that cause people to die or goad them to violence....where people tend to die. I never heard anyone say the vaccine wouldn't work except Drumpf followers.
Depends on what is being "censored". If i call someone a poopoo head I dont think that should be "censored" but if someone is lying to the public then I have no problem with it being "censored" especially if its on someones platform that you have no right to be on.
Facts are just opinions
Depends on what is being "censored". If i call someone a poopoo head I dont think that should be "censored" but if someone is lying to the public then I have no problem with it being "censored" especially if its on someones platform that you have no right to be on.
The exact point is, do you think the government never lies?
We should Never hear opinions other than the governments?
How do you know who is lying, the government or the poster?
Everyone is supposed to be free to access to online "platforms" and say whatever they want to, that's why section 230 was approved.
Depends on what is being "censored". If i call someone a poopoo head I dont think that should be "censored" but if someone is lying to the public then I have no problem with it being "censored" especially if its on someones platform that you have no right to be on.
The exact point is, do you think the government never lies?
We should Never hear opinions other than the governments?
How do you know who is lying, the government or the poster?
Everyone is supposed to be free to access to online "platforms" and say whatever they want to, that's why section 230 was approved.
Pretty sure the government lies. You ever watch a established politician talk to the public? The government is not going to lock down the public and fuckup their tax base so you can be sure that if they lie its going to be to give an early all clear.

You arent free to access those online platforms if you don't follow their rules. Like no lying.

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