Biden Threatens Religious Freedom, While Touting Catholic Faith Suggests Christians With Certain Traditional Views Are 'Dregs of Society'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"The Democrats are currently attacking ACB's nomination to the USSC, declaring some of the foundational pillars of her Catholic faith disqualify her for from being a USSC Justice....but wait a minute. Joe Biden and his campaign are suddenly promoting HIS Orthodox Christian Catholic faith.

Liberals often mock conservative Christians for supporting a notorious sinner and philanderer in Donald Trump, but the left has grown increasingly HOSTILE to biblical (small-o) orthodox Christianity. Even the ostensibly moderate Democratic nominee Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. represents an insidious threat to the religious freedom of conservative Christians. He also represents a threat to Roman Catholics, even though he is himself a practicing Catholic.

How could this be? Biden’s rhetoric and policies single out those who adhere to traditional religious beliefs and moral convictions, aiming to limit their ability to live by their consciences and ostracizing them from polite society. The Democrat may outwardly campaign on a platform of unity and diversity, but his candidacy truly represents a THREAT to traditional religious believers."

Joe promotes the fact that he is a Christian - a Catholic - to win the votes of Christians, but at the same time he and Democrats grow more and more hostile to Christians / people of faith because their beliefs go against left / far left ideology and practices.

"The most recent evidence of this insidious threat came last week, when a Biden staffer suggested that traditional religious beliefs that homosexual acts are sinful and that marriage is between one man and one woman should be so “TABOO” as to DISQUALIFY SOMEONE FROM SERVING ON THE SUPREME ."

'We' want the votes and support of Christians, but 'we' don't want them to have a voice in determining our laws and how our government and society is run' is basically what Joe Biden and Democrats opposing ACB and those becoming more and more hostile to Christians are really saying.

"Shadi Hamid, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, responded, “Wait, why is this news? Isn’t this the standard position for any orthodox Catholic?”

Nikitha Rai, deputy data director for Pennsylvania at Biden’s campaign, responded to Hamid, saying, “Unfortunately, YES.”

Considering that the Pope is an unapologetic socialist, Biden's views are in line with his church leader..

The Bible warns that the Anti-Christ will come from within the church...
Socialism / Marxism is partially built on the concept that everything people rely on / believe in / depend on (organizational structures, such as 'family'/'parental guidance) other than what the Government dictates / provides must be eliminated.

Christians get their sense / concept of what is right / wrong, sin/not a sin, their moral center from their faith. In the case of ACB and other Christians and the possibility of them serving on the USSC, liberals fear that Christians whose faith tell them that many types of abortions are wrong and homosexuality is a sin will allow that faith to affect their ruling, and the only basis for those rulings liberals want is what the government (THEY, the far left) tells them / us what is right / acceptable or not.

The author goers on to explain that Christianity is not the only religion that will be targeted, minimized, that faith of ALL types will be made 'taboo' and their potential to affect laws, society, etc... will be eliminated.

The type of government they envision for America, the direction they want to take America is a place where our faith, the teachings of our parents, and other influences / beliefs in our lives are stripped away and replaced by what the government / Leftists tell us. It's happening now.

In the 60s bomb-throwers like Barry buddy terrorist Bill Ayers learned domestic terrorism would not bring about the change they they took over the educational system - 'cradle to grave' indoctrination. It's in our schools, in our colleges....and our faith is being targeted. As the Biden campaign rep inferred - Religion / faith is long as you are not 'practicing', as long as you don't let your faith get in the way of your political ideology, like Joe.

As Biden is a Catholic, like ACB, they have to be careful how they go after ACB. She has to be stopped, though, because - unlike Joe - she is a practicing woman of Catholic faith who has deep convictions yet who can still objectively make decisions.
Most Democrats seem to be 'A La Carte' Christians, picking and choosing what part of God's word THEY can / will follow.

If you come to church, hear a good sermon, leave, not think about God until the next Sunday, and don't let it actually make a difference in your life or affect decisions you make, faith/religion is ok to Democrats. Its the people of conviction of faith that must be shunned, their faith made 'taboo'.
Socialism / Marxism is partially built on the concept that everything people rely on / believe in / depend on (organizational structures, such as 'family'/'parental guidance) other than what the Government dictates / provides must be eliminated.

Christians get their sense / concept of what is right / wrong, sin/not a sin, their moral center from their faith. In the case of ACB and other Christians and the possibility of them serving on the USSC, liberals fear that Christians whose faith tell them that many types of abortions are wrong and homosexuality is a sin will allow that faith to affect their ruling, and the only basis for those rulings liberals want is what the government (THEY, the far left) tells them / us what is right / acceptable or not.

The author goers on to explain that Christianity is not the only religion that will be targeted, minimized, that faith of ALL types will be made 'taboo' and their potential to affect laws, society, etc... will be eliminated.

The type of government they envision for America, the direction they want to take America is a place where our faith, the teachings of our parents, and other influences / beliefs in our lives are stripped away and replaced by what the government / Leftists tell us. It's happening now.

In the 60s bomb-throwers like Barry buddy terrorist Bill Ayers learned domestic terrorism would not bring about the change they they took over the educational system - 'cradle to grave' indoctrination. It's in our schools, in our colleges....and our faith is being targeted. As the Biden campaign rep inferred - Religion / faith is long as you are not 'practicing', as long as you don't let your faith get in the way of your political ideology, like Joe.

As Biden is a Catholic, like ACB, they have to be careful how they go after ACB. She has to be stopped, though, because - unlike Joe - she is a practicing woman of Catholic faith who has deep convictions yet who can still objectively make decisions.
If Biden went to Catholic School he went through a Church with it. He was taught the old way. He either accepts it or he does not. There are people who went to Catholic School who do or do not for many reasons. As a Prog there can be no Catholics in the Party. As a Democrat there can be. There are many people who are not religious who went to Religious schools. Joe is one of them. He will forget the candidate pandering after the election.
"The Democrats are currently attacking ACB's nomination to the USSC, declaring some of the foundational pillars of her Catholic faith disqualify her for from being a USSC Justice....but wait a minute. Joe Biden and his campaign are suddenly promoting HIS Orthodox Christian Catholic faith.

Liberals often mock conservative Christians for supporting a notorious sinner and philanderer in Donald Trump, but the left has grown increasingly HOSTILE to biblical (small-o) orthodox Christianity. Even the ostensibly moderate Democratic nominee Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. represents an insidious threat to the religious freedom of conservative Christians. He also represents a threat to Roman Catholics, even though he is himself a practicing Catholic.

How could this be? Biden’s rhetoric and policies single out those who adhere to traditional religious beliefs and moral convictions, aiming to limit their ability to live by their consciences and ostracizing them from polite society. The Democrat may outwardly campaign on a platform of unity and diversity, but his candidacy truly represents a THREAT to traditional religious believers."

Joe promotes the fact that he is a Christian - a Catholic - to win the votes of Christians, but at the same time he and Democrats grow more and more hostile to Christians / people of faith because their beliefs go against left / far left ideology and practices.

"The most recent evidence of this insidious threat came last week, when a Biden staffer suggested that traditional religious beliefs that homosexual acts are sinful and that marriage is between one man and one woman should be so “TABOO” as to DISQUALIFY SOMEONE FROM SERVING ON THE SUPREME ."

'We' want the votes and support of Christians, but 'we' don't want them to have a voice in determining our laws and how our government and society is run' is basically what Joe Biden and Democrats opposing ACB and those becoming more and more hostile to Christians are really saying.

"Shadi Hamid, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, responded, “Wait, why is this news? Isn’t this the standard position for any orthodox Catholic?”

Nikitha Rai, deputy data director for Pennsylvania at Biden’s campaign, responded to Hamid, saying, “Unfortunately, YES.”

Yes. Biden is real hater bigoted, anti-Christian, extremist scum.

BIDEN’S BASKET OF DEPLORABLES MOMENT: Biden Threatens Religious Freedom, Suggests Christians With Certain Traditional Views Are ‘Dregs of Society.’
"The Democrats are currently attacking ACB's nomination to the USSC, declaring some of the foundational pillars of her Catholic faith disqualify her for from being a USSC Justice....but wait a minute. Joe Biden and his campaign are suddenly promoting HIS Orthodox Christian Catholic faith.

Liberals often mock conservative Christians for supporting a notorious sinner and philanderer in Donald Trump, but the left has grown increasingly HOSTILE to biblical (small-o) orthodox Christianity. Even the ostensibly moderate Democratic nominee Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. represents an insidious threat to the religious freedom of conservative Christians. He also represents a threat to Roman Catholics, even though he is himself a practicing Catholic.

How could this be? Biden’s rhetoric and policies single out those who adhere to traditional religious beliefs and moral convictions, aiming to limit their ability to live by their consciences and ostracizing them from polite society. The Democrat may outwardly campaign on a platform of unity and diversity, but his candidacy truly represents a THREAT to traditional religious believers."

Joe promotes the fact that he is a Christian - a Catholic - to win the votes of Christians, but at the same time he and Democrats grow more and more hostile to Christians / people of faith because their beliefs go against left / far left ideology and practices.

"The most recent evidence of this insidious threat came last week, when a Biden staffer suggested that traditional religious beliefs that homosexual acts are sinful and that marriage is between one man and one woman should be so “TABOO” as to DISQUALIFY SOMEONE FROM SERVING ON THE SUPREME ."

'We' want the votes and support of Christians, but 'we' don't want them to have a voice in determining our laws and how our government and society is run' is basically what Joe Biden and Democrats opposing ACB and those becoming more and more hostile to Christians are really saying.

"Shadi Hamid, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, responded, “Wait, why is this news? Isn’t this the standard position for any orthodox Catholic?”

Nikitha Rai, deputy data director for Pennsylvania at Biden’s campaign, responded to Hamid, saying, “Unfortunately, YES.”

What you are touting as "traditional religious beliefs" are NOT in any way "traditionals churches". The evangelical movement in the USA is lead by a lot of con artists and hucksters operating independent "mega churches. These are huge commercial enterprises which have made their pastors wealthy.

Their tradition is from the travelling preachers, who used to go around the south preaching. They'd pitch a big tent, and hold a service, going from town to town living off what came out of the collection plate.

Then you have the "prosperity Christians", like Joel Osteen. He preaches that in order to get rich, and reach your ultimate potential, you need to give yourself to Jesus. This is the preacher who closed his Houston mega-Church building which sat on very high ground, during the flooding during Hurricane Harvey, because it didn't want these poor people in the neighbour to damage his facility.

None of these churches are "traditional". They're all basically independent churches, with no sturcture other than the minister, preaching a questionable brand of Christianity found nowhere else in the world. It's based more on the fire and brimstone and burn in hell punishment crap that their ministers push than in the teachings of the Prince of Peace. There are some sects who get bitten by poisonous snakes and ask Jesus to save them. They have more than a few deaths as a result.

Ernest Angley, Jimmy Swaggart with the sex scandal, Jim Bakker and Tammy Bakker and their air conditioned dog house, Oral Roberts (who threatened his followers that "God would call him home" if they didn't donate $3 million to his church, Marjoe Gortner who made an Academy Award winning document to show how evangelist ministers manipulate their audiences. Thomas Tilson. The big reason why all these preachers were going bat shit over not holding live services was they depend on their collections plates. Right wing evangelicals are the seedy underbelly of Christianity. The people are sincere, the leadership is mostly dishonest or corrupt.

And they're only 20% of American Christians.
"The Democrats are currently attacking ACB's nomination to the USSC, declaring some of the foundational pillars of her Catholic faith disqualify her for from being a USSC Justice....but wait a minute. Joe Biden and his campaign are suddenly promoting HIS Orthodox Christian Catholic faith.

Liberals often mock conservative Christians for supporting a notorious sinner and philanderer in Donald Trump, but the left has grown increasingly HOSTILE to biblical (small-o) orthodox Christianity. Even the ostensibly moderate Democratic nominee Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. represents an insidious threat to the religious freedom of conservative Christians. He also represents a threat to Roman Catholics, even though he is himself a practicing Catholic.

How could this be? Biden’s rhetoric and policies single out those who adhere to traditional religious beliefs and moral convictions, aiming to limit their ability to live by their consciences and ostracizing them from polite society. The Democrat may outwardly campaign on a platform of unity and diversity, but his candidacy truly represents a THREAT to traditional religious believers."

Joe promotes the fact that he is a Christian - a Catholic - to win the votes of Christians, but at the same time he and Democrats grow more and more hostile to Christians / people of faith because their beliefs go against left / far left ideology and practices.

"The most recent evidence of this insidious threat came last week, when a Biden staffer suggested that traditional religious beliefs that homosexual acts are sinful and that marriage is between one man and one woman should be so “TABOO” as to DISQUALIFY SOMEONE FROM SERVING ON THE SUPREME ."

'We' want the votes and support of Christians, but 'we' don't want them to have a voice in determining our laws and how our government and society is run' is basically what Joe Biden and Democrats opposing ACB and those becoming more and more hostile to Christians are really saying.

"Shadi Hamid, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, responded, “Wait, why is this news? Isn’t this the standard position for any orthodox Catholic?”

Nikitha Rai, deputy data director for Pennsylvania at Biden’s campaign, responded to Hamid, saying, “Unfortunately, YES.”

What you are touting as "traditional religious beliefs" are NOT in any way "traditionals churches"...
As Americans, we don't have to submit our beliefs to you or the government for approval.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof

In a phrase, it's none of your damned business, nor the business of your fellow haters.
... Right wing evangelicals are the seedy underbelly of Christianity. The people are sincere, the leadership is mostly dishonest or corrupt...
Get all your hate out.
... And they're only 20% of American Christians.
So what? They have freedom to worship as their hearts lead them.
THE DISDAIN OF THE ANOINTED: Biden HHS Favorite Would Revive Obama-Era Attacks on Religious Freedom.

Biden HHS Favorite Would Revive Obama/Biden-Era Attacks on Religious Freedom
Sasse: 'Nominees who can’t pass basic civics tests are going to have a hard time getting confirmed'.

We'll see. You GOP senators roll over faster than Kamala working her married boss for a political appointment.


Would revived Obama/Biden Religious Attacks
One of the favorites to lead President-elect Joe Biden's Department of Health and Human Services spearheaded the attempt to revoke religious liberty protections instituted by the Trump administration, a position that could lead Senate Republicans to challenge her confirmation if they suddenly and unexpectedly grew a spine.

If nominated and confirmed, New Mexico governor Michelle Lujan Grisham (D.) would lead one of the largest departments in the federal government overseeing the implementation of health care regulations. During her time in the House of Representatives, Grisham authored legislation that described religious conscience rights as "discrimination." In 2018, Grisham introduced a bill to abolish the department's Conscience and Religious Freedom Division, which was created in the wake of a legal conflict between the ruthless Obama/Biden administration and vulnerable Catholic nuns who objected to the abortifacient and contraception mandate.
"The Democrats are currently attacking ACB's nomination to the USSC, declaring some of the foundational pillars of her Catholic faith disqualify her for from being a USSC Justice....but wait a minute. Joe Biden and his campaign are suddenly promoting HIS Orthodox Christian Catholic faith.

Liberals often mock conservative Christians for supporting a notorious sinner and philanderer in Donald Trump, but the left has grown increasingly HOSTILE to biblical (small-o) orthodox Christianity. Even the ostensibly moderate Democratic nominee Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. represents an insidious threat to the religious freedom of conservative Christians. He also represents a threat to Roman Catholics, even though he is himself a practicing Catholic.

How could this be? Biden’s rhetoric and policies single out those who adhere to traditional religious beliefs and moral convictions, aiming to limit their ability to live by their consciences and ostracizing them from polite society. The Democrat may outwardly campaign on a platform of unity and diversity, but his candidacy truly represents a THREAT to traditional religious believers."

Joe promotes the fact that he is a Christian - a Catholic - to win the votes of Christians, but at the same time he and Democrats grow more and more hostile to Christians / people of faith because their beliefs go against left / far left ideology and practices.

"The most recent evidence of this insidious threat came last week, when a Biden staffer suggested that traditional religious beliefs that homosexual acts are sinful and that marriage is between one man and one woman should be so “TABOO” as to DISQUALIFY SOMEONE FROM SERVING ON THE SUPREME ."

'We' want the votes and support of Christians, but 'we' don't want them to have a voice in determining our laws and how our government and society is run' is basically what Joe Biden and Democrats opposing ACB and those becoming more and more hostile to Christians are really saying.

"Shadi Hamid, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, responded, “Wait, why is this news? Isn’t this the standard position for any orthodox Catholic?”

Nikitha Rai, deputy data director for Pennsylvania at Biden’s campaign, responded to Hamid, saying, “Unfortunately, YES.”

Biden is a "Roman Catholic", and is not a member of the Orthodox Catholic faith. ACB is a member of the People of Praise - which is a cultish offshoot of the Roman Catholic Church, with about 1700 members worldwide:

Barrett, 48 — a circuit court judge who has been endorsed by every clerk with whom she has worked, as well as the entire faculty of Notre Dame Law School, where she taught — is affiliated with People of Praise, a tightknit, mostly Catholic group of about 1,700 adult members nationwide.

Some view People of Praise — which calls for members to seek guidance in many aspects of their lives from a personal spiritual guide — as having a potentially inappropriate sway over a judge’s decision-making. Even Pope Francis in 2014 warned lay-led groups such as Barrett’s about “usurping individual freedom” and delegating “important decisions about their lives to others.”

These are not the kinds of people we want in the courts - the kind who think that the government should control what you can and cannot do, according to her interpretation of "God's word". She needs to interpret the law pursuant to the Constitution of the USA, not her personal beliefs, because people who are not Catholic should not be required live their lives according Catholic ideology or beliefs. The USA is NOT a Catholic country.

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