Biden sucks at handling crime...and most everything

Biden did. The Generals advised against it.
Advised against leaving now or advised to stop or postpone plans to get out to save equipment costs? Get real. I have worked for major corporations that put in whole mulitmillion dollar production lines at a huge factory, got the results of the run, decided to build a factory for their new endeavor, ripped out the line, scrapped directly to the boneyard, and scrap metal operations, never intending to make a same day profit on the line, from the beginning. Government operates similarly, but never intending to make a profit for the government, at the time or ever. Businesses like to externalize costs and damages. Government externalizes profits and benefits. They do this into the free economy and big profits to the economy in terms of payments for goods and services to businesses, new and old, people in the form of salaries, communities in the form of money spent by those who were paid, etc., that micro and macroeconomic theories underpinning government spending of your money rolled on. The defense industry is a huge economic force that does not push the economy if the government does not continuously pay for more crap.
Advised against leaving now or advised to stop or postpone plans to get out to save equipment costs? Get real. I have worked for major corporations that put in whole mulitmillion dollar production lines at a huge factory, got the results of the run, decided to build a factory for their new endeavor, ripped out the line, scrapped directly to the boneyard, and scrap metal operations, never intending to make a same day profit on the line, from the beginning. Government operates similarly, but never intending to make a profit for the government, at the time or ever. Businesses like to externalize costs and damages. Government externalizes profits and benefits. They do this into the free economy and big profits to the economy in terms of payments for goods and services to businesses, new and old, people in the form of salaries, communities in the form of money spent by those who were paid, etc., that micro and macroeconomic theories underpinning government spending of your money rolled on. The defense industry is a huge economic force that does not push the economy if the government does not continuously pay for more crap.
Advised against the how. The MITRE Corp. is a client of mine.
Advised against the how. The MITRE Corp. is a client of mine.
Excellent. Then you have already gotten a portion of the profits off that war and will probably (if you served them well) gain a portion of profits off the next war, if you pay your taxes, (which they don't) part of what you paid will help pay for Biden's infrastructure to enhance your ability to provide your good and services to the non-profits and for profit businesses that made money off of that war, and the next. And the economic wheels just keep on turning. Remember Econ I and II? They weren't so you could become an economist. They were so you could understand.
Excellent. Then you have already gotten a portion of the profits off that war and will probably (if you served them well) gain a portion of profits off the next war, if you pay your taxes, (which they don't) part of what you paid will help pay for Biden's infrastructure to enhance your ability to provide your good and services to the non-profits and for profit businesses that made money off of that war, and the next. And the economic wheels just keep on turning. Remember Econ I and II? They weren't so you could become an economist. They were so you could understand.
We are discussing the Afghanistan withdrawal. The MITRE Corp. does a lot for us. I cannot discuss in detail but its life saving tech.
We are discussing the Afghanistan withdrawal. The MITRE Corp. does a lot for us. I cannot discuss in detail but its life saving tech.
I am sure they are a fine, responsible company. Lots of fine responsible companies and individuals supply goods and services for remuneration from the government, and in doing so, moneys are transferred from government expenditure into the economy.
I am sure they are a fine, responsible company. Lots of fine responsible companies and individuals supply goods and services for remuneration from the government, and in doing so, moneys are transferred from government expenditure into the economy.
Yep and most believe Biden botched the withdrawal.
Agree. Nothing Joe does surprises anyone that knows his history.
"Don't underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up."
Barack Obama
That was a nice one.:auiqs.jpg:
Right but you’re in the minority based on polling
And that should bother me? Why? Unlikely most of the people polled have more military experience, working at more levels in command staffs, through corp level, or attended the schools you sent me too. The polling of the relatively uninformed and these days decidedly divisively partisan split, does not impress me, nor change the reality of what I have seen or studied. It's OK for you and I understand that. But, I'm more like "I know, what I know. Don't shit me, son. I've had a turd in every pocket". Cool?
And that should bother me? Why? Unlikely most of the people polled have more military experience, working at more levels in command staffs, through corp level, or attended the schools you sent me too. The polling of the relatively uninformed and these days decidedly divisively partisan split, does not impress me, nor change the reality of what I have seen or studied. It's OK for you and I understand that. But, I'm more like "I know, what I know. Don't shit me, son. I've had a turd in every pocket". Cool?
Of course. And I know what I know. Optics matter and this is what both parties fail to understand.
Other than Federal crimes prosecuted through the U.S. Justice Department, the President has no actual role in "fighting crime."

A good President might use the Bully Pulpit to encourage the citizenry to cooperate in fighting crime, but that's about it.

In today's political climate, if "President" Biden made any public statements in support of enforcing criminal laws, he would be deemed a "racist" by his core supporters. Because enforcing the law necessarily impacts POC's more than so-called "white" people.

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