Biden says he'll raise all the money needed by taxing anyone making over $400,000 a year.

Raise the minimum wage until the Poor pay their fair capital share of the tax burden!

There should be no upper limit to markets.
What? That might be the most clueless post of the day! People that make minimum wage don't pay Federal taxes, Daniel! So you think you can raise their wages to the point where they do and that will fix the deficit problem? You don't really know much about you?
Why don't you learn simple English and then respond? They would be paying taxes if you raise the wage enough. Nobody takes right wingers seriously about economics, the law, morals, or politics. Right Wing fantasy is all they seem to know and understand.

So you're going to give them more money in order to take it away? That works in your economic model? Do yourself a Thomas Sowell's book on economics...specifically the chapter on minimum wage policy.
Simple math, right wingers. Even more difficult than simple English, right wingers.
Never took a single Economic class...did you, Daniel?
You never had a valid argument for rebuttal did you, Oldstyle.
How do you want me to "argue" with someone lacking in even the basics of economic theory, Daniel? It's quite obvious that this is a subject that you're totally ignorant about. So you'll spout nonsense that you heard in your Political Science class and I'll laugh at you.
Forget economic theories, he can't even look at a table and see simple numbers.
I see Labor costs at 3.6 percent.
Exactly. That proves you are an idiot.
Show how I am wrong.
Ok kid, I'll hold your hand one time. Scan down the column of numbers until you find 15.1%. Then look to the left (ask someone which direction that is if you have to) and tell me what costs that 15.1%.

I have no confidence in your ability to follow these simple instructions.
Post your list again.
Not my list.
It clearly states Labor costs at 3.6 percent. Prove me Wrong, right winger. I love being Right, even though I am on the left.
You don't know the difference between "cost of goods sold" and "operating expenses", Moron.

And you are clearly too stupid to even scan down a column of numbers.
It clearly shows the cost of Labor. Show me where your 15.1 percent number says the same thing.
Thanks for proving my post.
You are the one using all of labor not just minimum wage labor. I never claimed all salaried personnel should have their salaries doubled.
I'm curious, Daniel...what do you think will happen when "entry level" pay is raised to say $15 an hour? Will the people who have job skills that command $15 an hour NOW not expect an equal raise to their pay?
I believe Capitalists will optimize operations for the bottom line. And, Labor needs a cost of living adjustment regardless. Capitalists are welcome to automate for the bottom line. I hope all good Capitalists feel thoroughly goaded.
That didn't answer my question, Daniel. Try again?
You're embarrassing yourself in this string, Daniel and it's just going to get worse. Why try and argue something that you know so little about?
Says the guy with no valid arguments only fallacy, in the public domain.
I provided valid provided gibberish! It's what people do when they don't have enough knowledge to MAKE a valid argument!
lol. I provided more valid arguments than You. See how easy that is.
I just asked about as simple a question as there is, Daniel and you don't seem to have an answer for it. Why is that?
LOL. Which question was that, right winger? All I see in the past few posts from You is nothing but ad hominems.
I'm curious, Daniel...what do you think will happen when "entry level" pay is raised to say $15 an hour? Will the people who have job skills that command $15 an hour NOW not expect an equal raise to their pay?
Ah, that question?
Raise the minimum wage until the Poor pay their fair capital share of the tax burden!

There should be no upper limit to markets.
I delivered mail for 30 years. After retiring, I went to work at our local McDonald's to supplement my retirement. Every time the minimum wage was raised my hours went down so I actually made less. 4 years ago I had to quit working due to arthritis in my knees. It was no big loss because I was only working 3 hours per week at that time. I know that I am not the only one to be this adversely affected.
I know you're not well versed in economic theory, Daniel but on some levels this is pretty easy stuff! Raising the minimum wage has to result in raises across the labor market. People that have skills WILL demand that they be paid for those skills! You know that's true. So if everyone gets a raise then what have you really accomplished for those making minimum wage? You've put more money in their pockets...but that money will be worth less! So what have you REALLY done for them?
So what; I know you are even more clueless and Causeless. Why should anyone care, if wages outpace inflation on an Institutional basis? That is the simplest I can make it for you, right wingers.
You're embarrassing yourself in this string, Daniel and it's just going to get worse. Why try and argue something that you know so little about?
Says the guy with no valid arguments only fallacy, in the public domain.
I provided valid provided gibberish! It's what people do when they don't have enough knowledge to MAKE a valid argument!
lol. I provided more valid arguments than You. See how easy that is.
I just asked about as simple a question as there is, Daniel and you don't seem to have an answer for it. Why is that?
LOL. Which question was that, right winger? All I see in the past few posts from You is nothing but ad hominems.
This is the kind of basic economic theory that is covered in Econ 101, Daniel! Ad hominems? (sic) What are you talking about?
Raise the minimum wage until the Poor pay their fair capital share of the tax burden!

There should be no upper limit to markets.
I delivered mail for 30 years. After retiring, I went to work at our local McDonald's to supplement my retirement. Every time the minimum wage was raised my hours went down so I actually made less. 4 years ago I had to quit working due to arthritis in my knees. It was no big loss because I was only working 3 hours per week at that time. I know that I am not the only one to be this adversely affected.
You can blame capitalists for reducing hours for the bottom line. Microeconomics is about the short run equilibrium not the long run equilibrium. Here is something to consider regarding wages and inflation and hours available for Labor from short term capitalist enthusiasts:
Raise the minimum wage until the Poor pay their fair capital share of the tax burden!

There should be no upper limit to markets.
I delivered mail for 30 years. After retiring, I went to work at our local McDonald's to supplement my retirement. Every time the minimum wage was raised my hours went down so I actually made less. 4 years ago I had to quit working due to arthritis in my knees. It was no big loss because I was only working 3 hours per week at that time. I know that I am not the only one to be this adversely affected.
If you go into fast food restaurants now you see more and more "kiosks" through which customers can place their orders. Every single one of THOSE replaces the job of a young person or someone like you, Gmeyers! People like Daniel don't have a clue about how the real world works.
You're embarrassing yourself in this string, Daniel and it's just going to get worse. Why try and argue something that you know so little about?
Says the guy with no valid arguments only fallacy, in the public domain.
I provided valid provided gibberish! It's what people do when they don't have enough knowledge to MAKE a valid argument!
lol. I provided more valid arguments than You. See how easy that is.
I just asked about as simple a question as there is, Daniel and you don't seem to have an answer for it. Why is that?
LOL. Which question was that, right winger? All I see in the past few posts from You is nothing but ad hominems.
This is the kind of basic economic theory that is covered in Econ 101, Daniel! Ad hominems? (sic) What are you talking about?
You have no idea what economics 101 is about.
Raise the minimum wage until the Poor pay their fair capital share of the tax burden!

There should be no upper limit to markets.
What? That might be the most clueless post of the day! People that make minimum wage don't pay Federal taxes, Daniel! So you think you can raise their wages to the point where they do and that will fix the deficit problem? You don't really know much about you?
Why don't you learn simple English and then respond? They would be paying taxes if you raise the wage enough. Nobody takes right wingers seriously about economics, the law, morals, or politics. Right Wing fantasy is all they seem to know and understand.

So you're going to give them more money in order to take it away? That works in your economic model? Do yourself a Thomas Sowell's book on economics...specifically the chapter on minimum wage policy.
Simple math, right wingers. Even more difficult than simple English, right wingers.
Never took a single Economic class...did you, Daniel?
You never had a valid argument for rebuttal did you, Oldstyle.
How do you want me to "argue" with someone lacking in even the basics of economic theory, Daniel? It's quite obvious that this is a subject that you're totally ignorant about. So you'll spout nonsense that you heard in your Political Science class and I'll laugh at you.
Forget economic theories, he can't even look at a table and see simple numbers.
I see Labor costs at 3.6 percent.
Exactly. That proves you are an idiot.
Show how I am wrong.
Ok kid, I'll hold your hand one time. Scan down the column of numbers until you find 15.1%. Then look to the left (ask someone which direction that is if you have to) and tell me what costs that 15.1%.

I have no confidence in your ability to follow these simple instructions.
Post your list again.
Not my list.
It clearly states Labor costs at 3.6 percent. Prove me Wrong, right winger. I love being Right, even though I am on the left.
You don't know the difference between "cost of goods sold" and "operating expenses", Moron.

And you are clearly too stupid to even scan down a column of numbers.
It clearly shows the cost of Labor. Show me where your 15.1 percent number says the same thing.
Thanks for proving my post.
You are the one using all of labor not just minimum wage labor. I never claimed all salaried personnel should have their salaries doubled.
What makes you think all labor that goes into the cost of goods is minimum wage labor? You are a clueless dolt.
We were discussing doubling the minimum wage.
So? Answer the question. What makes you think all labor that goes into the cost of goods is minimum wage labor?

Once again you expose what a clueless moron you are.
You are the one claiming an outrageous rate of inflation. Even at fifteen point one percent, that won't happen.
Really? I did? What outrageous rate of inflation did I claim?

Quote the post.
I know you're not well versed in economic theory, Daniel but on some levels this is pretty easy stuff! Raising the minimum wage has to result in raises across the labor market. People that have skills WILL demand that they be paid for those skills! You know that's true. So if everyone gets a raise then what have you really accomplished for those making minimum wage? You've put more money in their pockets...but that money will be worth less! So what have you REALLY done for them?
So what; I know you are even more clueless and Causeless. Why should anyone care, if wages outpace inflation on an Institutional basis? That is the simplest I can make it for you, right wingers.
Since wages CAUSE inflation it's highly doubtful that they ever CAN outpace inflation! What part of that concept can't you grasp?
Raise the minimum wage until the Poor pay their fair capital share of the tax burden!

There should be no upper limit to markets.
I delivered mail for 30 years. After retiring, I went to work at our local McDonald's to supplement my retirement. Every time the minimum wage was raised my hours went down so I actually made less. 4 years ago I had to quit working due to arthritis in my knees. It was no big loss because I was only working 3 hours per week at that time. I know that I am not the only one to be this adversely affected.
If you go into fast food restaurants now you see more and more "kiosks" through which customers can place their orders. Every single one of THOSE replaces the job of a young person or someone like you, Gmeyers! People like Daniel don't have a clue about how the real world works.
So what. With equal protection of the laws for unemployment compensation in our at-will employment States, those same persons could be going to school to increase their worth under our form of Capitalism.
You're embarrassing yourself in this string, Daniel and it's just going to get worse. Why try and argue something that you know so little about?
Says the guy with no valid arguments only fallacy, in the public domain.
I provided valid provided gibberish! It's what people do when they don't have enough knowledge to MAKE a valid argument!
lol. I provided more valid arguments than You. See how easy that is.
I just asked about as simple a question as there is, Daniel and you don't seem to have an answer for it. Why is that?
LOL. Which question was that, right winger? All I see in the past few posts from You is nothing but ad hominems.
This is the kind of basic economic theory that is covered in Econ 101, Daniel! Ad hominems? (sic) What are you talking about?
You have no idea what economics 101 is about.
The innerweb irony meter just blew up.
Raise the minimum wage until the Poor pay their fair capital share of the tax burden!

There should be no upper limit to markets.
What? That might be the most clueless post of the day! People that make minimum wage don't pay Federal taxes, Daniel! So you think you can raise their wages to the point where they do and that will fix the deficit problem? You don't really know much about you?
Why don't you learn simple English and then respond? They would be paying taxes if you raise the wage enough. Nobody takes right wingers seriously about economics, the law, morals, or politics. Right Wing fantasy is all they seem to know and understand.

So you're going to give them more money in order to take it away? That works in your economic model? Do yourself a Thomas Sowell's book on economics...specifically the chapter on minimum wage policy.
Simple math, right wingers. Even more difficult than simple English, right wingers.
Never took a single Economic class...did you, Daniel?
You never had a valid argument for rebuttal did you, Oldstyle.
How do you want me to "argue" with someone lacking in even the basics of economic theory, Daniel? It's quite obvious that this is a subject that you're totally ignorant about. So you'll spout nonsense that you heard in your Political Science class and I'll laugh at you.
Forget economic theories, he can't even look at a table and see simple numbers.
I see Labor costs at 3.6 percent.
Exactly. That proves you are an idiot.
Show how I am wrong.
Ok kid, I'll hold your hand one time. Scan down the column of numbers until you find 15.1%. Then look to the left (ask someone which direction that is if you have to) and tell me what costs that 15.1%.

I have no confidence in your ability to follow these simple instructions.
Post your list again.
Not my list.
It clearly states Labor costs at 3.6 percent. Prove me Wrong, right winger. I love being Right, even though I am on the left.
You don't know the difference between "cost of goods sold" and "operating expenses", Moron.

And you are clearly too stupid to even scan down a column of numbers.
It clearly shows the cost of Labor. Show me where your 15.1 percent number says the same thing.
Thanks for proving my post.
You are the one using all of labor not just minimum wage labor. I never claimed all salaried personnel should have their salaries doubled.
What makes you think all labor that goes into the cost of goods is minimum wage labor? You are a clueless dolt.
We were discussing doubling the minimum wage.
So? Answer the question. What makes you think all labor that goes into the cost of goods is minimum wage labor?

Once again you expose what a clueless moron you are.
You are the one claiming an outrageous rate of inflation. Even at fifteen point one percent, that won't happen.
Really? I did? What outrageous rate of inflation did I claim?

Quote the post.
So, then you have no problem with raising the minimum wage.
I know you're not well versed in economic theory, Daniel but on some levels this is pretty easy stuff! Raising the minimum wage has to result in raises across the labor market. People that have skills WILL demand that they be paid for those skills! You know that's true. So if everyone gets a raise then what have you really accomplished for those making minimum wage? You've put more money in their pockets...but that money will be worth less! So what have you REALLY done for them?
So what; I know you are even more clueless and Causeless. Why should anyone care, if wages outpace inflation on an Institutional basis? That is the simplest I can make it for you, right wingers.
Since wages CAUSE inflation it's highly doubtful that they ever CAN outpace inflation! What part of that concept can't you grasp?
Wages are not the Only cost of inflation and cannot be so with minimum wage labor.
You're embarrassing yourself in this string, Daniel and it's just going to get worse. Why try and argue something that you know so little about?
Says the guy with no valid arguments only fallacy, in the public domain.
I provided valid provided gibberish! It's what people do when they don't have enough knowledge to MAKE a valid argument!
lol. I provided more valid arguments than You. See how easy that is.
I just asked about as simple a question as there is, Daniel and you don't seem to have an answer for it. Why is that?
LOL. Which question was that, right winger? All I see in the past few posts from You is nothing but ad hominems.
This is the kind of basic economic theory that is covered in Econ 101, Daniel! Ad hominems? (sic) What are you talking about?
You have no idea what economics 101 is about.
The innerweb irony meter just blew up.
All you need is valid arguments not right wing fantasy and special pleading.
You're embarrassing yourself in this string, Daniel and it's just going to get worse. Why try and argue something that you know so little about?
Says the guy with no valid arguments only fallacy, in the public domain.
I provided valid provided gibberish! It's what people do when they don't have enough knowledge to MAKE a valid argument!
lol. I provided more valid arguments than You. See how easy that is.
I just asked about as simple a question as there is, Daniel and you don't seem to have an answer for it. Why is that?
LOL. Which question was that, right winger? All I see in the past few posts from You is nothing but ad hominems.
This is the kind of basic economic theory that is covered in Econ 101, Daniel! Ad hominems? (sic) What are you talking about?
You have no idea what economics 101 is about.
It's about Macro and Micro Economics. People that went to college and took any economics classes at all generally started with those two! I took both at the University of Massachusetts. I don't think YOU have a clue what Economics 101 is about because it's rather obvious you never took those classes if you ever did go to college!
Raise the minimum wage until the Poor pay their fair capital share of the tax burden!

There should be no upper limit to markets.
What? That might be the most clueless post of the day! People that make minimum wage don't pay Federal taxes, Daniel! So you think you can raise their wages to the point where they do and that will fix the deficit problem? You don't really know much about you?
Why don't you learn simple English and then respond? They would be paying taxes if you raise the wage enough. Nobody takes right wingers seriously about economics, the law, morals, or politics. Right Wing fantasy is all they seem to know and understand.

So you're going to give them more money in order to take it away? That works in your economic model? Do yourself a Thomas Sowell's book on economics...specifically the chapter on minimum wage policy.
Simple math, right wingers. Even more difficult than simple English, right wingers.
Never took a single Economic class...did you, Daniel?
You never had a valid argument for rebuttal did you, Oldstyle.
How do you want me to "argue" with someone lacking in even the basics of economic theory, Daniel? It's quite obvious that this is a subject that you're totally ignorant about. So you'll spout nonsense that you heard in your Political Science class and I'll laugh at you.
Forget economic theories, he can't even look at a table and see simple numbers.
I see Labor costs at 3.6 percent.
Exactly. That proves you are an idiot.
Show how I am wrong.
Ok kid, I'll hold your hand one time. Scan down the column of numbers until you find 15.1%. Then look to the left (ask someone which direction that is if you have to) and tell me what costs that 15.1%.

I have no confidence in your ability to follow these simple instructions.
Post your list again.
Not my list.
It clearly states Labor costs at 3.6 percent. Prove me Wrong, right winger. I love being Right, even though I am on the left.
You don't know the difference between "cost of goods sold" and "operating expenses", Moron.

And you are clearly too stupid to even scan down a column of numbers.
It clearly shows the cost of Labor. Show me where your 15.1 percent number says the same thing.
Thanks for proving my post.
You are the one using all of labor not just minimum wage labor. I never claimed all salaried personnel should have their salaries doubled.
What makes you think all labor that goes into the cost of goods is minimum wage labor? You are a clueless dolt.
We were discussing doubling the minimum wage.
So? Answer the question. What makes you think all labor that goes into the cost of goods is minimum wage labor?

Once again you expose what a clueless moron you are.
You are the one claiming an outrageous rate of inflation. Even at fifteen point one percent, that won't happen.
Really? I did? What outrageous rate of inflation did I claim?

Quote the post.
So, then you have no problem with raising the minimum wage.
I accept your admission you are a lying sack who can’t show where I said what you claimed.
I know you're not well versed in economic theory, Daniel but on some levels this is pretty easy stuff! Raising the minimum wage has to result in raises across the labor market. People that have skills WILL demand that they be paid for those skills! You know that's true. So if everyone gets a raise then what have you really accomplished for those making minimum wage? You've put more money in their pockets...but that money will be worth less! So what have you REALLY done for them?
So what; I know you are even more clueless and Causeless. Why should anyone care, if wages outpace inflation on an Institutional basis? That is the simplest I can make it for you, right wingers.
Since wages CAUSE inflation it's highly doubtful that they ever CAN outpace inflation! What part of that concept can't you grasp?
Wages are not the Only cost of inflation and cannot be so with minimum wage labor.
I didn't say they were the ONLY cause of inflation! I simply pointed out that large wage increases typically cause inflation. You STILL haven't answered my question! Why the difficulty, Daniel?
last time, Joe's boss was Obama

this time it would be Senile Pelosi, Cryin' Chuck, and The Squad

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