Biden: ‘There’s Nothing We Can Do To Change The Trajectory Of The Pandemic In The Next Several Months’

“There’s nothing we can do to change the trajectory of the pandemic in the next several months”

So after months of being told President Trump isn’t handling this correctly Biden comes out and says there’s nothing we can do. How did this man con 80 million (if you believe that) people to vote for him???

The good news is thanks to President Trump I received my first vaccination this week. Thank God Trump was in office during the breakout.

It seems you are weak minded. You can't handle the truth. The truth is it will take months to turn things around, thanks to Drumph.

According to you, "Thank God Trump was in office during the breakout." Really? Because of his abysmal handling of the pandemic, we have lost over 400,000 souls in America and caused an economic crisis. None of that needed to happen. The fact is that now it will take months to solve the horrific crisis Drumph's mismanagement of the pandemic has inflicted on this country. You need to face reality.
Months to turn the pandemic around? Drinking Xiden's KoolAde already? The vaccines are knocking infections down already. The new strain might cause a spike up, we'll see. The best thing Xiden can do is keep his fingers off the vaccine program. His "goal" of 100m vaccinated in 100 days is about 50m low of the current projection. He's totally clueless.

View attachment 447326
If Biden is clueless it is only because he arrived in office to discover there was no comprehensive federal plan to combat the pandemic and never was. Knew this shit was going to happen. I knew that on inauguration day you people would suddenly start giving a shit about Americans dying.
The Trump admin developed, tested, manufactured, and distributed multiple vaccines in only 8-months, a medical miracle. Look at the graph in post #4 showing infections dropping. You're welcome.
Xiden even put the Trump admin's Dr. Fauci back in-charge of fighting the pandemic.
Pharma developed the vaccines and Trump had little to do with it other than tell the FDA to fast track the approval process. That is something any president would have done. After that there was no plan to distribute the vaccine beyond just letting the states figure it out.
1. The Trump admin funded the expedited development and testing of the vaccines. True that probably would have been done by any admin.
2. The Trump admin also funded the construction of the manufacturing capacity "at risk" so that when the vaccine was approved the doses could be manufactured and distributed immediately. Not sure other admins would have done that.
3. Dr. Fauci refuted the Xiden admin lie that there was no plan to distribute the vaccines.
Trump certianly deserves credit for what he did right but he also deserves condemnation for his willful opposition to any efforts to slow the spread until a vaccine was developed. How many people died because they believed the line that this was little more than the flu or that some drug or another was a magic bullet? The number is not zero.
Because it is little more than the FLU--------a new strain that the human population doesn't have any immunity too so its kill numbers will be higher in the early YEARS You can't stop the spread---and the vaccines themselves kill and oh btw, they are only SHORT TERM at best.
Get with the times. Downplaying the pandemic was what you did when you had a despot to protect. Now that Biden is president you are ordered to act as if you care about Americans dying and vociferously attack all shortcomings in the new administration.
Lol, they are ending the test that gives a fake positive and are only counting the deaths of covid. From people dying from covid, not counting someone committing suicide that had covid as dying from covid. Yes the numbers will be so low now, we can forget about it. Liberals are scum.
It's time to quit acting like an idiot and rejoin us here in reality. There no longer anything to be gained by attacking the fight against the pandemic. Your president is gone and hard right just destroyed itself.
No, the media will down play the pandemic. Cnn i heard has already done away with the death toll display. So in a few there will be no pandemic, because there is a democrat president.
Not everyone is like you. Maybe you can forget that record numbers of Americans are dying like you've been doing for a year but for regular people it continues to be horrific.
“There’s nothing we can do to change the trajectory of the pandemic in the next several months”

So after months of being told President Trump isn’t handling this correctly Biden comes out and says there’s nothing we can do. How did this man con 80 million (if you believe that) people to vote for him???

The good news is thanks to President Trump I received my first vaccination this week. Thank God Trump was in office during the breakout.

It seems you are weak minded. You can't handle the truth. The truth is it will take months to turn things around, thanks to Drumph.

According to you, "Thank God Trump was in office during the breakout." Really? Because of his abysmal handling of the pandemic, we have lost over 400,000 souls in America and caused an economic crisis. None of that needed to happen. The fact is that now it will take months to solve the horrific crisis Drumph's mismanagement of the pandemic has inflicted on this country. You need to face reality.
Months to turn the pandemic around? Drinking Xiden's KoolAde already? The vaccines are knocking infections down already. The new strain might cause a spike up, we'll see. The best thing Xiden can do is keep his fingers off the vaccine program. His "goal" of 100m vaccinated in 100 days is about 50m low of the current projection. He's totally clueless.

View attachment 447326
If Biden is clueless it is only because he arrived in office to discover there was no comprehensive federal plan to combat the pandemic and never was. Knew this shit was going to happen. I knew that on inauguration day you people would suddenly start giving a shit about Americans dying.
The Trump admin developed, tested, manufactured, and distributed multiple vaccines in only 8-months, a medical miracle. Look at the graph in post #4 showing infections dropping. You're welcome.
Xiden even put the Trump admin's Dr. Fauci back in-charge of fighting the pandemic.
Pharma developed the vaccines and Trump had little to do with it other than tell the FDA to fast track the approval process. That is something any president would have done. After that there was no plan to distribute the vaccine beyond just letting the states figure it out.
1. The Trump admin funded the expedited development and testing of the vaccines. True that probably would have been done by any admin.
2. The Trump admin also funded the construction of the manufacturing capacity "at risk" so that when the vaccine was approved the doses could be manufactured and distributed immediately. Not sure other admins would have done that.
3. Dr. Fauci refuted the Xiden admin lie that there was no plan to distribute the vaccines.
Trump certianly deserves credit for what he did right but he also deserves condemnation for his willful opposition to any efforts to slow the spread until a vaccine was developed. How many people died because they believed the line that this was little more than the flu or that some drug or another was a magic bullet? The number is not zero.
Because it is little more than the FLU--------a new strain that the human population doesn't have any immunity too so its kill numbers will be higher in the early YEARS You can't stop the spread---and the vaccines themselves kill and oh btw, they are only SHORT TERM at best.
Get with the times. Downplaying the pandemic was what you did when you had a despot to protect. Now that Biden is president you are ordered to act as if you care about Americans dying and vociferously attack all shortcomings in the new administration.
Lol, they are ending the test that gives a fake positive and are only counting the deaths of covid. From people dying from covid, not counting someone committing suicide that had covid as dying from covid. Yes the numbers will be so low now, we can forget about it. Liberals are scum.
It's time to quit acting like an idiot and rejoin us here in reality. There no longer anything to be gained by attacking the fight against the pandemic. Your president is gone and hard right just destroyed itself.
No, the media will down play the pandemic. Cnn i heard has already done away with the death toll display. So in a few there will be no pandemic, because there is a democrat president.
Not everyone is like you. Maybe you can forget that record numbers of Americans are dying like you've been doing for a year but for regular people it continues to be horrific.
Like I said don't worry, there will be no pandemic soon. Just as I predicted a while back if Biden won. They are starting to open new york back up, all a sudden. Democrats ruined peoples lives to make Trump look bad. That in itself shows how low life you people are.
“There’s nothing we can do to change the trajectory of the pandemic in the next several months”

So after months of being told President Trump isn’t handling this correctly Biden comes out and says there’s nothing we can do. How did this man con 80 million (if you believe that) people to vote for him???

The good news is thanks to President Trump I received my first vaccination this week. Thank God Trump was in office during the breakout.

It seems you are weak minded. You can't handle the truth. The truth is it will take months to turn things around, thanks to Drumph.

According to you, "Thank God Trump was in office during the breakout." Really? Because of his abysmal handling of the pandemic, we have lost over 400,000 souls in America and caused an economic crisis. None of that needed to happen. The fact is that now it will take months to solve the horrific crisis Drumph's mismanagement of the pandemic has inflicted on this country. You need to face reality.
Months to turn the pandemic around? Drinking Xiden's KoolAde already? The vaccines are knocking infections down already. The new strain might cause a spike up, we'll see. The best thing Xiden can do is keep his fingers off the vaccine program. His "goal" of 100m vaccinated in 100 days is about 50m low of the current projection. He's totally clueless.

View attachment 447326
If Biden is clueless it is only because he arrived in office to discover there was no comprehensive federal plan to combat the pandemic and never was. Knew this shit was going to happen. I knew that on inauguration day you people would suddenly start giving a shit about Americans dying.
The Trump admin developed, tested, manufactured, and distributed multiple vaccines in only 8-months, a medical miracle. Look at the graph in post #4 showing infections dropping. You're welcome.
Xiden even put the Trump admin's Dr. Fauci back in-charge of fighting the pandemic.
Pharma developed the vaccines and Trump had little to do with it other than tell the FDA to fast track the approval process. That is something any president would have done. After that there was no plan to distribute the vaccine beyond just letting the states figure it out.
1. The Trump admin funded the expedited development and testing of the vaccines. True that probably would have been done by any admin.
2. The Trump admin also funded the construction of the manufacturing capacity "at risk" so that when the vaccine was approved the doses could be manufactured and distributed immediately. Not sure other admins would have done that.
3. Dr. Fauci refuted the Xiden admin lie that there was no plan to distribute the vaccines.
Trump certianly deserves credit for what he did right but he also deserves condemnation for his willful opposition to any efforts to slow the spread until a vaccine was developed. How many people died because they believed the line that this was little more than the flu or that some drug or another was a magic bullet? The number is not zero.
Because it is little more than the FLU--------a new strain that the human population doesn't have any immunity too so its kill numbers will be higher in the early YEARS You can't stop the spread---and the vaccines themselves kill and oh btw, they are only SHORT TERM at best.
Get with the times. Downplaying the pandemic was what you did when you had a despot to protect. Now that Biden is president you are ordered to act as if you care about Americans dying and vociferously attack all shortcomings in the new administration.
Lol, they are ending the test that gives a fake positive and are only counting the deaths of covid. From people dying from covid, not counting someone committing suicide that had covid as dying from covid. Yes the numbers will be so low now, we can forget about it. Liberals are scum.
It's time to quit acting like an idiot and rejoin us here in reality. There no longer anything to be gained by attacking the fight against the pandemic. Your president is gone and hard right just destroyed itself.
No, the media will down play the pandemic. Cnn i heard has already done away with the death toll display. So in a few there will be no pandemic, because there is a democrat president.
Not everyone is like you. Maybe you can forget that record numbers of Americans are dying like you've been doing for a year but for regular people it continues to be horrific.
Like I said don't worry, there will be no pandemic soon. Just as I predicted a while back if Biden won. They are starting to open new york back up, all a sudden. Democrats ruined peoples lives to make Trump look bad. That in itself shows how low life you people are.
What do you mean by "soon" we could have a good handle on the pandemic by the fall, maybe.
China Joe is not being honest. His sidekick and fellow catholic mafiosi, Fauci, bowed out of responsibility early on to focus on vaccine media limelight, while shirking responsibility to consistently question the origins of the virus. Because of that, we C-19 workers have to Spend time correcting Chinese propaganda, while the idiots in Wuhan continue to walk around there either paranoid or not caring where the virus is now lurking in nature.

www. China’s Gift For The Biden Inauguration Is A Conspiracy Theory About COVID-19’s U.S. Origins
’....Hua Chunying called on the U.S. to open the Fort Detrick base and invite the WHO to investigate....The struggle is going to intensify now, no matter who is in the White House.’
The dem whore China Joe set back and watched as marauding baboons on Chinese-smuggled fentanyl destroyed an American infrastructure built on blm’s opposite: hard work.

I will take care of this
I will end this
I will make sure we have a plan

He says this after detailing the failures of the Trump Admin. The LACK of a plan. What he will end is the incompetence and lack of lying weasel

To be fair from what I hear, and read, Biden's plan seems awfully close to what was already happening....In October, as the vaccine was near, Trump was talking about getting 100 million vaccinated by Feb./Mar. 2021...Biden then started talking about vaccinating 100 million in his first 100 days...How is that different? Now, while Biden will be taking over Operation Warp speed with his people, he isn't scraping anything Trump did, rather just placing his people in charge, and now lowering expectations...I for one hope that he has more than the lip service heard so far...

On the economy, it is fascinating how all of the sudden Democrats are all about "reopening the economy" when just a mere 2 weeks ago they were saying the exact opposite...

As far as relief for American's go, Biden made a big deal about getting these additional payments out to American's that are suffering right now, but the Democrats seem to be hell bent on holding a Senate trial on the railroad impeachment started, and rammed through by Pelosi, therefore stopping any other business in the Senate through February, thus showing by action that Democrats really don't care about the suffering of the American people as long as they can get Trump. And this clown show, might not even be Constitutional considering that Trump is already out of office...A collosal waste of money and time....

Further on the economy, Biden in his first day focused on job killing EO's that make no sense, and without any real examination of what his destructive orders would do...Stopping Keystone will immediately eliminate some 11,000 jobs, and more considering the small businesses and economic small business that sprung up to serve these additional workers of the pipeline...And the CBO estimates that close to 4 million jobs will be lost in his wage increase mandate of $15 per hour....

So, my conclusion so far is that in a mere 48 hours Biden has managed to do absolutely nothing substantial on Covid, and destroy some 4 million plus jobs....

Off to a totally predictible start if you ask me...Buckle up America, this ain't gonna be good.
Nobody who isn't a complete tool is shocked by this revelation. The man's focal point of his campaign was a lie.
Biden’s remarks during the press conference quickly caused a stir online with people expressing frustration and anger over what he said.

Former Congressman Justin Amash wrote: “Haven’t we been told for months that restrictions and mandates were necessary to change the trajectory of the pandemic in the next several months?”

CNN commentator Scott Jennings wrote: “His entire campaign was that he had the plan to end the pandemic.”

View attachment 447201

Did you expect his plan to involve a magic wand that would make it go away on Inauguration Day? Cause I’m kinda thinking that’s what you Trump supporters were thinking. They are actually addressing the pandemic..with a plan. He’s being honest with people. Something the last guy wouldn’t know how to do unless someone injected him with a truth serum.
“There’s nothing we can do to change the trajectory of the pandemic in the next several months”

So after months of being told President Trump isn’t handling this correctly Biden comes out and says there’s nothing we can do. How did this man con 80 million (if you believe that) people to vote for him???

The good news is thanks to President Trump I received my first vaccination this week. Thank God Trump was in office during the breakout.

It seems you are weak minded. You can't handle the truth. The truth is it will take months to turn things around, thanks to Drumph.

According to you, "Thank God Trump was in office during the breakout." Really? Because of his abysmal handling of the pandemic, we have lost over 400,000 souls in America and caused an economic crisis. None of that needed to happen. The fact is that now it will take months to solve the horrific crisis Drumph's mismanagement of the pandemic has inflicted on this country. You need to face reality.

So was Biden lying during the campaign or did he just forget what he promised?

He had his chance time to bring on Kamala
“There’s nothing we can do to change the trajectory of the pandemic in the next several months”

So after months of being told President Trump isn’t handling this correctly Biden comes out and says there’s nothing we can do. How did this man con 80 million (if you believe that) people to vote for him???

The good news is thanks to President Trump I received my first vaccination this week. Thank God Trump was in office during the breakout.

So the idiot claims Biden said

"There's nothing we can do about the virus" meaning ever

And what he really said was

“There’s nothing we can do to change the trajectory of the pandemic in the next several months”

meaning in the short term it's going to get worse

So the question begs ...Why is this douchebag lying to cover for Trump like this?
By the bowels of Michael Moore...They are dying out there! Dying I say!
“There’s nothing we can do to change the trajectory of the pandemic in the next several months”

So after months of being told President Trump isn’t handling this correctly Biden comes out and says there’s nothing we can do. How did this man con 80 million (if you believe that) people to vote for him???

The good news is thanks to President Trump I received my first vaccination this week. Thank God Trump was in office during the breakout.

It seems you are weak minded. You can't handle the truth. The truth is it will take months to turn things around, thanks to Drumph.

According to you, "Thank God Trump was in office during the breakout." Really? Because of his abysmal handling of the pandemic, we have lost over 400,000 souls in America and caused an economic crisis. None of that needed to happen. The fact is that now it will take months to solve the horrific crisis Drumph's mismanagement of the pandemic has inflicted on this country. You need to face reality.
Months to turn the pandemic around? Drinking Xiden's KoolAde already? The vaccines are knocking infections down already. The new strain might cause a spike up, we'll see. The best thing Xiden can do is keep his fingers off the vaccine program. His "goal" of 100m vaccinated in 100 days is about 50m low of the current projection. He's totally clueless.

View attachment 447326
If Biden is clueless it is only because he arrived in office to discover there was no comprehensive federal plan to combat the pandemic and never was. Knew this shit was going to happen. I knew that on inauguration day you people would suddenly start giving a shit about Americans dying.
The Trump admin developed, tested, manufactured, and distributed multiple vaccines in only 8-months, a medical miracle. Look at the graph in post #4 showing infections dropping. You're welcome.
Xiden even put the Trump admin's Dr. Fauci back in-charge of fighting the pandemic.
Pharma developed the vaccines and Trump had little to do with it other than tell the FDA to fast track the approval process. That is something any president would have done. After that there was no plan to distribute the vaccine beyond just letting the states figure it out.
1. The Trump admin funded the expedited development and testing of the vaccines. True that probably would have been done by any admin.
2. The Trump admin also funded the construction of the manufacturing capacity "at risk" so that when the vaccine was approved the doses could be manufactured and distributed immediately. Not sure other admins would have done that.
3. Dr. Fauci refuted the Xiden admin lie that there was no plan to distribute the vaccines.
Trump certianly deserves credit for what he did right but he also deserves condemnation for his willful opposition to any efforts to slow the spread until a vaccine was developed. How many people died because they believed the line that this was little more than the flu or that some drug or another was a magic bullet? The number is not zero.
Because it is little more than the FLU--------a new strain that the human population doesn't have any immunity too so its kill numbers will be higher in the early YEARS You can't stop the spread---and the vaccines themselves kill and oh btw, they are only SHORT TERM at best.
Get with the times. Downplaying the pandemic was what you did when you had a despot to protect. Now that Biden is president you are ordered to act as if you care about Americans dying and vociferously attack all shortcomings in the new administration.
Lol, they are ending the test that gives a fake positive and are only counting the deaths of covid. From people dying from covid, not counting someone committing suicide that had covid as dying from covid. Yes the numbers will be so low now, we can forget about it. Liberals are scum.
It's time to quit acting like an idiot and rejoin us here in reality. There no longer anything to be gained by attacking the fight against the pandemic. Your president is gone and hard right just destroyed itself.
No, the media will down play the pandemic. Cnn i heard has already done away with the death toll display. So in a few there will be no pandemic, because there is a democrat president.
Not everyone is like you. Maybe you can forget that record numbers of Americans are dying like you've been doing for a year but for regular people it continues to be horrific.
Like I said don't worry, there will be no pandemic soon. Just as I predicted a while back if Biden won. They are starting to open new york back up, all a sudden. Democrats ruined peoples lives to make Trump look bad. That in itself shows how low life you people are.
What do you mean by "soon" we could have a good handle on the pandemic by the fall, maybe.
Lol, you will see the wonders of a corrupt media. Biden has already said he can't do anything about the pandemic. Media silent, if Trump would've said that he would get impeached.
The weasel Xibiden has surrendered on China virus. Refuses to deploy Trump vaccine. Has to delay to not give any credit to Trump.
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Meanwhile, in the real world, Biden is doing a good job.

The second consecutive Democratic President having to start his presidency taking over a fucking disaster.
Biden may be right that there is nothing he needs to to to stop the pandemic, since the Trump admin expedited the vaccines and the infection rate is now plummeting. You're welcome.

China Joe knows why Fauci clammed up about questioning origins, because both Fauci and the Chinese know the origins.

www. China’s Gift For Biden Inauguration Is A Conspiracy Theory About COVID-19’s U.S. Origins
’....Hua Chunying called on the U.S. to open the Fort Detrick base and invite the WHO to investigate....The struggle is going to intensify now, no matter who is in the White House.’
Meanwhile, in the real world, Biden is doing a good job.

The second consecutive Democratic President having to start his presidency taking over a fucking disaster.
He has come into office, with hospitals full stocked, thousands of ventillators built, and the Trump Shot.
Basically Trump handed everything to him on a silver platter.
But he''ll still probably screw up.
Basically Trump handed everything to him on a silver platter.
Meanwhile, in the real world...

So you are saying the military had no plan to distribute the vaccine?
Fauci said yesterday that there was a plan in place,
How have they distributed 100 million shots per day prior to the inauguration??
Basically Trump handed everything to him on a silver platter.
Meanwhile, in the real world...

So you are saying the military had no plan to distribute the vaccine?
Fauci said yesterday that there was a plan in place,
How have they distributed 100 million shots per day prior to the inauguration??
Maybe you should do some investigating outside of your informational ecosystem.

This has been all over the place. Biden and his team have a shitload of catching up to do. Far too much was left up to the states, many of which don't have the capacity or resources they need.

I know you're going to think that's fake news. I'm not trying to convince you of anything.

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