Biden signs executive order to release some classified 9/11 documents.

Did they recover any black boxes?
If they did they're being withheld, and certainly the one at the Twin Towers were destroyed but there should have been one at the Pentagon and should have been one in Pennsylvania where supposedly Flight 93 crashed.
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If they did their being withheld, and certainly the one at the Twin Towers were destroyed but there should have been worn at the Pentagon and should have been one in Pennsylvania where supposedly Flight 93 crashed.

So you're just assuming.
Yeah, why not? They went to flight training as you said. Do you often disagree with yourself?
Many experts including military are on record as saying even a very highly skilled experienced pilot would have had a hard time pulling off either one of those maneuvers.
Many experts including military are on record as saying even a very highly skilled experienced pilot would have had a hard time pulling off either one of those maneuvers.

That is about the most stupid remark I have ever heard about 9/11. The maneuvers were possible because they didn't plan to recover.
That is about the most stupid remark I have ever heard about 9/11. The maneuvers were possible because they didn't plan to recover.
I'm talking about maneuvering planes at that speed at that altitude.

I'm talking about maneuvering planes at that speed at that altitude.


All kinds of maneuvers are possible at that speed and altitude if you intend suicide.. if you don't intend to recover from the maneuver.
All kinds of maneuvers are possible at that speed and altitude if you intend suicide.. if you don't intend to recover from the maneuver.
Either way it doesn't matter.... the buildings were wired to go down anyway, whether planes hit them or not.

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