Biden says he'll raise all the money needed by taxing anyone making over $400,000 a year.

Raise the minimum wage until the Poor pay their fair capital share of the tax burden!

There should be no upper limit to markets.
What? That might be the most clueless post of the day! People that make minimum wage don't pay Federal taxes, Daniel! So you think you can raise their wages to the point where they do and that will fix the deficit problem? You don't really know much about you?
Why don't you learn simple English and then respond? They would be paying taxes if you raise the wage enough. Nobody takes right wingers seriously about economics, the law, morals, or politics. Right Wing fantasy is all they seem to know and understand.

So you're going to give them more money in order to take it away? That works in your economic model? Do yourself a Thomas Sowell's book on economics...specifically the chapter on minimum wage policy.
Simple math, right wingers. Even more difficult than simple English, right wingers.
Never took a single Economic class...did you, Daniel?
You never had a valid argument for rebuttal did you, Oldstyle.
How do you want me to "argue" with someone lacking in even the basics of economic theory, Daniel? It's quite obvious that this is a subject that you're totally ignorant about. So you'll spout nonsense that you heard in your Political Science class and I'll laugh at you.
DP is an economic moron.
Says the guy who has Nothing but ad hominems not Any valid arguments, whatsoever. How, Right Wing of You.
I asked you to ask a business owner and all you do is repeat the same mantra.
Raise the minimum wage until the Poor pay their fair capital share of the tax burden!

There should be no upper limit to markets.
What? That might be the most clueless post of the day! People that make minimum wage don't pay Federal taxes, Daniel! So you think you can raise their wages to the point where they do and that will fix the deficit problem? You don't really know much about you?
Why don't you learn simple English and then respond? They would be paying taxes if you raise the wage enough. Nobody takes right wingers seriously about economics, the law, morals, or politics. Right Wing fantasy is all they seem to know and understand.

So you're going to give them more money in order to take it away? That works in your economic model? Do yourself a Thomas Sowell's book on economics...specifically the chapter on minimum wage policy.
Simple math, right wingers. Even more difficult than simple English, right wingers.
Never took a single Economic class...did you, Daniel?
You never had a valid argument for rebuttal did you, Oldstyle.
How do you want me to "argue" with someone lacking in even the basics of economic theory, Daniel? It's quite obvious that this is a subject that you're totally ignorant about. So you'll spout nonsense that you heard in your Political Science class and I'll laugh at you.
DP is an economic moron.
Says the guy who has Nothing but ad hominems not Any valid arguments, whatsoever. How, Right Wing of You.
I asked you to ask a business owner and all you do is repeat the same mantra.
First year college kids who know everything are cute, huh?
..they already pay MORE than their share
MORE taxes is going to kill the US
Class Warfare: 'The 'rich' who have more than you need to have their money taken and given to you.....everyone should make / have the same....the incentive for no one to work....socialism.

COME TO THE DARK SIDE Poster | Beth Shackel | Keep Calm-o-Matic
"...we have free shit."

Raise the minimum wage until the Poor pay their fair capital share!
Now, now, don't start that whole thing back up again, Daniel. You've been taken to school so many times they don't even have to write your name down.
You need valid arguments not appeals to ignorance to convince me.
Here's the thing. You've been presented with those arguments over and over again, and over and over again you have failed to counter them in any meaningful way. Yet you continue regurgitating the same failed arguments, over and over again. You close your ears and eyes and ignore anything that runs counter to your chosen narrative.
Isn't right wing fantasy wonderful. Y'all need valid arguments not appeals to ignorance or continuance, diversion, and other forms of fallacies.
You've been given all the valid arguments you need to form solid opinions. Use them.
Maybe in right wing fantasy. Here you need to resort to the fewest fallacies in the clean debate zone.
Raising the MW too high too fast increases prices. True or false?
Increased prices lowers demand. True or false?
Lowered demand reduces the jobs/hours that people can work. True or false?
Fewer hours worked/fewer jobs available means more people on unemployment/welfare. True or false?

Now, have you really gained anything by doubling the minimum wage?
Healthcare plan: $750 billion
Biden wants to expand Obamacare significantly by increasing its subsidies and creating a government-run plan that would erode private insurance over time.

So here is what will happen if Biden as part of his $6 Trillion expenditures is to "erode private insurance"...
There are 907 private health insurance companies that cover 49% of all Americans.
These companies employ over 500,000 people that average $40,000 a year in salaries.
These companies pay over $100 BILLION a year in Federal/state and local taxes to communities where they have offices.
COSTS for eliminating 907 private insurance companies:
500,000 people and employers pay on average 12.4% of salaries in payroll taxes or: $2.48 Billion a year in LOST Federal payroll taxes.
500,000 people on unemployment for 26 weeks at $400/week or $5.2 billion PAID OUT to these people... was that cost figured?
Now these 907 companies pay $100 billion a year in federal/state/local/property taxes... GONE.

So if the above over $100 billion in tax revenue is eliminated and $5.2 billion going out for unemployment... where will the $6 Trillion Biden will spend come from?

Countries with government funded health care spend half what the US spends and they have better outcomes, and a healthier population.

More than 30% of ever dollar Americans spend on healthcare goes to “administration and billing”. In single payer countries that figure is closer to 5%. Just the savings in premiums payable to private insurance being reduced to eliminate the profit factor would save Americans so much aggravation and money.
you just admitted the government involvement is our problem,,,

admin and billing costs are due to gov regs,,,
So, why do Government single payers systems cost less?
Because they are in less litigious societies. Here in the USA a doctor can get sued for not doing enough, so they order every possible test and every remotely effective treatment regardless of cost or applicability to protect themselves. When the government is running things,it can’t be sued for poor results.
You are 100% correct and here is PROOF!

In December 2009, Jackson Healthcare in an effort to quantify the costs and the survey error range is at the 95% confidence level: +/-1.15 percent.The following definition was cited in the survey:
Survey participants estimated that 34 percent of overall healthcare costs is attributable to defensive medicine.
Nine out of 10 physicians reported practicing defensive medicine.
Gallup’s findings, though more conservative than Jackson’s, found that physicians attribute 26 percent of overall healthcare costs to the practice of defensive medicine.
So using the conservative figure of 26% of total national health expenditures: $3.5 trillion (2017) or $910,000.000.000! $910 billion.
And so idiots like those of you supporting a $15.00 minimum wage just don't understand.... way to destroy people's lives!
This is a peculiar and challenging time for us all. But no other industry is suffering more than our restaurant industry. “The economy stands to lose 4% of GDP without immediate assistance to local restaurants,” notes theIndependent Restaurant Coalition. Luckily, the industry is full of creative, imaginative individuals who are pivoting to meet the needs of our current crisis.
How does paying Labor more destroy people's lives? Anyone who knows anything about economics understand a positive multiplier effect.
Hey you are right. When no other costs can be contained, (see attached) i.e. all the below including salaries and wages (15.1%) time for the robots. That is the solution because all the other costs are already low. The 2nd largest cost would totally skyrocket at a minimum wage of $15.00/hour. So the costs of a robot meal server is about Chinese restaurants started to replace their workers with robots as early as 2006. Though some have proven pretty incompetent, they're still cheaper than human wait staff — the approximate $1,200 up-front cost per robot is just a couple months' salary for an average server in China (though robot prices vary).
The robot wait staff costs drop considerably compared to humans.
So you are right.

View attachment 379269

15% of income going out in salaries. This percentage is far too low. Wages, as a percentage of costs, have been steadily declining since Reagan was elected, and are now at their lowest levels since the Guilded Age.

MikeTx foolishly opines that “nobody is going to pay $15 per hour for someone to fill their coke glass. Well Mike, if their employer doesn’t pay employees a “living wage”, you, the taxpayer, will continue to pay for food stamps, section 8 housing, and earned income credits to supplement their wages.

McDonald’s pays their executives tens of millions of dollars, and records it’s highest profits in history, all off the income generated by minimum wage workers flipping burgers, and operating their stores. Yet somehow those executives and their non-working shareholders are worthy of $20 million a year, and the highest dividends on record, while the kids who make sell, make and serve the food are not.

What makes no sense to non-Americans watching this bullshit play out, is how gullible right wing voters are in believing the right wing lies about what will happen if Americans bring their wages in line with the rest of the first world.

Here’s a clue for all of the MikeTX’s on this board. In Canada, and Europe, McDonalds, Walmart, and all of the American owned big box stores provide the following:

1. Minimum wages of $14 per hour;

2. Health care insurance with no cops us or deductibles;

3. 2 weeks vacation with pay - minimum;

4. Maternity/family leave for new parents; and

5. Quality education for ALL citizens regardless of income.

And our prices are no higher than yours. In a lot of cases, we pay less than you do.

In the USA, 80% of income goes to the top 20% of wealthy Americans and corporations. The highest in the first world. In the rest of the world, that figure is less than 50 %.

Republicans have sold out the American workers to the wealthy and the corporations. And you still believe that poor people are the problem.
Here's a list of $6 trillion in Joe Biden spending proposals
Climate plan: $1.7 trillion
In this watered-down version of the Green New Deal, Biden aims to get to net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 through a series of regulatory steps and new spending.

Infrastructure plan: $1.3 trillion
Joe Biden has proposed a massive package, including repairing existing infrastructure, investing in green energy, electric car subsidies, and high-speed rail. Much of it recycles ideas from Obama’s economic stimulus package.

Healthcare plan: $750 billion
Biden wants to expand Obamacare significantly by increasing its subsidies and creating a government-run plan that would erode private insurance over time.

Preschool and K-12 plan: $750 billion*
The plan would triple Title I funding for public schools, increase teachers' salaries, and provide universal pre-K.
*This is based on an estimate by the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, which found the education proposal would cost $850 billion. But $100 billion of that included investments in public school buildings already included in the infrastructure plan.

Post high school education plan: $750 billion
This would provide free two-year community college or training, increase student aid, and provide targeted loan forgiveness.

Housing plan: $640 billion
This plan would involve providing housing assistance to subsidize buying or renting homes and provide funding to build more affordable housing.

Combating opioid epidemic: $125 billion

So how much additional revenue will be generated by taxing anyone making over $400,000 a year.

Thankfully, even though individuals in this bracket are few and far between, the government estimates that raising the tax rate on this small group will raise about $600 billion in new revenues over the next decade.

So this means about $60 billion a year !

Does it add up???
Do you have links to the numbers you have posted as cost estimates?? Or are these cost numbers made up by you? If so, how did you come bt them?

Also, your article link on who earns $400k, is about 10 years old...well 9 years old... surely the numbers have changed?
Raise the minimum wage until the Poor pay their fair capital share of the tax burden!

There should be no upper limit to markets.
What? That might be the most clueless post of the day! People that make minimum wage don't pay Federal taxes, Daniel! So you think you can raise their wages to the point where they do and that will fix the deficit problem? You don't really know much about you?
Why don't you learn simple English and then respond? They would be paying taxes if you raise the wage enough. Nobody takes right wingers seriously about economics, the law, morals, or politics. Right Wing fantasy is all they seem to know and understand.

So you're going to give them more money in order to take it away? That works in your economic model? Do yourself a Thomas Sowell's book on economics...specifically the chapter on minimum wage policy.
Simple math, right wingers. Even more difficult than simple English, right wingers.
Never took a single Economic class...did you, Daniel?
You never had a valid argument for rebuttal did you, Oldstyle.
How do you want me to "argue" with someone lacking in even the basics of economic theory, Daniel? It's quite obvious that this is a subject that you're totally ignorant about. So you'll spout nonsense that you heard in your Political Science class and I'll laugh at you.
Forget economic theories, he can't even look at a table and see simple numbers.
I see Labor costs at 3.6 percent.
Exactly. That proves you are an idiot.
Show how I am wrong.
Ok kid, I'll hold your hand one time. Scan down the column of numbers until you find 15.1%. Then look to the left (ask someone which direction that is if you have to) and tell me what costs that 15.1%.

I have no confidence in your ability to follow these simple instructions.
Post your list again.
Not my list.
It clearly states Labor costs at 3.6 percent. Prove me Wrong, right winger. I love being Right, even though I am on the left.
You moron. Labor is always at least 45-50% of every business. Where the hell are you getting 3.6?
Link or it didn't happen. And, we are discussing minimum wage labor.
..they already pay MORE than their share
MORE taxes is going to kill the US
Class Warfare: 'The 'rich' who have more than you need to have their money taken and given to you.....everyone should make / have the same....the incentive for no one to work....socialism.

COME TO THE DARK SIDE Poster | Beth Shackel | Keep Calm-o-Matic
"...we have free shit."

Raise the minimum wage until the Poor pay their fair capital share!
I'd almost like to see the left try this just to hear the HOWLS of indignation when the POOR get a bill in the mail from the IRS for the taxes they owe!
lol. They want to be taken as seriously as the Rich.

Oh, they'll be "taken" all right! It will take a little while for them to figure out that a big raise doesn't mean a thing if the cost of everything they buy goes up as well plus they'll now be paying your tax! When they DO figure it out...they aren't going to be pissed at conservatives, Daniel...they're going to be pissed at the liberals who duped them!
Wages need to outpace inflation on an Institutional basis. And, higher paid Labor should be able to afford an accountant. Because, higher paid Labor creates more in Demand and can pay more in Taxes.
Whoever taught you this shit should be hung.
You need valid arguments not just right wing fantasy. It is modern times.
I’ve got news for you dipshit. Modern times doesn’t negate centuries old math.
lol. You have ad hominems, right wingers. Show us the math.
I know you're not well versed in economic theory, Daniel but on some levels this is pretty easy stuff! Raising the minimum wage has to result in raises across the labor market. People that have skills WILL demand that they be paid for those skills! You know that's true. So if everyone gets a raise then what have you really accomplished for those making minimum wage? You've put more money in their pockets...but that money will be worth less! So what have you REALLY done for them?
So what; I know you are even more clueless and Causeless. Why should anyone care, if wages outpace inflation on an Institutional basis? That is the simplest I can make it for you, right wingers.
Since wages CAUSE inflation it's highly doubtful that they ever CAN outpace inflation! What part of that concept can't you grasp?
Wages are not the Only cost of inflation and cannot be so with minimum wage labor.
I didn't say they were the ONLY cause of inflation! I simply pointed out that large wage increases typically cause inflation. You STILL haven't answered my question! Why the difficulty, Daniel?
So what. Inflation happens Regardless. Wages merely need to outpace inflation on an Institutional basis.
Inflation doesn't just "happen", Daniel! It's caused by things! You don't seem to have a CLUE what those things are! What's seem to be too lazy to educate yourself so you DO have a clue!
Those Things happen and result in inflation, Regardless.
Wouldn't you feel better about yourself if you actually knew some basic Economic theory, Daniel? It would only take a few hours and then you wouldn't be making a fool of yourself in internet chat rooms saying things like "things happen"! A mind is a terrible thing to waste...just saying...
lol. You, just saying, only show you have no valid arguments. Why not try some, if you can.
I know you're not well versed in economic theory, Daniel but on some levels this is pretty easy stuff! Raising the minimum wage has to result in raises across the labor market. People that have skills WILL demand that they be paid for those skills! You know that's true. So if everyone gets a raise then what have you really accomplished for those making minimum wage? You've put more money in their pockets...but that money will be worth less! So what have you REALLY done for them?
So what; I know you are even more clueless and Causeless. Why should anyone care, if wages outpace inflation on an Institutional basis? That is the simplest I can make it for you, right wingers.
Since wages CAUSE inflation it's highly doubtful that they ever CAN outpace inflation! What part of that concept can't you grasp?
Wages are not the Only cost of inflation and cannot be so with minimum wage labor.
I didn't say they were the ONLY cause of inflation! I simply pointed out that large wage increases typically cause inflation. You STILL haven't answered my question! Why the difficulty, Daniel?
So what. Inflation happens Regardless. Wages merely need to outpace inflation on an Institutional basis.
Inflation doesn't just "happen", Daniel! It's caused by things! You don't seem to have a CLUE what those things are! What's seem to be too lazy to educate yourself so you DO have a clue!
Those Things happen and result in inflation, Regardless.
Wouldn't you feel better about yourself if you actually knew some basic Economic theory, Daniel? It would only take a few hours and then you wouldn't be making a fool of yourself in internet chat rooms saying things like "things happen"! A mind is a terrible thing to waste...just saying...
lol. You, just saying, only show you have no valid arguments. Why not try some, if you can.
I've actually made valid arguments, Daniel! You've given us such gems as "things happen"! I'm still waiting for you to explain why doubling the minimum wage wouldn't result in all other wages also increasing!
And so idiots like those of you supporting a $15.00 minimum wage just don't understand.... way to destroy people's lives!
This is a peculiar and challenging time for us all. But no other industry is suffering more than our restaurant industry. “The economy stands to lose 4% of GDP without immediate assistance to local restaurants,” notes theIndependent Restaurant Coalition. Luckily, the industry is full of creative, imaginative individuals who are pivoting to meet the needs of our current crisis.
How does paying Labor more destroy people's lives? Anyone who knows anything about economics understand a positive multiplier effect.
Hey you are right. When no other costs can be contained, (see attached) i.e. all the below including salaries and wages (15.1%) time for the robots. That is the solution because all the other costs are already low. The 2nd largest cost would totally skyrocket at a minimum wage of $15.00/hour. So the costs of a robot meal server is about Chinese restaurants started to replace their workers with robots as early as 2006. Though some have proven pretty incompetent, they're still cheaper than human wait staff — the approximate $1,200 up-front cost per robot is just a couple months' salary for an average server in China (though robot prices vary).
The robot wait staff costs drop considerably compared to humans.
So you are right.

View attachment 379269

15% of income going out in salaries. This percentage is far too low. Wages, as a percentage of costs, have been steadily declining since Reagan was elected, and are now at their lowest levels since the Guilded Age.

MikeTx foolishly opines that “nobody is going to pay $15 per hour for someone to fill their coke glass. Well Mike, if their employer doesn’t pay employees a “living wage”, you, the taxpayer, will continue to pay for food stamps, section 8 housing, and earned income credits to supplement their wages.

McDonald’s pays their executives tens of millions of dollars, and records it’s highest profits in history, all off the income generated by minimum wage workers flipping burgers, and operating their stores. Yet somehow those executives and their non-working shareholders are worthy of $20 million a year, and the highest dividends on record, while the kids who make sell, make and serve the food are not.

What makes no sense to non-Americans watching this bullshit play out, is how gullible right wing voters are in believing the right wing lies about what will happen if Americans bring their wages in line with the rest of the first world.

Here’s a clue for all of the MikeTX’s on this board. In Canada, and Europe, McDonalds, Walmart, and all of the American owned big box stores provide the following:

1. Minimum wages of $14 per hour;

2. Health care insurance with no cops us or deductibles;

3. 2 weeks vacation with pay - minimum;

4. Maternity/family leave for new parents; and

5. Quality education for ALL citizens regardless of income.

And our prices are no higher than yours. In a lot of cases, we pay less than you do.

In the USA, 80% of income goes to the top 20% of wealthy Americans and corporations. The highest in the first world. In the rest of the world, that figure is less than 50 %.

Republicans have sold out the American workers to the wealthy and the corporations. And you still believe that poor people are the problem.
You wrote:

15% of income going out in salaries. This percentage is far too low. Wages, as a percentage of costs, have been steadily declining since Reagan was elected, and are now at their lowest levels since the Guilded Age.

PROOF???? YOU making that statement means NOTHING!!!
YOU don't provide any substantiation.
Now as far as doing as you suggested... guess what dummy! That's what happened under Obama with Obamacare.
Dummies like you didn't know this that ACA required employers who had 50 or more employees to provide Health insurance.
Well dummies like you don't seem to comprehend that rather than spend about $14,000 per that NEW employee (it would require
the employer with 49 employees who wants to hire the 50th to spend then $14,000 more per month for health insurance do you understand DUMMY? So what does the employer do? Doesn't hire the 50th full-time but 2 pastime employees.
NOW UNLIKE dummies like you I provide the proof!
A) Proof ACA required 50 employees or more
Certain businesses with 50 or more full-time and full-time equivalent employees that don't offer insurance that meets certain minimum standards may be subject to the payment. Learn more about the Employer Shared Responsibility Payment from the IRS.
B) How many of Obama's "New jobs" were part time jobs...
Nearly 95% of all new jobs during Obama era were part-time, or contract
..they already pay MORE than their share
MORE taxes is going to kill the US
Class Warfare: 'The 'rich' who have more than you need to have their money taken and given to you.....everyone should make / have the same....the incentive for no one to work....socialism.

COME TO THE DARK SIDE Poster | Beth Shackel | Keep Calm-o-Matic
"...we have free shit."

Raise the minimum wage until the Poor pay their fair capital share!
....that's STUPID---how about we pay ditch diggers the same as the BLACK NBA players?
Projecting much, right winger. Nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics.
Funny how ya always the left wing economies that fail.

The US economy has failed 4 times, under 4 different Republican Presidents, and every single time, right wing economic policies have been the root cause.

The period of greatest economic growth and prosperity for all Americans was under the Republican New Deal, which Reagan destroyed when he rewrote the tax codes and attacked American workers.

Since then movement to create an American oligarchy has been most effective, with each succeeding economic crash consolidating more wealth and power at the top with less and less for American workers.

Other first world countries got over Covid19, without infecting 10 % of the population and utterly destroying our economies, bankrupting our workers. The US has not.
..they already pay MORE than their share
MORE taxes is going to kill the US
Class Warfare: 'The 'rich' who have more than you need to have their money taken and given to you.....everyone should make / have the same....the incentive for no one to work....socialism.

COME TO THE DARK SIDE Poster | Beth Shackel | Keep Calm-o-Matic
"...we have free shit."

Raise the minimum wage until the Poor pay their fair capital share!
....that's STUPID---how about we pay ditch diggers the same as the BLACK NBA players?
Projecting much, right winger. Nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics.
Funny how ya always the left wing economies that fail.

The US economy has failed 4 times, under 4 different Republican Presidents, and every single time, right wing economic policies have been the root cause.

The period of greatest economic growth and prosperity for all Americans was under the Republican New Deal, which Reagan destroyed when he rewrote the tax codes and attacked American workers.

Since then movement to create an American oligarchy has been most effective, with each succeeding economic crash consolidating more wealth and power at the top with less and less for American workers.

Other first world countries got over Covid19, without infecting 10 % of the population and utterly destroying our economies, bankrupting our workers. The US has not.
Ok, retard...
Trump is the first Republican to not promote Globalism.
Was that simple enough or are you really that stupid?
..they already pay MORE than their share
MORE taxes is going to kill the US
Class Warfare: 'The 'rich' who have more than you need to have their money taken and given to you.....everyone should make / have the same....the incentive for no one to work....socialism.

COME TO THE DARK SIDE Poster | Beth Shackel | Keep Calm-o-Matic
"...we have free shit."

Raise the minimum wage until the Poor pay their fair capital share!
....that's STUPID---how about we pay ditch diggers the same as the BLACK NBA players?
Projecting much, right winger. Nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics.
Funny how ya always the left wing economies that fail.

The US economy has failed 4 times, under 4 different Republican Presidents, and every single time, right wing economic policies have been the root cause.

The period of greatest economic growth and prosperity for all Americans was under the Republican New Deal, which Reagan destroyed when he rewrote the tax codes and attacked American workers.

Since then movement to create an American oligarchy has been most effective, with each succeeding economic crash consolidating more wealth and power at the top with less and less for American workers.

Other first world countries got over Covid19, without infecting 10 % of the population and utterly destroying our economies, bankrupting our workers. The US has not.
You truly are delusional. Reagan's policies resulted in massive economic growth.
Healthcare plan: $750 billion
Biden wants to expand Obamacare significantly by increasing its subsidies and creating a government-run plan that would erode private insurance over time.

So here is what will happen if Biden as part of his $6 Trillion expenditures is to "erode private insurance"...
There are 907 private health insurance companies that cover 49% of all Americans.
These companies employ over 500,000 people that average $40,000 a year in salaries.
These companies pay over $100 BILLION a year in Federal/state and local taxes to communities where they have offices.
COSTS for eliminating 907 private insurance companies:
500,000 people and employers pay on average 12.4% of salaries in payroll taxes or: $2.48 Billion a year in LOST Federal payroll taxes.
500,000 people on unemployment for 26 weeks at $400/week or $5.2 billion PAID OUT to these people... was that cost figured?
Now these 907 companies pay $100 billion a year in federal/state/local/property taxes... GONE.

So if the above over $100 billion in tax revenue is eliminated and $5.2 billion going out for unemployment... where will the $6 Trillion Biden will spend come from?

Countries with government funded health care spend half what the US spends and they have better outcomes, and a healthier population.

More than 30% of ever dollar Americans spend on healthcare goes to “administration and billing”. In single payer countries that figure is closer to 5%. Just the savings in premiums payable to private insurance being reduced to eliminate the profit factor would save Americans so much aggravation and money.
you just admitted the government involvement is our problem,,,

admin and billing costs are due to gov regs,,,
So, why do Government single payers systems cost less?

Because putting people on waiting lists is cheaper than doing procedures.
I know you're not well versed in economic theory, Daniel but on some levels this is pretty easy stuff! Raising the minimum wage has to result in raises across the labor market. People that have skills WILL demand that they be paid for those skills! You know that's true. So if everyone gets a raise then what have you really accomplished for those making minimum wage? You've put more money in their pockets...but that money will be worth less! So what have you REALLY done for them?
So what; I know you are even more clueless and Causeless. Why should anyone care, if wages outpace inflation on an Institutional basis? That is the simplest I can make it for you, right wingers.
Since wages CAUSE inflation it's highly doubtful that they ever CAN outpace inflation! What part of that concept can't you grasp?
Wages are not the Only cost of inflation and cannot be so with minimum wage labor.
I didn't say they were the ONLY cause of inflation! I simply pointed out that large wage increases typically cause inflation. You STILL haven't answered my question! Why the difficulty, Daniel?
So what. Inflation happens Regardless. Wages merely need to outpace inflation on an Institutional basis.
Inflation doesn't just "happen", Daniel! It's caused by things! You don't seem to have a CLUE what those things are! What's seem to be too lazy to educate yourself so you DO have a clue!
Those Things happen and result in inflation, Regardless.
Wouldn't you feel better about yourself if you actually knew some basic Economic theory, Daniel? It would only take a few hours and then you wouldn't be making a fool of yourself in internet chat rooms saying things like "things happen"! A mind is a terrible thing to waste...just saying...
lol. You, just saying, only show you have no valid arguments. Why not try some, if you can.
I've actually made valid arguments, Daniel! You've given us such gems as "things happen"! I'm still waiting for you to explain why doubling the minimum wage wouldn't result in all other wages also increasing!
So what if they do increase. Labor needs to make more regardless. And, higher paid labor pays more in Taxes and creates more in Demand. Wages merely need to outpace inflation. Surely, that cannot be too difficult to grasp.

Here is some anecdotal evidence that is easy (for the right wing) to grasp:

The company received media attention in 2015 when CEO Dan Price announced that all employees would receive a minimum salary of $70,000.--Gravity Payments - Wikipedia

All employees making that amount Must mean higher paid labor Creates more in Demand and generates more in Taxes.
Last edited:
Raise the minimum wage until the Poor pay their fair capital share of the tax burden!

There should be no upper limit to markets.

I thought you wanted people to get paid for not working?
Raising the minimum wage will have some effect on the labor market until the positive multiplier has any effect. Unemployment compensation that bears true witness to our at-will employment laws ensures there is no simple poverty and that capital circulates under our form of Capitalism.
Healthcare plan: $750 billion
Biden wants to expand Obamacare significantly by increasing its subsidies and creating a government-run plan that would erode private insurance over time.

So here is what will happen if Biden as part of his $6 Trillion expenditures is to "erode private insurance"...
There are 907 private health insurance companies that cover 49% of all Americans.
These companies employ over 500,000 people that average $40,000 a year in salaries.
These companies pay over $100 BILLION a year in Federal/state and local taxes to communities where they have offices.
COSTS for eliminating 907 private insurance companies:
500,000 people and employers pay on average 12.4% of salaries in payroll taxes or: $2.48 Billion a year in LOST Federal payroll taxes.
500,000 people on unemployment for 26 weeks at $400/week or $5.2 billion PAID OUT to these people... was that cost figured?
Now these 907 companies pay $100 billion a year in federal/state/local/property taxes... GONE.

So if the above over $100 billion in tax revenue is eliminated and $5.2 billion going out for unemployment... where will the $6 Trillion Biden will spend come from?

Countries with government funded health care spend half what the US spends and they have better outcomes, and a healthier population.

More than 30% of ever dollar Americans spend on healthcare goes to “administration and billing”. In single payer countries that figure is closer to 5%. Just the savings in premiums payable to private insurance being reduced to eliminate the profit factor would save Americans so much aggravation and money.
you just admitted the government involvement is our problem,,,

admin and billing costs are due to gov regs,,,
So, why do Government single payers systems cost less?

Because putting people on waiting lists is cheaper than doing procedures.
You have to show worse outcomes.

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