Biden, Sanders and Warren are the only D Candidates with a Chance

william the wie

Gold Member
Nov 18, 2009
They have money and good polling numbers to go the convention. None of the others do. If any of the blue states default or China comes to the table to end the trade war no running mate any of these three pick will be enough to put them in contention in the general election. How did even the Ds paint themselves in this corner?
It doesn't matter who the dems nominate, the MSM will paint them in glowing contrast to the evil Trump. Then on election day the voters will decide who they trust to run the country. IMHO the stealthy Trump voters will do in 2020 what they did in 2016...
It doesn't matter who the dems nominate, the MSM will paint them in glowing contrast to the evil Trump. Then on election day the voters will decide who they trust to run the country. IMHO the stealthy Trump voters will do in 2020 what they did in 2016...


The nominee will just be an empty suit/dress to oppose Orange man.

They have money and good polling numbers to go the convention. None of the others do. If any of the blue states default or China comes to the table to end the trade war no running mate any of these three pick will be enough to put them in contention in the general election. How did even the Ds paint themselves in this corner?

Actually, they have two chances....slim and none.
They have money and good polling numbers to go the convention. None of the others do. If any of the blue states default or China comes to the table to end the trade war no running mate any of these three pick will be enough to put them in contention in the general election. How did even the Ds paint themselves in this corner?
No Chance actually statistically is some kind of chance.
I think it is too early to tell, but none of the other candidates seem to be generating any real interest. The Clown Car is huge, and yes clownish!
I remember not so long ago the same was said about an unproductive inconsequential back bencher from Chicago who had accomplished nothing.
They have money and good polling numbers to go the convention. None of the others do. If any of the blue states default or China comes to the table to end the trade war no running mate any of these three pick will be enough to put them in contention in the general election. How did even the Ds paint themselves in this corner?

We already know the DNC will never let Bernie win the nomination, and they put Warren in the loser debate line up. The DNC really has no choice but to run with sleepy-creepy Joe.
If there WAS anybody in that party who was worth a shit they would be smeared out of existence by the rest of them.
They have money and good polling numbers to go the convention. None of the others do. If any of the blue states default or China comes to the table to end the trade war no running mate any of these three pick will be enough to put them in contention in the general election. How did even the Ds paint themselves in this corner?

We already know the DNC will never let Bernie win the nomination, and they put Warren in the loser debate line up. The DNC really has no choice but to run with sleepy-creepy Joe.

And Comcast (Brian Roberts and company) is backing and financing Pedo Joe. They did they same with Obama, and look what happened.
They have money and good polling numbers to go the convention. None of the others do. If any of the blue states default or China comes to the table to end the trade war no running mate any of these three pick will be enough to put them in contention in the general election. How did even the Ds paint themselves in this corner?

We already know the DNC will never let Bernie win the nomination, and they put Warren in the loser debate line up. The DNC really has no choice but to run with sleepy-creepy Joe.

Yep, don't be surprised if they resurrect a dark horse. That dark horse may be named know how these losers never learn.
It takes a majority of delegates in Milwaukee to get the nomination, however. and with as many candidates as the D's have, it is unlikely that anyone will be able to win on the 1st ballot. On subsequent ballots, the delegates will be looking for a consensus candidate, and this is where the real hope for Kamala and Hickenlooper and the rest is.
Until they have an actual debate, these comments are meaningless. Remember Trump was just one of what 17 or 18? And no one gave Obama a chance at all at this point in his first election.

This is all being stirred up by the media. Because they’re looking for something to make news. This isn’t it.
Then there you have it, Joe foot in mouth will need to become Joe the mute, stay silent, and let the party machine speak for him, yet then again the party is so far to the left even Joe the mute will have a tough time keeping his foot and baggage out of his mouth.
from Newsweek: "In terms of economic policy, the U.S. is ranked roughly on par with Denmark and Sweden, countries Bernie Sanders has named as his socialist ideas. This ranking would surprise progressives and conservatives who fear ending up like Sweden will find them next to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Sam Hill, a former business executive, said it’s nonsense to propose junking our economic system in favor of one that has failed, and it’s just as silly to suggest that any tweaks will doom us to dystopian socialism. Instead, we should focus on the real issue, what our tax money is spent on. Hit the link in the bio to read more about the false debate over socialism in the US"
Then there you have it, Joe foot in mouth will need to become Joe the mute, stay silent, and let the party machine speak for him, yet then again the party is so far to the left even Joe the mute will have a tough time keeping his foot and baggage out of his mouth.

If I were Sleepy Joe, I'd go inside and take a nap. The more he speaks, the more the people see him, the worse he does.

Laying low and letting the other 2 dozen candidates destroy themselves is his best strategy. Maybe a long vacay is in order for Bite Me?
They have money and good polling numbers to go the convention. None of the others do. If any of the blue states default or China comes to the table to end the trade war no running mate any of these three pick will be enough to put them in contention in the general election. How did even the Ds paint themselves in this corner?

We already know the DNC will never let Bernie win the nomination, and they put Warren in the loser debate line up. The DNC really has no choice but to run with sleepy-creepy Joe.

Yep, don't be surprised if they resurrect a dark horse. That dark horse may be named know how these losers never learn.

Imo Hillary would have much better if she had just shut up.

Biden, Sanders and Warren are the only D Candidates with a Chance

I totally disagree with that.

In fact, I'd say that those three will be near the bottom when it all shakes out next Summer.

dimocrap scum will find somebody they can lie about. They have to.

Every time they run someone that is well-known, they lose.

ManBearPig, Uberscrunt, The Traitor Lurch, all the way back to Adlai Stevenson. Unless it's an incumbent president, dims can only SUCCESSFULLY run somebody they can lie about..... The Rapist, Jimmy The Peanut, The Lying Cocksucker.

All were virtually unknown before they started campaigning.

Reason? Because once the American People actually get to know a dimocrap scumbag, they hate him or her.

And why not? We should hate all of them. It is our duty as Americans.

It is only the ability to lie about themselves that gives a dimocrap scumbag a chance to win an election nationally.

Watch. You'll see.

The above three? They're finished before they even begin
They have money and good polling numbers to go the convention. None of the others do. If any of the blue states default or China comes to the table to end the trade war no running mate any of these three pick will be enough to put them in contention in the general election. How did even the Ds paint themselves in this corner?

We already know the DNC will never let Bernie win the nomination, and they put Warren in the loser debate line up. The DNC really has no choice but to run with sleepy-creepy Joe.

Yep, don't be surprised if they resurrect a dark horse. That dark horse may be named know how these losers never learn.

They have money and good polling numbers to go the convention. None of the others do. If any of the blue states default or China comes to the table to end the trade war no running mate any of these three pick will be enough to put them in contention in the general election. How did even the Ds paint themselves in this corner?
/——/ Having “Presidential Candidate” on your resume opens many doors after you leave office, even if you’re polling 0%

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