Biden tells migrants not to come to US: 'Don't leave your town'

Republicans are going to be pissed.
Biden being tough on immigration kills a right wing talking point.
The radical lefties will start war with Biden, making moderates even more pro-Biden.
Republicans cannot afford a centrist Biden.
Not being an extremist is what catapulted him to victory against Bernie and Trump.
He is a fucking day late and a dollar short for this shit.
He told them on January 17, too. Obviously, they didn't listen then and they're not listening now.

Actions speak louder than words.
Just correcting Disir. I don't know how you stop them. Honduras stopped a couple caravans, but they either gave up or people have wised up and aren't massing up in noticeable groups. Covid stopped it last year, but the year before, T**** had his hands full, too.
You dimwitted bitch, Biden talked shit right up until the election. By January 17, it was too late.
No reason to be nasty about it.
If by talking shit, you mean telling us what his immigration stance was, that's part of campaigning, isn't it? Was he supposed to keep something that important secret? He's doing what he said he would, but he needed to get ready first before ditching T****'s policies. I'm not sure it would have helped, but now it's overwhelming again, like 2019,.

Yes. I can see right now that you are a victim.
We did this 2 days ago when you went off on a tangent arguing that anyone that didn't think like you did was racist. Even though no one in the thread had said anything to that effect until one finally showed up on the thread as if you had your own mating call.
So, by "policy" You mean standing up there and saying whatever he thought would help him get elected in the moment?

I don't think you went far enough to Fuck Off. You just keep walking down that road. Keep going. Keep going. Keep going. Go a little further until you Fuck Off.
I'm not going anywhere, bitch. Whatever I said, I sure as hell didn't call everyone racist because I don't agree with them. If that shoe fits you, that's on you. You're playing the victim.
Republicans are going to be pissed.
Biden being tough on immigration kills a right wing talking point.
The radical lefties will start war with Biden, making moderates even more pro-Biden.
Republicans cannot afford a centrist Biden.
Not being an extremist is what catapulted him to victory against Bernie and Trump.

Biden tells Central American migrants: "Don't come over" (
Wow that facediaper CO2 has turned your brain to mush. What Pinochijoe reads of a giant letter teleprompter means nothing, its what is really happening that is destroying the US.
Republicans are going to be pissed.
Biden being tough on immigration kills a right wing talking point.
The radical lefties will start war with Biden, making moderates even more pro-Biden.
Republicans cannot afford a centrist Biden.
Not being an extremist is what catapulted him to victory against Bernie and Trump.
He is a fucking day late and a dollar short for this shit.
He told them on January 17, too. Obviously, they didn't listen then and they're not listening now.

Actions speak louder than words.
Just correcting Disir. I don't know how you stop them. Honduras stopped a couple caravans, but they either gave up or people have wised up and aren't massing up in noticeable groups. Covid stopped it last year, but the year before, T**** had his hands full, too.
You dimwitted bitch, Biden talked shit right up until the election. By January 17, it was too late.
No reason to be nasty about it.
If by talking shit, you mean telling us what his immigration stance was, that's part of campaigning, isn't it? Was he supposed to keep something that important secret? He's doing what he said he would, but he needed to get ready first before ditching T****'s policies. I'm not sure it would have helped, but now it's overwhelming again, like 2019,.

Yes. I can see right now that you are a victim.
We did this 2 days ago when you went off on a tangent arguing that anyone that didn't think like you did was racist. Even though no one in the thread had said anything to that effect until one finally showed up on the thread as if you had your own mating call.
So, by "policy" You mean standing up there and saying whatever he thought would help him get elected in the moment?

I don't think you went far enough to Fuck Off. You just keep walking down that road. Keep going. Keep going. Keep going. Go a little further until you Fuck Off.
Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa. Listen for a second.

I've seen you make these useless Latin America and Mexico topics about god knows what on this forum for the past month. You say nothing here. Your topics are as bad as PoliticalChic. Now, granted, you were more sane than PoliticalChic and didn't make me want to take a spoon and rip my eyes out with it so I can't see your posts anymore. But it was bad.

But now? You're worse. Now you've turned into "crotchedy old lady" and are cussing at people. Atleast PoliticalChic has moments where the insanity makes me laugh. You're not even funny, it's just sad. Ignored.
Republicans are going to be pissed.
Biden being tough on immigration kills a right wing talking point.
The radical lefties will start war with Biden, making moderates even more pro-Biden.
Republicans cannot afford a centrist Biden.
Not being an extremist is what catapulted him to victory against Bernie and Trump.

Biden tells Central American migrants: "Don't come over" (

You're an idiot because you're PROG.

PROGS believe words have meaning and actions no meaning. The reason for the crisis is EXACTLY because Biden was appointed and he's DEMONSTRATED he's soft on illegals. Putting the stops on the wall alone sends the message. This crisis is BIDEN's fault, though I don't hold him accountable for anything, he has dementia and only does what he's told.

So what your post and situation boils down to even if the Xiden is being genuine, now he's trying to correct the mistakes of HIS ADMINISTRATION.

Cause & effect PROG
Actions > words, ESPECIALLY PROG-words that have NO meaning.
Republicans are going to be pissed.
Biden being tough on immigration kills a right wing talking point.
The radical lefties will start war with Biden, making moderates even more pro-Biden.
Republicans cannot afford a centrist Biden.
Not being an extremist is what catapulted him to victory against Bernie and Trump.

Biden tells Central American migrants: "Don't come over" (
It is too late for that . thousands are already here and thousands are on the way toward the USA. shithead biden told them I WILL STOP ALL DEPORTATIONS. so these illegal believe once they enter the USA they are here to stay. no need to apply legally. The human traffickers are making millions smuggling Shithead biden's illegals to the southern US Border.
Republicans are going to be pissed.
Biden being tough on immigration kills a right wing talking point.
The radical lefties will start war with Biden, making moderates even more pro-Biden.
Republicans cannot afford a centrist Biden.
Not being an extremist is what catapulted him to victory against Bernie and Trump.
Lying shitbag.

The message is "don't leave now".....The unspoken part being that there will be a time in the near future for them to leave and crash the border.
Haha, the unspoken message?! You play those games?! Was Trumps unspoken message for white suprematists to unite and fight like other mind readers have accused?! Y’all are nuts
Blow it out your ass, ignoramus.
Ur the one playing the mind reading games. Grow up
I'm the one trained in semantics and recognize open-ended language....It's not mind reading, it's the nature of how language works.

I could chart it out, but you're too fucking thick to understand the structure of manipulative language.
Did you recognize any of that with Trump? Just curious to see how skilled you are
Your passive aggressive style is most interesting. Are you that way in real life? Just curious.
No I try and surround myself with good people in real life. When I see people lying or being hypocrites or trolling on this board I push back while in real life I’d just change the subject or not spend time with that person.
Republicans are going to be pissed.
Biden being tough on immigration kills a right wing talking point.
The radical lefties will start war with Biden, making moderates even more pro-Biden.
Republicans cannot afford a centrist Biden.
Not being an extremist is what catapulted him to victory against Bernie and Trump.
Lying shitbag.

The message is "don't leave now".....The unspoken part being that there will be a time in the near future for them to leave and crash the border.
Haha, the unspoken message?! You play those games?! Was Trumps unspoken message for white suprematists to unite and fight like other mind readers have accused?! Y’all are nuts
Blow it out your ass, ignoramus.
Ur the one playing the mind reading games. Grow up
I'm the one trained in semantics and recognize open-ended language....It's not mind reading, it's the nature of how language works.

I could chart it out, but you're too fucking thick to understand the structure of manipulative language.
Did you recognize any of that with Trump? Just curious to see how skilled you are
Your passive aggressive style is most interesting. Are you that way in real life? Just curious.
No I try and surround myself with good people in real life. When I see people lying or being hypocrites or trolling on this board I push back while in real life I’d just change the subject or not spend time with that person.
But you are passive aggressive. Would you agree? So you only surround yourself with like minded people?
Republicans are going to be pissed.
Biden being tough on immigration kills a right wing talking point.
The radical lefties will start war with Biden, making moderates even more pro-Biden.
Republicans cannot afford a centrist Biden.
Not being an extremist is what catapulted him to victory against Bernie and Trump.
Lying shitbag.

The message is "don't leave now".....The unspoken part being that there will be a time in the near future for them to leave and crash the border.
Haha, the unspoken message?! You play those games?! Was Trumps unspoken message for white suprematists to unite and fight like other mind readers have accused?! Y’all are nuts
Blow it out your ass, ignoramus.
Ur the one playing the mind reading games. Grow up
I'm the one trained in semantics and recognize open-ended language....It's not mind reading, it's the nature of how language works.

I could chart it out, but you're too fucking thick to understand the structure of manipulative language.
Did you recognize any of that with Trump? Just curious to see how skilled you are
Your passive aggressive style is most interesting. Are you that way in real life? Just curious.
No I try and surround myself with good people in real life. When I see people lying or being hypocrites or trolling on this board I push back while in real life I’d just change the subject or not spend time with that person.
But you are passive aggressive. Would you agree? So you only surround yourself with like minded people?
I don’t act the same way in real life as I act on an internet message board. I troll and talk shit to those who do the same here. I don’t do that to people I encounter in person.

I prefer respectful and smart debate here but its hard to come by
I don’t act the same way in real life as I act on an internet message board. I troll and talk shit to those who do the same here. I don’t do that to people I encounter in person
That's funny because AzogtheDefiler is 40 years old but in IRL acts the same as he does on this board. He tells random people YUMMY!!!!!! at the grocery store and says the election was fraudulent in real life.
Biden telling illegals not to invade the US / get out of the US now is like the kid holding the 'rager' telling the houseful of drunk partiers to leave, that they are not welcome, don't come over.

Ummm...too late. WAY too late.
Biden telling illegals not to leave their homes and come here is like a woman declaring she does not want to have children after she has been told she is pregnant.

Ummm....too late. WAY too late.
Republicans are going to be pissed.
Biden being tough on immigration kills a right wing talking point.
The radical lefties will start war with Biden, making moderates even more pro-Biden.
Republicans cannot afford a centrist Biden.
Not being an extremist is what catapulted him to victory against Bernie and Trump.
He is a fucking day late and a dollar short for this shit.
He told them on January 17, too. Obviously, they didn't listen then and they're not listening now.

Actions speak louder than words.
Just correcting Disir. I don't know how you stop them. Honduras stopped a couple caravans, but they either gave up or people have wised up and aren't massing up in noticeable groups. Covid stopped it last year, but the year before, T**** had his hands full, too.
You dimwitted bitch, Biden talked shit right up until the election. By January 17, it was too late.
No reason to be nasty about it.
If by talking shit, you mean telling us what his immigration stance was, that's part of campaigning, isn't it? Was he supposed to keep something that important secret? He's doing what he said he would, but he needed to get ready first before ditching T****'s policies. I'm not sure it would have helped, but now it's overwhelming again, like 2019,.

Yes. I can see right now that you are a victim.
We did this 2 days ago when you went off on a tangent arguing that anyone that didn't think like you did was racist. Even though no one in the thread had said anything to that effect until one finally showed up on the thread as if you had your own mating call.
So, by "policy" You mean standing up there and saying whatever he thought would help him get elected in the moment?

I don't think you went far enough to Fuck Off. You just keep walking down that road. Keep going. Keep going. Keep going. Go a little further until you Fuck Off.
Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa. Listen for a second.

I've seen you make these useless Latin America and Mexico topics about god knows what on this forum for the past month. You say nothing here. Your topics are as bad as PoliticalChic. Now, granted, you were more sane than PoliticalChic and didn't make me want to take a spoon and rip my eyes out with it so I can't see your posts anymore. But it was bad.

But now? You're worse. Now you've turned into "crotchedy old lady" and are cussing at people. Atleast PoliticalChic has moments where the insanity makes me laugh. You're not even funny, it's just sad. Ignored.

Why, Frenchie, I'm crushed. Our very own Reddit reject that regularly demonstrates a tenuous grasp of reality, has difficulty with domestic policy and is incapable of conversing intelligently on international relations doesn't like me and all while living in the basement of his parent's home.

I guess you will have that. You can fuck off as well.
Republicans are going to be pissed.
Biden being tough on immigration kills a right wing talking point.
The radical lefties will start war with Biden, making moderates even more pro-Biden.
Republicans cannot afford a centrist Biden.
Not being an extremist is what catapulted him to victory against Bernie and Trump.
Lying shitbag.

The message is "don't leave now".....The unspoken part being that there will be a time in the near future for them to leave and crash the border.
Haha, the unspoken message?! You play those games?! Was Trumps unspoken message for white suprematists to unite and fight like other mind readers have accused?! Y’all are nuts
Blow it out your ass, ignoramus.
Ur the one playing the mind reading games. Grow up
I'm the one trained in semantics and recognize open-ended language....It's not mind reading, it's the nature of how language works.

I could chart it out, but you're too fucking thick to understand the structure of manipulative language.
Did you recognize any of that with Trump? Just curious to see how skilled you are
Your passive aggressive style is most interesting. Are you that way in real life? Just curious.
No I try and surround myself with good people in real life. When I see people lying or being hypocrites or trolling on this board I push back while in real life I’d just change the subject or not spend time with that person.
But you are passive aggressive. Would you agree? So you only surround yourself with like minded people?
I don’t act the same way in real life as I act on an internet message board. I troll and talk shit to those who do the same here. I don’t do that to people I encounter in person.

I prefer respectful and smart debate here but its hard to come by
I figured. Thanks for your honesty.
Republicans are going to be pissed.
Biden being tough on immigration kills a right wing talking point.
The radical lefties will start war with Biden, making moderates even more pro-Biden.
Republicans cannot afford a centrist Biden.
Not being an extremist is what catapulted him to victory against Bernie and Trump.
He is a fucking day late and a dollar short for this shit.
He told them on January 17, too. Obviously, they didn't listen then and they're not listening now.

Actions speak louder than words.
Just correcting Disir. I don't know how you stop them. Honduras stopped a couple caravans, but they either gave up or people have wised up and aren't massing up in noticeable groups. Covid stopped it last year, but the year before, T**** had his hands full, too.
You dimwitted bitch, Biden talked shit right up until the election. By January 17, it was too late.
No reason to be nasty about it.
If by talking shit, you mean telling us what his immigration stance was, that's part of campaigning, isn't it? Was he supposed to keep something that important secret? He's doing what he said he would, but he needed to get ready first before ditching T****'s policies. I'm not sure it would have helped, but now it's overwhelming again, like 2019,.

Yes. I can see right now that you are a victim.
We did this 2 days ago when you went off on a tangent arguing that anyone that didn't think like you did was racist. Even though no one in the thread had said anything to that effect until one finally showed up on the thread as if you had your own mating call.
So, by "policy" You mean standing up there and saying whatever he thought would help him get elected in the moment?

I don't think you went far enough to Fuck Off. You just keep walking down that road. Keep going. Keep going. Keep going. Go a little further until you Fuck Off.
I'm not going anywhere, bitch. Whatever I said, I sure as hell didn't call everyone racist because I don't agree with them. If that shoe fits you, that's on you. You're playing the victim.
Looks like you are still on that path. If you pulled your head out, you could see better.
Republicans are going to be pissed.
Biden being tough on immigration kills a right wing talking point.
The radical lefties will start war with Biden, making moderates even more pro-Biden.
Republicans cannot afford a centrist Biden.
Not being an extremist is what catapulted him to victory against Bernie and Trump.
He is a fucking day late and a dollar short for this shit.
He told them on January 17, too. Obviously, they didn't listen then and they're not listening now.

Actions speak louder than words.
Just correcting Disir. I don't know how you stop them. Honduras stopped a couple caravans, but they either gave up or people have wised up and aren't massing up in noticeable groups. Covid stopped it last year, but the year before, T**** had his hands full, too.
You dimwitted bitch, Biden talked shit right up until the election. By January 17, it was too late.
No reason to be nasty about it.
If by talking shit, you mean telling us what his immigration stance was, that's part of campaigning, isn't it? Was he supposed to keep something that important secret? He's doing what he said he would, but he needed to get ready first before ditching T****'s policies. I'm not sure it would have helped, but now it's overwhelming again, like 2019,.

Yes. I can see right now that you are a victim.
We did this 2 days ago when you went off on a tangent arguing that anyone that didn't think like you did was racist. Even though no one in the thread had said anything to that effect until one finally showed up on the thread as if you had your own mating call.
So, by "policy" You mean standing up there and saying whatever he thought would help him get elected in the moment?

I don't think you went far enough to Fuck Off. You just keep walking down that road. Keep going. Keep going. Keep going. Go a little further until you Fuck Off.
Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa. Listen for a second.

I've seen you make these useless Latin America and Mexico topics about god knows what on this forum for the past month. You say nothing here. Your topics are as bad as PoliticalChic. Now, granted, you were more sane than PoliticalChic and didn't make me want to take a spoon and rip my eyes out with it so I can't see your posts anymore. But it was bad.

But now? You're worse. Now you've turned into "crotchedy old lady" and are cussing at people. Atleast PoliticalChic has moments where the insanity makes me laugh. You're not even funny, it's just sad. Ignored.

Why, Frenchie, I'm crushed. Our very own Reddit reject that regularly demonstrates a tenuous grasp of reality, has difficulty with domestic policy and is incapable of conversing intelligently on international relations doesn't like me and all while living in the basement of his parent's home.

I guess you will have that. You can fuck off as well.
Literally -never once- posted a post on Reddit. Not once in my life.

But yeah
Republicans are going to be pissed.
Biden being tough on immigration kills a right wing talking point.
The radical lefties will start war with Biden, making moderates even more pro-Biden.
Republicans cannot afford a centrist Biden.
Not being an extremist is what catapulted him to victory against Bernie and Trump.

Biden tells Central American migrants: "Don't come over" (

You're an idiot because you're PROG.

PROGS believe words have meaning and actions no meaning. The reason for the crisis is EXACTLY because Biden was appointed and he's DEMONSTRATED he's soft on illegals. Putting the stops on the wall alone sends the message. This crisis is BIDEN's fault, though I don't hold him accountable for anything, he has dementia and only does what he's told.

So what your post and situation boils down to even if the Xiden is being genuine, now he's trying to correct the mistakes of HIS ADMINISTRATION.

Cause & effect PROG
Actions > words, ESPECIALLY PROG-words that have NO meaning.
They're not even progressives anymore....They're corporatist fascists.
They're not even progressives anymore....They're corporatist fascists.
Progressives are corporate fascists? Yeah, we want to raise taxes because we're corporate fascists.

Do you even listen to your self? Good lord, man.
They're not even progressives anymore....They're corporatist fascists.
Progressives are corporate fascists? Yeah, we want to raise taxes because we're corporate fascists.

Do you even listen to your self? Good lord, man.
Yes, you dweebs are corporatist fascists....You're just too fucking dense and lacking in self-awareness to face the fact.

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