Biden says inflation will get worse if republicans gain the majority .

They do have control....
Not as much as you people think

Not as much as you people think

you are clearly not a good business man
you are clearly not a good business man
You clearly don't know shit about business or me. I built a business ran it for 30 years sold it and retired financially secure at age 51.

How many sources do you need to read before you realize the president doesn't have the effect on the economy that you think he does?
No one has made any demands on anybody. Do you know that there are more ways to make electricity than burning fossil fuel? If you don`t that`s on you. The shift to electric vehicles will be a long slow process. Find something else to whine about.

It would be if the government didn't get involved, but they are trying to cram these golf carts down our throats.
The Republicans have an excellent solution to our inflation problem. Why they`re keeping it a secret is a mystery.

Why should we give away our solutions so you guys can credit Dementia with their success?

Oh okay, you seem like a nice guy, so I'll give you one of the solutions: In November, vote out as many Democrats as you can. Vote strictly Republican.
How long have Democrats claimed that if Republicans were elected, they would take senior's social security away? It's still there, through several Republican presidents, even during the times Republicans had complete control. Now Democrats are running on that same tune again. Yes, that's all they've got. Hard to run on a great economy while people can't afford to live anymore.

Yep, it's what I tell these losers when they blame Reagan for an economy over 30 years after he left office. You guys had several chances to undo every Reagan policy. What stopped ya? Tax cuts for the rich? Still there. A national minimum wage of $15.00 hour? Never happened. They feed their constituents a line of crap and they just buy whatever they say.
Republicans can't force anything unless Biden signs it. Now granted, Trump supporters never understood this so maybe it's a difficult concept.
Thats an ignorant statement. Are you suggesting that democrats in Congress during Trumps presidency didnt fuck him over left and right? There are SHITLOADS of things we will force, starting with investigating Hunter and The Big Guy.
Yep, it's what I tell these losers when they blame Reagan for an economy over 30 years after he left office. You guys had several chances to undo every Reagan policy. What stopped ya? Tax cuts for the rich? Still there. A national minimum wage of $15.00 hour? Never happened. They feed their constituents a line of crap and they just buy whatever they say.
And the funniest part is of the Trump tax cuts, the rich in blue states have to pay more taxes, just like the left want. And yet the leftists are trying like hell to change that so the rich in blue states don't have to pay more in taxes.
When will they be banned? When the "near future" arrives, let us know.

In CA it's already law against selling cars and trucks in 2035, and NY is considering the same law. Only EV's will be allowed for sale in those states. It's a new concept so I expect more liberal states to adopt those laws
I bought a new pickup this summer. Who is cramming what down our throats? Is burning more fossil fuel than necessary a sign of manhood?

It doesn't do shit for the climate. When everything is considered, it creates just as large of a carbon footprint. How do you think they make electricity? Especially now with fossil fuels so expensive, electric companies are now turning to coal to make electricity.
It's the typical ole scare tactic politics. Things are bad under us, but they will be worse under them. They have nothing else to run on. They can't run on the economy, the stock market, the border, the debt, the inflation, the interest rates, and especially national security with a threat of nuclear attacks. They will make it us!
the left is banking on their entire homosexual base turning out ... all informed democrats are ether latent or outright homosexuals .
Because it will. He has been giving benefits to counteract it to a degree. Republicans literally hate giving benefits to poor people and it will cease. Hence inflation.

Which policies and agendas are you referring to? Don't quote international oil prices and not include the Ukraine war because Biden had no control over both.

And that creates inflation?
Who does your economics?

I can remember the GFC under GWB and similar medicine was taken in silence by republicans. Not a bleat. Had it not been for Obama we would still be there.

So they will immediately change sides after all the condemnation you've given them. Truly miraculous indeed.

No. They know what caused inflation. It's ignorant hate filled republicans that want to shift the blame to democrats. Like you who have no clue about inflation.

the homosexual part of your brain seems to have overridden the common sense part .
I bought a new pickup this summer. Who is cramming what down our throats? Is burning more fossil fuel than necessary a sign of manhood?

not voting democrat is a sign of manhood .... real men dont vote for democrats .

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