Biden to release 50 million barrels of oil

I apologize if this is already a topic on here, but I didn't know what to search for. Anyways, I have a HUGE feeling that these are still a bunch of lies. For the only way gas is going to be lowered is when oil is no longer a shortage, and the only way that is going to happen is to fix the supply chain. That will only work if the government stops giving people money like free candy and make them get back off of their butt to work. And I didn't hear him mention any of that.

It means he's an effing idiot and doesn't have clue why he's standing in front of that podium.

It also means that he's thinking about pudding and having his next diaper change.
We hold 50 million barrels in our reserve...and Joe already sold 18 million to help pay for the infrastructure bill...and we use 18 million barrels a day in America....its a joke for stupid liberals in the media to chomp on...

And let me guess,.. that money isn't going towards what he claims it's going towards.
I apologize if this is already a topic on here, but I didn't know what to search for. Anyways, I have a HUGE feeling that these are still a bunch of lies. For the only way gas is going to be lowered is when oil is no longer a shortage, and the only way that is going to happen is to fix the supply chain. That will only work if the government stops giving people money like free candy and make them get back off of their butt to work. And I didn't hear him mention any of that.

He's reading a teleprompter. He's full of it. This is Obama 2.0 and they aren't signing oil leases anymore. The lock downs killed off the small Frackers. and the big boys are restricting supply to drive prices up.

This is what happens when ESTABLISHMENT CAREER POLITICIANS get into office. They are joined at the hip of business and do their bidding.
I apologize if this is already a topic on here, but I didn't know what to search for. Anyways, I have a HUGE feeling that these are still a bunch of lies. For the only way gas is going to be lowered is when oil is no longer a shortage, and the only way that is going to happen is to fix the supply chain. That will only work if the government stops giving people money like free candy and make them get back off of their butt to work. And I didn't hear him mention any of that.

All he needs to do is unshackle the oil industry in this country, but what does mental desert do, deplete the strategic reserves. Let's go Brandon.
We hold 50 million barrels in our reserve...and Joe already sold 18 million to help pay for the infrastructure bill...and we use 18 million barrels a day in America....its a joke for stupid liberals in the media to chomp on...
He spouts the number and those who don't know anything about it or research it think its a big number. Pravda and nothing more.

Canada, faced with growing political pressure over the extraction of oil from its highly polluting tar sands, has begun courting China and other Asian countries to exploit the resource.

Producing oil from the Alberta tar sands causes up to five times more greenhouse gas emissions than conventional crude oil, according to the campaign group Greenpeace.

The Pentagon is also scaling down its use of tar sands oil to meet a 2007 law requiring the US government to source fuels with lower greenhouse gas emissions.

In the most significant deal to date, the Canadian government recently approved a C$1.9bn (£1.5bn) investment giving the Chinese state-owned oil company PetroChina a majority share in two projects. Prime minister Stephen Harper said: "Expect more Chinese investment in the resource and energy sectors … there will definitely be more." China's growing investment in the tar sands is seen in Canada as a useful counter to waning demand for tar sands oil from the US
Keystone is OPEN, you idiot.
Debate this please.

Sec. 6. Revoking the March 2019 Permit for the Keystone XL Pipeline. (a) On March 29, 2019, the President granted to TransCanada Keystone Pipeline, L.P. a Presidential permit (the “Permit”) to construct, connect, operate, and maintain pipeline facilities at the international border of the United States and Canada (the “Keystone XL pipeline”), subject to express conditions and potential revocation in the President’s sole discretion. The Permit is hereby revoked in accordance with Article 1(1) of the Permit.


Canada, faced with growing political pressure over the extraction of oil from its highly polluting tar sands, has begun courting China and other Asian countries to exploit the resource.

Producing oil from the Alberta tar sands causes up to five times more greenhouse gas emissions than conventional crude oil, according to the campaign group Greenpeace.

The Pentagon is also scaling down its use of tar sands oil to meet a 2007 law requiring the US government to source fuels with lower greenhouse gas emissions.

In the most significant deal to date, the Canadian government recently approved a C$1.9bn (£1.5bn) investment giving the Chinese state-owned oil company PetroChina a majority share in two projects. Prime minister Stephen Harper said: "Expect more Chinese investment in the resource and energy sectors … there will definitely be more." China's growing investment in the tar sands is seen in Canada as a useful counter to waning demand for tar sands oil from the US
They are going to find a buyer. The pipeline is gone for now. So they switched . Biden killed it right after he got in to office. Killed jobs.
Now post the rest of it

  • President Joe Biden on Wednesday signed a series of executive orders that prioritize climate change across all levels of government and put the U.S. on track to curb planet-warming carbon emissions.
  • Biden’s orders direct the secretary of the Interior Department to halt new oil and natural gas leases on public lands and waters, and begin a thorough review of existing permits for fossil fuel development.
  • The series of actions kick off the president’s agenda to reduce the country’s emissions and establish stricter targets under the Paris climate accord.

They are going to find a buyer. The pipeline is gone for now. So they switched . Biden killed it right after he got in to office. Killed jobs.
Evidence that you are unclear of these facts:

1). Keystone Pipeline
2). Keystone XL Pipeline

I apologize if this is already a topic on here, but I didn't know what to search for. Anyways, I have a HUGE feeling that these are still a bunch of lies. For the only way gas is going to be lowered is when oil is no longer a shortage, and the only way that is going to happen is to fix the supply chain. That will only work if the government stops giving people money like free candy and make them get back off of their butt to work. And I didn't hear him mention any of that.

Biden made a big deal of releasing this oil so his mindless supporters will stay off his back and start arguing with us over it.
Nothing about his guy is genuine.
There's no way of knowing if he actually even released it other than media reports.
Now post the rest of it
So. Brandon killed the new construction right after getting into office.

Texas wanted the oil. So did Oklahoma ..............Biden fucked it. He's not signing leases and has hit the oil sector with MORE REGULATIONS


They love higher gas prices.
Evidence that you are unclear of these facts:

1). Keystone Pipeline
2). Keystone XL Pipeline


Face it. YOUR SIDE IS FUCKING OIL AND GAS PRODUCTION. His actions are documented. I just posted some of it.

Then 50 million nonsense to try to FAKE OUT THE COUNTRY. lol
They are going to find a buyer. The pipeline is gone for now. So they switched . Biden killed it right after he got in to office. Killed jobs.
So, have you be Public Schooled Educated, or RWI Indoctrinated?

You clearly don't KNOW there is a Keystone Pipeline and a Keystone Pipeline XL.

You are aware of the difference? Clearly NOT.
This is why you are laughed at.
Biden made a big deal of releasing this oil so his mindless supporters will stay off his back and start arguing with us over it.
Nothing about his guy is genuine.

Has anything actually been reported that the money he promised going to roads and bridges or whatever (I forgot all the details) is actually going towards illegal immigrants? Or is it just because we already know he doesn't have an honest bone in his body? A little off topic, but I'm just curious.

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