Biden supporters: WHY did you vote for this...person?

He doesn’t cheat on his wife. He does not defraud charities. He does start fake universities to cheat kids. Does not cheat on his taxes. And if he loses an election, he won’t whine or try to overturn the government or encourage his supporters to trash the Capitol or hang his Veep.

Let me know if you are still confused.

Your turn. What makes you retards to vote for the orange douche bag?
Relax. Biden is a great president. He's building back better! Whilst ignoring American poverty, homeless and huge immigration disaster and drug crisis. Biden, our great leader, spends billions for questionable causes in other countries that he might possibly profit from whilst ignoring every single internal American issue (if not causing them). That's the mark of a truly GREAT president!
Relax. Biden is a great president. He's building back better! Whilst ignoring American poverty, homeless and huge immigration disaster and drug crisis. Biden, our great leader, spends billions for questionable causes in other countries that he might possibly profit from whilst ignoring every single internal American issue (if not causing them). That's the mark of a truly GREAT president!
So, no response on why you choose the orange douchebag - a rapist, a serial adulterer, a guy who rips off charities?

Well, I don't blame you. It is hard to defend that orange loser, amIright? Thoughts and prayers. :itsok:
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CALL: "Biden supporters: WHY did you vote for this...person?"

RESPONSE: Ummm, because of Don Trump. Duh!!
Which places their own eminent idiocy on full display for all to witness.
You fucking retards can never justify voting for that orange piece of sub human garbage. Not only does he not give a flying fuck about you, but he has done NOTHING for you.

I voted for Biden because of his platform. I definitely have not regretted my vote. He has passed substantial, signature legislation through congress.
You fucking retards can never justify voting for that orange piece of sub human garbage. Not only does he not give a flying fuck about you, but he has done NOTHING for you.

I voted for Biden because of his platform. I definitely have not regretted my vote. He has passed substantial, signature legislation through congress.

$2 gas (became $6) $2.99 bottle Wesson Canola oil (Now $5.19 at Walmart. World on fire as Obiden gives Weapons & Billions to Terrorist orgs. Pay Raises, bonuses, sales off the charts. That was all Trump policy. Your all stupid beyond worth of any reclamation.

Any if you lowIQ saps too evil or stupid not to understand Results is an arseJack that needs a trip into the woodchipper. You own these new results. You killed the country. IRA, 401K House value all headed straight down, enjoy you dumb Oxyen.

P.S. Your Arab Terrorists own what is coming to them.. ANNIHILATION.
Because WHY? His looks? His charm? Because of his past accomplishments?
Don’t confuse Trump opponents with Biden ‘supporters.’

Indeed, there likely are very few Biden ‘supporters’ – if any.

The goal was to vote Trump out of office, having nothing to do with Biden.

And should Trump be the 2024 GOP presidential nominee, the goal will be to keep Trump out of the WH – again, having nothing to do with President Biden.

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