Biden: ‘There’s Nothing We Can Do To Change The Trajectory Of The Pandemic In The Next Several Months’

“There’s nothing we can do to change the trajectory of the pandemic in the next several months”

So after months of being told President Trump isn’t handling this correctly Biden comes out and says there’s nothing we can do. How did this man con 80 million (if you believe that) people to vote for him???

The good news is thanks to President Trump I received my first vaccination this week. Thank God Trump was in office during the breakout.

It seems you are weak minded. You can't handle the truth. The truth is it will take months to turn things around, thanks to Drumph.

According to you, "Thank God Trump was in office during the breakout." Really? Because of his abysmal handling of the pandemic, we have lost over 400,000 souls in America and caused an economic crisis. None of that needed to happen. The fact is that now it will take months to solve the horrific crisis Drumph's mismanagement of the pandemic has inflicted on this country. You need to face reality.
Months to turn the pandemic around? Drinking Xiden's KoolAde already? The vaccines are knocking infections down already. The new strain might cause a spike up, we'll see. The best thing Xiden can do is keep his fingers off the vaccine program. His "goal" of 100m vaccinated in 100 days is about 50m low of the current projection. He's totally clueless.

View attachment 447326
If Biden is clueless it is only because he arrived in office to discover there was no comprehensive federal plan to combat the pandemic and never was. Knew this shit was going to happen. I knew that on inauguration day you people would suddenly start giving a shit about Americans dying.
The Trump admin developed, tested, manufactured, and distributed multiple vaccines in only 8-months, a medical miracle. Look at the graph in post #4 showing infections dropping. You're welcome.
Xiden even put the Trump admin's Dr. Fauci back in-charge of fighting the pandemic.
Pharma developed the vaccines and Trump had little to do with it other than tell the FDA to fast track the approval process. That is something any president would have done. After that there was no plan to distribute the vaccine beyond just letting the states figure it out.

Right, there was no plan. That is why the Trump administration met with Amazon regarding distribution. Granted, Amazon didn’t offer to help until demented ole‘ Joe took office.

You folks were all duped by the left-wing media regarding Trump’s “mishandling” of this virus. You were told that Trump was responsible for all the deaths and it was implied that somebody like demeneted Joe would have been in charge, it wouldn’t have happened. All of this despite the fact that when Joe’s boss Obama was in charge during H1N1, the infection rate in the US was off the charts compared with COVID. He was fortunate the virues wasn’t as deadly.

You were duped for 4 years. Orange man bad. Russia, Russia, Russia. It is ingrained in your minds. Now, we all must suffer through God only knows now many years of complete incompetency that we may or may not be able to pull out of. We are back to being the cash cow for Europe’s pet projects. We are back to sleeping with China. We are back to being the whipping boy. Some Democrats love it because they are anti-American globalist, some are just too ignorant to know what they voted for.

Get used to mediocrity at best and don’t blame Trump. You imbeciles voted for it.
1. The Trump admin funded the expedited development and testing of the vaccines. True that probably would have been done by any admin.
2. The Trump admin also funded the construction of the manufacturing capacity "at risk" so that when the vaccine was approved the doses could be manufactured and distributed immediately. Not sure other admins would have done that.
3. Dr. Fauci refuted the Xiden admin lie that there was no plan to distribute the vaccines.
Fauci Refutes Biden Admin Claim that Trump Left ‘No Plan’ for Vaccine Distribution
1.So that SHOULD mean that no other country in the world has the vaccine. But they do. And they're getting it from companies making it OUTSIDE the US
2.Trump Admin funded NOTHING in advance to Pfizer.
3.All Fauci said was that Trump's distribution "plan" was not a COMPLETE zero.

In actuality all Trump did was buy up what he could get (and because of his poor planning that turned out to be a woefully short amount) and simply dump it on the states and say with it

Yea..hell of a plan
“There’s nothing we can do to change the trajectory of the pandemic in the next several months”

So after months of being told President Trump isn’t handling this correctly Biden comes out and says there’s nothing we can do. How did this man con 80 million (if you believe that) people to vote for him???

The good news is thanks to President Trump I received my first vaccination this week. Thank God Trump was in office during the breakout.

It seems you are weak minded. You can't handle the truth. The truth is it will take months to turn things around, thanks to Drumph.

According to you, "Thank God Trump was in office during the breakout." Really? Because of his abysmal handling of the pandemic, we have lost over 400,000 souls in America and caused an economic crisis. None of that needed to happen. The fact is that now it will take months to solve the horrific crisis Drumph's mismanagement of the pandemic has inflicted on this country. You need to face reality.
Months to turn the pandemic around? Drinking Xiden's KoolAde already? The vaccines are knocking infections down already. The new strain might cause a spike up, we'll see. The best thing Xiden can do is keep his fingers off the vaccine program. His "goal" of 100m vaccinated in 100 days is about 50m low of the current projection. He's totally clueless.

View attachment 447326
If Biden is clueless it is only because he arrived in office to discover there was no comprehensive federal plan to combat the pandemic and never was. Knew this shit was going to happen. I knew that on inauguration day you people would suddenly start giving a shit about Americans dying.
The Trump admin developed, tested, manufactured, and distributed multiple vaccines in only 8-months, a medical miracle. Look at the graph in post #4 showing infections dropping. You're welcome.
Xiden even put the Trump admin's Dr. Fauci back in-charge of fighting the pandemic.
Pharma developed the vaccines and Trump had little to do with it other than tell the FDA to fast track the approval process. That is something any president would have done. After that there was no plan to distribute the vaccine beyond just letting the states figure it out.
1. The Trump admin funded the expedited development and testing of the vaccines. True that probably would have been done by any admin.
2. The Trump admin also funded the construction of the manufacturing capacity "at risk" so that when the vaccine was approved the doses could be manufactured and distributed immediately. Not sure other admins would have done that.
3. Dr. Fauci refuted the Xiden admin lie that there was no plan to distribute the vaccines.
Trump certianly deserves credit for what he did right but he also deserves condemnation for his willful opposition to any efforts to slow the spread until a vaccine was developed. How many people died because they believed the line that this was little more than the flu or that some drug or another was a magic bullet? The number is not zero.
Hard to keep up 1 million vaccines a day when we've already run OUT

And yea...we MAY be past the Holiday peak...but just barely and things are going to be really rough for a while
Only NY ran out of doses. That's not good, but at least it shows that NY is doing jabs as fast as vaccines arrive.

The math and appointment scheduling going forward gets a little complex because there are 1st shots and 2nd shots to keep track of:
“There’s nothing we can do to change the trajectory of the pandemic in the next several months”

So after months of being told President Trump isn’t handling this correctly Biden comes out and says there’s nothing we can do. How did this man con 80 million (if you believe that) people to vote for him???

The good news is thanks to President Trump I received my first vaccination this week. Thank God Trump was in office during the breakout.

It seems you are weak minded. You can't handle the truth. The truth is it will take months to turn things around, thanks to Drumph.

According to you, "Thank God Trump was in office during the breakout." Really? Because of his abysmal handling of the pandemic, we have lost over 400,000 souls in America and caused an economic crisis. None of that needed to happen. The fact is that now it will take months to solve the horrific crisis Drumph's mismanagement of the pandemic has inflicted on this country. You need to face reality.
You call Fang weak minded--------------and yet you have nothing but silly empty insults. Fang was right----Biden, and no body else, could have done a better job than TRUMP---------

Biden has no mysterious magical plan to stop the virus

and in fact BIDEN has lied about well everything including 100 million vaccinations in 100 days nonsense, as his corrupt administration is now saying that the 100 million vaccines isn't Covid vaccines.

Biden is saying that he can do nothing about the virus over the next several months----------he means until summer the virus is going to kill what 4000 or so a day---hopefully the sun slows it up, and by next fall Bidens media will stop reporting the deaths with the lib health organizations attribuing the deaths to other causes like pneumonia or heart attacks.

Biden lies and his goofy minions call people stupid names and spin shit hoping no one notices.
Bullshit, he criticized Trump on his response and said he would end it.
Quote and link or stop fucking lying
So now we are just going to deny what Biden said. Not my fault you have no idea who you voted for. I bet you're glad Biden is invading Syria.
What? You can't find quotes to support your claims?

Know why? You're either making up or repeating lies.

Second presidential debate, he said he would end it. His exact words. Look it up. Google Biden says he will end the pandemic. It will give you the you tune video. Its less than 2 min long.
“There’s nothing we can do to change the trajectory of the pandemic in the next several months”

So after months of being told President Trump isn’t handling this correctly Biden comes out and says there’s nothing we can do. How did this man con 80 million (if you believe that) people to vote for him???

The good news is thanks to President Trump I received my first vaccination this week. Thank God Trump was in office during the breakout.

It seems you are weak minded. You can't handle the truth. The truth is it will take months to turn things around, thanks to Drumph.

According to you, "Thank God Trump was in office during the breakout." Really? Because of his abysmal handling of the pandemic, we have lost over 400,000 souls in America and caused an economic crisis. None of that needed to happen. The fact is that now it will take months to solve the horrific crisis Drumph's mismanagement of the pandemic has inflicted on this country. You need to face reality.
how many jobs has your boy created?.....oh wait.
“There’s nothing we can do to change the trajectory of the pandemic in the next several months”

So after months of being told President Trump isn’t handling this correctly Biden comes out and says there’s nothing we can do. How did this man con 80 million (if you believe that) people to vote for him???

The good news is thanks to President Trump I received my first vaccination this week. Thank God Trump was in office during the breakout.

It seems you are weak minded. You can't handle the truth. The truth is it will take months to turn things around, thanks to Drumph.

According to you, "Thank God Trump was in office during the breakout." Really? Because of his abysmal handling of the pandemic, we have lost over 400,000 souls in America and caused an economic crisis. None of that needed to happen. The fact is that now it will take months to solve the horrific crisis Drumph's mismanagement of the pandemic has inflicted on this country. You need to face reality.
Months to turn the pandemic around? Drinking Xiden's KoolAde already? The vaccines are knocking infections down already. The new strain might cause a spike up, we'll see. The best thing Xiden can do is keep his fingers off the vaccine program. His "goal" of 100m vaccinated in 100 days is about 50m low of the current projection. He's totally clueless.

View attachment 447326
If Biden is clueless it is only because he arrived in office to discover there was no comprehensive federal plan to combat the pandemic and never was. Knew this shit was going to happen. I knew that on inauguration day you people would suddenly start giving a shit about Americans dying.
The Trump admin developed, tested, manufactured, and distributed multiple vaccines in only 8-months, a medical miracle. Look at the graph in post #4 showing infections dropping. You're welcome.
Xiden even put the Trump admin's Dr. Fauci back in-charge of fighting the pandemic.
Pharma developed the vaccines and Trump had little to do with it other than tell the FDA to fast track the approval process. That is something any president would have done. After that there was no plan to distribute the vaccine beyond just letting the states figure it out.
1. The Trump admin funded the expedited development and testing of the vaccines. True that probably would have been done by any admin.
2. The Trump admin also funded the construction of the manufacturing capacity "at risk" so that when the vaccine was approved the doses could be manufactured and distributed immediately. Not sure other admins would have done that.
3. Dr. Fauci refuted the Xiden admin lie that there was no plan to distribute the vaccines.
Trump certianly deserves credit for what he did right but he also deserves condemnation for his willful opposition to any efforts to slow the spread until a vaccine was developed. How many people died because they believed the line that this was little more than the flu or that some drug or another was a magic bullet? The number is not zero.
Because it is little more than the FLU--------a new strain that the human population doesn't have any immunity too so its kill numbers will be higher in the early YEARS You can't stop the spread---and the vaccines themselves kill and oh btw, they are only SHORT TERM at best.
“There’s nothing we can do to change the trajectory of the pandemic in the next several months”

So after months of being told President Trump isn’t handling this correctly Biden comes out and says there’s nothing we can do. How did this man con 80 million (if you believe that) people to vote for him???

The good news is thanks to President Trump I received my first vaccination this week. Thank God Trump was in office during the breakout.

It seems you are weak minded. You can't handle the truth. The truth is it will take months to turn things around, thanks to Drumph.

According to you, "Thank God Trump was in office during the breakout." Really? Because of his abysmal handling of the pandemic, we have lost over 400,000 souls in America and caused an economic crisis. None of that needed to happen. The fact is that now it will take months to solve the horrific crisis Drumph's mismanagement of the pandemic has inflicted on this country. You need to face reality.
Months to turn the pandemic around? Drinking Xiden's KoolAde already? The vaccines are knocking infections down already. The new strain might cause a spike up, we'll see. The best thing Xiden can do is keep his fingers off the vaccine program. His "goal" of 100m vaccinated in 100 days is about 50m low of the current projection. He's totally clueless.

View attachment 447326
If Biden is clueless it is only because he arrived in office to discover there was no comprehensive federal plan to combat the pandemic and never was. Knew this shit was going to happen. I knew that on inauguration day you people would suddenly start giving a shit about Americans dying.
The Trump admin developed, tested, manufactured, and distributed multiple vaccines in only 8-months, a medical miracle. Look at the graph in post #4 showing infections dropping. You're welcome.
Xiden even put the Trump admin's Dr. Fauci back in-charge of fighting the pandemic.
Pharma developed the vaccines and Trump had little to do with it other than tell the FDA to fast track the approval process. That is something any president would have done. After that there was no plan to distribute the vaccine beyond just letting the states figure it out.
1. The Trump admin funded the expedited development and testing of the vaccines. True that probably would have been done by any admin.
2. The Trump admin also funded the construction of the manufacturing capacity "at risk" so that when the vaccine was approved the doses could be manufactured and distributed immediately. Not sure other admins would have done that.
3. Dr. Fauci refuted the Xiden admin lie that there was no plan to distribute the vaccines.
Trump certianly deserves credit for what he did right but he also deserves condemnation for his willful opposition to any efforts to slow the spread until a vaccine was developed. How many people died because they believed the line that this was little more than the flu or that some drug or another was a magic bullet? The number is not zero.
Because it is little more than the FLU--------a new strain that the human population doesn't have any immunity too so its kill numbers will be higher in the early YEARS You can't stop the spread---and the vaccines themselves kill and oh btw, they are only SHORT TERM at best.
You're a fucking idiot.
"It's just a flu" is a stupid statement made by a stupid person. It's a novel virus that has so far killed 400,000 people
Second presidential debate, he said he would end it. His exact words.
Then post the quote and link. It should be easy
Don't know how to do it. I told you Google " Biden says he will end the pandemic " that's what I did. Anyway you didn't pay attention to the debates? I remember him saying it, why don't you. You loons have absolutely no idea what you vote for, you do as you're told. Like good little bitches.
Second presidential debate, he said he would end it. His exact words.
Then post the quote and link. It should be easy
Don't know how to do it. I told you Google " Biden says he will end the pandemic " that's what I did. Anyway you didn't pay attention to the debates? I remember him saying it, why don't you. You loons have absolutely no idea what you vote for, you do as you're told. Like good little bitches.
So you're lying AND stupid.

OK. We'll accept that
“There’s nothing we can do to change the trajectory of the pandemic in the next several months”

So after months of being told President Trump isn’t handling this correctly Biden comes out and says there’s nothing we can do. How did this man con 80 million (if you believe that) people to vote for him???

The good news is thanks to President Trump I received my first vaccination this week. Thank God Trump was in office during the breakout.

It seems you are weak minded. You can't handle the truth. The truth is it will take months to turn things around, thanks to Drumph.

According to you, "Thank God Trump was in office during the breakout." Really? Because of his abysmal handling of the pandemic, we have lost over 400,000 souls in America and caused an economic crisis. None of that needed to happen. The fact is that now it will take months to solve the horrific crisis Drumph's mismanagement of the pandemic has inflicted on this country. You need to face reality.
Months to turn the pandemic around? Drinking Xiden's KoolAde already? The vaccines are knocking infections down already. The new strain might cause a spike up, we'll see. The best thing Xiden can do is keep his fingers off the vaccine program. His "goal" of 100m vaccinated in 100 days is about 50m low of the current projection. He's totally clueless.

View attachment 447326
If Biden is clueless it is only because he arrived in office to discover there was no comprehensive federal plan to combat the pandemic and never was. Knew this shit was going to happen. I knew that on inauguration day you people would suddenly start giving a shit about Americans dying.
The Trump admin developed, tested, manufactured, and distributed multiple vaccines in only 8-months, a medical miracle. Look at the graph in post #4 showing infections dropping. You're welcome.
Xiden even put the Trump admin's Dr. Fauci back in-charge of fighting the pandemic.
Pharma developed the vaccines and Trump had little to do with it other than tell the FDA to fast track the approval process. That is something any president would have done. After that there was no plan to distribute the vaccine beyond just letting the states figure it out.
1. The Trump admin funded the expedited development and testing of the vaccines. True that probably would have been done by any admin.
2. The Trump admin also funded the construction of the manufacturing capacity "at risk" so that when the vaccine was approved the doses could be manufactured and distributed immediately. Not sure other admins would have done that.
3. Dr. Fauci refuted the Xiden admin lie that there was no plan to distribute the vaccines.
Trump certianly deserves credit for what he did right but he also deserves condemnation for his willful opposition to any efforts to slow the spread until a vaccine was developed. How many people died because they believed the line that this was little more than the flu or that some drug or another was a magic bullet? The number is not zero.
Because it is little more than the FLU--------a new strain that the human population doesn't have any immunity too so its kill numbers will be higher in the early YEARS You can't stop the spread---and the vaccines themselves kill and oh btw, they are only SHORT TERM at best.
You're a fucking idiot.
"It's just a flu" is a stupid statement made by a stupid person. It's a novel virus that has so far killed 400,000 people
They are already adjusting the testing. Also are going to start counting covid deaths by people who died only from covid. So the numbers will plumet. Just in time for Biden's presidency. Liberals are horrible people.
“There’s nothing we can do to change the trajectory of the pandemic in the next several months”

So after months of being told President Trump isn’t handling this correctly Biden comes out and says there’s nothing we can do. How did this man con 80 million (if you believe that) people to vote for him???

The good news is thanks to President Trump I received my first vaccination this week. Thank God Trump was in office during the breakout.

It seems you are weak minded. You can't handle the truth. The truth is it will take months to turn things around, thanks to Drumph.

According to you, "Thank God Trump was in office during the breakout." Really? Because of his abysmal handling of the pandemic, we have lost over 400,000 souls in America and caused an economic crisis. None of that needed to happen. The fact is that now it will take months to solve the horrific crisis Drumph's mismanagement of the pandemic has inflicted on this country. You need to face reality.
Months to turn the pandemic around? Drinking Xiden's KoolAde already? The vaccines are knocking infections down already. The new strain might cause a spike up, we'll see. The best thing Xiden can do is keep his fingers off the vaccine program. His "goal" of 100m vaccinated in 100 days is about 50m low of the current projection. He's totally clueless.

View attachment 447326
If Biden is clueless it is only because he arrived in office to discover there was no comprehensive federal plan to combat the pandemic and never was. Knew this shit was going to happen. I knew that on inauguration day you people would suddenly start giving a shit about Americans dying.
The Trump admin developed, tested, manufactured, and distributed multiple vaccines in only 8-months, a medical miracle. Look at the graph in post #4 showing infections dropping. You're welcome.
Xiden even put the Trump admin's Dr. Fauci back in-charge of fighting the pandemic.
Pharma developed the vaccines and Trump had little to do with it other than tell the FDA to fast track the approval process. That is something any president would have done. After that there was no plan to distribute the vaccine beyond just letting the states figure it out.
1. The Trump admin funded the expedited development and testing of the vaccines. True that probably would have been done by any admin.
2. The Trump admin also funded the construction of the manufacturing capacity "at risk" so that when the vaccine was approved the doses could be manufactured and distributed immediately. Not sure other admins would have done that.
3. Dr. Fauci refuted the Xiden admin lie that there was no plan to distribute the vaccines.
Trump certianly deserves credit for what he did right but he also deserves condemnation for his willful opposition to any efforts to slow the spread until a vaccine was developed. How many people died because they believed the line that this was little more than the flu or that some drug or another was a magic bullet? The number is not zero.
Because it is little more than the FLU--------a new strain that the human population doesn't have any immunity too so its kill numbers will be higher in the early YEARS You can't stop the spread---and the vaccines themselves kill and oh btw, they are only SHORT TERM at best.
Get with the times. Downplaying the pandemic was what you did when you had a despot to protect. Now that Biden is president you are ordered to act as if you care about Americans dying and vociferously attack all shortcomings in the new administration.
Second presidential debate, he said he would end it. His exact words.
Then post the quote and link. It should be easy
Don't know how to do it. I told you Google " Biden says he will end the pandemic " that's what I did. Anyway you didn't pay attention to the debates? I remember him saying it, why don't you. You loons have absolutely no idea what you vote for, you do as you're told. Like good little bitches.
So you're lying AND stupid.

OK. We'll accept that
Like I said it's right there, you probably already saw it and like always insult the person telling the truth.
1. The Trump admin funded the expedited development and testing of the vaccines. True that probably would have been done by any admin.
2. The Trump admin also funded the construction of the manufacturing capacity "at risk" so that when the vaccine was approved the doses could be manufactured and distributed immediately. Not sure other admins would have done that.
3. Dr. Fauci refuted the Xiden admin lie that there was no plan to distribute the vaccines.
Fauci Refutes Biden Admin Claim that Trump Left ‘No Plan’ for Vaccine Distribution
1.So that SHOULD mean that no other country in the world has the vaccine. But they do. And they're getting it from companies making it OUTSIDE the US
2.Trump Admin funded NOTHING in advance to Pfizer.
3.All Fauci said was that Trump's distribution "plan" was not a COMPLETE zero.

In actuality all Trump did was buy up what he could get (and because of his poor planning that turned out to be a woefully short amount) and simply dump it on the states and say with it

Yea..hell of a plan
1. Other countries have vaccines, but not as effective as the US vaccines, and not as many doses. The WHO is saying that the US is "hoarding" the vaccines. Was Trump's "America First" in getting vaccines a good thing or a bad thing? Think hard.
2. True, Pfizer didn't take any Trump funding, but many other companies who manufacture vaccine components did.
3. The Trump distribution plan is working just fine. Fauci didn't change it at all.
4. The vaccinations are necessarily complex keeping it cold, and keeping track of 1st doses and 2nd doses.
You're welcome.

Last edited:
“There’s nothing we can do to change the trajectory of the pandemic in the next several months”

So after months of being told President Trump isn’t handling this correctly Biden comes out and says there’s nothing we can do. How did this man con 80 million (if you believe that) people to vote for him???

The good news is thanks to President Trump I received my first vaccination this week. Thank God Trump was in office during the breakout.

It seems you are weak minded. You can't handle the truth. The truth is it will take months to turn things around, thanks to Drumph.

According to you, "Thank God Trump was in office during the breakout." Really? Because of his abysmal handling of the pandemic, we have lost over 400,000 souls in America and caused an economic crisis. None of that needed to happen. The fact is that now it will take months to solve the horrific crisis Drumph's mismanagement of the pandemic has inflicted on this country. You need to face reality.
Months to turn the pandemic around? Drinking Xiden's KoolAde already? The vaccines are knocking infections down already. The new strain might cause a spike up, we'll see. The best thing Xiden can do is keep his fingers off the vaccine program. His "goal" of 100m vaccinated in 100 days is about 50m low of the current projection. He's totally clueless.

View attachment 447326
If Biden is clueless it is only because he arrived in office to discover there was no comprehensive federal plan to combat the pandemic and never was. Knew this shit was going to happen. I knew that on inauguration day you people would suddenly start giving a shit about Americans dying.
The Trump admin developed, tested, manufactured, and distributed multiple vaccines in only 8-months, a medical miracle. Look at the graph in post #4 showing infections dropping. You're welcome.
Xiden even put the Trump admin's Dr. Fauci back in-charge of fighting the pandemic.
Pharma developed the vaccines and Trump had little to do with it other than tell the FDA to fast track the approval process. That is something any president would have done. After that there was no plan to distribute the vaccine beyond just letting the states figure it out.
1. The Trump admin funded the expedited development and testing of the vaccines. True that probably would have been done by any admin.
2. The Trump admin also funded the construction of the manufacturing capacity "at risk" so that when the vaccine was approved the doses could be manufactured and distributed immediately. Not sure other admins would have done that.
3. Dr. Fauci refuted the Xiden admin lie that there was no plan to distribute the vaccines.
Trump certianly deserves credit for what he did right but he also deserves condemnation for his willful opposition to any efforts to slow the spread until a vaccine was developed. How many people died because they believed the line that this was little more than the flu or that some drug or another was a magic bullet? The number is not zero.
Because it is little more than the FLU--------a new strain that the human population doesn't have any immunity too so its kill numbers will be higher in the early YEARS You can't stop the spread---and the vaccines themselves kill and oh btw, they are only SHORT TERM at best.
You're a fucking idiot.
"It's just a flu" is a stupid statement made by a stupid person. It's a novel virus that has so far killed 400,000 people
They are already adjusting the testing. Also are going to start counting covid deaths by people who died only from covid. So the numbers will plumet. Just in time for Biden's presidency. Liberals are horrible people.

They were willing to lie about the numbers and it still took massive fraud in the election to pull it off. They are despicable. Another reason I never wore a mask.

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