Biden response regarding SCOTUS opinion on abortion

Yeah, Biden is a 'devout Catholic'.... :p

"Biden, whom the mainstream media have defended as a "devout Catholic" even though the Catholic faith explicitly forbids abortion, made a religious argument in defense of abortion to the press.

"Roe says what all basic mainstream religions have historically concluded, that the existence of a human life and being is a question. Is it at the moment of conception? Is it six months? Is it six weeks? Is it quickening, like Aquinas argued?" Biden asked."

"Please don't ever tell me that Biden is a devout Catholic," Breitbart writer Chris Tomlinson wrote, adding, "What a joke."

"This man needs to be excommunicated from the Catholic Church."
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Yeah, Biden is a 'devout Catholic'.... :p

"Biden, whom the mainstream media have defended as a "devout Catholic" even though the Catholic faith explicitly forbids abortion, made a religious argument in defense of abortion to the press.

"Roe says what all basic mainstream religions have historically concluded, that the existence of a human life and being is a question. Is it at the moment of conception? Is it six months? Is it six weeks? Is it quickening, like Aquinas argued?" Biden asked."

"Please don't ever tell me that Biden is a devout Catholic," Breitbart writer Chris Tomlinson wrote, adding, "What a joke."

"This man needs to be excommunicated from the Catholic Church."
A Catholic priest in S. Carolina already denied him Communion last year.

Yeah, Biden is a 'devout Catholic'.... :p

"Biden, whom the mainstream media have defended as a "devout Catholic" even though the Catholic faith explicitly forbids abortion, made a religious argument in defense of abortion to the press.

"Roe says what all basic mainstream religions have historically concluded, that the existence of a human life and being is a question. Is it at the moment of conception? Is it six months? Is it six weeks? Is it quickening, like Aquinas argued?" Biden asked."

"Please don't ever tell me that Biden is a devout Catholic," Breitbart writer Chris Tomlinson wrote, adding, "What a joke."

"This man needs to be excommunicated from the Catholic Church."
The Church has a serious issue with duplicity when it comes to pro abortion members.

Yeah, Biden is a 'devout Catholic'.... :p

"Biden, whom the mainstream media have defended as a "devout Catholic" even though the Catholic faith explicitly forbids abortion, made a religious argument in defense of abortion to the press.

"Roe says what all basic mainstream religions have historically concluded, that the existence of a human life and being is a question. Is it at the moment of conception? Is it six months? Is it six weeks? Is it quickening, like Aquinas argued?" Biden asked."

"Please don't ever tell me that Biden is a devout Catholic," Breitbart writer Chris Tomlinson wrote, adding, "What a joke."

"This man needs to be excommunicated from the Catholic Church."
I hear Hunter Biden is a devout Catholic as well, since he says he gave the "Big Guy" 10% off the top with every financial transaction

What a good tither he must be.
He shouldnt be babbling anything, he is trying to influence SCOTUS and that is improper.
Ding, ding, ding, winner, winner, chicken dinner!!!

100% correct!!!!

This story was leaked to intimidate each justice into bowing to the DNC, much like FDR coming after SCOTUS when they shot down his New Deal. He started making threat after threat in terms of packing the court and God only knows what else, until they also bowed to him.

Hateful bullies they are.
Note that Biden doesn't mention the Constitution.
Because he does not care about the Constitution.

Just abortion rights.

In fact, every justice is asked their stance on abortion as a litmus test for sitting on the bench

That is how sick these people are
Sorry bout that,

1. Biden is not Christian.
2. Never was never will be.
3. Pure trash as far as humanity goes.
4. He is the lowest person to ever steal an election.
5. Verging on being equal to Judist Iscariot.

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Sorry bout that,

1. The days are now here you can't lean on the Supreme Court and off your baby.
2. They have wisely stepped the fuck back.
3. Will babies continue to suffer, sure they will.
4. Cause people like you will kill babies.
5. Some will be spared being torn apart in the womb.
6. That in itself I applaud the Supreme Court, those who get spared and get to live cause of what they just did.
7. Be careful, very careful who you lay with girls, only do that when you know you would like to see a baby from it.
8. Have mercy, think first don't interact with boys unless he is your husband.


Roe v. Wade ensures a woman’s right to choose to have an abortion,” Harris responded in a statement, according to Townhall. “It is clear that opponents of Roe want to punish women and take away their rights to make decisions about their bodies.”

9. The bended knee says something we all, lol! at!
10. Let babies live, give up for adoption, just let them live ok?

Leftists are LOSERS all the way around, and that's their comfort zone. I don't even know why they cheat to "win", because it pulls them from their solace.
Biden cited his religious beliefs to justify the Roe vs. Wade decision.
Yep, that's when I declare the child to officially be alive. As soon as it gets a heartbeat.
Rubes can be made to swallow anything then ask for more.

NASHVILLE, Tenn. -- Dr. Michael Cackovic has treated his share of pregnant women. So when Republican lawmakers across the U.S. began passing bans on abortion at what they term “the first detectable fetal heartbeat,” he was exasperated.
That's because at the point where advanced technology can detect that first flutter, as early as six weeks, the embryo isn’t yet a fetus and it doesn’t have a heart. An embryo is termed a fetus beginning in the 11th week of pregnancy, medical experts say.
“You cannot hear this ‘flutter,’ it is only seen on ultrasound,” said Cackovic, a maternal fetal medicine specialist at Ohio State University’s Wexner Medical Center, where some 5,300 babies are born each year.
In very rare life threatening circumstances yes,.. but those are really rare and don't give me that crap about the rape babies because adoption exists for a reason.
If you had a 13 year old daughter who was raped and impregnated would you make her go through the pregnancy and childbirth?
If you had a 13 year old daughter who was raped and impregnated would you make her go through the pregnancy and childbirth?
Sorry bout that,

1. The girl should birth the child and raise it with much love and caring hands.
2. For inso doing she wins the crown of LIFE.
3. Which would be eternal.

If you had a 13 year old daughter who was raped and impregnated would you make her go through the pregnancy and childbirth?

I wouldn't make her, but I would try to get her to make the right choice on her own.

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