Biden Tells Tulsa Crowd Today The Biggest Threat Is White Supremacists....I Thought Global Warming Was

They are what they are...Nazis were socialists and haters of religious freedom and free speech and so is the democrat party...truth hurts don't it?....
Way to stay above the fray. You’re a nut. You don’t even know your political wing’s extremists.

You embody all of the problems of the right: Closed minded, uneducated, faithful believer in lies and fantasy suffering from a persecution and victimization complex.

You are right I don't know my party better than you know yours and that's what make you so harmful to know the evil that lurks on the global and American left but are all for it...thanks for making my point.....
Democratic Party isn’t run by extremists. The Republican Party is run by extremists. That’s an undeniable fact. Jan 6 proved that.





Some black activist somewhere makes a statement and the right is all up in arms. Meanwhile, Tulsa is remembering the massacre of blacks and black-owned businesses and properties and the right's response? Silence or equivalency or outright denial that the massacre ever happened.

And for your claim that conservatives are being painted as racists? Well, if your side keeps wanting to make voting for blacks harder, wants to hold onto Confederate statues and flags...that would be some of the reasons. As long as your side cannot see that, you will continually be tarred by the racist brush.
The 'right' didn't do that, the left did. How is my 'side' making voting harder for blacks? Unless, of course, you think they are less capable of producing an ID (which you undoubtedly do). Who the fuck do you think you're kidding? You reek of racism and wish all blacks to be beholding to you and your ilk. Not much different than the 'white' slave holder/plantation Democrats in Ante Bellum. You got your black slaves to carry your water for you.
Well, you were the one moaning that everyone calls your side racist. Take it or leave it. I could care less. :th_smiley_emoticons_gaehn:
You frkn moron. Did you even read the article you linked to? Here, let me quote your link:

DOJ data on arrests by race:
  • 69% are white.
  • 27% are black.
  • 2% are American Indian.
  • 1.4% are Asian.
DOJ data on violent crime arrests by race:
  • 58% are white
  • 37.8% are black
  • 2% are American Indian
  • 1.9% are Asian lose. Try again.

Are you this ignorant intentionally or are you REALLY this ignorant?

Here is the piece of the puzzle you intentionally ignored.


I'll summarize part of this since you pretend to be too ignorant to understand or really are that ignorant. Either way.

I hope you'll at least agree that by far, men commit far more crimes than women, especially violent crimes.

Using your numbers and my facts.

6.1% of our population (black males) commit 37.8% of all violent crimes.

31.0% of our population (white males) commit 58.0% of all violent crimes.

If that isn't clear to you, what can I do to be more clear?
Not sure why that statement should bother you. Unless you are part of the group that does do harm to black people.

If that is the case...yes, we are coming for you.
In case you haven't noticed, Joe Biden has been a racist for decades. His disingenuous speeches today are written by others to placate black voters. Check out his history. Pay attention to the racist comments and positions he has exhibited.

The Democrats thrive on racial division. They must have there plantation to maintain the stigma of victimization assigned to blacks. Biden is a master at promoting and maintaining divisiveness.

Just as a leopard cannot change its spots, Biden cannot flip a switch to turn off his embedded racism.

Where the problem really gets bad, is that we have the angry black activist, who are brainwashed or chooses to remain ignorant forever it seems..... These activist black's know damned well that Biden is a super race-baiting bullcrapper, but they also know how to work the "white guilt" angle on Biden, and upon the weak white guilt riddled Democrat's in hopes to get the guilty to come groveling to them in the manors that they do, but it's all fake when any of it happens, because their are hardly any today who are suffering under racial oppression or etc.

Both are getting something out of it all though, where as Biden and the white Democrat's are gaining power over the alledged "white conservative" boogeymen, who is deemed by them as their sworn enemy....... The Demoncrats have painted the conservatives as being totally racist, yet for high stakes, and for political purposes....... They do so with a political agenda in a quest for political power in which is given them through race baiter mechanisms, and by way of race baiter hustler tactics that are then worked in unison on the poor ignorant voters.

Are certain activist black's complicit on Biden, and does it make them corrupt if they go along with what they know isn't right or rather maybe is to be found wrong in these current politic's of today, and in the ways that they are being used ??

Some black activist somewhere makes a statement and the right is all up in arms. Meanwhile, Tulsa is remembering the massacre of blacks and black-owned businesses and properties and the right's response? Silence or equivalency or outright denial that the massacre ever happened.

And for your claim that conservatives are being painted as racists? Well, if your side keeps wanting to make voting for blacks harder, wants to hold onto Confederate statues and flags...that would be some of the reasons. As long as your side cannot see that, you will continually be tarred by the racist brush.

What Obiden is doing is going back in history to use an event that happened 100 yrs ago, that nobody remembers or even knew about, to sow racial divisions. That's pretty damn low. Lower than anything Trump ever did.
Maybe we need to go back 4000 yrs and accuse blacks of slavery in Egypt. That's what this bullshit is like.
Not sure why that statement should bother you. Unless you are part of the group that does do harm to black people.

If that is the case...yes, we are coming for you.
Democrats do the most harm to black folks. Sadly, black folks don't seem to notice.
LOL. Coming from a party that wants to deny voting rights for black folks. That is rich.
The Democrat Party wants to allow all people (living and dead) to vote.

The Republican Party wants to preclude voting by all but our legally registered citizens.

Passing laws to decrease election fraud is not an effort to deny voting rights to anyone.

You and your ilk twist the narrative in order to solicit votes for the Democrat Party, the party of election thieves.

President Trump did more in four years to improve the lives and livelihood of black Americans than the Democrat Party has done since 1865.
Not sure why that statement should bother you. Unless you are part of the group that does do harm to black people.

If that is the case...yes, we are coming for you.

You're gonna contnue to sit behind your keyboard like a little bitch.

That's all you're gonna do.

You're a nobody.

A common quisling.
Awww...did I hurt your feelings?

No, huh uh. As I said, you're a nobody. I was simply making you aware of the fact.
Poor snowflake. The hurt must be pretty bad. Here is another for you...View attachment 496641
That particular brand of butt-hurt salve works only on liberal assholes, like you.
czx workiBiden is wrong. The biggest threat to America is the right wing of America has become unable to distinguish fantasy from fact.

White Nationalist Racists are far and away killing more Americans than any other extremist group. However the misinformed right is more dangerous long term.

Unless you're intentionally lying, which we all know you would NEVER DO, you forgot to include your reliable sites and working links. I'm sure you are eager to support your allegations.

Thank you, thank you so much.

Not sure why that statement should bother you. Unless you are part of the group that does do harm to black people.

If that is the case...yes, we are coming for you.
It's pretty eye-opening how many white supremacists are self-identifying these last few days.
Are you using the real definition of "white supremacist", or are you using the progressive one -- "anyone who disagrees with Democrats"?
If you need to ask the definition of a white supremacist...that's your problem right there.

Glad we sorted that out. Let us know if you need help with other things - like defining what constitutes lying, cheating, etc.
Ducking the question like the lying little bitch we all know you are.
They are what they are...Nazis were socialists and haters of religious freedom and free speech and so is the democrat party...truth hurts don't it?....
Way to stay above the fray. You’re a nut. You don’t even know your political wing’s extremists.

You embody all of the problems of the right: Closed minded, uneducated, faithful believer in lies and fantasy suffering from a persecution and victimization complex.

You are right I don't know my party better than you know yours and that's what make you so harmful to know the evil that lurks on the global and American left but are all for it...thanks for making my point.....
Democratic Party isn’t run by extremists. The Republican Party is run by extremists. That’s an undeniable fact. Jan 6 proved that.






This is extremism.
They are what they are...Nazis were socialists and haters of religious freedom and free speech and so is the democrat party...truth hurts don't it?....
Way to stay above the fray. You’re a nut. You don’t even know your political wing’s extremists.

You embody all of the problems of the right: Closed minded, uneducated, faithful believer in lies and fantasy suffering from a persecution and victimization complex.

You are right I don't know my party better than you know yours and that's what make you so harmful to know the evil that lurks on the global and American left but are all for it...thanks for making my point.....
Democratic Party isn’t run by extremists. The Republican Party is run by extremists. That’s an undeniable fact. Jan 6 proved that.






This is extremism.

Oh bullshit.

That's just a smear job.
They are what they are...Nazis were socialists and haters of religious freedom and free speech and so is the democrat party...truth hurts don't it?....
Way to stay above the fray. You’re a nut. You don’t even know your political wing’s extremists.

You embody all of the problems of the right: Closed minded, uneducated, faithful believer in lies and fantasy suffering from a persecution and victimization complex.

You are right I don't know my party better than you know yours and that's what make you so harmful to know the evil that lurks on the global and American left but are all for it...thanks for making my point.....
Democratic Party isn’t run by extremists. The Republican Party is run by extremists. That’s an undeniable fact. Jan 6 proved that.






This is extremism.

Oh bullshit.

That's just a smear job.

His words smear himself.
They are what they are...Nazis were socialists and haters of religious freedom and free speech and so is the democrat party...truth hurts don't it?....
Way to stay above the fray. You’re a nut. You don’t even know your political wing’s extremists.

You embody all of the problems of the right: Closed minded, uneducated, faithful believer in lies and fantasy suffering from a persecution and victimization complex.

You are right I don't know my party better than you know yours and that's what make you so harmful to know the evil that lurks on the global and American left but are all for it...thanks for making my point.....
Democratic Party isn’t run by extremists. The Republican Party is run by extremists. That’s an undeniable fact. Jan 6 proved that.






This is extremism.

Oh bullshit.

That's just a smear job.

His words smear himself.


Like all your posts.
So now Biden's recitations are written by Bernie Sanders, whose late employee, Hutchkinson, almost killed House Whip Steve Scalise with a hail of rapid fire bullets that killed or wounded a National Security agent a few years back, and everybody should be afraid of these unarmed elected Republicans who survived the massive organized shooting? Hutchkinson, who was killed by the Fed assigned to protect Rep. Scalise returned fire and killed the wannabe Sanders man, whose shirt pocket contained a list of ten Republican U. S. Representatives expected to attend the baseball practice, and Scalise was at the top of the list. Steve spent the next couple of days fighting for his life through a series of surgeries that saved his multiple gunshot wounds from killing him which is obviously the goal of the Communist Party in this nation and elsewhere.

Shame on Joe Biden who is now taking orders from those who hate Republicans who nominated Donald Trump as the Republican Presidential candidate who suffered massive character assassinations from the colluding leftist press for a full four years of his presidency, and since the stolen election of November 3, 2020.
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Not sure why that statement should bother you. Unless you are part of the group that does do harm to black people.

If that is the case...yes, we are coming for you.
Hitler said Jews were a threat to Germany. Does it bother you that your leader is saying the same things Hitler did?
Which leader of the Democratic party said Jews were a threat? Where did you pull that out?
You obviously can't
Biden is wrong. The biggest threat to America is the right wing of America has become unable to distinguish fantasy from fact.

White Nationalist Racists are far and away killing more Americans than any other extremist group. However the misinformed right is more dangerous long term.
If facts are your concern, then the fact that black supremism, which was on full display in Tulsa recently, hasn't been called out by the left should concern you more than white supremacy.

It's like how most attacks against Asian Americans aren't from whites but instead from blacks, but the media is pretending it's a white problem.
You frkn moron. Did you even read the article you linked to? Here, let me quote your link:

DOJ data on arrests by race:
  • 69% are white.
  • 27% are black.
  • 2% are American Indian.
  • 1.4% are Asian.
DOJ data on violent crime arrests by race:
  • 58% are white
  • 37.8% are black
  • 2% are American Indian
  • 1.9% are Asian lose. Try again.

Are you this ignorant intentionally or are you REALLY this ignorant?

Here is the piece of the puzzle you intentionally ignored.


I'll summarize part of this since you pretend to be too ignorant to understand or really are that ignorant. Either way.

I hope you'll at least agree that by far, men commit far more crimes than women, especially violent crimes.

Using your numbers and my facts.

6.1% of our population (black males) commit 37.8% of all violent crimes.

31.0% of our population (white males) commit 58.0% of all violent crimes.

If that isn't clear to you, what can I do to be more clear?
Talking about being ignorant...
Not sure why that statement should bother you. Unless you are part of the group that does do harm to black people.

If that is the case...yes, we are coming for you.
Hitler said Jews were a threat to Germany. Does it bother you that your leader is saying the same things Hitler did?
Which leader of the Democratic party said Jews were a threat? Where did you pull that out?
You obviously can't
In other got nothing? Yeah, that figures. Thanks for playing.
White supremacists cause global warming. Or was it the other way around?

Both are total bullshit in terms of problems America as to deal with. It sure as fuck wasn't white supremacists rioting over the last half of 2020, burning, looting, and destroying public and private property to the tune of billions of dollars. Nor is global warming to blame for that either.
To those Caucasian’s who voted for Biden, talk about a punch in the GUT !!
Most of them are so damn guilt ridden that they agree.
Sadistic Socialists

Don't believe their bleeding-heart poses; the Whiteys Hating Whitey psychopaths are incapable of feeling guilty about anything. They know exactly what they have inflicted on America, and they like it like that.

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