Biden says he'll raise all the money needed by taxing anyone making over $400,000 a year.

There will be no problem since he can promise that GDP growth will be 5% a year...

So how does Biden pay for it...

Reverse the Trump tax cut for rich and corporates... $1.5 trillion
Increase tax on Rich (> 400k per year)... $1 Trillion.

Borrow infrastruction expense and pay off over increased production (Capital expendeture)... $1.3 trillion

Education pays off in increased tax revenue. It also drives an economy...

Housing plan will also drive economic activity in the construction market... Homeless are expensive cost on a city...

Combating opioid epidemic: Borrow the money, Cutting funding to poor will just make this worse...

This is all better than ploughing the money in to hole in the dessert. $2.4 billion.

You wrote: Increase tax on Rich (> 400k per year)... $1 Trillion How do you figure that? YOU have NOTHING to prove your statement. JUST a guess... I ON the other hand have a link... follow the link!

the government estimates that raising the tax rate on this small group will raise about $600 billion in new revenues over the next decade.
The Poor are a larger group. Raise the minimum wage until the Poor pay enough in taxes.
Here is a simple example of what raising the minimum wage means IF YOU owned a restaurant.
Note the 2nd largest % of revenue (gross sales) is salaries and wages..@ 15.1%
So if the salaries/wages go up just 5%... there is no profit...therefore no business!
View attachment 379079

So? Increase the cost of the meals or do you think that people will stop eating at restaurants?
You are the owner of a restaurant. You have choice. Raise food prices or do this?
Make the decision because the chances of keeping 100% of your regular customers if you raise the prices 25% to cover the cost of minimum wage. Or this. Which would you prefer?
View attachment 379197
Went to Red Robbin for lunch. Placed my order and paid through basically a bottom of the line $100 IPad. The only person that came by filled my Coke back up. You just aren’t going to get 15 bucks an hour to do that job. It’s not going to happen.

There's a whole lot more going on in restaurants that the customers never see. Try working in one sometime.
My first job was waiter. My second was McDonalds. I got fired from both but that’s a story for another time.

There’s some skill involved for head chefs at better restaurants for sure and they get paid for it. The rest are just there to clean shit up and do the menial tasks. Fast food is another story. Nobody there is a chef and you don’t deserve 15 bucks an hour to flip a burger when the timer goes off. It’s no skill assembly line work.
There will be no problem since he can promise that GDP growth will be 5% a year...

So how does Biden pay for it...

Reverse the Trump tax cut for rich and corporates... $1.5 trillion
Increase tax on Rich (> 400k per year)... $1 Trillion.

Borrow infrastruction expense and pay off over increased production (Capital expendeture)... $1.3 trillion

Education pays off in increased tax revenue. It also drives an economy...

Housing plan will also drive economic activity in the construction market... Homeless are expensive cost on a city...

Combating opioid epidemic: Borrow the money, Cutting funding to poor will just make this worse...

This is all better than ploughing the money in to hole in the dessert. $2.4 billion.

You wrote: Increase tax on Rich (> 400k per year)... $1 Trillion How do you figure that? YOU have NOTHING to prove your statement. JUST a guess... I ON the other hand have a link... follow the link!

the government estimates that raising the tax rate on this small group will raise about $600 billion in new revenues over the next decade.
The Poor are a larger group. Raise the minimum wage until the Poor pay enough in taxes.
Here is a simple example of what raising the minimum wage means IF YOU owned a restaurant.
Note the 2nd largest % of revenue (gross sales) is salaries and wages..@ 15.1%
So if the salaries/wages go up just 5%... there is no profit...therefore no business!
View attachment 379079

So? Increase the cost of the meals or do you think that people will stop eating at restaurants?
You are the owner of a restaurant. You have choice. Raise food prices or do this?
Make the decision because the chances of keeping 100% of your regular customers if you raise the prices 25% to cover the cost of minimum wage. Or this. Which would you prefer?
View attachment 379197
Went to Red Robbin for lunch. Placed my order and paid through basically a bottom of the line $100 IPad. The only person that came by filled my Coke back up. You just aren’t going to get 15 bucks an hour to do that job. It’s not going to happen.

There's a whole lot more going on in restaurants that the customers never see. Try working in one sometime.
My first job was waiter. My second was McDonalds. I got fired from both but that’s a story for another time.

There’s some skill involved for head chefs at better restaurants for sure and they get paid for it. The rest are just there to clean shit up and do the menial tasks. Fast food is another story. Nobody there is a chef and you don’t deserve 15 bucks an hour to flip a burger when the timer goes off. It’s no skill assembly line work.
I agree with you especially working for fast food which I also did for about a year. Takes no brains or skills...just be there, be on time and do what the boss ask you to do. But it doesn't take $15.00 skill set as you pointed out.
I know you're not well versed in economic theory, Daniel but on some levels this is pretty easy stuff! Raising the minimum wage has to result in raises across the labor market. People that have skills WILL demand that they be paid for those skills! You know that's true. So if everyone gets a raise then what have you really accomplished for those making minimum wage? You've put more money in their pockets...but that money will be worth less! So what have you REALLY done for them?
So what; I know you are even more clueless and Causeless. Why should anyone care, if wages outpace inflation on an Institutional basis? That is the simplest I can make it for you, right wingers.
Since wages CAUSE inflation it's highly doubtful that they ever CAN outpace inflation! What part of that concept can't you grasp?
Wages are not the Only cost of inflation and cannot be so with minimum wage labor.
I didn't say they were the ONLY cause of inflation! I simply pointed out that large wage increases typically cause inflation. You STILL haven't answered my question! Why the difficulty, Daniel?
So what. Inflation happens Regardless. Wages merely need to outpace inflation on an Institutional basis.
Inflation doesn't just "happen", Daniel! It's caused by things! You don't seem to have a CLUE what those things are! What's seem to be too lazy to educate yourself so you DO have a clue!
Those Things happen and result in inflation, Regardless.
Wouldn't you feel better about yourself if you actually knew some basic Economic theory, Daniel? It would only take a few hours and then you wouldn't be making a fool of yourself in internet chat rooms saying things like "things happen"! A mind is a terrible thing to waste...just saying...
lol. You, just saying, only show you have no valid arguments. Why not try some, if you can.
I've actually made valid arguments, Daniel! You've given us such gems as "things happen"! I'm still waiting for you to explain why doubling the minimum wage wouldn't result in all other wages also increasing!
So what if they do increase. Labor needs to make more regardless. And, higher paid labor pays more in Taxes and creates more in Demand. Wages merely need to outpace inflation. Surely, that cannot be too difficult to grasp.

Here is some anecdotal evidence that is easy (for the right wing) to grasp:

The company received media attention in 2015 when CEO Dan Price announced that all employees would receive a minimum salary of $70,000.--Gravity Payments - Wikipedia

All employees making that amount Must mean higher paid labor Creates more in Demand and generates more in Taxes.
Higher paid labor creates more demand if they have more disposable income. You've already stated that your plan was to give them more money and then take it away from them by making them pay taxes! So if you take away part of the income that you gave them through taxes and then inflation raises the cost of goods and services...what have you accomplished?
no, he doesn't understand supply and demand or total economics 101. Corporations pay employees wages and pay taxes. raising wages or taxes, either will cause a more expensive product. PERIOD!!!!!!!!
Or the alternative...
View attachment 379622
and that still contributes to higher prices. there is no win to escalating pricing.
According to your logic, why give pay raises. It only clauses escalating prices and people have to pay more taxes. And, according to some on the right wing, the less wealthy only make poor capital choices anyway. See how silly your argument is.
you don't make any sense whatsoever
He hasn't managed a single coherent post in this entire thread. And he thinks he is smart.
I know you're not well versed in economic theory, Daniel but on some levels this is pretty easy stuff! Raising the minimum wage has to result in raises across the labor market. People that have skills WILL demand that they be paid for those skills! You know that's true. So if everyone gets a raise then what have you really accomplished for those making minimum wage? You've put more money in their pockets...but that money will be worth less! So what have you REALLY done for them?
So what; I know you are even more clueless and Causeless. Why should anyone care, if wages outpace inflation on an Institutional basis? That is the simplest I can make it for you, right wingers.
Since wages CAUSE inflation it's highly doubtful that they ever CAN outpace inflation! What part of that concept can't you grasp?
Wages are not the Only cost of inflation and cannot be so with minimum wage labor.
I didn't say they were the ONLY cause of inflation! I simply pointed out that large wage increases typically cause inflation. You STILL haven't answered my question! Why the difficulty, Daniel?
So what. Inflation happens Regardless. Wages merely need to outpace inflation on an Institutional basis.
Inflation doesn't just "happen", Daniel! It's caused by things! You don't seem to have a CLUE what those things are! What's seem to be too lazy to educate yourself so you DO have a clue!
Those Things happen and result in inflation, Regardless.
Wouldn't you feel better about yourself if you actually knew some basic Economic theory, Daniel? It would only take a few hours and then you wouldn't be making a fool of yourself in internet chat rooms saying things like "things happen"! A mind is a terrible thing to waste...just saying...
lol. You, just saying, only show you have no valid arguments. Why not try some, if you can.
I've actually made valid arguments, Daniel! You've given us such gems as "things happen"! I'm still waiting for you to explain why doubling the minimum wage wouldn't result in all other wages also increasing!
So what if they do increase. Labor needs to make more regardless. And, higher paid labor pays more in Taxes and creates more in Demand. Wages merely need to outpace inflation. Surely, that cannot be too difficult to grasp.

Here is some anecdotal evidence that is easy (for the right wing) to grasp:

The company received media attention in 2015 when CEO Dan Price announced that all employees would receive a minimum salary of $70,000.--Gravity Payments - Wikipedia

All employees making that amount Must mean higher paid labor Creates more in Demand and generates more in Taxes.
Higher paid labor creates more demand if they have more disposable income. You've already stated that your plan was to give them more money and then take it away from them by making them pay taxes! So if you take away part of the income that you gave them through taxes and then inflation raises the cost of goods and services...what have you accomplished?
no, he doesn't understand supply and demand or total economics 101. Corporations pay employees wages and pay taxes. raising wages or taxes, either will cause a more expensive product. PERIOD!!!!!!!!
Or the alternative...
View attachment 379622
and that still contributes to higher prices. there is no win to escalating pricing.
According to your logic, why give pay raises. It only clauses escalating prices and people have to pay more taxes. And, according to some on the right wing, the less wealthy only make poor capital choices anyway. See how silly your argument is.
you don't make any sense whatsoever
You have no sense, whatsoever. Why should anyone take right wingers seriously about any Thing, serious.
In 2018, 81.9 million workers age 16 and older in the United States were paid at hourly rates, representing 58.5 percent of all wage and salary workers. Among those paid by the hour, 434,000 workers earned exactly the prevailing federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour. About 1.3 million had wages below the federal minimum. Together, these 1.7 million workers with wages at or below the federal minimum made up 2.1 percent of all hourly paid workers.--

Only the clueless and Causeless right wing believe doubling wages for 2.1 percent of the workforce will result in excessive inflation.

Why not admit right wingers simply "hate on the Poor" under our form of Capitalism.
Why not pay them $100/hr?

Watch, he will dodge this question with gibberish.
This is who Right Wingers prefer to help out with our tax dollars by keeping wages low and not increasing the minimum wage:
From 1978 to 2018, inflation-adjusted compensation based on realized stock options of the top CEOs increased 940.3%. The increase was more than 25–33% greater than stock market growth (depending on which stock market index is used) and substantially greater than the painfully slow 11.9% growth in a typical worker’s annual compensation over the same period. Measured using the value of stock options granted, CEO compensation rose 1,007.5% from 1978 to 2018.

Right wingers simply prefer to "hate on the Poor" so they can crony up to the Rich.
Here's a question for you, Daniel...did income inequality increase or decrease during the Obama two terms?
The Income Gap Began To Narrow Under Obama

It would have narrowed more, but the right wing had nothing but Repeal for those shovel ready jobs. Along with trying to repeal healthcare reform.

Vote blue not red!

I'll let the article that you cited argue against what you're claiming, Daniel!
"There is room to argue with all of these claims. The Federal Reserve, which Obama doesn’t directly control, probably did more to revive the economy than the administration’s stimulus package, the effectiveness of which remains hotly debated. The impact of Obamacare is similarly disputed: There is no question that the law increased insurance coverage, and there is evidence that it has reduced medical debt, but there are also mounting concerns that many of the insurance plans offered under the law are so limited that they provide little practical access to health care. And while it is true that Obama has raised taxes on the richest Americans, a 2015 analysis by experts at the Brookings Institution found that even a dramatic increase in taxes on the wealthy would have an “exceedingly modest” impact on overall levels of inequality."
Because, the right wing had nothing but Repeal for those shovel ready jobs.
This is who Right Wingers prefer to help out with our tax dollars by keeping wages low and not increasing the minimum wage:
From 1978 to 2018, inflation-adjusted compensation based on realized stock options of the top CEOs increased 940.3%. The increase was more than 25–33% greater than stock market growth (depending on which stock market index is used) and substantially greater than the painfully slow 11.9% growth in a typical worker’s annual compensation over the same period. Measured using the value of stock options granted, CEO compensation rose 1,007.5% from 1978 to 2018.

Right wingers simply prefer to "hate on the Poor" so they can crony up to the Rich.
Here's a question for you, Daniel...did income inequality increase or decrease during the Obama two terms?
The Income Gap Began To Narrow Under Obama

It would have narrowed more, but the right wing had nothing but Repeal for those shovel ready jobs. Along with trying to repeal healthcare reform.

Vote blue not red!
As for "shovel ready jobs"? Why would you even bring those up, Daniel? One of the more embarrassing moments of the Obama Administration's attempts to revive the economy was how badly their stimulus plan failed to create the hundreds of thousands of shovel ready jobs that they'd promised they'd deliver! Or have you forgotten Barry sheepishly admitting that the shovel ready jobs weren't as shovel ready as they thought?
The right wing had no Thing but repeal for those shovel ready jobs. They don't care about the working class, only the Richest.
This is who Right Wingers prefer to help out with our tax dollars by keeping wages low and not increasing the minimum wage:
From 1978 to 2018, inflation-adjusted compensation based on realized stock options of the top CEOs increased 940.3%. The increase was more than 25–33% greater than stock market growth (depending on which stock market index is used) and substantially greater than the painfully slow 11.9% growth in a typical worker’s annual compensation over the same period. Measured using the value of stock options granted, CEO compensation rose 1,007.5% from 1978 to 2018.

Right wingers simply prefer to "hate on the Poor" so they can crony up to the Rich.
Here's a question for you, Daniel...did income inequality increase or decrease during the Obama two terms?
The Income Gap Began To Narrow Under Obama

It would have narrowed more, but the right wing had nothing but Repeal for those shovel ready jobs. Along with trying to repeal healthcare reform.

Vote blue not red!

I'll let the article that you cited argue against what you're claiming, Daniel!
"There is room to argue with all of these claims. The Federal Reserve, which Obama doesn’t directly control, probably did more to revive the economy than the administration’s stimulus package, the effectiveness of which remains hotly debated. The impact of Obamacare is similarly disputed: There is no question that the law increased insurance coverage, and there is evidence that it has reduced medical debt, but there are also mounting concerns that many of the insurance plans offered under the law are so limited that they provide little practical access to health care. And while it is true that Obama has raised taxes on the richest Americans, a 2015 analysis by experts at the Brookings Institution found that even a dramatic increase in taxes on the wealthy would have an “exceedingly modest” impact on overall levels of inequality."
Because, the right wing had nothing but Repeal for those shovel ready jobs.
I know you're not well versed in economic theory, Daniel but on some levels this is pretty easy stuff! Raising the minimum wage has to result in raises across the labor market. People that have skills WILL demand that they be paid for those skills! You know that's true. So if everyone gets a raise then what have you really accomplished for those making minimum wage? You've put more money in their pockets...but that money will be worth less! So what have you REALLY done for them?
So what; I know you are even more clueless and Causeless. Why should anyone care, if wages outpace inflation on an Institutional basis? That is the simplest I can make it for you, right wingers.
Since wages CAUSE inflation it's highly doubtful that they ever CAN outpace inflation! What part of that concept can't you grasp?
Wages are not the Only cost of inflation and cannot be so with minimum wage labor.
I didn't say they were the ONLY cause of inflation! I simply pointed out that large wage increases typically cause inflation. You STILL haven't answered my question! Why the difficulty, Daniel?
So what. Inflation happens Regardless. Wages merely need to outpace inflation on an Institutional basis.
Inflation doesn't just "happen", Daniel! It's caused by things! You don't seem to have a CLUE what those things are! What's seem to be too lazy to educate yourself so you DO have a clue!
Those Things happen and result in inflation, Regardless.
Wouldn't you feel better about yourself if you actually knew some basic Economic theory, Daniel? It would only take a few hours and then you wouldn't be making a fool of yourself in internet chat rooms saying things like "things happen"! A mind is a terrible thing to waste...just saying...
lol. You, just saying, only show you have no valid arguments. Why not try some, if you can.
I've actually made valid arguments, Daniel! You've given us such gems as "things happen"! I'm still waiting for you to explain why doubling the minimum wage wouldn't result in all other wages also increasing!
So what if they do increase. Labor needs to make more regardless. And, higher paid labor pays more in Taxes and creates more in Demand. Wages merely need to outpace inflation. Surely, that cannot be too difficult to grasp.

Here is some anecdotal evidence that is easy (for the right wing) to grasp:

The company received media attention in 2015 when CEO Dan Price announced that all employees would receive a minimum salary of $70,000.--Gravity Payments - Wikipedia

All employees making that amount Must mean higher paid labor Creates more in Demand and generates more in Taxes.
Higher paid labor creates more demand if they have more disposable income. You've already stated that your plan was to give them more money and then take it away from them by making them pay taxes! So if you take away part of the income that you gave them through taxes and then inflation raises the cost of goods and services...what have you accomplished?
no, he doesn't understand supply and demand or total economics 101. Corporations pay employees wages and pay taxes. raising wages or taxes, either will cause a more expensive product. PERIOD!!!!!!!!
Or the alternative...
View attachment 379622
and that still contributes to higher prices. there is no win to escalating pricing.
According to your logic, why give pay raises. It only clauses escalating prices and people have to pay more taxes. And, according to some on the right wing, the less wealthy only make poor capital choices anyway. See how silly your argument is.
you don't make any sense whatsoever
You have no sense, whatsoever. Why should anyone take right wingers seriously about any Thing, serious.
In 2018, 81.9 million workers age 16 and older in the United States were paid at hourly rates, representing 58.5 percent of all wage and salary workers. Among those paid by the hour, 434,000 workers earned exactly the prevailing federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour. About 1.3 million had wages below the federal minimum. Together, these 1.7 million workers with wages at or below the federal minimum made up 2.1 percent of all hourly paid workers.--

Only the clueless and Causeless right wing believe doubling wages for 2.1 percent of the workforce will result in excessive inflation.

Why not admit right wingers simply "hate on the Poor" under our form of Capitalism.
Why not pay them $100/hr?

Watch, he will dodge this question with gibberish.
We use fiat money; an adjustment is all that would be required.
This is who Right Wingers prefer to help out with our tax dollars by keeping wages low and not increasing the minimum wage:
From 1978 to 2018, inflation-adjusted compensation based on realized stock options of the top CEOs increased 940.3%. The increase was more than 25–33% greater than stock market growth (depending on which stock market index is used) and substantially greater than the painfully slow 11.9% growth in a typical worker’s annual compensation over the same period. Measured using the value of stock options granted, CEO compensation rose 1,007.5% from 1978 to 2018.

Right wingers simply prefer to "hate on the Poor" so they can crony up to the Rich.
Here's a question for you, Daniel...did income inequality increase or decrease during the Obama two terms?
The Income Gap Began To Narrow Under Obama

It would have narrowed more, but the right wing had nothing but Repeal for those shovel ready jobs. Along with trying to repeal healthcare reform.

Vote blue not red!
As for "shovel ready jobs"? Why would you even bring those up, Daniel? One of the more embarrassing moments of the Obama Administration's attempts to revive the economy was how badly their stimulus plan failed to create the hundreds of thousands of shovel ready jobs that they'd promised they'd deliver! Or have you forgotten Barry sheepishly admitting that the shovel ready jobs weren't as shovel ready as they thought?
The right wing had no Thing but repeal for those shovel ready jobs. They don't care about the working class, only the Richest.

I don't think "repeal" means what you think it means.
I know you're not well versed in economic theory, Daniel but on some levels this is pretty easy stuff! Raising the minimum wage has to result in raises across the labor market. People that have skills WILL demand that they be paid for those skills! You know that's true. So if everyone gets a raise then what have you really accomplished for those making minimum wage? You've put more money in their pockets...but that money will be worth less! So what have you REALLY done for them?
So what; I know you are even more clueless and Causeless. Why should anyone care, if wages outpace inflation on an Institutional basis? That is the simplest I can make it for you, right wingers.
Since wages CAUSE inflation it's highly doubtful that they ever CAN outpace inflation! What part of that concept can't you grasp?
Wages are not the Only cost of inflation and cannot be so with minimum wage labor.
I didn't say they were the ONLY cause of inflation! I simply pointed out that large wage increases typically cause inflation. You STILL haven't answered my question! Why the difficulty, Daniel?
So what. Inflation happens Regardless. Wages merely need to outpace inflation on an Institutional basis.
Inflation doesn't just "happen", Daniel! It's caused by things! You don't seem to have a CLUE what those things are! What's seem to be too lazy to educate yourself so you DO have a clue!
Those Things happen and result in inflation, Regardless.
Wouldn't you feel better about yourself if you actually knew some basic Economic theory, Daniel? It would only take a few hours and then you wouldn't be making a fool of yourself in internet chat rooms saying things like "things happen"! A mind is a terrible thing to waste...just saying...
lol. You, just saying, only show you have no valid arguments. Why not try some, if you can.
I've actually made valid arguments, Daniel! You've given us such gems as "things happen"! I'm still waiting for you to explain why doubling the minimum wage wouldn't result in all other wages also increasing!
So what if they do increase. Labor needs to make more regardless. And, higher paid labor pays more in Taxes and creates more in Demand. Wages merely need to outpace inflation. Surely, that cannot be too difficult to grasp.

Here is some anecdotal evidence that is easy (for the right wing) to grasp:

The company received media attention in 2015 when CEO Dan Price announced that all employees would receive a minimum salary of $70,000.--Gravity Payments - Wikipedia

All employees making that amount Must mean higher paid labor Creates more in Demand and generates more in Taxes.
Higher paid labor creates more demand if they have more disposable income. You've already stated that your plan was to give them more money and then take it away from them by making them pay taxes! So if you take away part of the income that you gave them through taxes and then inflation raises the cost of goods and services...what have you accomplished?
no, he doesn't understand supply and demand or total economics 101. Corporations pay employees wages and pay taxes. raising wages or taxes, either will cause a more expensive product. PERIOD!!!!!!!!
Or the alternative...
View attachment 379622
and that still contributes to higher prices. there is no win to escalating pricing.
According to your logic, why give pay raises. It only clauses escalating prices and people have to pay more taxes. And, according to some on the right wing, the less wealthy only make poor capital choices anyway. See how silly your argument is.
you don't make any sense whatsoever
You have no sense, whatsoever. Why should anyone take right wingers seriously about any Thing, serious.
In 2018, 81.9 million workers age 16 and older in the United States were paid at hourly rates, representing 58.5 percent of all wage and salary workers. Among those paid by the hour, 434,000 workers earned exactly the prevailing federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour. About 1.3 million had wages below the federal minimum. Together, these 1.7 million workers with wages at or below the federal minimum made up 2.1 percent of all hourly paid workers.--

Only the clueless and Causeless right wing believe doubling wages for 2.1 percent of the workforce will result in excessive inflation.

Why not admit right wingers simply "hate on the Poor" under our form of Capitalism.
Why not pay them $100/hr?

Watch, he will dodge this question with gibberish.
We use fiat money; an adjustment is all that would be required.
The predicted dodge.......
Raise the minimum wage until the Poor pay their fair capital share of the tax burden!

There should be no upper limit to markets.
No limit? Why not pay them $1000 per hour?

Dodge coming..............
We use fiat money. An adjustment is all that would be required.

The right wing is upset slavery had to be abolished, to keep wages low.
This is who Right Wingers prefer to help out with our tax dollars by keeping wages low and not increasing the minimum wage:
From 1978 to 2018, inflation-adjusted compensation based on realized stock options of the top CEOs increased 940.3%. The increase was more than 25–33% greater than stock market growth (depending on which stock market index is used) and substantially greater than the painfully slow 11.9% growth in a typical worker’s annual compensation over the same period. Measured using the value of stock options granted, CEO compensation rose 1,007.5% from 1978 to 2018.

Right wingers simply prefer to "hate on the Poor" so they can crony up to the Rich.
Here's a question for you, Daniel...did income inequality increase or decrease during the Obama two terms?
The Income Gap Began To Narrow Under Obama

It would have narrowed more, but the right wing had nothing but Repeal for those shovel ready jobs. Along with trying to repeal healthcare reform.

Vote blue not red!

I'll let the article that you cited argue against what you're claiming, Daniel!
"There is room to argue with all of these claims. The Federal Reserve, which Obama doesn’t directly control, probably did more to revive the economy than the administration’s stimulus package, the effectiveness of which remains hotly debated. The impact of Obamacare is similarly disputed: There is no question that the law increased insurance coverage, and there is evidence that it has reduced medical debt, but there are also mounting concerns that many of the insurance plans offered under the law are so limited that they provide little practical access to health care. And while it is true that Obama has raised taxes on the richest Americans, a 2015 analysis by experts at the Brookings Institution found that even a dramatic increase in taxes on the wealthy would have an “exceedingly modest” impact on overall levels of inequality."
Because, the right wing had nothing but Repeal for those shovel ready jobs.
The Obama Administration had the money...they spent the didn't create the jobs they promised it would! That has nothing to do with the "right wing" and EVERYTHING to do with bad policy initiatives by the Obama band of idiots!
This is who Right Wingers prefer to help out with our tax dollars by keeping wages low and not increasing the minimum wage:
From 1978 to 2018, inflation-adjusted compensation based on realized stock options of the top CEOs increased 940.3%. The increase was more than 25–33% greater than stock market growth (depending on which stock market index is used) and substantially greater than the painfully slow 11.9% growth in a typical worker’s annual compensation over the same period. Measured using the value of stock options granted, CEO compensation rose 1,007.5% from 1978 to 2018.

Right wingers simply prefer to "hate on the Poor" so they can crony up to the Rich.
Here's a question for you, Daniel...did income inequality increase or decrease during the Obama two terms?
The Income Gap Began To Narrow Under Obama

It would have narrowed more, but the right wing had nothing but Repeal for those shovel ready jobs. Along with trying to repeal healthcare reform.

Vote blue not red!
As for "shovel ready jobs"? Why would you even bring those up, Daniel? One of the more embarrassing moments of the Obama Administration's attempts to revive the economy was how badly their stimulus plan failed to create the hundreds of thousands of shovel ready jobs that they'd promised they'd deliver! Or have you forgotten Barry sheepishly admitting that the shovel ready jobs weren't as shovel ready as they thought?
The right wing had no Thing but repeal for those shovel ready jobs. They don't care about the working class, only the Richest.

I don't think "repeal" means what you think it means.
lol. Yes, I do. It is right wingers who clueless and Causeless. Their lack of valid arguments proves every time.
Raise the minimum wage until the Poor pay their fair capital share of the tax burden!

There should be no upper limit to markets.
No limit? Why not pay them $1000 per hour?

Dodge coming..............
We use fiat money. An adjustment is all that would be required.

The right wing is upset slavery had to be abolished, to keep wages low.
Why do you persist in showing how ignorant you are when it comes to economics, Daniel? Do you like being the village idiot?
I know you're not well versed in economic theory, Daniel but on some levels this is pretty easy stuff! Raising the minimum wage has to result in raises across the labor market. People that have skills WILL demand that they be paid for those skills! You know that's true. So if everyone gets a raise then what have you really accomplished for those making minimum wage? You've put more money in their pockets...but that money will be worth less! So what have you REALLY done for them?
So what; I know you are even more clueless and Causeless. Why should anyone care, if wages outpace inflation on an Institutional basis? That is the simplest I can make it for you, right wingers.
Since wages CAUSE inflation it's highly doubtful that they ever CAN outpace inflation! What part of that concept can't you grasp?
Wages are not the Only cost of inflation and cannot be so with minimum wage labor.
I didn't say they were the ONLY cause of inflation! I simply pointed out that large wage increases typically cause inflation. You STILL haven't answered my question! Why the difficulty, Daniel?
So what. Inflation happens Regardless. Wages merely need to outpace inflation on an Institutional basis.
Inflation doesn't just "happen", Daniel! It's caused by things! You don't seem to have a CLUE what those things are! What's seem to be too lazy to educate yourself so you DO have a clue!
Those Things happen and result in inflation, Regardless.
Wouldn't you feel better about yourself if you actually knew some basic Economic theory, Daniel? It would only take a few hours and then you wouldn't be making a fool of yourself in internet chat rooms saying things like "things happen"! A mind is a terrible thing to waste...just saying...
lol. You, just saying, only show you have no valid arguments. Why not try some, if you can.
I've actually made valid arguments, Daniel! You've given us such gems as "things happen"! I'm still waiting for you to explain why doubling the minimum wage wouldn't result in all other wages also increasing!
So what if they do increase. Labor needs to make more regardless. And, higher paid labor pays more in Taxes and creates more in Demand. Wages merely need to outpace inflation. Surely, that cannot be too difficult to grasp.

Here is some anecdotal evidence that is easy (for the right wing) to grasp:

The company received media attention in 2015 when CEO Dan Price announced that all employees would receive a minimum salary of $70,000.--Gravity Payments - Wikipedia

All employees making that amount Must mean higher paid labor Creates more in Demand and generates more in Taxes.
Higher paid labor creates more demand if they have more disposable income. You've already stated that your plan was to give them more money and then take it away from them by making them pay taxes! So if you take away part of the income that you gave them through taxes and then inflation raises the cost of goods and services...what have you accomplished?
no, he doesn't understand supply and demand or total economics 101. Corporations pay employees wages and pay taxes. raising wages or taxes, either will cause a more expensive product. PERIOD!!!!!!!!
Or the alternative...
View attachment 379622
and that still contributes to higher prices. there is no win to escalating pricing.
According to your logic, why give pay raises. It only clauses escalating prices and people have to pay more taxes. And, according to some on the right wing, the less wealthy only make poor capital choices anyway. See how silly your argument is.
you don't make any sense whatsoever
You have no sense, whatsoever. Why should anyone take right wingers seriously about any Thing, serious.
In 2018, 81.9 million workers age 16 and older in the United States were paid at hourly rates, representing 58.5 percent of all wage and salary workers. Among those paid by the hour, 434,000 workers earned exactly the prevailing federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour. About 1.3 million had wages below the federal minimum. Together, these 1.7 million workers with wages at or below the federal minimum made up 2.1 percent of all hourly paid workers.--

Only the clueless and Causeless right wing believe doubling wages for 2.1 percent of the workforce will result in excessive inflation.

Why not admit right wingers simply "hate on the Poor" under our form of Capitalism.
Why not pay them $100/hr?

Watch, he will dodge this question with gibberish.
We use fiat money; an adjustment is all that would be required.
The predicted dodge.......
lol. What dodge. You right wingers really are that clueless and that Causeless.
I make a nice living. I won’t notice a tax rate increase of 5% on my income. I’d rather have more money rather than less like most people but my lifestyle won’t change one bit.
..they already pay MORE than their share
MORE taxes is going to kill the US
The Poor don't pay enough in taxes and need their wages raised.
the poor are stupid and deserve NOTHING
You Are the Problem, right wingers.
.....give them more $$ and they still will be poor because they make poor can't fix stupid
How nanny-statist of you. Why do you care as long as they circulate capital under capitalism and pay more in taxes?

In 2008, Biden said the number was $270k and under would not see higher taxes. What he and his running mate did not tell you is that if you are a contractor (eg a plumber) and you gross more than the threshold, you will see an increase in taxes...... before you pay your business overhead. If I’m wrong, show me where he makes a clear delineation.

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